Chapter One

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"and that's were my inspiration for the song machine came from!" Noodle finished, and the audience applauded.
This was a normal interview for the band. 2D, Murdoc, Noodle, and Russel were having a good time, laughing at past memories, sharing new projects, and more.
"That is a great story Noodle. Now, if I may, I'd like to discuss some of the band's past." The interviewer said.
"Oh go for it. We don't have much to hide." Murdoc replied.
"Okay then. I'd like to discuss the commotions with your last guitarist, Paula Cracker."
The band went quiet. The members, besides Noodle, had a long, unsavory past with Paula and had been buried a long time ago, and nobody was very ready to dig it back up again.
"Do any of you still keep contact with her?" The interviewer pushed, "And Noodle, did you ever have any experiences with Paula?"
Noodle cleared her throat, "Well, ah, I never really, spoke with Paula face to face, so I guess not. But one time when I was around, 13 I guess, Paula came to the Kong Studios, walked up to me, gave me a big plastic bag with makeup, pads, books, and other girl stuff in it, and left. There was a note inside that said something along the lines of "Im giving you this stuff to help, because I don't know how any of the band members would feel about getting it for you." So I guess that's something."
"Mhm, very interesting. What about you two, Murdoc and 2D, have you two spoken with Paula since the incident?"
"Ah, no. None of us have really seen Paula since the incident, besides Noodle. None of us really wanted to see her anyways." Murdoc stated.
"Very interesting. So it had been many years since most of you have interacted with Miss Cracker. I think it's time we changed that. Please welcome to the stage, Miss Paula Cracker!"

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