Fun At Highschool, Bonds, Proposal

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"I wish the General didn't send us on these PR trips" Wolf sighed
"Yeah but we get a lot of attention so it is to be expected unfortunately" Acid semi-countered
"We just have to shut up and do it, although I wish she had told us what we were doing," Seiji said, annoyance in his voice

He really wished his commanding officer wasn't like this, sometimes she would just not tell them what they were going to be doing, although when she did do this it wasn't anything dangerous so he wasn't too worried.

Turns out they had to speak at the Australian Academy for Saviors and Valkyries, which shortly turned into a bunch of hormonal teens asking embarrassing questions to the Team. Seiji, of course, wasn't allowed to actually be there but he gave a small speech from backstage. Some questions were pretty valid though, like how many _______ they killed, and how many humans they killed, and at the end, the school Principal came up and told them they were participating in the 4th year Battle Royale.

Of course their power had to be limited by Seiji but they could be removed by him Incase of emergency.

As they jumped down into the battlefield a klaxon sounded and they ran off to find opponents, their power is restricted to 25% so they were on about equal level. Mist was the first one to find her opponents, she poked around in the shadows scouting her enemies weapons. The guy had a Mace as his main weapon, with a knife and handgun as secondaries. She moved her position right behind him but she must've miscalculated how much her power was lowered because he saw her coming and blocked. She then got into a full-blown fight with him, his strikes were precise for the weapon he was holding but even without her power she still had technique and found blind spots that lead to her victory.

Meanwhile Flash ran into a pair who had teamed up, a girl who had a Kunai and Chain with 2 handguns and the boy who had a rifle and shield, with spare knives. He materialized a sniper rifle and took aim but the girl saw him and drew her guns to fire but he managed to get a shot that grazed the boy's arm. He then ran around the cargo containers but soon was cutoff by rifle fire, as soon as he stopped he came out and sprayed his own guns, he wasn't limited by physical ability but by his aim. Like how Mist got her stamina and strength lowered, he got his eyesight and stamina lowered. However just like her he had instinct and training to rely on, he had accurately shot targets in the dark and now was the time to put it into use, when the girl snuck up on his side he quickly shot bullets to deflect the kunai and shot again to try and knock her out but the gun was shot out of his hand by the boy. He ducked for cover and quickly rematerialized another gun and shot the girl who was reloading. He then closed his eyes, and flipped himself into the air, visualizing where his target was, how fast his targets bullets would travel, the spread of the bullets, and formed a counter. He ended the fight with one well-placed bullet but not before getting scraped by multiple of the boy's.

Next up we have Acid who encountered a girl with a bow an arrow in a well-hidden place, she was only able to see her because of the drug she injected herself with, it gave her night vision. She took aim with a poison dart but the girl suddenly was shot by a missile, then more missiles were shot near and around that area. Acid was taken by surprise and got caught in the force of the explosion, but did well to minimize damage, she had also been lucky that lethal versions of said weapons could not be used. The girl with the bow, however, had been completely K.O'ed, she saw the assailant come up to check his work and Acid took the chance to strike and knocked him out with a dart. However, he managed to chuck a grenade in her direction which she narrowly avoided, before being cornered by another person who had come to clean up. She threw down knock out gas and ran for some cover to regain her strength or at least stamina.

Meanwhile, Berserk was, well.... going Berserk, even if he had to be pulling his punches he was taking on 4 Saviors and Valkyries at once. They had decent teamwork but he was trained to take on multiples but narrowly avoiding the dodging, 2 people shot at him while 2 more came up close. He, of course, did take a lot of hits and his physical defense was lowered but his tolerance to pain wasn't, even after taking hits in the solar-plexus multiple times he managed to retaliate with a right hook, and then a low sweep, before finishing the 2 with a double punch to the abdomen. He did, however, get shot in the arms and legs by the 2 gunners, he managed to strike one in the arm really hard before escaping.

For the 5th person, we have; Joker!
He was just running around like a mad man setting traps of explosives, whether it be IED's, movement triggered concussive grenade launchers or just plain explosions from tripwire. He left a trail of destruction in his wake, as he set more he could hear them going off in the background. Eventually, he encountered a boy who was driving around in a car with automated guns, they found him and shot a lot of different things at him. From .50 caliber sniper bullets to rockets they were shot at him, he did his best to evade and did so barely before throwing a LOT of explosives at the car. By a lot, I mean enough to nuke a small town, when the dust settled the car had some damage but was still functioning. So after dodging a lot more bullets, he was exhausted, he decided to try an experimental bomb. He named it appropriately "The Dismantler", and it did just that. It completely Dismantled the car and guns and seats into their original materials, so the seats became leather, and cotton, and polyester. It was hilarious to see the look on the guy's face when he looked at what was once a monster machine, he laughed so hard he started choking but quickly retreated to a place for some rest.

Last but not least we have Wolf, who was doing what she did best; Sniping. She was just picking so many people off from this one great spot she found, it was very concealed and in the corner of the arena. It was so high most people thought it was the wall, but it gave her a perfect view of the entire arena. She probably had the most K.O's at 7 so far, she then decided to piss off the wrong person. Since they were all wearing the same thing she couldn't tell who was who, and accidentally shot Seiji. She saw him look directly at her and she dispelled her rifle before running the hell out of there, little did she know he was already there waiting. What she saw running at her was a clone and he was pretty close to her exit already.

"Going somewhere?" He inquired creepily and she almost screamed if not for her training, she tried to fight him and escape but that was pretty futile and she ended up the ground in 5 seconds paralyzed.

"You should really be careful where you aim that thing, you could permanently paralyze someone." He said in a malicious voice which gave her goosebumps but before he could do anything a girl interrupted them. She had two massive gauntlets with claws and eerily stared at them.

"He is not with me and is more threatening than me!" Wolf yelled and that seemed to work because she attacked him while Wolf slipped away.

For the next 3 hours they battled it out and Joker went out in a suicide attack against Acid with a bomb vest which succeeds, in the end, they were the only ones in the squad who got K.O'ed. The others were the winners, with the highest K.O count being awarded to Berserk who got 15 K.O's. There were 110 who completed and he got 15, the next one was Seiji with 10 and 3rd was Wolf with 8. Mist was right behind her with 7 though. In the end, Berserk was rushed off to the infirmary for exhausting himself and they all went to freshen up before eating dinner.

"Man, that was fun! I haven't had a Battle Royale like that for ages!" Flash sighed in pleasure as he ate some food.

"If I'm not wrong it should be 7 years since we've all had one expect for Ice" Mist chimed in before taking a sip of tea.

"You've got that right, it kinda makes me miss high school." Joker nostalgically sipped at his soda

"Hey guys, good performance today. I think the upper brass should be satisfied, with the exception at Joker for that stunt." Seiji complimented as he walked over with his food.

(They were in the teacher' lounge late at night so no one should see him)

"Well, I had to do something fun." was his reasoning, Seiji simply shook his head and thought about what Acid would do as revenge.

After eating they went back to their rooms but Seiji decided to go take a stroll, the beach was nearby so he decided to go there.

"Wow, Miku would've loved this view. Even though we saw them every night, seeing them like this feels more surreal than calming" He whispered to himself as he thought back to those nights under the forest trees. A gentle calming breeze and fireflies dancing under the stars, crickets softly chirping as clouds slowly moved away to remove the covers on the stars.

Whereas here it was the salty smelling ocean breeze, the bright array of stars lighting up the water with a shimmer. It just felt like a rush of fulfillment of some sort, he sat down a closed his eyes. Concentrating on the different calming elements to unwind, until he felt a rush of power from a half a mile away. Then he saw a faint light from a distance, he quickly got up and went to investigate thinking it was a ______.

When he got there he realized it was just a little child emanating such power, the glow had died down and was absorbed into said little girl. Then it had hit him what that power was, the sand had crystallized into glass and there were lacerations in the glass, while also having stone and water inside of it. He was quick to catch her when she fell, but he wondered how such a small child could have such a big spirit power.

"Woah, who's the girl?" Mist asked

"Honestly I don't know, found her collapsed on the beach" He replied before heading to the infirmary to get a checkup on the girl. After dropping her off, he headed back to inform the rest of the team. 

"Well, I have 2 theories. 1. She was abandoned by her parents who just didn't know about her power. Or 2. and I really hope it isn't this, but she is one of them" Flash said after he was finished which threw all of them into deep thought. They ultimately decided to put out a missing person alert and keep watching her.

In the meanwhile, Seiji opened his laptop and began typing a letter to his commanding officer informing her of today's events and giving her a proposal of sorts.

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