Let Justice Be Done.......

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Props to those who know which anime the title references!

*plop* *plop* *plop*, the last droplets of blood sounded as they completed a spell circle. Seiji then took out 4 blood red triangle crystals which were made from his blood, they were each a foot by a foot in area and he set them into the ground pointing upwards.

He looked up & just as he expected 5 shining points were falling like stars towards his area, they were going to fall on top of him but were intercepted by 5 other points that sprung from the snowy forest around him. Ash and Gray stood guard around him as he completed the circle, they were all in space suits and ready to launch. After the team had disposed of the 5 type U's they gathered inside the circle and got ready, it lit up a sickly red and to the naked eye, they had faded out of existence. Just a minute later, they crashed into the moon with a very visible shockwave that could be seen from earth but only for a second.

"Dang, my whole body is screaming in pain!" Acid exclaimed as they crashed

"Would you have rather gone through a very harrowing near-death encounter with multiple unknowns just to land?" Seiji countered as he helped Ash and Gray up. Acid promptly shut up and decided that this was better than what she had envisioned.

"Well we got here in one piece and there seems to be nothing wrong besides the physical pain," Wolf indicated as she looked at the status displays inside her helmet.

They all nodded and checked themselves before following Seiji towards the other side, as they approached they noticed a drop in temperature that was akin to wearing thin long sleeves in late fall. Treading carefully they slowly walked over the horizon onto the other side, they instantly knew when they had crossed because of the extreme geographical change. There were spikes jutting out of the moon, -made of moon rock- as far as the eye could see. As they hid from all the various different _________'s, they made their way through wreckages from previous expeditions. 

"Damn, that is a lot of different ones." Mist observed as she looked at the gate. Just then a  flash enveloped them and when they opened their eyes again, a new _____ had come through.

Then another flash enveloped the space above them and there stood what appeared to an angel,  along with an elf? Both showed techniques of fighting they had never seen and seemed to be very good at it. The elf quickly knocked 3 arrows and shot at the gate, a blue flash illuminated the vast expanse of space before 3 spheres of blue lit up the distance. 

"Humans, are you my enemy?" A feminine voice said in their heads, they didn't know how to respond so they just shook their heads vehemently and put their hands up. The elf seemed to accept their answer and moved on in for an attack with the angel. 

The elf had a unique style of fighting that incorporated the use of these 4 small throwing knife-like objects and her bow. From what Seiji could see she was controlling the blades using her body motions, the followed wherever her arms or legs went and easily sliced through hoards of these different unknowns. They definitely had a diverse set of abilities, some could shoot lasers out of every orifice, others acted the spider type ones who could manipulate thread, there were these bug/insect looking ones who could shoot acid and a whole bunch of other elements. 

The elf didn't mind all this as she just kept slicing through the army, a hundred after hundred fell under the blades. The angel had erected a shield and also manipulated lightning and scorched every last one of them, the angel wielded a sword-shaped like a cross and decorated with flowers and chains that were manipulated by some invisible force that Ice couldn't tell. 

Then the gate glowed again and 10 Type U's had appeared, the angel quickly restrained 5 of them with chains and encased the other 5 in a lighting cage. This took an evident toll on him since he looked at the elf with a look of 'hurry up'. The elf just rolled her eyes and knocked a couple more of the special blue arrows and sent 4 volley's of 3 at the Type U's, instantly lighting up the horizon with blue. 

"Hey, Humans. You can take off your helmets now, I've created a small pocket of oxygen." The angel said in their heads, and he was right. Their suits detected oxygen and they could see that they were in some yellow glowing enclosure. 

"So who are you, and what are you doing on our moon?" Wolf asked them both

"I don't believe you own this celestial body but whatever. As for us, we have been combating these things across space. Got reports that they were getting ready to launch a big invasion of some far off planet and came to investigate and stop them" The elf replied

"I see, so what races are you both? Your names would be nice as well" Ice asked politely, the 2 shared a look and then they spoke again.

"My name is Aspa and I am what your kind would call an elf"

"Mine is Topaz, and as you've probably guessed I am an angel" They both greeted and the team introduced themselves and they started a very beneficial conversation.

"I see, so your kind actually founded some robust way to combat these things," Aspa said in response to their explanation of Saviors and Valkyries. 

As they continued talking they exchanged numerous excellent pieces of information on their races and culture, like how elves, angels, dwarfs, ogres, gnomes, lizardfolk, and the occasional dragon had inhabited earth along with humans millions of years ago. However, some phenomena caused by a group of mad scientists had split the before huge earth into 5's and reset humanity along with ogres and dragons. 

"The rest of the races survived but were sent to other parts of the galaxy and learned to be independent, we don't know if any ogres or dragons survived but so far there have been no signs" Topaz explained further.

"In any case, as you can see this problem of these things invading is kind of widespread. They take over many planets just by force and keep expanding for some reason, this is the farthest they have gotten." Aspa said as she stood up.

"I guess we should make our return and report our findings, this is exciting though. We have finally found another race!" Topaz all but yelled giddily

"Then I guess we part ways here, thank you for the enlightening conversation," Seiji said as he stood up and shook their hands.

"Here is a parting/alliance gift from both our races in hopes of peace between us like old times," Topaz said as he handed Seiji a small tablet-like device and a small round device about the size of a frisbee, before teleporting off with Aspa.

Hey! Decided to cut at 1100 words, I feel like these smaller chapters are better. School is also getting in the way but I'll try my best. Also, any ideas would be appreciated!

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