Tough Battle

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We formed into the standard 2 teams and engaged it in combat, preforming better than last time. They were landing a lot of hits and not taking as many but it didn't look too phased by it, that and it managed to counter his moves. This would be sort of suspicious but he brushed it off a some drowsiness and kept fighting, the battle raged on for an hour before he judged got tired of this. He retreated to the top of a nearby structure and looked over the battle field before realized that their forces had been reduced by quite a bit.

"That's funny, I don't remember it being reduced by that much. Just now I had nearly triple these forces fighting with me. What the hell? What are they doing!?!?!" He thought as he watched them move like they were in their own squads and created openings for the enemy. "Something is going on here" he observed as he barely saw a black blur move and take one of their own out. He blinked and he was right back there.

"What the hell? Either I've been drugged or this is some new ability." He really hoped it wasn't the third option. However as he watched on and went into battle for some testing he realized that it was the third option. 2 nobles were here and he had no way to combat one of them nor know it's ability. Suddenly the Type U fizzled and dispersed into sparkles before he saw everyone next to him disappear and Noble 5  appeared before him once more.

"So I guess it went all according to your plan huh. Who's your buddy? Another Noble?" He asked already knowing the answer
"It's as you guessed, Noble 7: Assassin is here. You can come out!" She announced as the shadow came out taking the form of Miku.
"Damn, It still hurts even thought it's nothing but a phony" he grumbled as he watched it come out from the shadows.
"I hope you will entertain us unlike all the other weaklings" Psychic said before hitting with a huge headache.

He quickly used duplication and create clones and back away, however the headache didn't the let up and found himself on edge from the fast and lethal attacks from Assassin. He decided to use his power splitting move to try lessen the headache and it worked, he engaged with Blaze (Katana Form)  while one of the others engaged Assassin with Frost (Dual Dagger Form). The fights were not going well, even with the conscious divided, Psychic avoid every single one of his strikes and countered flawlessly. No matter what move he used it was able to counter, not even the really tricky ones worked.

Even the support from Gust wasn't helpful as it somehow predicted the path of the bullets, he directed Gusts attention to help Frost. He felt himself getting pushed back and soon Gusts timer ran out and his support was gone, he and Frost retreated back into a building to buy some seconds. The building soon crumbled and they both unleashed their Bounding Fields and boy were they on whole other level, he could barely move and even while deploying his own, his movement was still slowed. He ultimately decided to take out Assassin using a big burst of speed, he quickly cast 4 speed talismans and activated Penta-Boost. He quickly got up in it's Face and used Water Surface Slash, he also formed a second Rapier and used Piercing Frost on its heart. He faulted for a split second because of the face but he reminded himself that it was only a face. Unfortunately for him it simply didn't work and it's shielding stopped him somewhat. He got through half the head and pierced the heart but got slashed and thrown back by the two of them.

Luckily he had cast 4 strengthening talismans in the building so he wasn't too harmed, suddenly Assassin appeared behind him but he managed to narrowly dodge before firing a Frosted Bullet at it. He switched to dual pistols, one for Blaze and and one for Frost. He used the pistols to fire at Psychic and had Gust as 2 daggers which acted like wrist guards for Assassin. This however just stalled them and he was losing energy fast.

"Inferno/ Blizzard Bullet!" He called out before dropping the guns and unsheathing both dagger and using "Hurricane Blade"
"Niflheim!" He yelled as he unleashed the most powerful Frost Magic from his staff, instantly Freezing the entirety of Osaka. He had dodged to propelling up with Gust and now he propelled himself downwards to kill Psychic.
"Guillotine!" He yelled as he brought down the 2 swords only to be met by 2 shields.

"Sore wa fukanōda, I can't take both on alone and this will only hold for a max of 10 minutes. Dammit, I shouldn't waste energy and just focus on recovering."  He said, out of breath and breathing hard from all the energy he expended. He sat down on the frozen ground and took a couple of deep breaths, freezing wind hitting his lungs. He then heard chopper sounds over head and looked over to see people he thought he wouldn't see for sometime.

"Salutations my good sir!" Joker high fives as he landed beside Seiji.
"Ah Joker, nice to see you again. So what brings you to Japan?" He replied
"Well it seems that you could use some help against these two" Wolf said as he pointed to the 2 frozen nobles
"Yeah, mind filling us in?" Mist asked
"Sure thing, these 2 are "Nobles" there are 8 of them and they are the most powerful _______, there are 8 and each have specialties and rule the realm. The girl is a extremely powerful Psychic and the hooded one is an Assassin with shapeshifting abilities" he explained as Acid, Flash, and Berserk landed too.

"Alright then, what do we do?" Flash asked
"Well I'm going to assume you have to chop off their heads and slash the heart at the same time, but their Bounding Field is also extremely strong." He planned but he just had to show up.
"Everyone! Formation Delta! Shinozaki you head home!" Jameson blasted through the comms

Seiji with no choice to obey retreated to a nearby building to watch, they got in position.
Wolf Setup on top of a building
Mist went to the shadows
Flash and Berserk both stood in front of one
Jameson and Acid backing them up

Just as the ice started to crack they began their attack, Flash instantly used his dual pistols and shot two Flame bullets at Psychic's head and heart. Berserk used his wind covered gauntlets to smash Assassin, and acid unleashed some deadly poison to humans just to see if it would work. Ice and dirt flew everywhere and when it settled you could see Assassin and Psychic bleeding and coughing blood.

"Damn human bodies, well more of you aren't going to matter." Psychic announced as she threw a huge headache to everyone.
They all still pressed forward, Flash pulling out 2 sub machine guns and firing away and Psychic with Jameson cutting off her Escape routes. Meanwhile Berserk had no trouble keeping up with Assassin using the wind enhancements, even if Assassin saw and opening Mist would jump out and cover it. Wolf meanwhile was supporting both parties as they needed with Acid doing the same.

"Look at that, they don't need me to teach them anymore. Not they ever did." He chuckled to himself as he watched the battle with interest, they were doing quite well. Psychic couldn't keep up with the amount of bullets being thrown at her and with Jameson blocking when she tried to retreat she was bound to go down. Meanwhile Assassin was dealing with much the same, Berserk's wind enhancements increased his speed and power dramatically. With Mist covering his blind spots, there weren't many openings and Assassin was being out maneuvered. Acid was slowly throwing darts with poison and using gas to suppress their body functions, while Wolf was sniping away at any blind spots.

It looked like the battle was theirs until they muttered something he couldn't make out and their power increased by at least twofold. The resulting blast tore down any buildings within a 1 mile radius, everyone regrouped in another building to discuss strategy. While he went out and started casting the most powerful fire spell.

"Muspelheim!" He called out and everything within half a mile was set a blaze in an explosion, then he decided to the most stupid thing he had done so far. Go and test their power.

To no surprise he was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer speed of Assassin and Psychic's headache had increased so much that it almost knocked him out. He used some speed talismans and Boost to get away and regroup with the team.

"Damn, those are true monsters." He muttered as he took a seat in a nearby chair and popped a couple of pain pills.
"Hey mongrel, if you're not here to support us then scram!" Jameson yelled
"Would you stop yelling? This headache isn't making me think straight, how am I supposed to help if you're making the reason why I can't, worse?" He countered and they fell silent.

A few minutes later his managed to compose himself and joined the conversation.
"What have we got so far? He asked.
"Well based on your condition we concluded that their power has doubled, if not tripled" Wolf replied
"Well let's form a strategy then, we could just go in again with the same formation but their power is frightening. Acid, if I can get a sample could you make a toxin to counter them?" He asked
"I can try, I'll need some materials though." Acid said and Jameson called in a transport
"The rest of us will just have to go back in for round 2 and either kill them or just stall." He announced and they headed out to begin combat again.

They got into formation once more and Seiji cast 4 speed talismans, used Gust enhancement and quad boost to quickly speed towards Psychic. He actually managed to decapitate it, and take the skin, turns out Wolf had taken the chance and shot the heart as well.

"Psychic is down, I repeat Psychic is down. All forces focus on Assassin" Jameson announced and everyone rushed Assassin.
Meanwhile he quickly got the head to Acid who started working on it.
Even without Psychic, Assassin was powerful. It was very fast and if you left any openings then you were dead, everyone hunted it down while also being wary of its abilities it ran into a building and everyone stopped.

"It's too dark and small to preform combat. Joker!" Seiji called out
"I'm on it!" He laughed and threw a brick sized object into the building, seconds later an explosion occurred and brought the entire building down. Berserk saw it jump onto a roof top and went after it while they split into 2 teams covering each side.

"I'm going up to support Berserk, stay on at your positions" Seiji ordered before jumping behind Assassin and aiming for it head, unfortunately in the process of dodging Berserk's attack in slid under him and flipped away. They both gave chase and by maximizing his Boost power he was able to get diagonally on top of Assassin and preformed and powerful kick that demolished the building they were standing on.

"8 Strikes Of The Blooming Flower." Mist called out as she dashed towards the falling Assassin, both blades covered in a pink hue she quickly cut off it's arms, legs, heart, head, and stabbed its stomach twice.

"Is it over?" Seiji asked precociously hoping that it was
"This is HQ, all traces of the _______ are gone." Everyone heard through their comms and sighed in relief before collapsing to the ground.
"Holy moly, that was one hell of a battle. Haven't fought like that in ages!" Wolf announced and everyone nodded in agreement with her.
"I've got to admit it was kind of fun though, it relieved a lot of boredom" Berserk laughed
"Yeah, last time I had that fun fighting was with sparring one of you guys" Mist admitted as she got up with everyone else
"Thanks for saving my ass, I guess I'll see you all some time. Hasta la vista!" Seiji waved as he grabbed a rope from the helicopter that came to pick him up.

Finally introduced his team, here are the descriptions btw!
Joker:Explosives Expert, British
Mist:Assassination Expert, Chinese
Wolf:Sniper Expert, African American
Acid:Poison Expert, Russian
Flash:Guns Expert, Australian
Berserk:Close Combat Expert, Egyptian

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