Chapter 16

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Oh goodness..why can't  I fricking sleep already.

I turned to the other side of my bed feeling uncomfortable,
I checked the time and it's 5:46am.

Just great...!!

''At least it's Friday.''
My conscience snaps in.

''Yh one of my favourite days''.
I replied him.

''Wait, are you a he or she?''

''Uhh.. are you asking me...this?''

'', who else am I talking to?!''

''Oh, ....actually I don't know what I really's up to you..''


''Yeah gotta imagine  me as whatever you want me to be..''

''I see..
You know what am gonna do..? 
Am gonna run a schedule here....''

''What schedule?''

''From Monday to Wednesday, you're going to be a ...handsome teenage boy..''

'' haha can't even see my face and-

''Shut up!''

''Mm sorry.. not talking..''

''Good, I do the talking here.
So on Thursday and  Friday, you're going to be teenage girl.
A representation of myself."

Then on Sunday you're gonna sound  like a mother.... cause mum definitely disturbs me to do my laundry  ...and I always forget..and she goes ahead and tells me am lazy ...and blah..blah....

So you remind me on stuffs like that..yh and my homework.......
Got it?''

''Yeah ...absolutely... ma'am..''


I finally got up on my feet after having a conversation with my conscience, I know you think am stupid or crazy....but seriously... that conversation took place.

I checked the time once more and it was 6:09am.

I guess the earth wants me to go to school very early today....fine... I give in okay.

I took my bath and dressed up for school.
It took me just a few minutes to get there, since my motorcycle's a speedster.

The school was literally empty with just a few students in the library and the hall way.
'Usually the nerds or brainiacs or whatever you wanna call them.
I entered my class which was completely empty.

My class is full of lazy asses.
I muttered to myself, while sitting on my desk.


''Hey Trisha.''

I jumped in my seat when someone tapped my desk.
I whipped my head up to see a tall figure standing before of me.

I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me.
It was 'Max' one of the school's best  football player. We had most classes together, but we never spoke to each other.
He had a light shade of green eyes and a blonde spiky hair. He's a hot guy of course, but he doesn't use that as an advantage over girls, like the other players do.

"Sorry..didn't mean to scare you"
He voiced out coyly.


"Maybe you should take those out..!!"

"Oh.. sorry!"

I now realised we were screaming at each other, since my headphones were in my ears blasting  -Ariana grandé|Break up with your boyfriend-

"I am one crazy girl.."
I spoke out smiling at how ridiculous I was.

He chuckled.

..I thought you were gonna say something like, ' I don't think you're crazy, I just think you're so cute  and so-"

"Ha ha ha ha...that is not what I think, and there's no way I'm gonna say that."
He laughed teasingly.

"Just shut up already"
I responded jokingly.
"So is there something you wanna tell me."
I stated breaking the short period of silence.

"Yeah.. I almost forgot, I just wanted to..join you guys. You know, ..your squad or team or..."
He spoke coyly, scratching the back of his neck.

Wow, Max of all people, I mean you always walk with your football friends. You guys are like unbreakable, the football team.
And all of a sudden you want to join me and my friends.?"

"Yeah..I know it sounds crazy, but fact is, I wasn't really happy with them as everyone sees it. They just do too much rude stuff. I envy you guys, you're just happy together,.. like a family, lik-"

"Just cut out with all this poem or citation, you sound like a 6yr old already. Am gonna talk them...only if you say am the most cutest girl you've ever met".

"Hey...? come on Trisha..that's totally unfai-

"Say it.."

Trisha's the most cutest girl I've ever met.

"Absolutely... your new friends are gonna hear this."

"Hah, they ain't gonna believe you".

"That was why I recorded it."
I blurted out, pulling my phone from under my desk.

The bell rang for first lessons.

"No wa- "

class about to start".
 I smirked.            


Please take note here, cause more people and name's are going to be hopping, in which might be a bit confusing some people.
But no worries, I'll try to make it easy to get everything. Just take note..

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