Chapter 22

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I woke up to the sound of constant  whimpering and claw sounds behind my door. I bet I had only slept for less than an hour before I heard that.

I shuffled on the bed for like a minute before I finally ushered myself up.
It was obviously Freddie when I opened the door.

"What's the matter buddy?
You wanna pee?"

He just kept whimpering and barking.
Great, I guess he wants to pee.

I dragged myself back to the room to pick my jacket, it was definitely going to be cold outside.
I checked the time and it was 11:50pm. Trisha was still fast asleep. I took my phone and jacket and closed the door behind me.
I slipped it on, putting my phone in my pocket and stretched out a bit.
Walking downstairs, I saw Debbie and Andy on the couch deeply asleep too.
"There was a guest room. They could've slept there."
I rolled my eyes, muttering to myself while following Freddie.
I realised Max wasn't around. I guess he went home.

"Stop barking already, you're gonna wake them up."
I whispered to Freddie, like he understood every word I said.

I yawned sleepily opening the front door and walking him out.

"Go pee, I don't have time for this!"
I frowned, getting irritated at him just barking and staring at me.

"What is the proble- "
I stopped when I noticed a turquoise blue car on our driveway. It was a brand new one of course. But it two front doors were left ajar, with the radio left on too.

Who would leave a brand new car on my driveway?

Or it belonged to one of the students who prolly got drunk and forgot his or her car.
I smirked at my thought.

    As curious as I was, I went closer to examine the car and get a better view and maybe a clue to who it belonged to. Freddie was with me through the whole ordeal, he didn't pee, how wonderful.
He was sniffing like crazy, which looked very unusual and weird about Freddie this time. Dogs don't have eyebrows, I don't know, but he definitely corked them, like he was very serious about what he was doing.

I continued my survey on the car, ignoring Freddie for now.
The keys were still in the keyhole of the car.
Very strange.
I scratched the back of my head, looking around the neighbourhood one more time but, it was very quiet and still.

    I perked my head towards Freddie when he barked at the other side of the car. There was a pink hairband before him on the ground, it looked familiar when I saw it.
I walked closer to him and saw something more intriguing. My heart skipped a beat at what I saw.

It was Mary's phone.
She never forgot or left her phone anywhere at all.
I dashed back into the house and went to check her room, she wasn't there.
I checked mom's, she wasn't there either. I called her phone but it was switched off. I called again just to be sure, but still the same response.
I tried a third time getting frightened.
It was useless.

I started freaking out. My heart rate just kept increasing. I rushed back outside looking around one more time.
I didn't want to believe what my mind was telling.
No way!
They couldn't be kidnapped ..or..kille
No! No! No!

I blinked away the tear that had started forming in my eyes and entered the brand new car, Freddie had already hopped in before I shut the doors and sped away.

   Looking intently at either sides of the road, even blinking felt like an obstruction and a waste of time. My breathing was heavy, sweat was all over me at once, I had no idea where I was going, but I just kept driving and whipping my head at every slight movement that caught my attention.

"Where are you guys?"
I chanted these words every now and then as I veered through every corner of the road. My eyes begun to water as  the whole thing went through my mind. I promised myself never to let anything bad happen to them.
How could I let this happen.
I combed through almost every part of the town, there was not a single sign of them. Day was breaking, my palm was sweaty from holding the steering wheel, Freddie was asleep on the chair, nothing mattered at the moment than finding Mom and Mary.
I was at the verge of breaking down.
I took my phone out to call one more time. My vision was blurry from the constant tears that kept forming on my eyes. I couldn't even see what I was doing properly. I dialled with just a bit of hope to get myself study, but it was still switched off.

My hands felt like they weren't mine anymore, my site was worse now, I knew I was going to crash and there was nothing I was going to do about it.
I stared at Freddie and gave a weak smile, he was still asleep.
Poor Freddie he didn't know what was going to happen the next minute.

And that was it, what I had expected happened. There was the loudest sound of a screeching tyre and finally
darkness took over.

My eye lids were very heavy and painful to lift. At all cost I opened them and everything looked red and blurred from what I assumed to be blood. My eyes were the only part of my body that moved.
And the only sound I heard was the sound of the car horn constantly blowing.
My eyes were shutting but stopped when I heard a sound that made me at least a bit happy. It was Freddie's bark. He didn't die like I was going to.
That was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed my eyes.


A/N: I wasn't very sure about this chapter. But nothing else came in mind. Contributions are welcomed. Its not too late to change this chapter though. Thanks!

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