17 - Archery is not a science

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"People shouldn't be throwing away their history when it's still doing archery practice forty miles up the road."
-Natasha Pulley

Richard's old office chair was way too big for Lisa, but that didn't really matter. She sat cross-legged in the chair and was dizzy from spinning a few rounds in it. She always told herself it helped to get inspiration, but it didn't really. She stared around the room, the arrows still on the workbench, she had put her broken bow on a cupboard. Lisa brought a microscope from somewhere, she never really used it for anything useful. Although she liked to put leaves or small animals such as bees underneath. The room was full of clutter, materials such as wood, iron, and leather, along with many unfinished projects. There was a small catapult she had once made at the insistence of Jonathan and Lotte.

A soft knock on the door brought her back to the here and now. "Come in," Lisa sighed, she came here to get some rest.

She saw Arthur's curls appear from behind the door. "Jonathan said you'd be here." Tattletale. He walked in and looked around. "Wow, do you have a telescope?" He walked to the telescope by the window, something she had brought from the mansion. "I've always wanted one!" Arthur was as excited as a little kid on the playground and looked through the eyepiece, even though he wouldn't see much in the middle of the day. "Cool! You even have a light microscope!" He seemed to fall from one surprise in the next. Arthur turned the adjustment knobs.

"Do you know how to handle that?" Lisa asked half-worried, the glasses could break quickly.

"Yes," Arthur said confidently, "I studied science before I went to the Academy." That somewhat reassured Lisa.

"Branwell," she suddenly said. Arthur gave her a questioning look. "You said your name was Arthur Branwell, that's a shadowhunter name."

"After the transition, we were allowed to choose a surname, such as Lightwood or Lovelace, but also Shadowhunter, after Jonathan Shadowhunter. Olivia has opted for the latter." Arthur sat down on a chair, which creaked alarmingly hard.

"But you chose Branwell." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why?" Arthur shrugged.

"I did a lot of research about the different families, the Branwells were inventors, scientists."

"That's true, they invented the first Portal," Lisa said with a big smile. Her codex stated that Henry Branwell, together with an unknown warlock, made the first Portal, somewhere in the late 1800s. She shook her head and turned to the desk. "Why did you actually come here, Arthur?"

She saw that he hesitated. "I have a stupid question." Lisa assured him there were no stupid questions, only stupid answers. "Is there Wi-Fi here?" Lisa laughed, maybe he was right after all.

"No, only if you hack the neighbor's WiFi password." Arthur's eyes widened, seemed to take her joke seriously, and reached for his cell phone.

"It can't be that hard." Lisa looked at Arthur with a concerned look, but decided not to respond. It wasn't until a minute later that his head shot up. "Oh yeah! Marianne asked me if you could teach me archery?"

"Why's that? You said you used a crossbow, didn't you?" She frowned, not sure Arthur would be better with a longbow instead of a crossbow.

"She said anyone could handle a crossbow and it would be helpful if I could handle the longbow too." She felt that Arthur was offended by Marianne. She had no choice but to teach him and was already preparing for the worst.


Arthur paced uncomfortably while Lisa picked a bow for him in the armory. He was just a bit smaller than her and she wanted one with not too much traction, to begin with. She took a brown one, started to tighten the string, and took the matching arrows. "Here," she handed the bow to Arthur, "first, position. Do you know what your dominant eye is?"

"Yes, left." That made it a bit more complicated because Lisa was right-sighted.

Then take your bow in your right hand. Just try something, I'm going to grab my bow too." Arthur nodded and looked at the bow as if it were from another planet. When she came back Arthur had already shot a few arrows, each way too high and next to the bullseye. She pulled the arrows from the wall and put them back in the quiver. Arthur looked at the target in disappointment. "That was good, if you have the right stance, it will be much easier."

"I think I'd rather use the crossbow," he said with a pout. Lisa ignored his grumbling.

"First, you stand with your feet parallel to the target," she said as she got into position. Arthur obediently did what she said. "Okay, now spread feet shoulder-width apart and don't hold your bow like that!" She positioned Arthur's hand correctly, his knuckles already white from squeezing the bow. She notched an arrow, very slowly she showed all the steps and shot.

"Bullseye," he said grimly. She rolled her eyes, Lisa had years of experience, he couldn't expect that from himself.

"Try again." Arthur raised his bow and shot, too high again. He made a frustrated noise.

"Don't worry, it's normal for you to shoot too high. Unlike the crossbow, you have to aim more down as your eye is higher than the arrow." Arthur nodded and tried to shoot again when Jonathan entered. "Ignore him," she whispered to Arthur. She looked back, Jonathan was leaning against the wall and looked at Arthur amusingly, giving him an angry look. Lisa turned her attention back to Arthur, who had become even more nervous. "Keep your elbow more down, you have to use your back muscles. And point down even more," she added. Arthur was very cramped, Lisa sighed. She hoped it wouldn't be too obvious that she didn't like teaching.

She got behind Arthur to put him in a better position. "Don't keep your arms so tight." She bent his arm slightly. Arthur made an anxious sound. "Bend your knees a little more, remember how you are standing now." With a groan, he released the arrow, this time it landed right next to the bullseye. Lisa wanted to pass out, if she wouldn't have to watch this anymore. "One more time, and focus on one specific point in the bullseye." Arthur seemed to have had enough, but did as she asked. The arrow landed in the bullseye and Arthur blinked in shock. "Well done." She clapped her hands briefly. Arthur was already notching a new arrow and Lisa looked back at Jonathan.

He had averted his gaze and bit his lip. She heard the sound of an arrow landing on the target, she looked back at Arthur. "Practice some more, if this works well you can move a little further back." He nodded and Lisa walked over to Jonathan. "Do you know where Anna is?" She expected her to be here. He shrugged and took his sword from its scabbard on his back.

"She said she was going to get some fresh air and go on patrol." He lashed out with the sword at the wall.

"Is she on patrol, alone? Has she already forgotten what happened last time?" Jonathan studied his sword. It was a very long sword, he held it with two hands. Runes were drawn on the double-sided blade.

"It is daytime, so there will be no demons." He lashed out again. Lisa made a frustrated noise and crossed her arms. "Would you like to try too?" He offered her the sword, hilt towards her. Lisa looked at the blade, it was the same length as her entire arm.

"No thanks.' She waved her hands, worried she wouldn't even be able to lift the sword. "I'm going to find Anna." She quickly took her bow and Arthur was pulling arrows from the target. She went to her room to take her phone and bag. She knew that Anna could take care of herself, but she really wanted to get away from the Institute herself.

And anyway, it wasn't called searching if you knew where she was.

What did you think of this chapter? Be sure to let me know in the comments! 
Do you have any idea where Anna could be?

Find out in the next chapter! -->
Also remember: Don't trust anyone

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