Chapter twenty five

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Meanwhile, after the sight seeing's over Kent is going around Rockwell again as part of his investigation.

He is talking to a farmer, who shows him his truck that was half eaten along with a damaged silo next to his barn. The farmer also showed Kent damaged trees and the west side of his property. Kent takes notes as he suddenly he felt nature calling again and turns to the farmer, who points to an outhouse. Kent rushes to it.

Deep in the woods, Kent come near some boulders and a tree that was uprooted by giant while Hogarth and Robin was teaching him words. Then he turns to see the shut off power switch and realizes it was from the Rockwell power station.
Once again, Kent feels his bowels and rushes this time to a couple of bushes. Kent walked through the woods until he suddenly runs into Hogarth's camera that was hanging off a branch. Bingo. Kent smiled and took it.

Giant, the kids, springer and Dean were now at the lake. Hogarth and Robin were wearing their swimming wear.
While Dean sat up his chair, he said concerned,
"Thai can't last forever, kids. We gotta tell somebody about him."
Hogarth waved him off and said,
"Ah, you worry too much."
He then climbs up a boulder, followed by Springer and shouts,
"Hey, Dean, Robin! Watch this!"
Sitting in his chair, Dean said,
"Alright, we're watching we're watching."

Hogarth boasts, "This one's for professionals only! Robin, get your butt up here."
"Alright show off."
Robin climbed up the boulder and stood beside Hogarth and Springer.
"On three", Robin counted.
Hogarth and Robin jumped off the rock together, shouting,
They and springer splashed into the water and a second later emerged from the water. But since it was the middle of October, the water was ice cold. Hogarth and Robin were body to body shivering, their skin turning blue, but springer didn't seem to mind the cold.

"Come on in, the water's great!," Robin beckoned Dean.
"No thanks, Dean saids and continues reading his paper.
"You weenie!" Hogarth turns to giant.
"Come on in. It's really, really refreshing."
Giant didn't say anything and he walked away.
Robin gasped.
"What? You too? You....big baby!"
They then heard giant footsteps approaching fast. Giant then jumps.
When giant hits the water, he made the biggest splash. Dean, who is reading his newspaper, notices the wave approaching. He gasped in fear and covered his face with the newspaper.
The wave moved through the forest, taking with it several fish, a raccoon, Springer, and Dean who was still seated in his chair.

Giant sat in the half drained lake. Hogarth and Robin, who were up in a tree, laughed at him and Giant smiled with amazement.
"Wait, where's Dean and Springer?," Robin asked.
Dean was still on the road, with springer on his head, soaking wet.
A truck then approaches him.
The man in the truck yelled,
"Yeah?", Dean said.
"You and your frog are right in the middle of the road?"
"Alright," the truck driver then drives the truck filled with pigs away.
Dean sighed and lifted Springer off his head.
"I think that's enough fun for one day."
Springer croaked in response.

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