Chapter 24

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Later that day, Deidre was in her backyard painting a large billboard. Hogarth and Giant was with her, Giant was assisting her by giving her a lift to the highest parts.

"Lift me up to there", Deidre instructed Giant. Giant lifted her to the upper right corner of the painting. When she was done, Giant sat her down and Deidre awarded him with a empty paint can, which Giant munched on contently.

"It's going great, Deidre," Hogarth said. "The Ataria looks beautiful, and Nova looks awesome as ever."
"Yeah, yeah", Deidre smiled. She was bending down to pick up a paint brush when she suddenly felt something wet flick onto her back. She gasped, "What the"- and looked up to see Hogarth with a paint-dipped paint brush, smiling mischievously. Deidre glared daggers at him.

"Oh- ho, No you just didn't boy!"
Hogarth again flicked paint onto Deidre this time on her face.
"Now that's a nice touch to your face. Makes it more colorful."
Deidre growled fiercely.
"You jerk face! You're gonna get it." She grabbed a full paint bucket and splashed a coat of paint all over Hogarth. He froze and then stomped his foot groaning.

"Come on, you're ruined my jacket! Now Mom's gonna be mad at me!" At war, they grabbed paint buckets and brushed, starting to fiercely flick paint at each other. They chased each other across the lawn, even flinging paint buckets onto each other. Giant watched curiously, wanting in on the fun game. He picked up one big paint bucket and poured it onto the two kids. They screamed and both scowled,
Giant laughed at them, thinking this was funny. They glared at him and then each other, until they finally broke into gut busting laughter and collapsed onto the paint soaked grass.

That night, they were staring at the stars in the night sky. Deidre was gazing at the star Ataria, the brightest one in the night sky. Giant gazed at it too, mesmerized. It was their favorite star to look at, as Deidre taught Giant about that star. It was special to Deidre and meant something to her, for as she could remember.
"Guess what, Giant?", Hogarth said.
"We were in astronomy class with Mr. Franklin. He's such a great teacher, and he makes learning fun and interesting. Today we learned about the Big Bang."

"Big bang?" Giant said, tilting his head.
"Yes, the Big Bang. Is how the universe was created. It happened a very very long time ago. At first there was nothing, blackness. Nothing but tiny dot of energy. And suddenly that dot exploded to form the universe. Sounds cool doesn't it?"
Giant's blue eyes shined with interest. He wanted  to know more about this Big Bang.

"It took many years for the universe to form into what it's like today and believe or not Giant. It's still expanding. They're literally  I end to the universe, just infinity. Can't you imagine something stretching forever and not ever stopping?"
Giant thought it was a amazing thing to know about, something he never heard of before but was fascinating.
Deidre said,
"Everything, and everyone, is all part of the universe. Me, Hogarth, the star Ataria, even you." She laid a hand tenderly against Giant's face. "Everyone, and everything in this universe is all part of one big creation. We all exist just because of the Big Bang, and that is what we all have in common, no matter how different we are from each other. We are all part of one."
"Part of one." Thinking about what Deidre said, Giant looked up at Ataria, then at Hogarth, then at Deidre. The whole night sky, his friends, even himself is part of one creation. He was very glad to be a part of that one great creation, something vast and beautiful, something so mysterious.
Giant marveled at the night sky, with Deidre and Hogarth on his shoulders, enjoying the peaceful night and company of each other.

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