Chapter 8

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"It's in my back yard. Come and see, but close your eyes. I'll guide you there."
"Rodger that."
Hogarth closed his eyes and Deidre gently pulled his arms toward the back yard. Rover ran into the backyard, tail wagging. Deidre turned Hogarth around.
"Don't open your eyes and turn until I tell you so. Okay. Now you can."

Hogarth opened his eyes and turn to face something astounding. In front of him was a painting on a large board of drywall propped up with a wooden board. The painting was of Deidre's superhero Nova, shadowed by a beautiful young Woman that looked a lot like Deidre. Th background was dark blue night sky of star clusters and Vivid galaxies. Never had Hogarth saw such a amazing painting.
"Deidre.....this the most beautiful painting I've ever seen, but who's the woman that looks like you?"

Deidre was silent for a moment before saying,
"That's my mother. She died right after I was born, so I never really got to meet her and haves memories about her."
She sighed sadly and laid herself down on the grass. Rover went and laid beside his owner, putting his head on her stomach.

"The only time my mom had to spent with me was when she held me in her arms as she was dying. She spoke gentle, sweet words to me before she passed. Dad would tell me word to word, so much that I could remember very single word, and I'd imagine her telling me those words, though I can't remember the memory myself, even how she spoke."

Hogarth felt a ping of sadness for Deidre and laid down beside her, shoulder to shoulder.
"I'm sorry about that, Deidre. I really am. You never never got to have a mom in your life. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without mine, but you're lucky to have a dad, because I don't."
"Didn't your dad die in the Korean War? My father told me about that."

"Yeah, I was only four at the time. Me and mom were crushed after he was killed, especially me. With him gone, Mom struggled to meet ends meet, so she had to work endless hours at a diner just to keep a roof over ours heads and food on the table. I'm pretty lucky to have a hardworking, loving mother like her."

"Do you have Memories of your dad?"
"Yeah. I remember that he would play "airplane" with me, lifting me in the air and making me soar like a airplane. It was very fun. My dad also told me stories of his times in the Air Force, which I enjoyed hearing. I wanted to be a Air Force pilot just like him. Maybe I still do, I'm just not sure."
Hogarth sadly sighed.
"I miss him a lot."
Deidre was sorry for him greatly. Of course she had great empathy for Hogarth, as she know what the pain of not having both parents in life.
"I know how you feel, Hogarth, but your very lucky to have Dean in your life. He seems like a very good father figure to you and always there for you mom. You get to have the love of a father back, but I still don't have a mother figure."
Hogarth felt a deep sadness pour out of her, chilling the air around them. He reached for her hand and gently held it, feeling the warmth and softness of Deidre's hands.
"Don't worry. You'll get to have a mother again one day, you just got to believe in that. You're a good person, and good things will come to you, I'm sure of that."

Deidre felt her heart well up inside of her, deeply touched by Hogarth 's words. She really started to like Hogarth as her friend and was lucky to have him in his life again. She leaned over and gently kissed Hogarth on the cheek, making him freeze and blush.
"Thank you, Hogarth. You really are the best friend I could ever ask for. I'm lucky to have Met you."
"Yeah, me, too."
Hogarth was shocked on the outside, but ecstatic on the inside. He couldn't believe Deidre kissed him on the cheek. He sighed happily as they laid there, hand in hand, looking up the painting. They were quiet but comforted being in each other's company.

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