Chapter one

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It's been 10 months since the iron giant sacrificed his life to save the town of Rockwell from a nuclear missile that was originally sent with the purpose to destroy him.

He was a hero to the folks in town and the best friend of Hogarth Hughes, a quirky 9 year old boy. Sure, Hogarth was scared of the robot, but he soon saw that he was a gentle and curious robot. He befriended the robot and taught him many things about life and helped him change the way he thought about himself. He was destroyed by the missile, but the lucky thing is that he can rebuild himself. Hogarth had received the iron giants screw eight months afterwords, and that night the screw headed off to Iceland, where the giant's head lied.

"See you later", Hogarth said to that screw, knowing one day he will see his friend again. He just didn't know when.
Ten months later, life was back to normal for him. He had made a few friends and lived a happy life with his mother Annie and Dean, who now had moved in and is dating Annie. Hogarth enjoyed having him as a father figure, which is what he needed since his bio dad died years ago in action as a Air Force pilot. But of course, Hogarth still waited for his best friend to come back.

Life was quiet and uneventful for him, until in July a family of two moved into Rockwell. Hogarth was very curious to know who they were, since it was a while since someone had moved into town.
He asked his mother one morning when she was fixing breakfast and a pot of coffee for Dean, who sat at the table reading the usual morning paper.
"Hey mom, have you heard of the new people that moved into town? What are they like? Do they have a boy my age?"
Annie responded with a laugh.

"Well, aren't you curious as ever. Since you asked they're actually old friends of our. Do you remember your father's friend Henry Franklin and his daughter Deidre?"

"I would always baby sit Deidre and the two of you were close to each other. You were good friends."
"That might be alright if I remembered it." Hogarth was a little disappointed hearing the girl part, since he wasn't interested in girls anyway, but he asked more questions.
"What work dose Mr. Franklin do?"
"Mr. Franklin is a astronomer and will be teaching at your school this coming school year."
"That sounds pretty cool." Hogarth was a little interested in astronomy and excelled at it very well. He just hoped that he would be a good and friendly teacher to be around.
"Deidre is still a sweet girl and is just as smart as you are. I'm sure you'll like her when you get to know her again."

"Sure." Hogarth rolled his eyes when his mother wasn't working, but Dean caught it, though, and responded with a chuckle.
"Come on, squirrel boy. Don't be like that now. I'm sure that this past friend of you is the one you'll have a crush on." With that he winked a sly wink. Hogarth groaned.
"Aww, come on, Dean! You're being embarrassing.
Annie grinned and laughed as she brought breakfast to the table.
"Alright you two, breakfast time. Let's not get too wind up early in the morning."
They then sat down and had a breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Later that morning, Hogarth decided to head downtown to spot the new family. He got on his bike and rode through town to spot any unfamiliar father and daughter pairs, but no luck. Hogarth then decided to stop by Mr. Dexter's comic shop, where he usually goes to get his comics. He'd know about the new family, as he know about everything that happens around town.
Hogarth walked though the doors and was greeted warmly by Mr. Dexter, a kind-hearted, big sized man in this early 50s.
"Why, hello there, Hogarth", Mr. Dexter said in his usual bright mood. "I see you might be here to get the newest Superman comic."

"Well, not exactly. I came to ask you if you know anything about the new folks that moved into town?"
Mr. Dexter paused in thought for a moment before saying,
"We'll, I do know that they are now moving into their house just a mile and a half from here on Hickory road. They're a nice family of two, I can say. You planning on meeting them, today?"
"Sorta, I guess. Thanks for the info. Speaking of that new Superman comic, don't you mind that I get it? I have the ten cents in my pocket."
"Of course, sport. You are my favorite customer, after all."

After paying for the comic, Hogarth bade Mr. Dexter goodbye and rode down Hickory road, looking for a house that looked like it was being moved into. It wasn't long before he spotted a blue, two story house with a moving trailer attached to a old truck. This had to be it.

Hogarth hid with his bike behind the fence that boarder the left side of the house and yard and peaked through a medium sized hole.
He could then he a middle aged African American man carrying a bunch of boxes into the house. This had to be Mr. Franklin. He had short black hair and brown eyes. He wore a bomber jacket over a red plaid shirt with faded blue jeans rolled over sturdy work boots. He had a lean yet slightly muscular build, not to mention strong and confident but humble and kind. He stared to like Mr. Franklin already, even though he meet him before in the past.

Though Hogarth scanned the area for any since of the girl, but he couldn't find any trace.
"She must probably be inside playing with dolls or something," Hogarth concluded. He was about to get his bike and leave when he saw something, no, someone that stopped him in his tracks.

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