Chapter 7 - Progress

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I woke up late the next morning to the sound of a knock at my bedroom door. I raised my head from the pillow, my hair messed around all over my face. Rubbing my eyes with one hand and moving strands of hair off of my face, I glanced up at the door.

"Who is it?" I mumbled, morning grogginess taking over me.

"It's me, Pepper." The woman spoke up.

"Oh," My eyes widened with surprise. I took a glance over at the holographic clock on my window. It was 11:00am. "Come in!"

The door clicked as it swung open, Pepper Pots entering the room wearing a black knee high dress with a jacket over top it. She held her binder in her hand with an envelope stuck to it.

"How are you doing?" She asked me, taking a seat on the side of the bed as I sat up.

"I'm doing okay." I answered truthfully, stretching my arms out. "What's up?"

"This came in for you earlier this morning," Pepper smiled, extending the envelope towards me. "Go a head, open it."

Curious I took the white envelope from her hand. I flipped it over, reading the address on the paper and I froze, my hands shaking as the envelope nearly fell out through my fingers.

It was from the Private School Pepper helped me apply for.

"Go on, see what it says." Pepper encouraged.

I glanced up at her with a wide smile on my face before I teared the envelope open, carefully pulling the letter out and unfolding it. I opened my mouth, but no words came out as I read the letter in my mind.

"Well, what does it say?" Pepper asked me.

"I... I got it in... I got in!... We did it Pepper!" I exclaimed. "I start in September!"

The both of us squealed with delight, Pepper clapping her hands in a applaud. "This is all on you Bashira, I just helped deliver the application."

"But you've been a great help either way. Thank you, thank you!" I praised.

And then without even realizing it, I moved in and hugged Pepper. I wrapped my arms around the ginger haired girl and I hugged her. She was caught completely off guard when I did that. Heck once I realized what I did, my eyes widened as my face turned red from blushing. I released her, sitting back on my spot in my bed.

"I'm sorry... I just happened, I don't know what---"

"It's fine Bashira, really. How could you not?" Pepper replied with a smile.

I breathed a sigh of relief, tugging a piece of my hair behind my ear.

Pepper raised her hands, motioning for me to come forth. "Come on, bring it in."

My smile grew as I gave her another hug, this time Pepper returning the gesture. It felt... it felt good. I think this is the first time I've really hugged anyone since I left The Middle East and moved here to America.

I guess you could count the time I hugged Tony back at the helicopter, but whatever.

Oh my gosh! Tony!

I gasped suddenly as I moved away from Pepper, raising my hands in the air. "I've got to tell Tony!"

I jumped out of bed, racing out of the room as I down the hallway and down the spiral stairwell.

"Bashira, what have I told you? No running in the---"

"Can't slow down now J.A.R.V.I.S.!" I called, sliding my socks across the wooden floor as I caught onto the downstairs railing and made my way down to the basement.

"Bashira, Mr. Stark is running a test, not is now the time to---"

"To late!" I yelled, jumping down the few remaining steps of the stairwell, my feet hitting the bottom as I dashed towards the password lock, typing in my code as a image of me flashed on the screen and the door unlocked.

However when I entered the workshop, I had no idea what I was going to run into until I saw it with my own eyes. I froze upon seeing the sight, nearly falling over on my butt.

Tony was wearing the slight stabilizers on his hands, back, and feet, and he was hovering in the air.

"Tony?!" I yelped.

He looked over my way upon hearing my voice. "What do you think?"

"I... I think you're flying!" I answered. "How much power are you using?"

"2.5 thrust." He answered, slowly hovering to his right, grunting.

"That's 2.5?" I asked with amazement.

I watched him as he hovered over all of his sports cars that were lined up to the side of the room, setting each of the alarms off as the headlights flashed on and off. "Okay, this is where I don't want to be..." Tony muttered.

I took a step forward, watching Tony's every move as he was in the air. This was something out of a sci-fi movie! No, it IS something out of a sci-fi movie!


Tony moved away from the cars, hovering over to one of his work stations as paper flew everywhere. I shielded myself from a few runaway sheets before focusing my attention back on the man. He raised his palms in the air, the lights in the stabilizers sparkling as he moved back to the left, slowly hovering in a circle above the safety mat.

Tony laughed nervously. "Could be worse, could be worse! We're fine!...Okay." He turned off the flighy stabilizers and safely landed on the ground, wobbling as he regained his balance.

Sighing with relief, feeling glad that the man was okay, I jogged towards him, examining the wired plating around his arms, legs, and his chest. "You good?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

But as Tony turned around however, his robot arm friend, Dummy, raised the hose of the fire extinguisher right at the man. Tony raised a hand in defense, while with the other he flexed it in front of myself, to try and protect me, should the robot try to spray me. "No! Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh!"

"Don't spray me!" I squealed.

The robot whined, lowering the hose to the floor.

"So, you can fly now?" I asked for clarification.

"Yeah, I can fly." He answered.


After recovering from the awesomeness of Tony's flight stabilizers, I finally managed to tell him the great news about getting accepted into Miami Prep, the school I had applied for.

He seemed very pleased, and he even told me that he was proud of me.

That made me smile, and stayed smiling for most of the day as I helped him out with building the metal plating for the suit.

It was night time by the time we were done. A perfect way to celebrate.

Once it was done and ready, Tony stepped on a platform, and yellow, thin robotic arms applied the metal pieces of armour to Tony's body. They began at the bottom, beginning with the boots and slowly made their way up. The armour was a bright silver colour, with the light of the arc reactor shining in the middle of the chest plate.

I watched with amazement as the robotic armour pieced together. Holding a laptop in my hand, I kept an eye on the vitals and schematics of the armour. "Vitals are normal. We can begin."

Tony nodded as he reached over to the table next to him, grabbing the mask of his helmet and slipping it on. "J.A.R.V.I.S., you there?"

"At your service, sir." the robotic voice spoke.

J.A.R.V.I.S. had downloaded a part of his mainframe into the schematics of the armour. I could hear him speak through the speakers through my laptop and faintly through Tony's helmet. When I glanced up, bright glowing blue optics powered on in the eye sockets of the mask.

"Engage heads up display." Tony ordered.

I looked down at the screen, J.A.R.V.I.S. activating the display as numerous graphs, charts, vital signs, anything you could think appeared on the screen of my laptop.

"Import all references from home interface." The man added.

"Will do, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S. replied.

Within a flash, I could see what Tony was seeing through the mask. He was scanning the workshop, taking a look around. And then I saw myself on the screen, staring down at my laptop.

I believe the phrase is, Inception much?

"How are we looking?" Tony asked as he took a couple steps forward.

"I have indeed been uploaded, sir. We're online and ready." J.A.R.V.I.S. answered.

"Great," Tony nodded as he glanced over at me. "Bashira, get to the computer station and hook up your laptop with the mainframe."

"Right!" I ran over to the station, just a few steps from Tony's position. I found the cord, plugging it into my laptop as the screens calibrated and synchronized with each other. Now whatever was on the smaller screen, filled the rows of screens up top, and lots more information. "We're set!"

"Can we start the virtual walk around?" Tony asked.

"Calibrating vital environment." J.A.R.V.I.S. brought up a small schematic of the suit, scanning it with a large ring as it hovered up and down over the suit. I watched with complete marvel as Tony tested the gears and cranks of the suit. Leg flaps spiking up and down, back pieces shifting, the works. "Tests complete. Preparing to power down and begin diagnostics."

"Uh, tell you what... do a weather and ATC check." Tony suggested after a long pause. "Start listening in on ground control."

I glanced at the screen, seeing J.A.R.V.I.S. bring up a holographic view of the city, little airplanes flying by as it showed their flight information and weather conditions.

"Sir, there are several more calculations needed to be taken before an actual flight is--"

"Wait, wait, wait," I rose my hands, interrupting the robotic voice. "You're going to fly, out there?!"

"Jarvis, Bashira," Tony cautioned, "Sometimes you got to run before you can walk. Ready?"

I sighed, lowering my hands as I double checked the vitals on my end. "Ready."

"Okay, in three, two, one..." Tony got into position, activating his flight stabilizers as he slowly hovered into the air. I watched as he leaned forward, the armoured suit flying towards the exit as it flew its way up the ramp.

I heard Tony exclaiming loudly, as outside, his voice lowered to a muffle as he flew deeper up the ramp, but his voice stayed normal through the speakers of the laptop. When he was out of sight, I immediately focused my attention on the screen of my laptop and the workstation, watching as Tony flew out of the ramp and sky rocketing into the sky.

"YEAH!" Tony whooped.

Tony flew across the ocean, soaring near the penthouse as he did some twirls and spins as he flew.

"You're doing it! You're actually flying!" I exclaimed.

"Handles like a dream." Tony spoke with glee as his voice calmed down.

I watched as Tony accelerated, heading towards the downtown area. He flew near a carnival, collecting images and vital signs of guests riding the ferries wheel. He zoomed in on one of the carts, spotting a kid eating ice cream. When the kid caught a glance of the flying armour, the kids mouth gaped open, and he dropped his ice cream cone.

"Someone isn't getting their money back." I chuckled.

Tony laughed in reply as he left the carnival, flying above the main street of downtown Miami. He then stopped, then sky rocketed straight up into the air. 

"Alright, let's see what this thing can do." Tony spoke. "What's SR-71's record?" 

"The altitude record is 85,000 feet, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S. answered.

"Tony, you're not seriously saying you'll attempt to travel up to that altitude, are you?" I questioned with shock, increasing the size of the vitals window on my laptop. "We have no idea if the armour can even last in that range."

"We won't know unless we try, Bashira. Records are made to be broken." He replied. "Come on!"

I watched as Tony increased his speed, the image of the bright moon could be seen slowly growing bigger and bigger in size as Tony flew higher and higher into the air. Suddenly, a beeping noise caught my attention as I took a look at the other computer screens. Red portions were flashing and the screen on my laptop began to buzz.

"Tony? My screens beginning to act funny, something is going wrong." I spoke up, my voice growing weary. "What about your end J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"There is a potentially fatal buildup of ice occurring." J.A.R.V.I.S. explained.

"Potentially fatal?!" I rose my voice. "Tony, you have to get out of there! Descend, now!"

"Keep going!" Tony coughed.

"Tony, no! Don't be a fool, fall back!" I yelled.

As I watched Tony soar higher and higher into the air, the screen flickered and then, switched to black. The vitals and schematics were gone and I couldn't hear anything in the speakers.

"Tony? Tony?!" I yelped.

I repeatedly pressed the space bar and when that wasn't doing anything, I tried other buttons and combinations, but nothing was happening. I began to grow anxious as my hands shook furiously. Then without warning, I formed my hands into fists, slamming them on the table.

"Dang it Tony! Don't you dare die on me!" I screamed.

And within a split second, the screens came back to life. It was like a miracle! I gasped loudly at the sight, my eyes widening as I covered my mouth. Tony descended down towards the streets, then took off above the lights, just narrowly missing a few cars.

"YEAH!" Tony cheered.

"Tony, you scared me!" I exclaimed. "Don't ever do that again, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear Bashira." Tony laughed.

"Just get your butt back here before I lose you again." I ordered.

"Roger that." Tony replied.

I watched the screen carefully as Tony made his way back towards the penthouse. He hovered over the roof, looking down at the black tile flooring. 

"Okay, nice and easy... kill power." Tony commanded.

Right when the screens turned off, I heard the sound of a crash coming from outside, followed by another one, a bit louder than the previous one. But before I could even move an inch from my spot, there was a sudden explosion up on the ceiling at the other side of the room. It startled me to no end, making me scream as I fell on my butt before taking cover under the table.

Heavily breathing in and out, I crawled out from under the table to see Tony in his suit, laying down on a smashed up, blue sports car. 

And then Dummy extinguished him with foam.

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