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Bold text represents the characters speaking in a different language. 


"Bashira! Come help collect the eggs for breakfast!" A womanly voice called. 

"I'll be right there momma!" I called back, screwing in a loosen bolt on my computer. When I was satisfied, I stepped away, setting the screwdriver down on my desk and took my glasses off. Muttering a quick prayer, I pushed the power button, crossing my fingers as I watched the computer roar to life and the monitor powering on. "Yes!" I exclaimed. 

"Bashira! Hurry up!" The woman's voice echoed. 

"I'm coming!" I yelped back. 

I quickly turned my computer back off, grabbing a elastic band as I ran out of my room, down the rickety stairwell and out into the front yard of my house. I greeted my mom, apologizing for being late as she handed me a sack full of seeds in them, instructing me to scatter them in the chicken pen. 

As you all know, my name is Bashira. Bashira Yinsen to be exact. I am 11 years old. Recently my family and I moved to Pakistan, because my father was offered a new job. He likes to work with machines and computers, and building things too. When I grow up, I want to be just like him. 

But having dreams like that is frowned upon here. That's why I dream of someday moving to the United States, so I can continue my education there. I would also like to meet my idol, other than my father of course. You all probably know him as Tony Stark. 

I quickly rushed over to the pen, chucking the sack inside as I climbed over the fence. When I got down, the chickens were already crowding around it, nipping and snapping at the pile of seeds. 

"Eh, eh, eh, back up a second!" I yelped at them, rushing over as I shooed them away. "There's enough for everyone." I grabbed a large portion of it in my hand, tossing the seeds everywhere on the ground.

I continued to do so for the last 15 minutes, and finally when the sack was empty and all of the chickens were distracted, I ran over to the chicken coup, setting the sack down as I picked up a basket and stepped inside the small house. I scanned the rows of nests, smiling with glee as I gathered a few eggs. 

I scrambled back out, running out of the pen as I shut the gate behind me before running back to my mom and handing her the basket. 

"Here momma!" 

"Thank you Bashira. Now go wake up your brothers, they should've been up right now." She ordered.

"But do I have to? We could just let them sleep in all day so they won't be so bothering." I groaned.

"Bashira..." My mom tensed.

"Okay, okay, gosh! I'll go!" I rose my hands in the air as I slowly backed away from her. 

With a sigh, I turned around, pushing my black hair out of my face as I jogged back inside the house, making my way upstairs, knocking on the first door to the left. There was silence as I pressed my ear against the door, listening for snoring. I unlocked the door, pushing it open to see unmade beds. 

"Ali? Caleb?" I called as I stepped inside the room. 

But once I did, I unintentionally tripped on a wire, vaulting forward as I violently spun around and collapsed on the floor back first. I moaned, feeling the back of my head as I slowly opened my eyes to see that my vision had become a blur from the fall.  A saw two small figures crawl out from under their beds and jump right on top of me.

"Dog pile!" They shouted. 

"Ali, Caleb, get off me! Now!" I ordered. 

Ali and Celeb were my younger twin brothers, both 7 years old. 

"You can't tell us what to do!" Caleb retorted. 

"If you two don't get off me right now, you don't get eggs with your breakfast." I threatened. 

They both froze in their place, sitting on my stomach and legs. "Moms making eggs?" They both asked. 

"Found a fresh batch just a few minutes ago." I smiled. "So if you want them, I suggest you get your chores done. Sound good?"

Almost immediatly, the both of them sprang up, racing each other out the door.

"I'll milk the cows!" Ali yelled. 

"I'll sweep the floor!" Caleb added. 

I chuckled at the boys antics as I slowly pushed myself off of the floor. I untied the rope they made from the legs of their beds, rolling it up as I tossed it in the trash, leaving their room. Because of them giving me messed up vision, I had to put on my glasses again. 

Now that my brothers were busy, it was now time to check on my father. I walked back down the stairs, walking past my brother Caleb as he swept the living room floor. I exited the house through the back, making my way over to a small shack. 

I gently pushed the metal door open to see my father, Shaun Yinsen, working on a old engine. I slowly made my way over to him, resting my arms on the table he was using and sat my head down, looking at him from across the table as I watched him work. 

"How's your computer Bashira?" He asked me. 

"I just fixed it this morning." I answered. 

"Really?" He asked with surprise, as he looked up at me from his work. "All by yourself?"

I nodded with a smile. "You've taught me well papa."

"Indeed I have. But, I haven't taught you everything." He lectured, picking up a wrench. "Would you like to help me finish?"

"Yeah!" I gasped, making my way over to him. 

He motioned me forward, handing me the wrench as he took his hands in mine, guiding me and telling me the steps to performing. 

"Now turn it with all of your might."

"This one here?"


I set the tool in place, and then I pushed and pushed. I could of sworn that veins were popping out of my arms. With a huff, I stopped turning it, catching my breath. "Did I do it?"

"You did just fine Bashira." Shaun smiled at me. 

"Can I help you put it back in the car?" I asked him with excitement. 

"Oh, no, no, no. It is far too heavy for you my love. It is so large and heavy that if someone your size tampered with it, you could be killed." He warned. 

"Really?" I asked him with a loud gasp. 

"Yes, so always be careful while you're working. One day when you're older, you'll have your own place to work other than your tiny bedroom." He said. 

"Mom and the others don't like my dream papa. They say its's frowned upon and that I might get hurt if I continue to pursue it." I explained to him. 

"She is concerned for your safety, and as am I." Shaun replied, stroking my cheek. "But you use your gift to help people. Like the other day, you fixed your friend Adan's bike for him. Surely that means something."

"Maybe... But what if those men guys with the guns come after us?" I asked him with a whimper. "You, and mommy, and Ali and Caleb might get hurt because of me." 

"If The Ten Rings do come looking, just remember that I will do everything in my power to protect you and our family." he assured me. 

"You will?"

"Of course I will Bashira." He smiled, giving me a big hug. 

I returned the gesture, squeezing him as tight as I could. I loved my father with all of my heart. 

Suddenly, there was a loud 'BAM' followed by a womanly scream. It almost... it almost sounded like my mom!


"Stay here." He said firmly as he released me, grabbing a crow bar. 

My breathing became frantic as I started to worry, crouching down as I took cover underneath the table, hanging onto one of the wooden legs for dear life. There was another 'BAM' making me flinch as my father drew closer to the wooden doors. 

"Who's out there?!" He yelled. 

And then, the door was kicked open and the last thing I remembered was screaming as mask men with guns stormed the room, grabbing my dad as a large bag was draped over me, and everything went black.

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