chapter 2

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it was class time as eveybody paid attetion.then chifuru announce

chifuru:orimura regardy you IS the school order one for you use

that cause the class less jason start to mumble

girl:an personal IS. for an freshman?

girl2:he is soo lucky i want one,too

jason:{it must special to have an personal unit,but why?}

chifuru:olso jason

jason:yes miss orimura

chifuru:you gonnad have an IS too

that cause more mumble

girl:no way,two IS for two fleshmans?

girl2:they soo lucky

girl:an a top of that,they are the male pilots

jason:{why i have an IS?,now think about it is better like that i don't want questions about the susanoo unit}

ichika:is having an persona IS that big deal?

an that moment,cecilia appear an front of him

cecilia:i glad to hear the news. this is class represative cup. it would be unfair for me to be in my personal unit and you in you training unit

ichika:you have an persona IS?

cecilia:of course i am the english representative candite. there are only 467 IS units in the world. and only the elites have personal IS units

jason:and why is only 467 units?

girl:that is because the "CORE" tecnology. there only 467 units with the CORE's inside made by tabame shinonono


girl:yeah and the only one who can make the CORE, that is the reason there only that amount of IS

chifuru:olso given your unique status a personal IS will be prepare in the interest of data collection

that make jason worried

jason:{data colletion?,i hope does't any data of my azure}.*look to his right hand an see his core{i hope}

girl:excuse me are miss shinonono are relate to dr, shinonono

chifuru:yes she is her little sister,

with that the girls start to talk about it

houki:i have no relation with that person

everyone was suprise by her answer

jason:{that feeling is like my dad and uncle back}

he remeber they relationship an the past,ragna was angry with him, while jin.....well he was crazy everytime someone metion his dad they get trough an lot to become brothers again

jason:{i hope they still have that relationship}

chifuru:yamada-sensei continue with the class

maya:a a all right

timeskip class time

maya was explain about how the pilot by special energy, and how each one have his own conscious olso the connection between the pilot and the IS can be more deep by the time the pilot use the IS the longer the bigger

jason:[interesting soo if i use the IS more then my connections is more deep, olso can i use the azure as replace of the energy the IS?..... no no jason don't use the azure that is dangereous}

maya:soo don't think the IS as an tool but as an partner,

jason:{partner huh?,i be woking with people during the plans against the inzanami and terumi}

maya:any questions?

girl:*raise her hand*when you said partner you mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?

maya:um! i not sure, i don't have the experience to answer that...*put her hands on her cheeks*i wonder

jason:{i guess one to way to say about partner}

ichika:{is this what happens in the girls school?}

timeskip after class

jason was busy read the book about IS to find something about remove the data

???hey jason.

jason:*turn to see honne*oh hey honne what you need?

honne:it was wonder if you can eat with us

jason:us?*they notice the other two*hey i never catch you names

kiyoka:hey my name is kiyoka aikawa

jason:nice to meet you kiyoka-san*look an the other person*and you?

yuzu:my name is yuzu taminoto

jason:hey there yuzu

honne:soo want to eat with us

jason:yeah i don't mind

ichika:hey mind if i go?

kiyoka:sure you can join

ichika:cool*look houki*wanna go houki

houki:i'am out

ichika:come on don't be like that*grab her hand*

houki:hey, i say i don't want to go?

ichika:come on do i give you an piggyback ride?

houki:i say let go!*hit him with her shoulder cause him to fall*

jason:*walk to her*oi what was that for houki!

houki:it was his fault

jason:you don't need to hit him like that!*look ichika*are you okay ichika?

ichika:it hurts but i fine*get up*you get better houki

houki:that was nothing,maybe you got weak

jason:i least apologies for hit him

houki:.....fine i apologies but still i not go


houki:i tell you to not..

ichika:*grab her hand*we gonnad luch

houki:but i

ichika:just come with me

ichika and houki leave class the classroom,while still hold hands

jason:*sight*what is with her*look honne and her friends*sooo ready to lunch


timeskip dinner hall

ichika and houki were eating, while jason,honno,kiyoka, and yuzu was eating an the table next to then

honno:soo jason what you gonnad do about the duel

kiyoka:yeah i mean you new about the IS

jason:not really i mean i learn about the movement,weapons,kind of IS,that is more than enought,olso maybe i don't have experience fighting with an IS but i have an lot without soo i can apply something to my IS

yuzu:you know how to fight?

jason:yeah with my years of training of my master and my father

honno:you have an master?

jason:yeah he along with my dad teach me anything about combat soo i know the drill besides i be fighting diferent kinds opponets soo i think i ready for anything

he wasn't wrong he have to deal with murakomo's azrael,two gods,pupetters,three member of the six heroes{count terumi as one}rachel,that guy naoto and es he was sure he is more than prepare for what ever alcott have

kiyoka:what you master and you father teach you

jason:to defend myseft, let's say my place wasn't very nice


with ichika and houki

ichika:sooo houki


ichika:can you teach about IS because my chances to beat cecilia are little

houki:it was you fault deal with it

ichika:please beg you

houki didn't say nothing

???:excuse me

they turn to see an girl

girl:i hear you have an duel and you are still new soo how about i teach you

ichika was about to say something until

houki:that's is not necesary i train him

ichika was suprise by her change of mind

girl:are you an fresh, man too, right.i am an senior. i sure i better teacher than you

houki:i am the sister of tabane soo i will fine

girl:oh.. is see that then fine

she was to walk to walk away until notice jason

girl:an what about you jason did you need training?

he about to denied but he have an idea

jason:well i have something an my mind

girl:what is it?

he signal her to get close, she did,as jason start to whisper her,after an while he stop

girl:mmmh maybe i can do that but that take time all right i let you know

jason:thanks for that

the girl leave

honno:what you whisper?

jason just look to ichika

jason:something it might help ichika

timeskip dojo

there was an duel between ichika and houki,jason and the girls were watching and an couple of students

there was an thunk as ichika fell to the floor

houki:why you became weak?! an what kind of club you were participate during midder school!?

ichika:i never miss an lesson olso what is this related about IS

jason:he is right, trough this might help how use an sword but he need to learn how use an a IS*help it get up*

ichika:thanks body to honest between you and houki you more harder to deal

houki:what is that mean?

ichika:well i face during the exam well is very strong

houki:is that soo..ichika pass him the shinai


houki:i want to see that myseft

jason:fine by me*grab the shinai and get into battle stance*

houiki:what about the gear?

jason:i don't need that

houki:mmhp you ask for it*get into battle stance*

jason:ichika be our judge

ichika:right*raise his hand up*are both ready*see they nod*begin!!

{play the battle theme}

houki dash to jason,and make an swing.jason block the hit as they shinais ende an a lock,jason push houki,and goes for combo of swings.houki manage to block all then,an goes for an stab.jason jump away for the attack

houki:not bad but you need do more than that

jason:don't undestamate me houki*start to grab the shinai with one hand*

houki:you think you can be with that stance!?

jason:you see

jason dash to houki an a high speed, an giver her an hard swing.houki was suprise by the speed but manage to block it, but the force of the strike manage to push her an couple feet

houki:{what!? his speed and strengh wasn't normal! it it was holding back!? i can win this i prove him i better}

an the crowd the girls were suprise

honno:wow did you see that!?

kiyoka:yeah he was like bullet with that speed

yuzu:yeah it was badass

the students make some comments too

jason dash again,an start to assault her with mutiples swings from diferent diretions.houki block his swings, but is start to get harder because the speed of his swings increase

ichika was watching suprise

ichika;{oh my god he is dominated her, he was holding back were we fight?}

jason goes for an stab an her chest.but houki block the strike.but that is what jason want,as he twist his wrist an give her an upwards swing,the swing hit her an the jaw,the strong of the hit manage to knock off her ground and land.everyone flich of the impact.

houki:i...i give up

{stop the theme here}

cheers erupted at the display of the match

jason extend his hand as houki take it and get up

houki:how you get soo strong?

jason:years of training

houki:but you have the same age as ichika, soo how you more stronger?

jason:my training was very intese it was hell but it worth it

houki:i see

ichika:dude you are beast

jason:{you have no idea}yeah

houki:ichika after classes you train with me undestand!?

ichika:y y yes

houki:good i see you later*leave*



jason:met me an the arena's hangar


jason:i explain later

timeskip hangar

ichika:soo why i here

jason:because from what i see soo far you not gonnad have enough experience soo i decide i gonnad be you teacher

ichika:what? really?


ichika:but what you gonnad teach me?

jason:about what i know about the IS and the nature of combat an general

ichika:okay but why were he?

jason:*point the two IS*because we use thoses IS from the senior girl get me olso


then the girl along with other 4 appear

jason:they gonnad have help by duel with you and share more about IS

ichika:what why?

jason:ichika how many fights you have been

ichika:not much

jason:that is the point you need experience of fight to know what to do


girl:i manage to find the pilots who have diferent type of IS as you ask jason

jason:thanks ichika


jason:prepare from the training from the hell*smiled*

ichika just shiver

timeskip day of the duel, hangar

the day of the duel arrive, as jason promise he train ichika, he have to admint between his lessons with houki, jason have the must brutal of all, aside they training about use the IS olso they have spar sessions with and without the IS's and duel with the senior girls with diferent IS, olso jason give him some criticism,and tips, it was very hard at first but as the days pass he manage to get better, hell houki start to notice it when they have they lessons she ask how he get better and ichika say extra sections, jason told him not say anything about the training they have, after an long training ichika think he have what it takes to beat cecilia

ichika:houki you said you gonnad help with the IS

houki:right soo

ichika:but we only did was kendo

houki:*look away*

ichika:hey don't look away

houki:that beacuse you don't have is

ichika:we cound've borrowed an IS from the school!


ichika:*sight*an least jason help me with that area

houki:huh what you mean by that

ichika:oh well jejeje


an that moment jason arrive with his sword along with the trio of girls

jason:hey guys

houki:jason mind explain what ichika mean by you be cover up about the IS?

jason just look ichika with "did you tell her look?",he answer with an"i slipe look"

jason was about to say something but an screen appear show it cecilia an her IS

jason:soo that is her IS huh?


jason:*look at ichika*hey ichika can you beat her?

ichika loot an the screen and crench his fist

ichika:yeah i can beat her!

jason:that is the spirit

maya:jason and orimura you IS arrive

chifuru:get ready you have limited time in this arena.

the doors open to reveal they IS



jason:{is just me of that IS looks like the susanoo unit?}

maya:ichika they grey one is you's is call byakuschiki , jason's is the other one is call aoiyami


ichika was wearing the IS suit as he look an his IS


jason:are you think about something?

he turn an see jason he was wearing the same outfit when he first met him

chifuru:jason why you not wearing the IS suit!

jason:i don't need and you know why orimura sensei

he was talking about when thet first met he wans't use the suit when he was an the susanoo unit

maya:are you sure jason-kun the suit is make soo the unit can respond better

jason:thanks for the worry miss maya*look her*but i be fine*given her an warm smile*

she blush by that

maya:o o okay*that smile was soo no he is an student and you are teache you should not cross that line}

jason get front of his IS

jason:{i hope the IS react to me}*look ichika*ichika?

ichika:i feel it the IS

jason:i see[well it goes nothing}

he touch the unit and the unit start to glow but it wasn't the only thing was glowing his right hand was glowing too

jason:{what!? the azure too is it do something to my IS}

the glow stop

honno:what was that

jason:i guess the IS reacting

chifuru:don't waste time and mount then!

they follow her instrutions, and finally the system start to active and, the screens appear

jason:*notice the screens*soo this is eveything about our IS

ichika:yep olso i have information about you IS as well you have about mine

jason:got it

another screen popet up show it cecilia's IS

maya:cecilia's unit is call blue tears. an IS for long range shooting

jason:{long range shooting one of the senior's have one as well i least we know how to deal with it}

maya explain about the absolute defense and once is active the shield energy will be drained

maya:did you undestand

both:yes miss maya

chifuru:orimura are you feel sick

ichika:i okay no matter what condition i am i beat her with eveything i got

chifuru was an little suprise by that but she hide it and smile




ichika:i'm off

houki:right win this

jason:i guess is time to go

honno:you can do this jason!

kiyoka:if you manage to beat miss shinono then you can beat cecilia

yuzu:yeah we have faith an you


he look an his bloodscythe who was an the girls hands because his weight

jason:i just wish i can use my bloodscythe

maya:sorry jason kun but due to the size of the IS you can't use it

jason:*sight*i know{i wish i can use it}

an that moment bloodscythe was cover in an light


houki:what is goin on!?


they light dissapier and bloodscythe was more bigger but his appearce change

{is the sword only}

jason:sooo what about that size?

maya:u u u that is more than enough

jason:awesone*notice the girl having trouble to hold it*oh*grab the sword*are you okay

honno:w we fine

kiyoka:that sword is heaving

ichika:dude what happen to you sword?

jason:we find out later now we have to kick an british ass*pull his sword an his back*{je i guess it work an this thing}

ichika:hell yeah

they flew off

miyoka:did you think they can win?

yuzu:don't douth i know he can

honno:yeah we have to support him!


in the sky of the arena

cecilia:i give you another chance

ichika:chance of what?

cecilia:is obvious i gonnad win this,if you two apologie's now i may forgive you

jason:as if we fo that with an spoilet little god damm brat like you

that make her angry

cecilia:you gonnad regret that!*prepare her rifle*

they get ready

celilia shot to jason,but jason grab bloodscythe and swing an the lazer deflect the lazer back to her,the lazer hit her,

everyone was suprise by that

cecilia:w what!? how you manage to deflect my blue tear lazer!?

jason:that is one of the reasons you should not underestimate us alcott and that is what you cause you defeat

cecilia:don't mock on me!!*send her drones*

the drones start to shoot then,as they dodge

ichika:i think you maker her angry!

jason:a least she can't think clearing!

ichika was dodging the drones until he summor his sword, and start o deftect his skill was lower than jason soo he can deftect an few, while the rest dodge,jason thanks to his fighing experience he can deftect all the lazer he try to send some back to cecilia,but she dodge then

an the obsevationl room the girls less chifuru who try to hide it were suprise

honno:wow look how they deftect the lazers

houki:soo this is the result of ichika's training with jason? i an shock

maya:wow orimura and jason-kun's are amazing

chifuru:{i never expect ichika reach that level just with the training of jason........what are you jason crowe}

cecilia:you think you gonnad beat me with close range weapons's know you place!

the drones keep firing then but they notice's something cecilia wasn't use her sniper she an good chance while they were busy

jason:{she can shoot us with that sniper soo why is not use it?}

ichika:{unless...that's it!!}

ichika manage to slash one of her drones as he goes for cecilia,as jason deftect one of the lazer to another drone,witch ende up explode and goes after cecilia,

jason and ichika:{she can do one thing an the time!}

cecilia notice then gettin close soo she order her drones to fire an then but they dodge and reftect her lazer as they gettin close,as they were an the range they give an swing,but cecilia manage to dodge and take distance of the two

jason:we figurate out alcott

ichika:you just can do one thing an the time soo that it is why you don't shoot her rifle while you drones fire an us

ichika clenching and unclenching his left hand he notice that and stop

ichika:{i getting over confident remeber what jason say never get get over confident not matter what}*take an deep breath*

an the obsevation room

maya:wow thoses two are getting better than i expect it

chifuru:ichika he was gettin over confident

houki:how can you tell?

chifuru:he clench and unclech his left hand but

maya:but what

chifuru:he notice that and calm down i gonnad admint no even i manage to fix that but jason make it

maya:what? but he have the same age as ichika how is posible

houki:he metion his training was very intense like hell

honno:that explain how he beat you soo easy

houki:s s shut up he catch me off guard

yuzu:yeah sure

back to the arena

jason and ichika try to get close to cecilia again, while dodge and refret her drones,they almost there,until notice her smile that give then an alarm and stop and try to take distance away

cecila:too late!*she reveal two misile launchers*

jason and ichika:shit/crap

she fire the misilies,as ichika and jason get retreat from the misilies,but the misilies was more faster than then an hit then cause an explosion as the smoker cover the are are were the two points got hit

cecilia:that was easy

she was about to leave until

???:this isn't over yet alcott

cecilia turn to see both boys and the IS change olso jason have an barrier

{an jason's case he have the legs and the left arm of the susanoo unit}

an the obsevation room

chifuru:{thoses parts are from the susanoo unit, how that happen?and that barrie did tabane did something?, i ask her later}

back to the arena

cecilia:what!? they were an factory settings? you got the first shift now!?

jason:looks like it*deactive the barrier check the IS*{i have parts of the susanoo unit why?}

ichika:with this i can beat you*rush to her*

cecilia:does't matter i beat you both

she order her drones to fire ichika but his IS was to fast,ichika was gettin close to her to the point she can't fire her drones without hurt her

ichika:it's over!

but the siren was active

anouncecnt:pilot ichika orimura has been eleminated please leave the field




chifuru:orimura get back to the hangar you are be eliminated!

he follow her order as he flew off but stop an jason's side

ichika:i almost got her

jason:don't worry ichika you did good

ichika:hey do me an favor and kick her ass

jason:no problem buddy

ichika flew back to the hangar,as jason look at her

jason:well is just you and me alcott

cecilia:you think you have an chance alone?

jason:i more than capable

an that moment he feel an pulse an his azure

jason:{why is the azure is reacting}*look to his back an there was okami who was glowing*{soo the azure want to use okami......well then}

he unsheath the blade

cecilia:really an long katana? is that all you got?

jason remeber somes cases when he face hakume he say an mantral and everytime he finish he feel an pulse of energy that make him shake of fear

jason:{well its time try but with my own version}

jason hold his sword an front of him

{start the theme}

jason:i am the azure.

one pulse of energy and the air went cold.

cecilia:w what?.

jason:i am the blue blade.

two pulses as the ground start to shake lighty.

cecilia:w what is happeing!?.

jason:i am the seed of the destroyer.

the pulsing hastened

jason:and with my power i will protect thoses who i care for, and destroy thoses who try to hurt then o cause chaos

an azure aura erupted from him knocking some of the people of the arena less cecilia

jason:i am the son the bloodedge! LET'S ROCK!

given an final pulse the aura disappier as his eyes glow with red and azure

cecilia start to shake for what just happen

cecilia:{w what was that why is my body shaking is is this fear? fear of this commoner?}

an the observation room

honno just pass out while kiyoka given her some air, yuzu have her legs shaking, ichika was holding houki since she can't feel her legs olso she was blushing,maya body's was shaking and chifuru have her body shaking an little

maya:d did eveyone feel that?

ichika:y yeah that was intense

yuzu:w what was that?

houki:ichika s stop hold me!

ichika:you can't feel you legs houki i need to hold you


chifuru:{what just happen to you jason}

back to the arena

cecilia:i not gonnad lose to use to you!

she send her drones and start to fire an jason,but jason manage to deflect all the back to then and destroid then without problem

cecilia:it can't be

jason:*look an cecilia*is over cecilia

cecilia:i don't think soo*point her rifle an jason*

jason:*sight*{should i use that?...yeah i gonnad use it}*get into position*.

there seconds pass until cecilia shoot and jason extend his hand forward

jason:empty sky form

an that moment he create an barrier an front of him an the lazer stop an his tracks


jason take that as chance as he grab his blade with two hands, and an blick he was an couple feet behind cecilia,she looks back and to herseft there was no damage, she check her shields no damage

cecilia:ja you miss

jason slowing sheath the blade until there was an little left

jason:Winter's Riposte!

he fulling sheath with an click and whene he do that cecilia recibe an massive slash,that not only put her shields to zero but also destroy part of her IS,she start to fall

cecilia:{h how he beat me with one slash}

she crash with the ground and the match was over

announcer:the match is over the winner is jason crowe

{stop the theme here}

jason smile and look cecilia who was on the ground stare an the sky,soo he land an front and offer his hand,she hesitate but in the end she grab his as jason help her get up

jason:hey i just want to say sorry about my cold attitude back then


jason:i just i don't like people who thinks are above other and well i let' my anger take the worst of me

cecilai:oh no it was my fault i was the one who starting i should behave better

jason:*smile*je soo you are nice person after all

cecilia:*blush*y yeah

jason:soo how about we start again this time with the good foot

cecilia:sure olso nice match i can't belive you beat me with one slash

jason:yeah i.........*facepalm*dammit

cecilia:what is ti

jason:i win the match that means i am the represative i don't want to become that


jason:yeah i don't want to deal with all that crap

cecilia:there is an option

jason:what is it

cecilia:i talk you about that but now*look her IS*i think i need to send it to repair

jason:let me help

he pick her up bride style that cause cecilia to blush like an crazy

cecilia:w w what are you doing

jason:i just help you now hang on

jason flew back to the hangar with cecilia an his arms

cecilia:{even trought he is wearin the IS he is soo warm}

olso thanks to the enhanced senses he could hear the girls say like "no fair" o "she is taking the chances"

jason:{what they mean?}

they arrive to the hangar they were recibe by the others

ichika:dude that was awesone it was like out the manga

yuzu:yeah and that slash and the moment you sheath the blade and bang!

jason:*giggle blush and notice honno who just about to wake up*what happe to honno?

kiyora:she pass out after you power up

jason:{crap i should keep it mind about the others}

cecilia:yeah that make me shake of fear*shiver*please don't do that again

jason:yeah sorry

they dismont they IS

chifuru:ichika did you know why you lost

ichika:is becuase yukihira drain my shields points where is active the more i use it the it drains

chifuru:that is right*look jason*as for you you show great abilitie but you fell into cecilia trap

jason:but i manage to survive

honno wake up

honno:uhh what happen

yuzu:jason won

honno:really!?*run to him an hug him*i knew you can do it!

jason:*giggle and hug her back*yeah thanks for the support

yuzu,kiyoka and cecilia was jealous by that

and they notice jason's IS was cover an blue frames and dissapier and jason's right hand start glow


the glow stop.

jason:what just happen

maya:a think is an stanby mode but i never see that before

jason:stanby mode?

maya:yeah like orimura's blacelet and an you case that shell an you right hand


maya:olso here

maya give jason and ichika an phone books

maya:this is the manual for the persona IS

jason:{you got to be friking kiddin me}


maya:that is all for today

chifuru:olso jason i want to talk you when you have time

jason:all right {yeah i have my own questions}

timeskip next day an class

maya:all right the rep is gonnad be.....ichika orimura

ichika:wait what!!?? but jason win the duel

maya:well jason given the position to you

ichika:*turn to him*why?

jason:h hey you were the last option i was about to give to cecilia but she say no

cecilia:that is right


jason:i know you can do it buddy i mean i training you right

ichika:i guess you right

cecilia:o and speaking of training jason did want me to train you

jason:really i mean i train with others what make you difirent?

cecilia:well i am the a grade A pilot witch is the best grade of the IS pilots

jason:{now i remeber that senior and the other was between B and C grade soo mean cecilia is really good}sure i guess can learn an lot from you


jason:{is good to see that new side of cecilia i wonder what else this world have}

little he didn't know is what happen an the arena will bring old friends back

an the gate

es was waiting an the gate after she does't feel jason's presence she wait but nothing she try to find it but there no trance that is until feel an familiar power

es:that is his power


she turn around to face the gate

es:did you have is location?

gate:yeah it is an the other side of the boundary an another world i manage to obserb him when i feel his power

es:is anyway to bring him back?

gate:no but i can send you there to keep eye of him


gate:use the amaterasu unit to reach the place olso i gonnad give you the knowedge of the world along with something extra

es:*nod and teleport*

gate:...she is't the only one who feel it there others....jason bloodedge how can you deal with this turn events?

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