chapter 7

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jason can't belive what it see. there was an girl who look like nu only she was more serious

jason:{really how many deja vu's i gonnad have first was my unit, now this i just hope there is not an hazama o terumi o an inzanami}

black beast:{i douth thoses things happen but we never know}

jason:{yeah but i have the feeling something else is gonnad happen}

he was focus on his conversion until he hear an slap,he look up to see ichika block the girl slap

ichika:{oh god an little more and i be hit i gonnad thanks jason for that}

girl:i will never recognize you as her younger brother*look jason*and i will not allow an scum like you, trouble my instrutor

jason give an narrow look

jason:you gonad regret thoses world when my first met you face{who the hell is this girl}

black beast:{she is laura bodewing, she is from germany olso she is the was the student of chifuru as she refer her as instrutor}

jason:{i gonnad keep that name on my mild}

an blazblue world

everyone was not happy about how what laura did

kokonoe:wow and i trough i was harsh

noel:i don't like this girl

jin:i wonder if that chifuru know about her attitude

laphicet:she don't have the right to say that thing to the boy ichika about her sister

magilou:she is an idiot

ragna:i want to punch her for insult my son

kokonoe:easy ragna i pretty sure jason have the same idea, besides i have the feeling he is gonnad get what he wish for

ragna:i hope soo

back to the IS world

everyone was paid attetion to the class until the door open

maya:excuse me but we....*Eye widen*

chifuru have the same reaction

???:sorry for interrupt but this is class one right?

maya:y y yes

the students got curious about what is goin but only those who have the an front can see soo they lead an little forward towards too see the person and they were shock

???:there someone by the name jason crowe i want to speak with for an moment please

maya:uhh sure jason-kun someone want to see you

jason:{who can be and why her voice is familiar}

he walk to the door and stop on his tracks to see who was

jason:m mom?!


they studetns can't belive this woman looks like chifuru the only difirence was the hair style and eyes color

velvet:yes is me can we talk for moment alone

jason:s s sure

jason leave the class and take velvet to the rooftop,an the moment they leave everyone who see velvet turn to chifuru

student:orimura sensei a a are you related to that person?!

student 2:she look like you with less the eyes and hair did you know her can she be you sister!?

ichika was an shock about what see

ichika:{what that women looks like chifuru is she...nononono i she is jason mother no way she is relate to our family.... Right?}

houki was the same condition

the other students from behind hear the questions and start to ask chifuru as well

an blazblue world

they sweatdrop

ragna:i gonnad have the feeling this will never let go


noel:*sight*is like the rumor me and makoto have crush with him

ragna:wait what!?

noel:but is was nothing i swear it was just an rumor


laphicet:gonnad say velvet and miss orimura look like


???:yeah is like it was her sister

they turn to see an guy with long black hair and an hazel eye as the other was cover by his hair

his name is rokurou another of veltet's friend he olso an daemon and an swordsman

rokurou:one thing is for sure jason is gonnad have to answer an lot of questions


laphicet:how you been friend

rokurou:you know the usual hang aroud do somestuff

ragna:you be with kagura do you

rokurou:yeah a little


laphicet:how is eizen

rokurou:he is fine


ragna:what suprise there another who look like you

jin:don't start brother

back to the IS

Jason and velvet arrive to the rooftop and jason hug her

Jason:I miss you mom

Velvet*hug him back*me too son

Jason:mom what are you doing here.. An fact how you get here?

Velvet;say thanks to kokonoe for that

Jason:wait but how

Velvet;is because everyone remeber what happen to you

Jason:soo you mean



Velvet:why you sacrifice your life*tear up*

Jason:... It was either me o my dad.. Besides remeber what I say when I was an child?


Kid jason:I want to help everyone and make then happy*smile*

Flashback end

Velvet:I remeber that

Jason:yeah and I did that soo everyone can live happy

Velvet:but how now everyone remeber they sad you father is sad. You aunt and uncle are sad, but most of all*tear up more* you make me sad

Jason:*hug her more*I sorry mom but you be sad if my dad do that instead

Velvet:I know but is worst when I lost my son

Jason:i have to do it for the sake of the world

Velvet:I know*pet him*you always want to help other than yourself


Velvet:soo how you been ever since you arrive


He start to tell her from how he arrive to the face the un know IS

Velvet:wow that is impressive

Jason:yeah i make an lot of friends here

Velvet:yeah Ichika that Cecilia right?

Jason:yeah she was very friendly with along with the other girls

Velvet:*smile*you sure is that could be more~

Jason:*blush*no stop that! besides what kind of girl wants an guy like me

An blazblue world

Mai was walking aroud with Makoto



 until both sneeze

Mai:what was that

Makoto:I don't know but I have the feeling someone is taking about us

Back to the IS World an the classroom

Cecilia, honne, kiyoka, yuzu, sayuka, lamba, Maya,and Es sneeze

All:why I sneeze?

Back to the rooftop

Velvet:don't be like that son I know you find love


Velvet:well i gonnad go okay I visit where I can

Jason:you have an place?

Velvet:yeah kokonoe help me with that*kiss his forehead and walk away*now go back to you class and bye

Jason:bye mom(is good see her again after years) better go back to class before orimura sensei hit me*walk back to class*

When he arrive notice everyone stare him

Jason:(crap I gonnad feeling this is gonnad be an long class)

Black beast:(yeah one with an lot of questions)

Timeskip arena

Jason was Ichika houki, rin, Cecilia,lambda and honne, rin and houki was give explanation about the IS, well an least try because don't undestand as both girls give difirent explanations

Jason:*sweatdrop*I douth Ichika undestand like that

Honne:yeah is just confuse him more

Lambda:is not effective

Cecilia:an least my explanations are better

Ichika:girls I don't understand!!

Houki:of course just do what I told you

Rin:yeah use my way

Ichika:*sight and look jason*any tip

Jason:just do like we do always an training

Ichika:that I understand for sure

Charles:Ichika, jason

They to see Charles on his IS

Jason:hey Charles

Ichika:soo that is you Is

Charles:yes I was wonder if you want to spar

Ichika:sure what you said jason

Jason:agreed an three way fight

Charles:all right

Ichika:*look houki and rin*we talk later

The boys get into battle positions
As other students watch to see who is the best

Boys:let's go!!


Ichika was the first be eliminated, then remains Charles and jason Charles finally undestand why Ichika have blusses Jason was brutal aside he manage to dodge and defrect his shoots witch was hard and almost impossible, an the end Jason was the winner

Jason:I win

Charles:wow you were brutal Ichika did you always train like this?

Ichika:yeah but is worth it he make me better but still I lost first

Charles:that is because you don't undestand about the firearms

Jason:what is the difierence Cecilia use an beam weapon

Charles:the bean weapons and normal we weapons are different olso*look ichika*I think I have an theory about you IS Ichika


Charles give his explanation

Ichika:wow now I understand

Behind then there was houki and rin along with Cecilia and honne

Rin:that idiot if he did what I just told him

Honne:to be honest both of you explanations confuse him


Houki and rin:hey

Charles:I can't say the same about aoyami, but looks like as lambda say links with you body soo the stronget you are

Jason:the stronges the IS will be I get it i be traning since

Black beast;(yeah the stronger the better olso I recommend to train with the susanoo unit as well)

Jason:(got it)

Charles:I see now the lest't try something

Then an target practiqués appear

Charles:now let's try shooting*pass his sniper to ichika*

Ichika:wait but is not posible to use someone is weapon?

Charles:normally no but if person unlock it everyone registry can use it

Ichika:all right

Ichika grab the weapon and aim to the target

Ichika l:is this the right stance

Charles get close to ichika and help him

Charles:all right grab the rifle like this and move you left arm like this


Rin:hey aren't thoses two getting along too well

Honne:well keep it mild they are the only boys an the this school

Lambda:they connections is big

Ichika start with fire with the help of Charles he manage to hit the target even trough he never hit the center

Ichika:wow this feel good

Charles:I know*look jason*you should try Jason

Jason:I like close combat it always my style

Charles:I can see an our duel but an least give an try

Jason;all right*grab the rifle an aim the targets with one arm an the rifle

Charles:uhh I don't recommend to aim like that

Jason:Charles I can lift my sword who almost have my size and have an lot of weight, don't you think I can handle an rifle?

Charles:well.. I guess you right

Jason aim the targets

Jason:(i wonder if I have the aiming of my aunt Noel)

He shot an hit the center

Ichika and Charles:what!?


Cecilia:wow Jason dear hit it an first shot

Houki:he just got lucky

He shot the rest of the targets hit all then an the center

Honne:wow he is awesone

Cecilia:of course is awesone my Jason dear

Lamba:accuracy 100%

Jason:well not bad but i still with close combat

An the blazblue world

Everyone see Jason hit the targets

Jin:looks like he have you aim noel

Noel:y yeah

Ragna:je it was impressive dispide be his first time

Rokurou:man he is good


Magilou:this boy is interesting maybe I can go next to met him

Ragna and jin:not an you chance woman

Back to the IS world

Ichika:dude how you do that!?

Charles:are you sure is you first time?

Jason:yeah i guess I have the aiming of my aunt

Ichika:you aunt?

Jason:well you see

An that moment he stop and look up Ichika and charles look up too to see Laura on her IS

Jason:soo that is IS huh?

Charles:it must be the three generation Germany was working on

Rin:damm is that Laura girl who try slap ichika

Houki;what she want

Cecilia:I hope Jason beat her

Honne:yeah after she insult him


Without everyone notice lambda start to analyze Laura unit

An blazblue world

Kokonoe:look like lambda start to analyze*check her computer*

Ragna:about what?

Kokonoe;about her Is unit

Jin:exactly what

Kokonoe:armor weapons abilities*keep checking*

Rokorou:it could be useful if Jason know about her unit

Kokonoe:yeah i was thinking of..... Oh damm


Kokonoe:that unit have the A.I.C

Ragna:the what?

Kokonoe:*sight*anti inertial cancel that means have some off shield who stop of the movement of anything even people

Jin:that is not good

Kokonoe:..... I know what to do*goes to another monitor and start typing*

Rokurou:what are doing?

Kokonoe:I gonnad hack the German government to know about the A. I. C and her IS thanks to lambda who link me with the system

Ragna:you sure is that an good idea what if discovered you?

Kokonoe:i douth that they tecnologic is prima olso I manage to hack the N. O. L soo this is piece of cake

Jin and rokurou:wait what!? When!?

Kokonoe:no time once I find what I need I gonnad transfer the data to lambda soo she can give the information

Ragna:I guess is an good idea....

Kokonoe:still want to met him?


Kokonoe:... I mild an idea how

Back to the IS world

Laura:soo you two have you personal units that make things easy*look jason unit*(that is one I never see before) fight me!!

Black beast:(she is really determined)

Ichika:I have no reason

Jason;I was wonder when you gonnad ask that

He was about to pull out his sword until Charles stop him

Charles:there is no reason they fight you

Laura:but I have an reason more with him*point jason*the instructor want to know his secrets and I will find out one way o the other

Jason:(she remind to tsubaki when she was an the N. O. L she will follow orders no matter what)

Laura aim her cannon to the boys and fired Charles pull out his shield to block, but before the beam reach it Jason aim the rifle to the beam, an that moment his Azure glow an the sniper shot an blue beam witch collide with Laura's cause an explosion

Charles;(how he do that!? My weapon doesn't shot beam)

Jason:*sight*that was close

Ichika:why was that for

Charles:looks like Germans are short tempers*prepare her weapons*

Jason:(why I found thoses world ironic)

Laura:a second generation model  dares to stand before me?

Charles:doesn't matter what kind of IS you use is how you hande it

Jason:agreed I couldn't say it better*aim his rifle and pull out his bloodscythe*

Laura:(that must be one of two sword the instructor tell me)

They about to start until one of the teacher see then

Teacher:hey what you doing

Laura:tch you got lucky*deactive the IS and walk away*

Jason:*sight*I got the feeling she is gonnad be an pain an the ass

Ichika:for once I agreed

Jason pass the rifle to charles

Jason:thanks for the rifle dude

Charles:n no problem

Rin:what she want with you Ichika

Cecilia:I olso want to know jason

Jason:no idea(probably spill anything I know)


Timeskip locket room

Ichika:man what an day

Jason:yeah*finish to wear his academy outfit*I think that is not the last of laura



They to see Charles still an his IS suit while wear the academy coat

Ichika:oh hey Charles are you gonnad change

His expression turn to be nervous

Charles:n no I was waiting for you guys to leave

Ichika:wait an minute*walk to him*are you afraid of change an front of guys!

Charles:w well i

Jason:Ichika leave him alone maybe that is because is not happen back to house right

Charles:y y yeah

Ichika:look don't worry we okay*Ichika touch his shoulder*

An that moment Charles freak out and run away from the lockets

Ichika:wait Charles

Jason:I guess that is too much to him

Ichika:*check his hand*....

Jason:what is it?

Ichika:I don't know but when I touch his shoulder was kind of solf

Jason:maybe she doesn't do too much workout(now I think about when I touch girls they were solf, I guess that increase my theory of Charles be an girl) come let's go back


Timeskip academy grounds


Jason:still think about that comment of Laura?

Ichika:*look suprise*how you

Jason:you face say anything

Ichika:I see yeah it was that

Jason;don't paid attention to that besides, she doesn't know how good you are after I trained you

Ichika;guess you right

???:I don't understand why are you teaching here!!!

Ichika:that is

Jason:yeah let's go

They hide behind the trees, as they hear the conversation of Laura and chifuru, apparently Laura want chifuru back to Germany because she see an waste of time teaching an the academy and the students are not worth it

Jason:(witch right can say that)

Black beast:(well an least we know chifuru train Laura an Germany and that cause her to see chifuru as a somekind following figure)

Chifuru:enough of you*glare laura*besides you been needlessly arrogant

Laura:I I

Chifuru:we done here go back to you room

Laura leave

Chifuru:.... So what is you reason to listen an girls conversation are you try to spying an girls conversation?

Ichika and jason flitche because the fact she discovered then soo they came out the trees

Ichika:n n no is not that

Jason:yeah we were not do it that

Chifuru was suprise she feel there was one person no two

Chifuru:(he must be an expert on stealth to no feel his presence)

Jason:anyways about laura*look where Laura leave*I guess you were the one who help develop her skills

Chifuru:that is right

Jason:*sight*I guess she want you back because you were the one who make an big impact on her life

Chifuru;je you pick up yeah i teach her as a way to repay a debt I have


Jason:I see

Ichika:orimura sensei

Chifuru:about Laura say an class the reason she said that is because...

Chifuru:don't speak about that okay


Chifuru:that is not the case now go back to you rooms*leave*

Jason:Ichika... Is that someone how related to chifuru debt

Ichika:*sight*I think it is

Jason:wanna tell me about it


Jason:come on Ichika you can trust as well i can trust you to keep my secret

Ichika:yeah you right

Ichika was talking about an incident an they dorm, when he open the door when Jason was changing Ichika was an shock... It was Jason's right arm it was cover an black banadages when Ichika ask about jason come up with an accident when he was 6 and he said he didn't remeber anything only to wake up with thoses bandages, to his luck Ichika believe his lied and jason make him promise to keep that as an secret Ichika agreed to keep his secret

Jason:soo walk and talk?


They walk as Ichika start to tell turn out during the second mogo groso witch was an important tournament of the IS pilots, Ichika was kidnapped he doesn't know how long he be an that place but it was rescued by chifuru but because of that chifuru was disqualified, and she ask the German government help to track him

Jason:I see soo you feel guilty for that


Jason:Ichika you were just an boy you never know that would happen even if that happen they could do something worst to you

Ichika:yeah you right but still



Jason:did you want to prove her you strong enough to be call orimura sense brother?

Ichika:y yeah

Jason;then I gonnad train to you to the maximum the last trainings were child's play compared I gonnad put you trough

Ichika gulp

Jason:soo Ichika orimura... You wanna train you to the maximum to show Laura she is wrong?

Ichika:...... Yes!

Jason:good i have some ideas on my mild

They about to open the door but then


Jason:oh hey lambda what you need?

Lambda:i want to speak with you


Lambda:yes my room is More forward of the hallway

Jason:all right*look Ichika*I gonnad go

Ichika:don't worry dude*he enter*

Jason follow lambda after an couple of door they arrive as she open the door

Jason:soo who is you roommate?




Jason sit up the bed as lambda close the door

jason:soo what is the reason i am here?

lambda then give him an phoned

jason:an phoned why?

lambda:to answer an call

an that moment the phoned start to ring it was an video call

jason:should i?

Es:mic disable is secure

jason:all right*hit the button*

the screen show kokonoe

jason:miss kokonoe!

kokonoe:jeje i guess you recibe my gilf jason

jason:sooo you remeber do you

kokonoe:yeah but i wasn't the only one

the ragna,noel and jin appear

jason:dad,uncle jin,aunt noel

ragna:hey son how you been

jason:well things was interesting

jin:yeah we see about the laura girl

jason:wait how you

kokonoe:i hack the cameras of the academy to see an gonnad say i was suprise when that Laura look like nu

jason:yeah*look noel with tears*aunt noel what is wrong

noel:why you did it you realise how bad i was when i realise my nepfew was gone!

jason:sorry aunt but it would worse if my dad do that instead

noel:it would the same as painful idiot!

she repeat the world idiot mutiple times until she stop

jason:sorry but i must do it was an promise i made

ragna:i remeber hat

jin:what promise?

ragna:about he is gonnad help the people and make then happy

jason:and i did by save you all

noel:yeah but you

jason:hey aunt i here now we can talk


kokonoe:all right enough of the chat jason i must tell you something


kokonoe:about laura and her unit

jason:really i know something about her

kokonoe:all right then tell me

he explain of what he know about her

kokonoe:soo she was trained by chifuru okay but there is more about her


kokonoe explian what she find about laura soo far, she have an militar backcroud she was the best of the army but there was more, she was part of an super soldier program but there was one thing she was not an expert.....the IS, the program even put nano machines to her left eye to optimize her

jason:{soo that is why she wear an eye patch}

but even with that that wasn't enough until orimura sensei train her and she become the best

jason:i see soo she thinks ichika is not worthy because she thinks he is the reason why orimura sensei become"weak"

kokonoe:yeah maybe is the reason now to the IS

her name was Schwarzer Regen, an german 3rd genaration IS that unit was equip with 6 wire guided daggers,an 80 caliber heavy railgun, mounted on the right shoulder,beam sabers that are generated through her hands,and the most shocking one to jason the A:I.C

jason:that shield can do that?!

kokonoe:yeah soo i sugest to not get close,but there is a weakness of her shield

jason:tell me

kokonoe:laura must be concentrate on the target in front of her

jason:soo what you mean like throw my bloodscythe while she is busy i attack her with okami

kokonoe:...that is.... yeah you can do that but make sure she didn't see you you do that catch her off guard

jason:got it

jin:becareful she was a the mililatery so that means she have an lot expiriece like me

jason:got it


jason:you okay noel

noel:is just she remind me to tsubaki about how was when i have the post of assisant of the major

jin:*sight*agreed it remind her too

noel:look jason i know you don't like her but please don't hurt her too much is just like tusbaki back then

jason:i know i will try but if she does something very far i not gonnad promise what happen next


kokonoe:well you come back o you room o btw the phoned is you we call you or talk o tell you about the IS o laura

jason:all right bye

ragna:take care and say hi velvet for me

the comunication over

Es:mic active

jason:*stand up*well i better go

lambda:*nod*take care

Es:keep youseft check

jason leave the room

timeskip ichika,jason and charles room

jason enter the room

jason:hey guys i back

an the moment he enter he see ichika and charles siting on the beds olso notice charles have an difirent hairstyle

jason:soo what did i miss

ichika:well*look charles to she nod*well is about charles well he is

jason:an girl is it?

both have they eyes widen

charles:b b b but how you find out?!

jason:you presense was off you said you were an boy but you presense was of an girl


ichika:oh yeah that is somehting he train with his senses, it helps to know where is the person is hiding

charles:wow that is interesting

jason:olso there was the fact about how you react and when ichika touch you shoulder, he say it was soft and only girl have solf skin

charles blush like tomato

jason:you okay?

charles:y y yeah

jason:okay soo now the question why?

charles:sit an i explain you

jason does that as charles explain her story, turn is out it was plan on her father the ceo of the company, he does that after find out charles was compatibility with IS so she became a test pilot unofficially, she only met her father twice as her mother died two yeard it was after that the company pick her up,the reason of plan is becuse he company have an financial crisis,dispide be third largest mass producer of IS of the world the problem they only produce second gen IS,as the mainstream research was third generation,they start to work a an third generation but the progess was slow

jason:okay i get it they problems and all but what is the point o be an boy?

ichika:is becuse her father give the order of steal our data


charles:that is right sorry for lied to you

they notice jason cleth his first and teeth an anger

jason:that bastard*punch the wall leave an hole*

ichika and charles were an shock and little scare because they never jason angry

jason:how he have the goddamm right to tell you want to do even trough you are his daugther!*look charles*listen charles just because he is you father, doesn't mean you gonnad anything he saids!!


jason:listen the only person who can change you fate is you  nothing else no you father o the company you..are the one who how you gonnad live you life right ichika

ichika:yeah he right!

jason:besides me and my family we have trough an lot pain but still we support each other

charles:really how bad?

jason:*sight*i still cry remeber it

charles:s sorry

jason:is all right

ichika:yeah i have a solution one of the articules of the IS academy, said is the students will not be affilliaed with any nation,group, of association,as long she stay here she is fafe for three years she can use that time to think an solution

jason:you right ! olso we keep you secret as well

charles:*smile*thanks guys

they her an knock

cecilia:jason-san are you there

jason:eh oh cecilia give an moment*look a then and whisper*hide her while i keep her busy

they nod as ichika put charles on the bed while jason goes to the door and open it

jason:you need something?

cecilia:i was wondering if you have eate dinner yet,jason-san if not i was hopping we could dine together

jason:well*hear the growl o his stomach*jejeje i guess i go


jason close the door as cecilia put his arm aroud hers and start to walk

an the blazblue world

they were listen the conversation

kokonoe:i feel bad for the girl

jin:agreed she didn't want to do it but his father ende up force her


ragna:about what he said it kinda remind me when i say to you noel

noel:yeah it was

kokonoe:gonnad say you got an good son dispide you attitude


back to the IS

jason and cecilia keep walking until they met houki

houki:oh hey there what are you doing

cecilia:we're goin to have dinner together

houki:i see but is necesary to link you arms?

cecilia:it's only natural or a man to escort a lady

jason:uhh and this case you are the onewho escort me

houki:*think*all right then i need to go*leave very fast*

jason:what you think she is planing

cecilia:i don't know but for now let's move on

they keep walking until


they don't have time to turn as honne jump to jason's back and hug him

jason:woah honne what are doing?

honne:i was wonder where you goin

jason:me and cecilia gonnad have dinner

honne:oh can i join


honne give him the puppy eyes look


jason:{oh god i can't say o to that face}all right you can

honne:yay!*hug him*can you give me an piggin back ride?


honne:thank you

black beast{she is very cheerful}


cecilia was not happy

cecilia:{soo closes to be together}

they keep walking until


they turn to see Es

jason:hey Es what you need


jason:of course

cecilia:is the only thing you eat?

Es:*turn to cecilia cause her breast to move*yes

cecilia:{how she have that figure!!??}

jason:all right come on

they keep walking until again they were interrupet

rin:w w what are you doing!?

they turn to see rin talking to ichika and houki witch the later was link her arm with his

houki:we gonnad have an dinner

rin:but why you link arms!?*look ichika*

houki:is natura for an man escort an lady

ichika:an my case i was the one be escort*look rin with" i have not option look"*}

rin:fine then*link his other arm with her*then let's go

houki:hey what are you doing!?

rin:is normal to an man escort an lady right

they start to walk draging ichika you escort an lady?

honne:well you put the guys arm with you's

Es does tha with jason thanks to her breast he can feel then

Es:like this?

jason:{oh crap i can feel then!!}

black beast:{jejeje you lucky}

jason:{shut up!!}

cecilia:{no fair!! she is use thoses meat balls!}

jason:let's move already

they walk follow the others

jason and ichika{i never expect this}

timeskip back to room

ichika and jason cameback to the room after the dinner, as ichika bring some food to charles but she does't know how to use chopticks soo ichika taught her

jason:{they look good together........i hope rin does't get angry}

an few days later

is been an few days soo far jason keep talking to kokonoe an his family along with some friends,he even met laphicet,magilou and rokurou he like then and talk with then sometimes olso kokonoe make the the comunication be 100% silent soo none one an the academy hear the conversation,olso velvet visit sometimes an academy to sped time with jason she even met the others they were suprise about her appearance was like chifuru, they even ask if she was relate witch she answer it was not,olso laura keep bother ichika and jason.......well more to jason since she want to know his secrets,she try to sneak attack him an the academy grounds......key world "try" but jason manage to counter every time normally jason would break her an couple of bones but he promise to noel to not hurt her too much soo he just give her an punch o kick to leave her alone but she keeps try it,olso as jason promise they training increase Ichika almost pass out some times but besides that he get better olso houki and rin go to they sections they were shock how brutal was right now everyone is heading to the class room


Ichika:Laura again


Cecilia:what with her

Ichika;she try to sneak attack Jason multiple times


Charles:are you okay?

Jason:yeah i fine and fact all her attack fail because I knew where she was

Houki;it was thanks to you enhanced senses right

Jason:yep it help where and when she attack

Rin:damm you training must be special for sure

Jason:it is intense as hell

Ichika:worse than mine with you?

Jason:10 times worse


Charles:wow you master must be really serious of you training

Jason:he is like that with everyone would trains

Ichika:anyways back to the point are you sure you

Jason:God Ichika you ask me that 4 times no my mother is no relate with you sister

Cecilia;well gonnad say she look like her

Rin:yeah but an least she is more nice than her


Es:the appearance are similar to each other

Rin look to her breast who move every step she make

Rin:(how the hell she have thoses torpedoes!!??)

She wasn't the only houki, Cecilia and Charles was having the same trough

They arrive as Jason open the door

Laura:jason crowe prepared yourself!!

An that moment an knife was heading towards Jason he act quick it and catch the knife and throw towards Laura, who manage to dodge it as the knife hit the window and crash to one of the pillars soo hard it cause an mini crater, everyone was an shock about that

Jason:(crap I use too much force this time)

Ichika:oh god!

Jason look Laura who have another knife

Laura:jason crowe you can give up now o wait until I torture you!

Jason:how about my third option stab you other knife on you ass

Everyone gasp of the insult less Laura Es and lambda

An blazblue world

Kokonoe:oh wow she really want him tell anything

Ragna:man I really want to give her an lesson

Jin:relax brother besides I think she gonnad have one

Noel:I can't belive he said that

laphicet:I gonnad agree

Rokurou:well looks like he have you mouth ragna

Magilou:yep what other bad habits you teach him

Ragna:hey I don't teach anything bad to him besides I try my best to control my leaguage

Jin:looks like you fail

??? :you know what they said like father, like son

They turn to see an guy with blonde hair and green eyes

He was eizen another of velvet's friends he is an the captain of his own ship olso the guide where ever they to go someone olso he have  bad luck

Rokurou:hey buddy how you been

Eizen:it was good*look jin*

Eizen and jin look alike to each other even tsubaki confuse him an the first time as well the rest who didn't know him, even Makoto start to call him jin number two

Ragna:looks like you twin arrive jin

Jin:shut up

Eizen:*look an the screen*soo that is you and velvet son?

Ragna:yeah it is

Eizen:look like you

Magilou:even he have his lenguage

Ragna:all right enough that already!


Laphicet:yeah he just say to the girl with an knife he is gonnad put her knife on her.... You know


Ragna:can we drop the theme already

Eizen:all right*throw the coin an the air and land on his hand*tails something is bad is gonnad happen

Ragna:you kidding

Jin:well brother you have bad luck and maybe Jason have you already

Ragna:I hope not

Back to IS world

Honne:stop bullied him he can beat no problem at all

Sayuka:yeah he manage to beat Cecilia with one move

Kiyoka:of course he have no problen beat you

Cecilia:yeah Jason can manage to beat you

Rin:yeah he even train Ichika to be better and he have better result you have no match for him

Jason:(hey rin don't talk too much)

Es:battle capabilities are far from expert militar soldier

Lambda:can keep up with the elite pilots

Laura:oh soo you challenge me

Before Jason could answer

Houki:yes he does he will beat you

Ichika:my sensei won't lose to you

Jason:(woah he call me sensei!)

Laura:then is settled tomorrow we gonnad an duel an arena three if he lose he have to do anything I say

Jason:(wait an minute there is no Bet's an this!)

Honne:if you lose you have to do anything he says

Yuzu:that is right

Rin:yeah no hold barred*smirk*

Jason:wait i

Laura:all. Right the instructor is gonnad get notified

Jason:(crap I want an fight her but with no bets!)

Back to the blazblue world

Kokonoe:well ragna you have what you want

Ragna:but without that stupid bet!

Jin:that is bad if Jason lose

Noel:he is not gonnad lose

Laphicet:well if is good as he said soo he have no problem

Eizen:look like it was bad luck

Jin:both of you and brother

Both:shut up

Back to the IS world

They go to the they seats as the teachers start the class

Jason:(sigh I want to fight Laura but no get involde an some sort of bet)

Black beast(you no need to be worried after all you face opponent way stronger than Laura soo you have no problem)

Jason:(you right but still I must keep careful I can't get cocky)

Black beast:(right olso keep paid attention before chifuru see you and try to hit you again)

He does that

Timeskip luch room

Everyone is eating on the table

Jason:what the hell you put an bet

Rin:relax you can beat her right

Jason:yeah i can't be cocky and more with Laura who have more experienced than you

Houki:agreed but you combat experience are above her like Es say


Honne:besides what can she do to you

Jason was about to answer until orimura walk to they table

Students:orimura sensei

Chifuru:I hear about the bet with Laura, don't worry i talked with both Japanese and German government as well you mother, this bet now carries a binding legal contract agreement.. Soo I expect you to give a good show

She e give Jason an smile an cruel smile

Jason:(she have was prepared for this is it?)

Black beast:(yeah)

Chifuru:we contacted with miss crowe and she agreed and confident on you win the match

Jason:(well I beat two gods and azrael soo maybe I can beat her)

As chifuru hear his trough she said

Chifuru;olso as her former instructor, I gave bodewing a few pointers, things like 'Jason most likely had more real combat experience than you' and 'use any means at you disposal to secure victory'

Jason:(she really want to spill anything I know)

Black beast:(yeah an least you have more reason to no lose)

Blazblue world

Ragna:that is not good

Kokonoe:she really want to know

Jin:she is the type who always want to know anything

Noel:but he can still win

Laphicet:the only problem is A. I. C

Jin:anything else about the unit o Laura?

Kokonoe:well it was part of the program since she was an child

Jin:soo she doesn't have an normal childhood



Rokurou:no child should pass that

Noel:I hope Jason keep his promise

An that moment one of the screens start to ring

Kokonoe:looks like is velvet calling

She press the button and screen show velvet

Velvet:hey there

Kokoneo:hey velvet

Ragna:how you been

Velvet:gonnad say this house is better than other places I be living

Ragna:yeah hey velvet did you

Velvet:agreed with the match and the bet yes

Jin:you sure?

Velvet'of course you know how strong he is

Kokonoe:yeah he can just's reveal too much no the azure

Velvet'don't worry he is strong without it

Kokonoe:let's cross finger

Ragna:how you been?

Velvet:I be fine i met my son and his friend he is really happy

Ragna:*smile*I glad

Velvet:olso I happy to met you

Magilou:awww look at you two are soo cute couple

They blush


Jin:wow even after married you two act as you were dating the first time

Laphicet:agreed that is cute

They blush more

Kokonoe:all right enough don't mess with the love birds

Velvet:soo how is my son?

Ragna:he just listen to chifuru say about give Laura some points about Jason's abilities and she say use any ways to win

Velvet:I hope she not thinking what I think is thinking

Kokonoe:I douth that just an case Jason is gonnad be more cafeful

Back to the IS world

Cecilia:uh.. Orimura sense isn't that a bit a hard Jason is right here

Honne:yeah and after bodewing attacked him right an the classroom

Chifuru:don't worry about it. All Jason have to do is win right?

Jason:yeah just win(that sounds more like an treat)

Chifuru:see you then*walk away but before leave*and osaka

Es:yes Orimura sensei?

Chifuru:keep attention of you actions when you paid attention to anything else*point her chest*

Everyone look and the pudding was on her chest

Es:... My mistake

All the girls less lambda and chifuru feel jealous and defeat because the fact fer breast an big enough to cover her plate


Jason:wow that is new

Hell all the girls of the lunchroom feel jealous of Es breast

Chifuru notice that

Chifuru:(wow they are jealous for sure well i don't blame then with the size of her breast every girl would be jealous I wonder how they got big with her age?)

Rin:okay how the hell you breast are soo big!!?

Yuzu:yeah how?

Es:is like any process of the girl to have breast

Cecilia:no way no with that size

Es:is not normal with someone with my breast?

Girls:no is not!!

An the blazblue world

Kokonke was an the same state as, Noel was crying because the fact her chest are nothing Compare to Es

Noel;how mine can't be like thoses!

Jin and laphicet was pet her and say chest doesn't matter

Velvet:is anything allright?

Velvet can't see what is goin on an the school


Marilou:velvet you should see Es breast thoses thing are huge to hold an pudding with an plate!

Velvet:really?... Ragna are you staring?

Ragna:what!! No I not into breast all right

Magilou:I wonder if can make an spell to make my breast big*think*

Rokorou and eizen were stare suprise

Rokorou;wow i never see something like that

Eizen:me either

Jin was stare too he have to admint they breast was big

Ragna:hey jin if tsubaki see you do that she is gonnad kill you

Jin:I wasn't staring

Ragna:yeah sure

Back to the IS world

Es start to eat dispide the plate was on her chest make the girls more jealous

Ichika:*whisper*hey Jason why the girls have thoses glares

Jason:*whisper*I don't know but I don't want to find out

Timeskip the next day dooroom

Jason wake up yawning after the announcement of chifuru he goes to train to his abilities he put some of hakume fighting style as well Naoto, he always was interesting on his hand a hand combat after all while he manage to learn some of his moves as well hakume's, olso he ask kokonoe of she can manage to get the IS data but to his shock she can't even manage to enter, but kokonoe say she is gonnad analyze the data to find out how to pass it olso he goes to the ingenie department to do something special olso he find out honne was part of that area soo he ask to help him with his request and she agreed

Jason:well today is the day of the match*look aroud and notice Ichika and Charles wasn't there*maybe they have to do something

But then his phoned start to ring soo he pick it up and answer to reveal it was kokonoe

Jason:hey miss kokonoe did you find something?

Kokonoe:no yet but that is not the reason I call

Jason:what is it?

Kokonoe:well there someone want to see you

An tsubaki appear along with Makoto and mai

Jason:tsubaki, Makoto, mai

Tsubaki:hey jason how you been

Makoto:jason you are alive!

Mai:hey there

Jason:wait you remeber me?

Makoto;yeah tsubaki tell us about you then we remeber*look sad*me and Mai were sad about you death

Mai:yeah me too

Jason:sorry for that but it must the only way to do it

Both;we know

Jason:anyways why you here

Tsubaki;is about that Laura girl

Jason:*sight*what is it? Today I have an match with witch probably is gonnad kill me to win

Tsubaki;I know but I just want to help her

Jason:help her?

Tsubaki;about her and Ichika I know she doesn't like him about the fact she see him as the reason of chifuru be weak

Jason:yeah i know

Tsubaki:look i just want you to open her eyes make her realize she have the wrong idea

Jason:i douth that she the kind of person keep an single idea no matter what

Tsubaki:I know but doesn't she remind to someone

Jason:...... I know,... you

Tsubaki;yeah I was opset when Noel have the post intead me and I ended like her... *look makoto*until my friend help me to open my eyes

Makoto:*pant her back*no problem that is what the friend for


Tsubaki:yeah*look jason*soo I ask you to help Laura to open her eyes to see what she say is wrong

Jason:...... *smile*I will try tsubaki

Tsubaki:thank you

Jason:soo how is been with you and jin


Makoto:she got married and have an daugther you should be there jason


Makoto:her expression was like she was living an dream she even mention she is living an dream an the wedding day

Tsubaki:*blush*stop is embarrassing!

Mai:all right Makoto enough of that

Jason:man I wish to be there olso about you kid what is the name?


Jason:that is an nice name

Tsubaki:actually she is right here*look behind her*come on dear

An girl an appear with red hair and green eyes

Ayame:h hey I ayame

Jason:hey Ayame I jason

Ayame:nice to meet you cousin

Jason:me too

Makoto:uhh you two look cute


Tsubaki:Makoto they are cousins!!

Makoto:ouch I just kidding all right


An the moment the door open to reveal Ichika and charles

Ichika:hey jason

Jason:hey guys where you been

Charles:We were eating*check his phoned*is that an phoned

Jason look of the screen and kokonoe nod tell him is all right

Jason:yeah i just talking with someone

Ichika and Charles look an the screen to see kokonoe, Makoto, Mai, tsubaki and ayame

Jason:well the pink haired is kokonoe, the red hair his tsubaki and the other one is her daugther Ayame the brown hair is Makoto and the purple haired is mai


Ichika:hey I Ichika

Charles:I Charles

Kokonoe:I know you are girl

Charles was an shock

Charles:how you!!?

Kokonoe:I have my contacts don't worry i keep you secret safe

Charles:*sight* thank god

Tsubaki:soo Ichika I hear Jason train you

Ichika:yeah it was intense as hell but I can keep up

Makoto:wow i know Jason well and is not the type who go easy let me guess you pass out an the first section*smile*

Ichika;.... Yeah

Charles was feeling jealous because Makoto and Mai have big breast as well

Charles:(how the world is soo unfair)

Ichika:olso what is about the thoses ear and tails

Ichika was wonder about Makoto and kokonoe's tails it was moving and look like they were real

Kokonoe:I create thoses for me and makoto

Makoto sight of relive of about get caught

Charles:wow you must very good an that

Kokonoe:I more smart than that girl tabane


Kokonoe:hell I was the one who create that phoned

They were impressive about that she must me smart

Kokonoe:anyways there is not time to chit chat now today is the duel with that German girl

Jason:oh right

Kokonoe:I call after the match olso don't lose jason

Jason:all right bye miss kokonoe

She nod and end the call

Ichika:you have great friends


Jason:yeo*get up*but now I need go to eat

Ichika:don't worry i bring you udon


Timeskip hangar

Jason was with his friends an the hangar

Rin:you got this Jason after you beat her will make her do anything we want*smirk*

Jason:(what the hell you are planing)

Cecilia;agreed you manage to beat me with one move soo there is no problem

Jason:( o without the fact chifuru mild say that move)

Houki:I mild never beat you an our spars, soo if she does I gonnad get angry

Ichika:don't worry he got this

Honne:you got our support


Kiyoka:you can do it

Sayuka:we have our faith on you

Jason:thanks for that

The hangar doors open

Jason;looks like this is it*raise his right hand*IS active! *he now wearing aoiyami*all right I ready.. Olso after I win Ichika and I gonnad make an victory meal

That brought smiles to everyone

Es:win soo can I have pudding

Jason:jeje don't worry

And with that Jason fly off to the arena

Jason:(i promise tsubaki.... I gonnad open Laura's eyes)

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