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an a place far from the boundary there was the Forbidden Gate witch lead the azure an power who can change any posibility outside of the gate there were two people sparing one was an boy with blonde hair with an blue coat and an black hakama his eye were heterochromia his left eye was green eye while his right eye was azure

that boy was jason bloodedge crowe aka the son of the grim reaper and son of ragna the bloodedge who erase himseft instead of his father soo he can live happy

jason:jejeje not bad looks like i gonnad get serious

the other person was an girl and blue eyes she wear an blue dress below it an white shirt that girl was es the guardian of the gate an the only person who was with jason after central fiction

es:roger battle capabilities increase

they dash to each other but they stop as the gate glow and feel something inside

jason:es did you?

es;yeah an reaction

jason:but no one should now about this

es:posibilty it come from the boundary

jason:i hope is not es stay here while i investigate if an trouble i call you


jason was cover an frames and disappear as es guard the gate

jason reappear an the azure the same place he and his father beat and kill terumi

jason:i hope is not him

he start to walking until see something an the distance

jason:what is that?

the start to runing until see the figure an he was an shock

jason:what!? what is this here?

an front of him was the susanoo unit it the one hakume use

jason:i trough trinity destroit you maybe this ende here because of the boundary after all that place anything can happen

he got more close

jason:i don't sense any energy of terumi of anything weird

he touch but an the moment he do that the unit was cover an a light

jason:what the!!??

he was slow and the light got bigger and cover jason an few seconds later the light is gone along with jason and the unit

in the infinte stratos world there was an boy with black hair and brown eyes that boy is ichika orimura brother an chifuru orimura an expert is pilot and he the first male pilot

he just finish another test with the is he found after he get lost he enter an the room where there was one

ichika:phew that ease well a least i done and...

but he was interrupt when he notice an light behind him he turn aroud and see an being with an weird armor

ichika:huh? chifuru never mention this is this kind as suprise test of something?

he notice the weapons he was caring and long katana and big sword who is black as the night

ichika:and thoses weapons it is an somekind of is?

meawhile jason look aroud

jason:{huh where at i}

then he look himseft an notice he was wearing the unit

jason;{what the hell why i wearing the susanoo unit!!??}

ichika notice he was confuse

ichika:i guess take that as an chance*summor his sword and dash to him*

{start to play the battle theme}

ichika swing his sword but jason turn aroud  block with bloodscythe

jason:nice try boy

ichika was suprise by the voice

{he have hakume's voice}

ichika jump back

ichika:y you are an male!?

jason:of course i am what you expect!?{my voice is diferent}

ichika get's into battle stance

jason:i guess i have no option*sight*all right

he dash to ichika an a high speed ichika was suprise but still manage to block the attack as they lock they weapons

ichika:{he is very fast even with the unit!}

ichika push jason and start swing his weapon jason block his attacks ichika try another swing jason block it and give him an kick to his stomach push him an little

jason take that chance and rush to him an start to swing his sword ichika manage to block some but he got hit jason then make an leg sweep make it ichika trip take that chance jason try to stomp him but ichika rolled out the way

ichika attack jason to his side with another swing he connect and try another swing but jason block the attack an then they start to clash they swords cause it sparks every time they hit

ichika swing to jason's hand cause an cut and drop his weapon ichika try to make an follow but jason catch the sword


take that chance jason punch ichika an his stomach make it spit saliva and then throw into an wall leave an crater

jason:not bad kid but*pick bloodscythe*you gonnad need more than that

ichika:i not done!

he charge and they clash they weapons again

jason do a horizontal slash but ichika couch and counter by upwards slash but jason block the strike but knock his weapon ichika goes to another sword swing

but jason block use it okami who was still sheath and counter with an swing hit ichika and send him a couple feet

jason:{i can't unsheath the blade is too dangerous}

ichika:wait are you not gonnad unsheath you blade?


ichika:are gonnad fight with the blade inside!?

jason:yes*get into stance*

ichika:{the position is like is the first time use it maybe is my chance to beat}

ichika dash again and goes for another swing but jason block an counter with his own but ichika jump back and try again jason again try to block it

but that attack was an feint as ichika swich the diretion and hit jason

jason counter with three swings ichika block the swings and the last one they weapons lock

jason remove one his hand from okami and give ichika an uppercut ichika send him flying jason wait for 4 seconds before give him an roudhouse kick send him back to the wall

ichika:d dammit

jason:you trought you have the advatage do you? well you wrong

ichika:h how you?

jason:i can see an you face olso*point to his first*you clench you first everytime where you think you got me

ichika was an shock he could read him by body lenguage

ichika:still*get's up*i not gonnad lose

jason:well*put okami an his back and grab bloodecythe*let's finish this

{go to the 4:02 of the theme}

both dash ready to give an ichika goes by downwards swing while jason goes to upwards swing the swords clash ultimately jason win as swing knock ichika into the air and crash into the ground

{stop the theme here}

ichika:i lost

jason:you ask for this boy

ichika:gonnad say you are good

jason:yeah{even i was holding back}need help?


jason help to get up

ichika:thanks dude i guess i lost the test


ichika have an confuse expresion

ichika:i trough chifuru send you to test me

jason:no who is chifuru?

ichika:wait you don't know her!!??

jason:no an clue

ichika:she is best is pilot she win an tournament

jason:no an what is the is

ichika:what!? you wear one and don't know what the is unit is

jason:nope and i soppose is the armor you wear*point the is*

ichika:yeah but then why

???:HANDS UP!!

the boys were sorround be girls wearing the same armor ichika have and they point the weapons at then

jason: great more trouble

ichika:*raise his hands*w what is goin!!??

jason:uhh there girls points us what you think?!

ichika:but why

girl1:you*point jason*you are under arrest

jason:what!? but why!?

girl:for the charge of assault and bad use of the is!!

jason:okay lady listen he attack me first soo i defend myseft and two thus armor is not an is

ichika:wait what!?

girl2:that is an lie

jason:i told the true god dammit


they stop as look an the voice an see an girl with black hair and brow eyes

jason have his eyes widen

jason:{she almost remsebles my mother!! talking about back memories}

girls:miss orimura!!


jason:wait she is chifuru

ichika:yeah she is

chifuru:*look jason*i sugest to surrender

jason:how i know an the moment i do that you send me to the jail

chifuru:if you ask my questions maybe you not goin the jail


chifuru:first deactive you is

jason:is not an*sight*fine{but how maybe if i can concentrate about that}

he try that and his body was cover an blue frames everyone is about to scream until the frames dissappier

jason:man that work

girl:what!!? an boy

girl2:and young one too

girl3:and he is cute

inchika:dude you almost look like you have my age

jason:what no way you look like have 16 i have 24 years

chifuru:sorry for say but that is not case

jason:huh? what you mean

chifuru pull out an mirror and pass it to jason he look and notice his left eye was red


he then look to himseft he still have his coat but his body and outfit change

{still have ragna hair}


he confime one thing he has 16 again


he look back to her

chifuru:sooo mind come with me

jason:all right

jason and chifuru leave 


they enter an office

chifuru:take an seat

jason sit an the chair while an her sit an front of the desk

jason:sooo what is you questions

chifuru:how you get that unit and how you manage to use it?

jason:you make sound is something special

chifuru:how much you know about the is

jason:not much as looks like an armor

chufuru explain about the is

jason:okay let me straigh the is's unit is some kind of mecha suit and that suit can be only wear by the females!?

chifuru:yes that is the basic

jason:{what kind of world ende up myseft}

chifuru:now how you find that unit

jason think about an storie

jason:well i want to find the unit because i hear from my master btw is not an is it was long an the past

chifuru:sooo how you find it

jason:by some connections and ancient books

chifuru:and then 

jason:i found it the but when i touch it everything turn back and the next thing i remeber i was that room with ichika

chifuru:why you want that unit

jason:i hear legends about that unit

chirufu:was is the name of the unit?


chifuru:*raise an eyebrown*the unit have an name of the god?

jason:yes it was long time an the past not very much people hear about it

chifuru:okay an what about the weapons you still have the sword but the katana is gone

jason:my sword is call bloodscythe and the katana is okami

chifuru:how you find thoses weapons

jason:the bloodscythe it was an gift from my master and my father while okami comes from susanoo

chifuru:i see you said the true?


chifuru give him an stare as she start to look for any sign he was lying

but jason get use to that stare his father teach him how make glares and jubei teach how to hide from thoses glares

chifuru:all right jason you have two options

jason:let me guess one is goin to jail

chifuru*smile*je you smart the second is to join the is academy

jason:i guess is for thoses who want to learn about is


jason:okay but i want conditions

chifuru:what is it

jason:one i want to wear my coat even if i goin to clases

chifuru:what is that

jason:it was the last gift of my father*look sad*{before i have to leave}

chifuru:oh i sorry

jason:oh he not die we just goin seperate ways and we never see ever since that

chifuru:i see i accept that what is the other

jason:i want this theme stay between us


jason:because of why i know for the legends is the susanoo unit is very dangerous if that unit fall an the wrong hands*give her an serious look*it can cause chaos

chifuru:i see{he must be really serious if he given that glare*all right i keep this matter between us*extend her hand*sooo we have an deal

jason:*shake her hand*yeah

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