Prologue Act 1 Part 1: A Whole New World

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???: *sigh* I can't believe they didn't have it.

A young eighteen year old boy mumbled to himself in a low, disappointed sounding voice as he walked away from his local game store. He wore a hood due to the torrential rain that had hit earlier that day which was still in the process of pelting the city he lived in. Deciding to take a momentary reprieve from the rain, the young man ducked into a nearby alleyway for some hope of shelter. Luckily, the alley he chose was facing in a way that made it so that the rain would hit the wall opposite of where he was, so it was the perfect place for him to rest which he did so soon enough.

Resting on the protected wall, the boy slumped up against it and slid down to the ground and stopped with a sit and a sigh. A few seconds of dead motion later, the boy brought a hand up and removed his hood to reveal his features. He had (H/C) colored hair, (E/C) colored eyes, and (S/C) colored skin. This boy was none other than you.

You were an average joe blow kind of guy who did what any normal person would do in today's society... that's right, live the life of a semi weeb!




Boy... that sounded better in my head.

A-Anyways, for as long as you could remember, you've had an interest in anime. You weren't a major fan unlike a lot of true weeaboos out there, but you did have a moderate liking for it along with the culture surrounding it. You've attended your fair share of animecons, expos, etc, and you've even gotten your hands on some good old manga... and no, it didn't include certain kinds of manga, you sick freaks.

Anywho, aside from all those interests you had, there was one part of anime culture that did really stand out for you, that being video games based off of anime. You name it: the Dragon Ball games, the Persona games, BNHA, and even the Neptunia games all really intrigued you. However, a couple years back, there was a game that had been released that you never got around to checking out oddly enough. The game in question happened to be one called Genshin Impact.

It didn't really stand out for you at the time, but after reading up about it for a while, you had to admit that it had your attention, and no, not for the reason you're thinking of... although, that is still a noticeable factor. No, it mostly came down to the presentation. A game that heavily mirrored that of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and that it was an open world game set on a huge map with tons upon tons of areas and locations to explore with lots of characters to interact with and talk to. You were always a fan of those kinds of games, but having it be in the style of anime made it seem all the more pleasing to you.

Hence, the reason you were out here in the first place; to get your hands on a copy of the game itself. Unfortunately, not only did you have to deal with rain on the way to the game store, and not only did you have to travel to one that was fairly a good distance away from your home that was the only one selling the game, but you were stunned and saddened by the fact that they had just sold the last copy of the game to someone else some time before you had gotten there, meaning you had spent that whole journey for nothing. Suffice to say, this wasn't your day in the slightest.

Now, you're probably asking, "why doesn't he just download the game?" Well, there was a reason for it. It's always been like that your whole life, purchasing the disc version of games, so you didn't really feel the need for the digital versions. Occasionally, you did just download them, but only if you couldn't get a physical copy anywhere and from the looks of it, that is what it seemed like you had to do which only served to add to your disappointment. Also, the writer kind of needed a convenient way to get you here, so he went with that.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: W-Wha? Hey! It's for the start of the plot, alright?! Cut me some slack!)

*sigh* Fine, fine. Whatever you say, chief. Anywho, you're all here to drool all over the anime girls, not listen to someone's life story, so let's just get right back to it.

You were still slumped against the wall, trying to stay dry as best you could while the rain didn't let up for even a second. Sighing, you resided to just wait it out until the rain had stopped or at least somewhat ceased. As you did so however, you heard the sound of a distressed sneeze from somewhere nearby. Turning your gaze to where it came from, you were met with something you didn't expect to see and you wondered how you didn't see it sooner.

Sitting about fifteen feet away from you was a young woman with long white-blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was huddled against the same wall you were on and she wore tattered clothes. She had a noticeable shiver to her as she held her arms and legs close to her in some attempt to keep herself warm, but clearly failed. To put it lightly, she looked completely miserable.

You assumed that she must have been homeless and the sight of her current condition made you feel really bad for her. As you stared at her, you remembered the hoodie you were wearing and looked down at it. You then turned your eyes back and forth between the distressed woman and the hoodie you wore. Being the good samaritan you were, you decided to help this poor woman out. Besides, the hoodie didn't cost that much anyways, so you could always get another one.

With that decision made, you stood and slowly sidled closer to her. You did so as to not scare her with your mere presence, but if the rest of the day proved anything is that you didn't have the best of luck as when you tried to go near her, she almost immediately noticed you and flinched with a gasp.

???: *whisper* D-Don't hurt me!

She pleaded in a whisper yell, making you put your hands up to try and calm her.

(Y/N): Woah, woah, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you.

Your words slowly eased her as she seemed to relax, but she didn't get rid of her cautious expression until you smiled warmly.

(Y/N): You look a little cold there. You might need this more than me.

You proceeded to peel your hoodie off and held it out to her as her cautious expression went away quickly and she replaced it with surprise.

???: R-Really?

She asked and you answered with a nod and another smile. She stared for a minute as if she wasn't expecting to be helped like this today. After some time passed, her lips slowly curled into a smile and she reached out and took your offer as a few tears welled into her eyes.

???: T-Thank you.

(Y/N): It's no problem at all. Gotta have the right protection during climates like this one, am I right?

She nods to your question before putting on your hoodie and snuggling herself into it, allowing her body heat to properly warm her or at least warm her more than she was before you came along.

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, I guess I should get going now. Stay safe.

You said as you were about to turn and leave before she stopped you by grabbing your hand. Using the wall as support, she stands up while still maintaining a soft grip on your hand.

???: W-Wait. Do you... mind if I show you something really quick?

You paused and looked back at her, now feeling a little uneasy. Moments ago, this woman was hesitant around you, and now she suddenly wants to show something to you? It was then that you had begun to think that this might be the possible set up of a possible mugging. You know those scenes in movies or tv shows where a character leads another or a whole group of characters and is usually followed by them being mugged or carted off to some prison or even ambushed? Well, you imagined it to be one of those situations. Strangely though, as you looked at her longer, for some reason, you felt a sense of ease around her, like, you could trust her to not do anything bad. After all, she seemed nice enough to possibly trust, so you thought that this may turn out okay... still, you reminded yourself of the taser you usually carry around with you in your pocket... hey, it's only in case things get dicey, alright? Just roll with it!

Giving her a small nod, you followed her to wherever it was she wanted to take you to while having to walk through the downpour. A part of you regretted that decision for obvious reasons, but an even bigger part of you was happy knowing that you helped someone less fortunate than you. That very someone continued to lead you through the alley until she stopped at a door in front of an old, rundown building that was in serious need of either vacating or bulldozing. She opens it and urges you inside as you froze for a few seconds. Okay... maybe you did need to use that taser after all.

Putting your hands in your pockets with one of them being the holy electric stun weapon of justice itself, you proceeded inside the building as the woman closed the door behind you. You looked around the interior and saw that the inside of the building was not any better than the outside. A few loose chairs laid about all around, a couch had been flipped onto its back, and a few places on the floor seemed to be rotting away. All that was missing was- oh, wait, there's a rat scurrying away, now you can complete the checklist for rundown building clichés. The woman walks to the front of you and smiles.

???: I'm sorry if this place is too out of shape, but it does keep the rain off of us.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess so. Why'd you wanna bring me here by the way?

She puts her hands together while maintaining her grin.

???: W-Well, I didn't want you to walk all the way back home in the rain, so I decided to take you here as a way of saying thank you. And... one other thing.

She stopped, making you feel a tad suspicious.

(Y/N): Uhh... what?

You asked.

???: I'm... I'm really grateful for what you did for me. And... I'm also really sorry for tricking you.

Hold on, tricking you? What does that- oh... oh no. Oh... no. The taser!

You slowly reached a hand into your pocket with the taser in it before a sudden bright light that came from where the woman stood blinded you and halted you. The light persisted for several seconds until it began to subside and die down. When it did eventually disappear, you looked back to where the woman was and gasped in shock. The woman now looked completely different than how she did before. In contrast to her original tattered look, she now resembled that of what you'd associate with a goddess complete with a silver looking dress and shoes. She wore gemmed jewelry around her neck and on her ears and a heavenly light exuded from her.

Her otherworldly appearance made you stand utterly still in both shock and awe as your brain was having a really hard time trying to comprehend and calculate what was going on. You stood silent as an audience after hearing a really unfunny joke as the only thing missing was a cricket sound effect.

(Y/N): Uhhhhhhhhh...

You droned, still feeling the sensation of your brain currently malfunctioning as this literal goddess stood before you as she seemed to sigh to herself.

???: *whisper* Great... we've got another starer here.

She moved closer to you before leaning down to make eye level with you before using a single finger to flick your nose, snapping you out of your trance in an instant.

(Y/N): Ow! What was that for?!

???: You were staring into space like a total creeper, you creeper!

(Y/N): W-What are you talking about?! I'm not a creeper! Besides, the only reason I stared was because-

???: Yes, yes, I know the reason! I'd still appreciate it if you quit with the gawking, thank you very much.

She said in a sassy voice as you sighed.

(Y/N): Fine. But... who are you? Or more importantly, what are you?

Anastasia: Well, as far as names go, you can call me Anastasia or Anna for short. I'm the goddess of wishmaking.

(Y/N): Wishmaking? So, what? Are you a genie or something?

She initially replied to that with a scoff.

Anastasia: Uhh, hello? Do I look like my legs end in smoke or that I'm voiced by Robin Williams to you? I don't think so.

(Y/N): I was thinking something more like Shantae, but she's a half-genie. You know, you're... honestly quite different from how I'd expect a goddess to be.

Anastasia: Oh, and pray tell, what did you expect a goddess to be like?

(Y/N): Well, for one, most goddesses I've seen in fiction were mostly, you know, graceful and elegant. You, on the other hand, come off as really a high school girl at her sweet sixteen.

You answered as Anna gave you an understanding nod along with putting a finger to her chin in thought.

Anastasia: You know, that's actually a fair assumption to make. You seem to be smarter than I give you credit for.

(Y/N): Uh... thanks, I guess?

Anastasia: Hey, I think you have something on your face there.

She leaned down to your level again and observed your face closely... only for her to smack it with her hand and that earned a yelp from you.

(Y/N): OW! What's wrong with you?!

Anastasia: That's for stereotyping me! A lot of fiction nowadays portray goddesses with entitled, pretentious, and holier-than-thou kinds of attitudes. It honestly makes me so sick. And the groveling... *groans* I seriously can't stand it when people grovel.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess I see your point. Sorry.

You said as she spun around and crossed her arms.

Anastasia: And don't apologize! Every time I try to talk to someone, it's always "sorry this" or "I'm not worthy" and all that. It's like, is it so hard to just talk to me like a normal person?

After thoroughly rubbing the cheek Anna slapped, you crossed your own arms yourself and threw on a more serious look.

(Y/N): Look, did you just bring me here to vent about your first world problems or is there a legitimate reason for all this.

The goddess glances at you over her shoulder and sighs before facing you.

Anastasia: My apologies. You're right. I didn't bring you here just for you to hear about my frustrations. You're here because you performed an act of charity for the goddess of wishmaking herself and I want to repay you.

(Y/N): Repay me? I just stopped you from getting wet. Anyone could do that; it's nothing to gloss over.

Anastasia: Are you kidding? You know how many douchebags there are in this world? Too many to count, that's for sure. It's hard to come across someone who shows actual true kindness these days.

(Y/N): *sigh* Welcome to my world.

You then had a small epiphany before looking at her.

(Y/N): Wait, were you... testing me to see if I'd help you?

Your question brought a small smile to her lips.

Anastasia: Huh, you really are perceptive. Yes, I wanted to see if you'd be willing to help out someone less fortunate than you. Sure, you could have just dropped some money on me and left, but you went the extra mile and gave me your coat even though you would have had to walk all the way home through torrential rain. Oh, that reminds me! Here. I won't be needing this anymore.

She hands you back your coat.

(Y/N): Uh, thanks. So... what kind of wish do you plan to give me?

Anastasia: Heh, I'm so glad you asked. You see, I watched you during your little dilemma earlier. The one regarding that game you tried to get, but it was sold out.

(Y/N): Hold on, you... were stalking me?

Anastasia: *sigh* Stalk is such an ugly word. I'd prefer the word "observe." But anyways, you seemed a little disappointed that you couldn't play the game, so I'm here to fix that.

Those words instantly brightened your spirits and a grin plastered itself onto your face.

(Y/N): You're gonna give me my own copy?!

Anastasia: Pfft! As if! I've got something even better in mind. Why only play a game when instead... I can make you truly experience it?



To say that you were confused would have been the understatement of the year as your excited grin slowly transitioned back to puzzlement.

(Y/N): You've... lost me there at the end.

You shamefully admitted to which Anna facepalmed with a groan.

Anastasia: It's not that hard to comprehend! What I'm saying is that I can bring you to the world of Genshin Impact.

(Y/N): You... you mean like a VR experience?

You asked, still feeling the wave of disbelief before Anna clonked the top of your head.

Anastasia: No, you dummy! The real world of Genshin Impact!

(Y/N): OW!! Okay, seriously dial it back! This is all coming at me all at once and I'm finding it really hard to believe right now! Cut me some slack!

Anastasia: What's there to not understand?! I'm literally telling you that I can bring you to the world of Genshin Impact.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, this isn't something that usually happens in real life, okay?

Anastasia: Well, put all those disbeliefs aside because it's happening. And before you even think of it...

She suddenly pinches your arm, making you yelp for the fourth time now.

Anastasia: It ain't a dream either, so quit with the confusion.

She takes a deep breath for a moment and settles down soon after.

Anastasia: A-ny-ways, let's just get down to business, shall we? First up, you're gonna need to drink this before stepping through.

She snaps her fingers and conjures a small bottle into her hand. The bottle itself was what you'd expect from a potion as it had a strange pink colored bubbling liquid inside.

(Y/N): Uhhh... should I even ask what that is?

Anastasia: It's a potion that'll make you... well, let's say it'll make you more "likable" in a sense.

She replied, smirking to herself a little as you raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Well, that's not cryptic at all. *sincerely* By the way, is this some kind of Konosuba thing where you're gonna offer me one object to take with me to this other world?

Anastasia: No, for a few reasons. One, I'm not some whiney, annoying little brat with blue hair and eyes. And two, you'll be taking multiple objects with you instead of one. Besides, little Miss No Undergarments wishes she could be someone like me. I mean, seriously, put some freaking panties on for pete's sake! What are you trying to be, Sharon Stone from Basic Instinct?! *thinking* Stupid skank...

(Y/N): Heh, I guess we can agree on that.

Anna nodded in agreement before handing you the potion as you looked at it.

(Y/N): So, you said that this'll make me more "likable" in a sense. What exactly does that mean?

Her earlier smirk returned to her as a result of your question.

Anastasia: Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Go on and give it a drink.

After she answered, she turned away for a moment as you opened the potion and chugged the whole thing down. It had a light cherry taste to it, so it went down easily. The wishmaking goddess threw her hand out in front of her and summoned what looked like an interdimensional portal.

Anastasia: Oh! Be sure to not drink-

She said as she turned around towards you but stopped once she saw that you had downed the whole bottle already.

Anastasia: The... whole thing.

(Y/N): W-What? What's the problem?

Anastasia: *sigh* Well, instead of being a regular kind of "likable" you'll be... "very likable" now.

(Y/N): And that's a problem how?

Anastasia: Ugh, who cares? There's no way of changing it now.

(Y/N): Uhhh... okay? You said that I'd get more than one object, right? What are the other things I'll get?

Anastasia: You'll get those once you step through the portal.

She answered, gesturing to the portal. Slowly, you stepped up and gazed at it.

Anastasia: A word of warning though.

She interjected, gaining your attention again.

Anastasia: Once you step through this portal, there's no coming back. You'll be in the world of Genshin Impact forever. Is it what you truly want?

She asked, making you go into deep thought over this crucial decision. You honestly still couldn't believe what was happening as of this moment. Here you were, about to go through a portal into an entirely different world with no means of getting back. Although, if it meant that you could finally escape the horrible world you were in, then who were you to say no? For while there were some things you enjoyed here on Earth, it mostly sucked. You didn't have that many friends to talk to and the ones you did have never really went out of their way to include you in any of their activities or plans, so you doubted that they would miss you all that much. It was a bad thought to have, but it was mostly realistic. As far as any family went, you lived alone. Your parents were mostly ones who traveled a lot while very occasionally sending you postcards from wherever they went and they never really came to visit you, so you reasoned that they wouldn't notice you missing either.

With all of that in mind, you looked up at Anna and gave her a firm nod.

(Y/N): I'll go. Before I do though Anna, can you... possibly make a clone of me to take my place so that others won't get suspicious?

Anastasia: That's what I usually do with people who want to go to different worlds, so I don't see any reason to change it up now.

(Y/N): Alright, just making sure.

Facing back towards the portal, you sighed deeply and readied yourself for the plunge.

Anastasia: I hope you have a wonderful life in this other world, Y/N, and I also wish you the best of luck. You're gonna need it.

(Y/N): Thanks, Anna. *thinking* Maybe she's not so bad after all.

Anastasia: No seriously... you're really gonna need it.

(Y/N): H-Huh? *thinking* I take it back.

Anastasia: Nothing! Take care!

She replied quickly before she used both hands to shove you into the portal as it closed and disappeared as if it had never been there at all. You were sucked through a tunnel of various lights as it all flashed by you seemingly at the speed of light.


You shrieked as you continued to fly through this seemingly never ending tunnel of light before a bright light took hold of your vision.


(The World of Teyvat)

On the grassy outskirts of a nearby town, a camp of odd looking creatures could be seen. They seemed to have faces that resembled closely to that of masks as their heads were covered in thick fur while two horns protruded from them.

Some carried wooden clubs while others carried crossbows as they all made grunting, gibberish sounds that obviously didn't sound English at all. Several feet away though, someone was watching from behind a tree, their amber colored eyes glinted with focus. They were soon revealed to be a girl who was around your age that had long, brown colored hair that reached all the way to her butt. Her eyes, as mentioned before, were amber colored and she wore a red, white, and black outfit with intricate designs. On her head rested a hair ribbon that looked like a pair of bunny ears and she also wore a pair of goggles on her head. She also wore brown shorts along with a pair of red and white colored gloves and stockings that ended in white slip on shoes.

She stared intently at the monstrous creatures for a few seconds before she reached behind her and pulled out a bow and drew back on its string with an arrow placed upon it. She aimed at the creatures before the strangest thing happened. As she aimed, the arrow seemed to catch fire until it fully blazed with glory. Once it did so did the girl smile to herself and focus back on the monsters before her.

???: *thinking* Say goodnight, Hilichurls. Another score for-

Before she could finish that thought and before she could take her shot, a bright light shone above her and the now named Hilichurls, gaining all of their attention for the moment. The pulsating light flew across the sky like a meteor right over the girl and behind her as it flew down behind the woods she hid in and a loud boom happened afterwards which shook the ground beneath her.

???: *thinking* W-Woah! What the?!

She thought again as the Hilichurls looked to where the light landed as one of them noticed the girl and pointed to her and grunted in a loud voice, signaling the others to her location. Realizing that her cover's been blown, the girl sighed and readied her bow.

???: Looks like we're doing this the hard way.

She charged towards the Hilichurls as they mirrored her action as well with weapons drawn and arrows firing. The girl dodges the arrows and leaps above one of the Hilichurls, sniping it with a single arrow to the head and killing it. The others surrounded her after she landed as she looked around the circle of monsters that formed.

???: Heh, you think you've got me surrounded? I'm more capable than you'd all think!

She then puts away the bow before bringing out what appeared to be a stuffed, bunny plushie version of herself.

???: Go, go, Baron Bunny!

She said before throwing the plushie towards some of the Hilichurls as it landed and began to do an odd sort of dance.

The Hilichurls could only stare in confusion at this small, dancing bunny as one of them slowly poked at it with a club. That was quite literally the biggest mistake of its life because as soon as the tip of the club made contact with Baron Bunny's head, the plushie exploded like a bomb, killing a good majority of the Hilichurls which only left a few now. As they came rushing towards her, the girl smirked once again before taking her bow and aiming it at the sky as the arrow caught alight yet again. This time, she fired it into the sky which only confused the rest of the Hilichurls.

???: Try this on for size!

The girl said, still smirking as she pointed up with a thumb. The Hilichurls looked up only to be met with a sudden barrage of arrows coming down and pelting them, killing the rest of them finally as the girl stood alone at last. She breathed a sigh of relief and put away her bow.

Amber: Phew! That takes care of another Hilichurl camp. Score one for Outrider Amber!

She said her name proudly as she gazed up at the sky in curiosity.

Amber: Hm... I wonder what that light was. It didn't seem like anything normal. Better go check it out.

She looked to see the smoke trail still in the sky and began to follow it to where the light had gone. After a few seconds, she reached where the light had landed only to find a huge crater that formed when the light impacted. Some smoke rose from the newly formed pit as Amber neared it carefully.

Amber: Huh, this definitely isn't something you'd see every day. I'd better tell Grand Master Jean about this.

She was about to turn and head back to the town we saw before until she stopped when she heard something that sounded like a groan coming from the pit. She turned and looked with her eyes widened.

Amber: Oh no! Someone must have been hit by whatever that light was!

Without hesitation, Amber ran towards the pit as the smoke began to die down to reveal what had crash landed. When Amber got close, she stopped once she saw what had made the groaning noise along with what made the crater in the first place. There, lying perfectly in the center was you. You were lying on your side away from Amber and you didn't appear to be moving. Amber gasped as her assumption seemed to be correct and she quickly jumped into the pit to examine you. She knelt down and gently rolled you onto your back as you looked unconscious. When she got a good look at your features, a small blush burned onto her cheeks.

Amber: *thinking* W-Well... he's cute, I'll give him that, but is he...

She brought an ear to your chest and heard a faint heartbeat as she breathed a relieved sigh.

Amber: *thinking* Okay, he's still alive. Good... for how long though?

She thought while putting a hand to her chin while also looking at you.

Amber: *thinking* I think I should probably get him back to Mondstadt. Maybe Jean will know what to do.

She thought, making up her mind as she began to hoist you up as best as she could, trying not to accidentally hurt you in the process. Once she held you in a good enough grip with your arms over her shoulders, Amber began to make her way back to Mondstadt with you in tow.


(Knights of Favonius Headquarters)

???: Are you sure that all happened, Amber?

A woman asked the peppy girl who stood on the other side of a desk that sat in an office. The woman who asked had grey-blue eyes and medium-length gold-blonde hair tied back into a ponytail with a black bow. On her ears, she wore a pair of gold cross earrings. She also wore a white, blue, black, and red strapless shirt with a long blue tailcoat attached to it, a pair of separate white sleeves, and a short blue and gold cloak attached to a white separate collar. She had white tights that were embroidered with a gold diamond-dot pattern, and pair of white high-heeled knee-high boots. She also wore a pair of blue gauntlets.

She sat at the desk with her hands folded in front of her and with a serious expression.

Amber: Absolutely, Grand Master Jean! He would have likely been Hilichurl bait if I hadn't brought him here.

The Outrider answered her superior who hummed to herself in thought.

Jean: This is very strange. Could this be some sort of blessing from the God of Anemo himself or a possible set up for a trap of some kind?

???: Oh, I'd say that he's definitely a blessing, for sure.

Another female voice came from nearby as both Amber and Jean turned to look. You were seen, still lying unconscious on a nearby couch as a mature looking woman sat by your side who smiled and gently brushed your hair with a single gloved hand. The woman was older than both Jean and Amber as she looked to be in her late or mid twenties. She had shoulder length, wavy, light honey-brown colored hair which is tied in a loose side ponytail and had green eyes. She wore a purple witch's hat with a lightning rose attached at the end of it along with a purple rose on the front. She also wore a caplet from her neck and a small purple pendant that was attached to the cape using two golden strings and hangs on her chest. She also wore a white dress under a purple corset that closely hugged her curvy body. The corset had slits on both sides exposing her thighs and on top of it, she wore a black belt with a golden rose on it. She also wore black thigh high stockings with black high heel shoes and a set of anklets on both legs with a purple crystal hanging from it. She wore black gloves with the same kind of crystals on both of them.

She continued to smile down at you and brushed your hair as her fingers occasionally caught a few loose strands, but she was careful not to accidentally tug too hard on any of them. Amber scrunched her face into a pout while crossing her arms.

Amber: *thinking* H-Hey, I saw him first!

???: I must admit, I usually call everyone I meet a cutie, but this one... *giggles* this one is especially cute.

Jean sighed as she watched this woman play with your hair.

Jean: Lisa, now's not the time for your usual dose of teasing.

The now named Lisa huffed silently and stood from the couch and approached them.

Lisa: Oh, come now, Jean. I'm just making sure he's comfortable. And hey, he could stay with me if he doesn't have anywhere else to go. I promise I'll take good care of him... and I mean, very good care.

She suggested in a sultry voice and with half lidded eyes followed by a giggle. Amber immediately stepped in, still showing her pouty face.

Amber: N-Now hang on a second! I'm the one who found him in the first place! Don't I get a say in this?!

Lisa: Hmm... how do I put this delicately? How about... no.

Lisa responded, making Amber's blush return.

Amber: W-What?! Why you-

Jean: Enough! Both of you!

She shouted, standing up before slamming her hands onto the desk and startling both Amber and Lisa from their argument.

Jean: May I remind you that we don't even know where he came from or even who or what he is?! We are dealing with something otherworldly and you both are arguing over him like a pack of dogs fighting over meat.

Amber and Lisa glance at each other before realizing what they were doing and sighed disappointedly from their behavior.

Amber: Y-You're right. Sorry.

Lisa: Yeah, sorry.

Jean sighs again before standing and moving closer to you and peering down at you curiously.

Jean: There's also the matter at hand as to whether or not he can be trusted. For all we know, he could be an Abyss Order spy.

Amber: I don't know. The Abyss Order mostly consists of monsters such as Hilichurls, Abyss Mages, and Abyss Heralds. It's very rare for humans to be part of the Order.

Lisa: Well, the Order is full of mysteries we've still yet to discover. Still, we won't know for sure if he's part of them until he wakes up.

Almost as if you heard that very line, you began to stir from your unconsciousness with a small groan, causing all three women to straighten up.

Amber: H-He's waking up!

She pointed out as Jean was quick to shush her. Slowly, you sat up on the couch and opened your eyes, gradually taking in your surroundings. Bringing a hand to your head, you rubbed it for a few seconds.

(Y/N): Jeez, I feel like I just got home after getting flat-out wasted.

You said with your eyes closed for a second before they shot open once your moment of realization had come. You looked all around to see the office you were in before you stopped on the three women before you. Blinking twice, you found yourself staring at them as they reciprocated the action.

(Y/N): O-Oh, uhhhh... hi?

You greeted, shocking them out of their stupor finally.

Jean: Who or... what are you?

She asked you.

(Y/N): W-Well, as far as names go, you can call me Y/N. Y/N L/N and...I assume I'm the same as you are.

Jean narrows her eyes and brings a cautious hand to her sword that had hung from her hip.

Jean: What master do you serve?

(Y/N): Am... I supposed to say Jesus? *thinking* Because Jesus Christ, this is so goddamn trippy.

Your answer confuses her, Amber, and Lisa who all stare quizzically at you.

Lisa: *whisper* Is... that some sort of God I don't know about?

Amber: *whisper* Your guess is as good as mine.

Jean studied you for the next moment or so before she removed her hand that was situated on her sword.

Jean: You're not native to Teyvat, are you?

(Y/N): Nnnnot particularly.

Amber: Theeeeen where do you come from?

She asked this time. You found it a little hard as to how to answer her question. On the one hand, if you told them the truth, they would have probably thought that you were lying. On the other hand though, if you actually lied about where you came from, they'd still likely call you out on it. Seeing that both ways were likely not gonna go well, you settled on giving them an answer that hopefully met a middle ground.

(Y/N): *sigh* I-It's... it's honestly a little hard to explain that. I'm not sure how I'd say it without it coming off as being really unbelievable. I guess all I can really say is... I come from another world, in a manner of speaking. Though, most would refer to it as isekai.

Jean initially looked like she found that answer hard to believe until Amber stepped in and reminded her.

Amber: That would explain him falling out of the sky, Jean.

(Y/N): Wait, I... fell out of the sky?

You asked, making her nod.

Amber: Uh-huh! You appeared as a bright light, almost like a comet, and crash landed near here. I'm the one who brought you here.

(Y/N): Wow! Man, I always wanted to go skydiving!

You gleam as they all stared casually blinked at you, making you sheepishly grin.

(Y/N): N-Nevermind that. Thanks for the save.

Amber replied to that with a close eyed smile and a tiny blush.

Amber: *giggles* You're welcome!

(Y/N): Hang on, where... is here exactly?

Jean: You are currently in the town of Mondstadt.

(Y/N): Mondstadt?

Amber: Mm-Hmm! The City of Freedom itself! I'm sure you'll really like it around here. It'll definitely be nice having a Geo user around here.

One of your eyebrows raised at that.

(Y/N): Geo? What's that?

Amber: Oh, do you not know? It's another word for Earth. It's one of the seven elements of this world. I thought you were a Geo user because of that sword you have.

(Y/N): Wait... sword? *thinking* Okay, seriously, I needed to play this game before this.

You peered over your shoulder to see that her observations were true as there was a sword situated on your back. You reached for it and pulled it out of its sheath slowly and gazed at it. Upon first glance, you would have made the logical conclusion that it was a Sword of Eden from one of the Assassins Creed games due to how it looked.

Turning it over a few times, you smiled in amazement at your new weapon.

(Y/N): Woah, this is too cool! It's like an iron sword but less pixelated!

You commented before you noticed that that was not the only thing you were given. As you gazed at your sword, it was only then that you noticed that you were wearing a pair of brown fingerless gloves. Gazing down at them, you followed it to your wrist until it traveled further down your body. Soon, you realized that you were now wearing a whole new set of clothing. It seemed like an outfit a rogue or thief would wear as it was mostly leather with belts slithered around the torso as leather boots added to the style and it even came with a black hooded cape.

(A/N: All of this, minus the mask.)

Your smile only grew wider as you spun around to check out your new duds.

(Y/N): Ah sweet! I even got a new outfit to go with it! This is like Comic-Con, but better!

Meanwhile, Jean, Lisa, and Amber stared at you with puzzled looks on their faces as a result of your behavior.

Lisa: *whisper* I guess he really isn't from this world. He also doesn't seem brutish enough to be part of the Abyss Order, so that rules it out.

Jean pondered on that before she came to the conclusion that her friend had a point. Easing herself, she approached you and cleared her throat, gaining back your attention.

Jean: Y/N, was it?

She asked as you nodded.

Jean: After some thought, I've decided that you don't appear to be a threat, so I will choose to believe you for now. However, I will be keeping a close eye on you for a while. Is that understood?

You nodded understandingly.

(Y/N): Oh, sure. I understand. *thinking* So long as you don't threaten to kill me.

She nods as well before bringing a hand out to you.

Jean: Then some greetings are in order. I am acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius Jean Gunnhildr, though I suppose for the time being, you can call me Jean.

She greeted you as you shook her outstretched hand.

(Y/N): It's nice to meet you, Jean.

You stopped and looked at Amber as she eagerly walked up and stood in front of you with a wide smile.

Amber: Hi there, Y/N! I'm Outrider Amber Teigrov!

She greeted you as well, happily shaking your hand with a lot of enthusiasm.

(Y/N): Huh, Amber. A lot like the color of your eyes.

Amber: *giggles* Yep!

You finished with the handshake before you took notice of the fact that there only seemed to be Amber and Jean in the room at the moment, which was odd considering that you could have sworn that there was a third person in the room. You were about to question it before you suddenly felt two large and soft objects press themselves against the back of your head as a pair of long arms circled around your neck and cradled you gently.

Lisa: *flirty voice* And you can call me Lisa Minci.

You heard her voice come from above your head as one of her fingers drew circles on your chest. Hold on, if her head was up there, then that means your head was against her...

Once the realization struck, your entire face burned completely red as Lisa continued to hold you with her arms wrapped around you and her... *clears throat* "assets" acted as pillows for the back of your head. As your brain began to completely malfunction and your body remained rock solid, Lisa suddenly let go of you with a giggle and allowed you to breathe finally as she stood back in front of you.

Lisa: If you ever find yourself in need of a good book, do stop by the Library some time. I'll eagerly accept your company, cutie~.

She booped your nose with her index finger, making your blush intensify as your breath caught in your throat. Unbeknownst to you, Amber's pout returned and steam spewed from her ears like a train whistle.

Amber: *thinking* She'd better lay off already!

Jean: *sigh* You'll have to excuse Lisa. She usually does this to everyone at some point, so it's probably best to get used to it.

She said to you as you were still trying to rid yourself of the blush you accumulated.

(Y/N): *clears throat* N-Noted. *thinking* I'm not sure if I should be aroused or concerned.

Jean: Anyways, I'm afraid that until we know for certain that you can be fully trusted, I'm assigning Amber as your personal guide, trainer, and partner.

Immediately so, Amber regained her enthusiasm and she threw a fist into the air with a small hop.

Amber: Yes! I've got a new partner!

She then glanced over at Lisa before pulling down one of her eyelids, closing the other eye, and sticking her tongue out at the sultry witch whose response was to roll her eyes and shake her head. Amber skips over and stands next to you before giving Jean a salute.

Amber: I won't let you down, Grand Master Jean!

Jean: I know you won't. Y/N, I may not know a lot about you, but I hope that we are able to make an ally out of you. If you continue to show good behavior, I might make you one of my knights.

(Y/N): *thinking* Who is she? Santa Claus? *speaking* Uh...sure, okay.

You agreed, making Jean nod.

Jean: Good. Amber, would you mind showing Y/N around Mondstadt and maybe introduce him to some of the locals?

Amber: Leave it to me! Come on, Y/N!

She said, excitedly grabbing you by the hand and quickly taking you out the door to the office.

(Y/N): H-Hey! At the pace you're going, I'm gonna lose this arm!

You tried to say only to have Amber heed none of it as she still pulled you along with her. She takes you outside and allows you to finally see the town of Mondstadt itself. It looked like your typical fantasy town with old style buildings, windmills, shops and homes, and a chapel that sat at the very top of the city that was also at the base of a large statue.

Still, that didn't make it any less breathtaking for you as you shot an amazed gaze all around your immediate area which was the plaza.

(Y/N): *thinking* Yeah, I'm definitely getting Konosuba vibes from this place. At least there's no whiny and pompous goddess of water, so there's that. *speaking* Man, this is quite the town you guys have got.

Amber: You think that's cool? Wait till you meet the people! They're so nice here!

She replied, still pulling you along with her. She lead you to an area that looked like a training arena filled with straw test dummies meant for practicing fighting. When you got closer, you noticed someone already there as they were busy hacking away at one of the test dummies. They were a man with dark-tannish skin, a light blue eye as the other was covered by an eyepatch, and short, dark blue hair. He wore a light indigo and black colored fur vest. He also wore black pants, black boots, and a set of fingerless gloves.

Amber: Oh, hey, Kaeya!

She called to him which made him stop what he was doing briefly to look at her as he smiled calmly back

Kaeya: Ah, good afternoon, Amber.

He greeted her before taking notice of you.

Kaeya: A newcomer, hm? I must say, I didn't see this coming today.

Amber finally let go of your hand in order to stand by Kaeya's side as she faced you.

Amber: Y/N, this is Kaeya! The cool as ice Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius!

Kaeya: *chuckles* You flatter me, Amber.

He chuckled, parting some of his bangs to the side.

Amber: And Kaeya, this is Y/N L/N! He came here as a shooting star from a different world.

Kaeya's uncovered eye widened slightly in surprise.

Kaeya: A visitor from the stars, I see. First, Stormterror begins wreaking havoc, and now a stranger crash lands from the sky. It would seem that things keep growing more and more chaotic and intriguing by the moment.

(Y/N): *thinking* Stormterror? Who could that be? I guess I'll have to ask when I get the chance.

Kaeya stepped forward and reached out a hand to you.

Kaeya: Still, I welcome anything that isn't a murderous Hilichurl. Welcome to Mondstadt, Y/N.

You shook his hand while giving him a muddled expression.

(Y/N): Uh, thanks, I guess?

Kaeya: Just where is it you come from if I may ask?

(Y/N): It's kinda hard to explain. Let's just say that it's a world somewhat similar to this one, but a little more... bleak and hopeless.

Kaeya brings a hand to his chin and hums.

Kaeya: I see. Well, I'm not one to pry into other peoples' businesses, so I won't ask any further.

Amber: Grand Master Jean made Y/N here my partner, so you'll likely see us both out and about together.

Kaeya: Is that so?

He queried, still keeping his hand to his chin.

Amber: Uh-Huh! I can already tell that this'll be fun, don't you think so too, Y/N?

She asked you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and grinning at you. This sudden act brought about your blush from earlier again and you rubbed your arm.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, sure. I... look forward to it.

You laughed sheepishly as Kaeya observed your behavior as a grin creeped onto his lips.

Kaeya: *thinking* Hmm, they'd make a cute couple.

(Y/N): Uhh, something on your mind there?

You asked, noticing his current facial expression before he soon shook his head.

Kaeya: Oh nothing. Just a thought that came to mind. I should get going. I have important business to attend to. I'll be seeing you both at another time.

He waved to you before walking away as you watched him leave.

(Y/N): He seems like the confident type.

Amber: That's why he's Cavalry Captain. He's cool in the face of danger! He's also the most trusted aide for Grand Master Jean.

(Y/N): I guess I can see why. He seems like he knows how to handle a situation no matter what it may be.

Amber: Exactly! Okay, I think the first order of business is to introduce you to the rest of the townsfolk and then maybe afterwards I can take you hunting?

(Y/N):. Hunting? What will we be hunting?

Amber: Some Hilichurls that have set up camp near some trade routes to the city. I was actually in the process of getting rid of them before you came along.

(Y/N): Oh, heh, I guess I interrupted that when I got here. Sorry.

You apologized, rubbing one of your shoulders, but Amber shook her head understandingly with a giggle.

Amber: It's okay. I don't blame you at all. We can go take care of it together once I'm done showing you around Mondstadt.

Right when she brought that up, you paused when you suddenly realized something; you didn't know how to fight with a sword. Fidgeting with your fingers for a second, you sheepishly grinned at her.

(Y/N): Uhhh... yeah, about that. I... don't really know how to use this sword.

You said, expecting her to possibly judge you for not knowing how to use a sword. However, you were pleasantly surprised by her smiling and bringing her hands to her hips.

Amber: That's fine too! I am your trainer after all. I can teach you the basics of normal combat. The only downside to it is that I mostly use a bow, but I could still show you how to use one in case the need were to ever arise. If Kaeya's willing to, maybe he can help train you too.

(Y/N): Whatever allows me to last more than two minutes out there in the wilderness, I'll take it.

Amber: That's the spirit!

She then for some reason gives you a toothy smile and her eyes sparkled in the gleam of the sun. You furrowed your confused brow for a few seconds before you put two and two together on what she wanted, making you sigh and reach a hand out.

(Y/N): *thinking* Yep... I'm definitely losing this arm. *speaking* Okay, go ahead.

The Outrider giggles once again before taking hold of your hand and yanking you with her through town. After meeting the people of Mondstadt, Amber took you to the outskirts of the city as it was mostly rolling green fields and small rocky plains. Crouching behind some trees, you and Amber turned your heads around the trunks of the trees and saw a closeby Hilichurl camp as the beasts themselves were having a feast consisting of meat.

(Y/N): *whisper* So, these are Hilichurls, huh? *thinking* Just how do they fit those martian heads into those tiny masks of theirs?

Amber: *whisper* You got it. Now, the thing to know about the Hilichurl is that one is easy to take care of, but what they lack in strength, they make up for in numbers. That's why we need to try and approach this stealthily.

(Y/N): *whisper* Hmm, you're more of an expert than me, so I'll trust you on that. What's the plan here?

Amber: *whisper* Just follow my lead.

She takes out her bow and aims steadily at the group of Hilichurls. She then noticed a red colored slime barrel next to a good portion of the group and she got an idea. Once one of them walked a good distance away, Amber powered up her fire arrow and aimed at the red slime barrel before letting loose her shot. The arrow flew swift and true to its target and the barrel exploded in a wide radius, incinerating the nearby Hilichurls and leaving the one that walked away as it looked back in shock.

(Y/N): *whisper* Dang, that was a good shot, Amber!

You commented, getting Amber to make a giggle as a result.

Amber: *whisper* Thanks!

(Y/N): *whisper* So, what now?

Amber: Now... your training begins.

Confusion spread to your face the moment she said that. Before you could question it however, Amber stood and brought two fingers to her mouth and made a loud whistle that quickly got the attention of the last Hilichurl as it saw the both of you. Then out of nowhere, Amber began to climb the tree she hid behind and sat on one of the branches up high.

(Y/N): W-What are you doing?!

Amber: It's like I said, this is where your training starts! The last one's all yours!

(Y/N): B-But I don't know how to fight!

Amber: Just swing your sword! It'll be fine!

She shouted back as your panic only managed to increase as you faced back with the Hilichurl who was now rushing towards you with a club in hand. Sweating profusely, you got into a somewhat convincing fighting pose. When the beast reaches the ten feet mark with you is when it jumps into the air, holding its club above its head, ready to strike you down. Naturally, you reacted by reaching behind you and pulling out your sword, blocking the creature's leap attack just in the nick of time and staggering it. Taking this opportunity, you rushed forward and clumsily slashed across its stomach, only nicking it. It brings a hand to the wound for a second before shrugging it off and going for another hit.

You dodged just as a hit came your way and this time you slashed its arm, knocking its weapon out of its grasp. As this all transpired, Amber, who still sat on her tree branch perch, sent encouraging words your way while saying that you could do it. Hearing her call to you like that made you feel a little more confident in yourself and you got back into a proper fighting stance.

The Hilichurl tried one last attack on you as it charged for yet another leap, only this time, you saw it coming and you did a leap yourself. In slow motion, you hurled towards your foe until you brought your sword in front of you and plunged it into its chest and brought it to the floor with a thud.

With your sword still firmly planted, you gazed down at the Hilichurl as the life slowly faded from before it was soon dead. You pulled out your sword as Amber began to clap for your victory and you looked back up at her to see her smiling too.

Amber: That was great, Y/N! You really held your own there!

She cheered while you began to blush from the adoration and praise as you rubbed the back of your head.

(Y/N): Heh, I... I guess I did, huh?

Amber: You sure did!

She climbed back down the tree and rushed up to you, giving you a high five afterwards.

(Y/N): So, that takes care of the camp, I guess.

Amber: Yep! Now, we've just gotta-

She suddenly stopped when one of the ribbons on her head twitched and she looked all around her while her face grew more serious.

(Y/N): Is something wrong?

You questioned, not sure as to what was going on.

Amber: Hmm, that's weird, I thought I heard something for a-

Once again, she was stopped when a loud booming noise came from the woods nearby before something large came smashing through. You looked in time to see a large creature heading towards you. This behemoth was about twice the size of the Hilichurls you just faced as it also wore a mask much like them. Its body was covered in black fur and two large horns protruded from its head. In its hands was a large axe that glowed a bright red at the blade.

This thing attempted to swing its massive axe at you and Amber as you gasped.


You screamed before you reacted by grabbing Amber's shoulders and pushing her out of the way as the monster's axe came down right where she stood. The concussion from the impact knocked you back and into a tree's base. The impact knocked the wind out of you as Amber recovered from your throw and she looked in your direction with a gasp.

Amber: Y/N!

She yelled, but you were now knocked out and couldn't speak to her. The newly arrived monster dug its axe from the dirt and faced Amber with a roar. She pulled out her bow and immediately began shooting arrows at the beast as it shrugged them off without effort.

The creature went for a horizontal slash before Amber dove underneath its swing and delivered more arrows to the side of its abdomen. Sadly, that only seemed to annoy it as it pulled the arrows out and tried going for another vertical swing. Amber leapt out of the way again as she charged up another fire arrow. This time, she aimed at its feet and let the arrow lose as it ignited the grass all around her adversary as it now focused on the fire.

Amber took this distraction and refocused back into you as she ran and slid down next to you.

Amber: Y/N! Y/N, wake up!

She yelled, shaking you by the shoulder. You didn't respond for a few seconds until you groaned and slowly opened your eyes. Rubbing your head, you sat up as Amber's smile returned from seeing that you were okay.

(Y/N): Damn, is that thing jacked or what? Hold on, what even is that thing?!

You asked, turning your gaze to the beast as it was still distracted by the fire all around it.

Amber: T-That's... that's a Mitachurl! They're a lot bigger and more aggressive than a Hilichurl!

(Y/N): *groans* No kidding.

Using the tree behind you as support, you climbed back up to your feet as Amber did the same.

(Y/N): I don't suppose you've got a strategy for this thing, do you?

Amber: Not right this second, no. I didn't see this thing nearby, so I didn't plan for it. One of the Hilichurls must have called for reinforcements!

You gazed at the Mitachurl again as the distraction fire was noticeably dying down the more time had passed, meaning you didn't have long to think. Looking around, a strategy began to percolate in your head as you observed your surroundings. When the plan was fully concocted, you turned back to Amber.

(Y/N): Okay, I think I've got something.

Amber: Really?! What is it?

She asked, surprised as you smiled.

(Y/N): You see that boulder up there?

You pointed upwards to a tall cliff and at its edge sat a large boulder.

(Y/N): When I give the word, shoot at the dirt underneath it.

Amber: H-Huh?

She hummed, understandably confused by what plan you had in mind.

(Y/N): Trust me, you'll see.

Still not really sure what was happening, Amber decided to trust your judgement and went along with it. The Mitachurl's fire barrier finally died out as it was about to charge at you and Amber again only for the both of you to run to either side of it. It changed up its strategy by pulling back its axe to ready an attack. Soon enough, it started to spin around in circles rapidly in a spin attack as it approached you with malicious intent.

You smirked as this was all going according to plan. You lead the spinning monstrosity to a tree as its axe starts to chip away at its trunk. Eventually, the axe fully cut through and the tree fell down horizontally to where you were which was perfect for you. You then lead the spinning Mitachurl to another tree as it chopped away at it as well and before long, it too crashed down. This time though, it landed vertically right on top of the first tree, creating a teeter totter formation. With the plan going smoothly, you climbed on top of the elevated side of the vertically placed trunk as the Mitachurl stopped spinning.

(Y/N): *sing-song voice* Yoo-Hoo! Mister Hornhead!

Your taunt regained the attention of the behemoth as it growled at you.

(Y/N): You think you're so tough just because you've got a big axe?! I've seen blind guys with canes swing better than you!

That one managed to earn an angry roar from the monster as it stalked slowly towards you. When it reached the fallen trees, it clambered onto the trunk you stood on and inched towards you. Amber, who had been watching from nearby, grew very fearful at the thought of you getting hurt or worse, but she stood her ground as the Mitachurl drew closer to you. Once it got very close is when you hopped back off the trunk, allowing your foe to stand fully on the end as its weight made the trunk teeter to the other side. Finding yourself smirking again, you called to Amber again.


Heading your warning, Amber looked up at the precariously placed boulder before aiming a fire charged arrow at it. Once she was satisfied with her aim, she let loose her arrow and it hit the dirt beneath the boulder. The sudden impact made the dirt give way which caused the boulder to slowly tip off the cliff until it began to fall.

You watched with bated breath as the Mitachurl readied yet another vertical slash while still standing on the trunk. You whistled to it which stopped it for a second as you did the "turn around" hand motion. The beast oddly listened to you and slowly turned around to see the boulder falling down as it was aimed for the other side of the trunk it stood on.

Turning its head to the camera, the Mitachurl blinked twice comically just before the boulder slammed down onto the trunk as the teeter totter physics took control and launched the Mitachurl straight into the air. Continuing on for several hundreds of feet, the monstrosity yelled and soared through the sky until its form disappeared, leaving a twinkle in its absence. At last, the mighty Mitachurl was gone.

You stared at where it went for a few seconds until you drew a sigh of relief from your lungs.

(Y/N): Yeah, that thing's definitely not coming back from that.

You commented with a chuckle. You then looked over at Amber to see her staring at the sky with the biggest look of shock she had ever pulled off.

(Y/N): Uhh... Amber? Are you still in shock from-

Amber: *whisper* That... was...

Suddenly, she spun to you with a huge, happy gleam in her eye and a large toothy smile while her hands were brought to the sides of her chin.

Amber: SO AMAZING!!! That's the most fun I've had in a very long time!!

(Y/N): It is, huh? Well, I just- wait, it is?

You asked as Amber happily nodded.

Amber: Yeah! The way we were dodging that thing and how you were like "I've got a plan" and then when you lead that thing onto the tree and then-

She imitated the scene of the Mitachurl being launched as you couldn't help but smile from just how excited she was. Right as she got through it though, she stopped once she remembered something and she gave you a surprised look.

Amber: You... you saved me back there.

(Y/N): Well, yeah. I wasn't just gonna let that thing chop you in half, was I? *thinking* Plus, it would have been really gruesome to watch, so I think I did both of us a favor.

Your words touched Amber as she now showed a genuine smile. She then decided to do something rather bold. She threw her arms around your neck and hugged you closely, surprising you and making you blush again.

Amber: Thank you, Y/N.

She said, sincerely. You stood still for what felt like minutes before you decided to reciprocate her action as you smiled and hugged her back.

(Y/N): No problem at all, Amber.

The hug held out for about twenty seconds or so before you broke it off. Amber then gasped all of a sudden.

Amber: You're hurt!

She pointed to your arm and you looked to see a slash across your upper bicep as a tiny trickle of blood oozed out.

(Y/N): Eh, don't worry about it. It's nothing.

You replied, nonchalantly.

Amber: Don't say that! Hold still for a moment.

The girl reached into one of her back pockets and pulled out some bandages along with what looked like some form of disinfectant. Immediately, she tended to your wound as you impatiently waited for her to finish.

(Y/N): *thinking* I mean, I appreciate her concern, but it's really not a big deal.

After a few seconds, Amber had finished as she tied the bandage around your arm while now looking a little sad.

Amber: *sigh* I'm... I'm really sorry.

(Y/N): Amber, really, it's fine.

You tried to say, but she shook her head.

Amber: No, it's not. You could have been really badly hurt or worse and it would have been all my fault. I should have seen that Mitachurl coming, but I didn't. I got careless and I put you in harms way.

She took a seat on the grass below and wrapped her arms around her legs. Following her example, you sat down next to her.

(Y/N): Amber, all that matters is that we're both still here. I'm alive and you're alive. Sure, things could have gone a little more smoothly, but hey, no situation is perfect, am I right?

You initially didn't seem to be getting through to her as she still stared down at her legs sadly. It was now your turn to do something bold as you placed a hand on one of her wrists which finally got her to look at you, albeit without turning her head.

(Y/N): Look, no one is perfect, Amber. We all make mistakes. It's like I said, we made it out okay and that's the important thing.

You then tried to lighten the mood as you put on a smile.

(Y/N): And you know, if you think about it, this'll be a cool story to tell when we get back to Mondstadt. "Y/N & Amber: The Teeters of Totters!" Heh, I can already see it now.

Amber didn't say anything at first until her lips began to give way to a smile.

Amber: Heh, that... was pretty cool, wasn't it?

(Y/N): Yep. The way you shot that arrow and made the boulder come crashing down and did you see the look on that Mitachurl's face right before it was launched? Absolutely priceless!

You and Amber began to laugh from the memory as Amber had to hold her sides at one point. The laughter soon died down until Amber was left smiling again.

Amber: Thanks, Y/N, really. I needed that.

(Y/N): Heh, my pleasure.

You replied as you stared and grinned at each other. What both of you failed to notice was that your hands were slowly inching towards each other and your fingers came really close to touching hers. Sadly though, before they could mingle, you finally realized what was happening and you both pulled your hands away as your faces both simultaneously burned a bright red.

(Y/N): I-It's uhh... it's been one heck of a day, hasn't it?

Amber: Y-Yeah... i-it has... been crazy so far.

She answered as you forcefully made your blush disappear.

(Y/N) & Amber: *thinking* Dang it! I think I might have just made things awkward with her/him!

Amber: S-So, you uh... you wanna help me take out the rest of the Hilichurl camps?

She asked, hopefully trying to diverge the moment from the awkwardness that took place.

(Y/N): If it means I get to do more of what we just did then count me in.

You replied, smiling enthusiastically. Amber mirrored your expression before standing up and helping you to your feet as well. She began to lead you somewhere else as you had a thought to yourself.

(Y/N): *thinking* As sassy as you were, Anastasia, I'll admit, I've gotta thank you for this. Well, I guess this is my new life now... heh, not that I'm complaining, of course.

You smiled right after that thought as you carried on walking with Amber. We then slowly pan up to the top of the cliff that the boulder was situated on as we now see someone standing where it used to be. They were revealed to be a young woman with long black hair that had been tied into two ponytails. She had a set of pale green eyes, had a curvy build, and her outfit had an astrology theme to it. She wore a pointed indigo colored witch hat and long purple and periwinkle sleeves that came with black gloves. She wore a similarly colored suit that showed a portion of her chest that attached itself to a pair of long star-themed stockings that went all the way down to her feet that were held in pointed slip on shoes.

She stared at you for the next ten seconds before humming to herself.

???: Y/N L/N...

She spoke in a low accent. She then waved one of her hands in a gesture before she summoned a peculiar rune with water based magic and gazed at it.

???: The stars seem to point me towards you as a person of great importance... but why?

She said to herself before taking one last look at you as her eyes narrowed in suspicion while a tiny blush appeared on her cheeks.

???: Until I know for certain, you'll be in my astrological sights for as long as I deem it necessary.

Dusting herself off, she turned away before leaping into a portal conjured through her water magic and quickly disappeared.

End of Part 1...

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