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 Once again, we flew through the water, but I no longer marveled at the speed. Everything hurt to the point that the world blurred in and out of focus. I wanted the darkness- the escape, but each time light turned to a pinprick and unconsciousness beckoned, a spasm ripped through my bones and brought me back.

"Isla, hold on. It's almost over."

Almost over

I repeated the phrase over and over again, anchoring myself with each passing wave of pain. And in the moments of reprieve, I saw their faces.

 Kieran. Intense hazel eyes, lips quick to scowl, and that single curl that fell across his forehead. 

Tara. A constant source of sunshine on the Island. 

Niko. Sultry and sure, and loyal to those she loves. 

All three willing to risk their freedom to ensure my survival.

And I was betraying them all.

"Put her on the sand," Lorelei demanded.

Cool air washed over my heated skin as I was dragged out of the water. Eyes snapping open, I stared up through the hole in the sea cave. The moon, heavy and round, hovered at its edge, its light a milky beam striking the water. I lowered my eyes. Dozens more Merrow had arrived- some by water, and others through the caves. Most of those were men who'd not sold their souls to Lorelei, and their expressions were the greediest as they watched me.

"What now?"

I thought that might be Dylan speaking, but pain, so hot and searing, swept through me, making my back arch. A metallic taste soaked my tongue. Blood from biting my lips to keep from screaming. Just kill me. Please hurry.

"What, no!"

Dylan's horrified shout drew my attention, and once the pain faded to weak tremors, I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at my father. He'd shifted to his human form and thankfully put on shorts. He held a knife in his hands, its blade dull and rusty.

Lorelei surged forward and wrapped her fingers around his throat. "Who are you to tell me no. I own you."

Dylan shook his head. Something sparkled on his cheeks. Surely not tears. Not for me.

"You wanted her legs, not her life."

"True, but to get her legs, it requires her life. So, plunge the blade into her heart before its too late."

A collective hush fell over the crowd. I interrupted it with a bitter laugh. "Jokes on you folks."

"Isla, did you know?"

"For awhile now."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Would you have believed me?" I asked, shivering so hard I could no longer hold myself up. Falling down, I rolled to my side and locked eyes with my father. "And would you have even cared?"

"Of course I care. I love you."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

The speaker's voice drifted from the back of the crowd. I could see everyone's feet shuffle to the side to make way for the newcomer, but I didn't need to see her face to know who it was.


"Oh, darling girl," she said, dropping to the sand and cradling my head in her lap.

"I've missed you so much." I reached for her face, and she pressed her cheek into my palm. She pulled away and traced her fingertip along the scales on my arm.

"Won't be long now."

"How? How did you get here? Daddy said you couldn't come here."

Mama brushed damp hair away from my face, and she smiled my favorite smile. One soft and sweet. One that promised all would be well in the world.

"I followed the blood in the water."

"It can't be," Lorelei hissed. The Siren dragged herself onto the shore, her tail flailing uselessly against the sand. She looked at my mother with awe. "My Cordelia."

Where Lorelei's pronouncement earlier had caused quiet alarm, this one sent everyone into an uproar. I combed through my memories. The name sounded so familiar.

"Hello Mother," Mama said as she released me to pull Lorelei into a crushing hug.

"How can this be? They killed you."

"No. I was raised by a human couple, but when I shifted for the first time at seventeen, I ran away. I was found by the Finfolk and chose to stay away from land for many years."

I drifted as my mother talked to Lorelei. The Siren- no, my grandmother, sobbed at my side. My body cooled, the burn becoming a sting, the sting turning to a tingle, and finally, the bones in my legs melded together into one unit.

"Mistress," Ewan said. He put his hand on Lorelei's shoulder and directed her attention to my body. "The shift is almost finished. If it doesn't happen now, your chance will be missed."

"Please," Mama begged. "Don't take my daughter from me. You know that pain. We can be together as a family now. You don't need legs because you won't be alone."

Lorelei covered her mouth. "If she doesn't die, the curse won't end."

"So, it's our sons or her, then?" Mrs. Rose stepped forward. "One life for many. It's fair."

"This isn't what we were told," another person replied. "I won't be a murderer."

The Islanders raised their voices, shouting at one another. I couldn't tell which side was winning, but I knew in a few minutes, it wouldn't matter. I'd either be a Merrow or dead. Either way, it would be over.

Dylan threw the dagger on the beach. "I won't kill my child."

"But you'll kill ours? It's your fault we're in this in the first place."

"It's not the Halloran's fault. It's Molly Goode's."

"Kieran, no," I moaned, shooting into a sitting position and looking for him in the crowd.

"What are you talking about boy?" Lorelei demanded.

"Molly Goode brewed a love potion that made Jamie Halloran abandon Lorelei for Niamh. He wouldn't have left her otherwise."

Once more, the crowd moved to let him pass. He looked at me with something dark in his eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was. Then, he turned to look at Lorelei. At some point, she'd retrieved the dagger and now pointed it at me with a shaky hand. Mama gripped my shoulders.

"You're lying," Lorelei cried.

"He isn't." Branna Goode materialized in the darkness. "My sister did brew a love potion."

"B-but Molly was my best friend. She wouldn't betray me that way." Lorelei clenched the knife so hard her knuckles turned white. "Everyone is faithless! Everyone!"

And then she lunged. Just as the scales moved to my ankles, and my toes turned to fins. It happened so fast. Kieran shouted. My mother screamed, and I closed my eyes, thankful that I wasn't dying alone. As much as I didn't want to see the hurt in their eyes, I realized, now, how important it was to be surrounded by loved ones.

I looked down to see blood spreading dark pool across my tail and onto the sand. It didn't hurt like I expected, but after the pain of the shift, maybe nothing else compared. Then, I heard it. My name in a raspy gurgle, and a heavy weight across my body as he collapsed.


"No, no, no," I said pushing my hands against the wound as if I could push the blood back into his chest. He stopped my frantic movements by catching my hands in his. He pressed them against his lips, and I tried not to notice how cold he already felt.

"Why? Why did you do it?"

"Because I love you."

A howling wind stole the last word, and the seas started to churn. Rocks tumbled from the walls and splashed into the water. People screamed and ran for cover. Or dove beneath the waves. The moonlight became blinding, shining brighter than the sun.

 And still I did not move.

My mother tried to pull me away, to bring me to safety, but I couldn't leave this spot. Couldn't bear to think of the sea swallowing him whole or stone covering his body. With a wail, I threw my arms around him just in time to feel the last breath leave his body.

"I love you too, Daddy."

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