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"This would be so much easier if we knew yer tail color," Niko said as she shuffled through dresses. Each one was quickly discarded, and there were far more on the bed than on the rack.

"I don't see why this matters," I replied.

Tara and Niko's faces morphed into twin expressions of disgust. Tara shook her head and brought the yellow sheath dress back up to her chest as she studied herself in the mirror.

"We may be using this as a distraction, but it's still yer birthday. And a masquerade party."

"Who knows when you'll get the chance to be this glamorous again. Besides, we have a theme, and we need to stick with it. It's just kind of hard because we can dress in our tail colors. We don't know what yers is."

I thought of Kieran's description and reached for a bit of gold material wedged between two fluffy ball gowns. "Fine. What about this?"

"Holy crap," Niko shrieked, snatching the gown from my hands. She held it up and whistled. "Where did this even come from? I don't remember seeing it at the store."

"Who cares? It's perfect. A little risque."

"Kieran is going to swallow his tongue."

I bit my lip. "Are we sure it's not too much? I'm not trying to use Halloween as an excuse to go half naked."

"First off," Niko admonished, "there's nothing wrong with that. Secondly, all the important bits are covered. The bust portion and panty portion aren't sheer. I swear, it looks like someone was trying to replicate a Merrow woman in her sea form."

"It does, doesn't it?"

Tara clapped her hands. "Try it on!"

They didn't have to tell me twice. After spending the last hour moping while they tried on dresses, I found a sudden sense of enthusiasm for dress up. Tossing my sweats aside, I turned my back to the girls as I unlatched my bra. Their snorts of laughter drew my attention, and I glared over my shoulder while clutching the dress against my front.

"Some of us are a little more modest than others," I snapped.

"Yer going to to have to get over it once yer a Merrow," Tara insisted as her head popped out of the top of the dress she was trying on.

"I'll save that hurdle for later."

I stepped into the dress and tugged it up, wincing when I barely managed to get it over my round hips. The filmy material was not vanity sized, and there was no stretch to it. By the time I had the sleeves on, I felt as though the gown had molded itself to my body, and when Niko finished zipping me up, I took a deep breath before turning to face the mirror.

"Wow," I gasped, running my hands over my body, trying to convince my brain that the person in the mirror belonged to me.

"You really only like boys?" Niko asked, her eyes darkening as she looked me over. Even Tara seemed entranced- normally, she would've elbowed her girlfriend over that type of statement.

The dress was two-toned. I hadn't noticed it before because it was so subtle, but now I could see how the top portion was a darker gold- almost bronze. The high necked bodice was made of sheerest tulle, and intricate gold leafing covered my breasts and swirled across my abdomen and over my hips. Two glittering jewel encrusted bands circled my waist- the first above my navel, the second below it. Matching bands edged the end of the long, sheer sleeves.

The tulle continued below my hips, hugging my shape to mid thigh, where it flared out into a translucent champagne train that sparkled with every movement. The same gold leafing covering my upper half dotted the gauzy skirt. As I traced my reflection in the glass, I had no problem imagining this girl in her true form. 

Niko lifted a mask from my dresser and handed it to me. It was no dainty mask of silk and crystal. Instead, it would cover all but my lips, and the surface was covered in iridescent scales. Rising up on the right side of my face was a tower of pearls and shells. If Agnes saw me in this, she would have a difficult time believing that I wanted no part of my royal heritage. Because that's what I saw in the mirror- a queen.

"Damn girl." Tara walked in a circle around me, giving the gown a critical eye. "I don't think we even need to make adjustments."

"What shoes will I wear with it?"

"You won't need shoes. This party is happening on the beach."

"I don't know," I said, worrying over ruining the gown. "This doesn't seem very beach appropriate. And it's freezing out."

"Nothing we're going to be wearing will be, but it's just for the one night. Not to mention, I can totally see you wading out into the ocean in that dress. The train will float around you like moonlight. Besides, after midnight, you'll have scales of your own. I bet you're going to be magnificent."

Changing the subject, I asked, "Have either of you talked to Branna? Why hasn't the Council been told about Molly? About what Lorelei's true plans?"

"I spoke to her," Tara admitted. She slid a comb of pearls into her wild curls. "She thinks it's best we keep this to ourselves for now. Anything we present is going to look like an attempt to save you. Afterward, we can tell everyone the truth. Once you're safe."

"You mean when everyone hates me and is out for blood?"

"Exactly," Niko chimed in. "It's our get out of jail free card."

"Don't you think we're misjudging people? We're so certain everyone's moral compass points north, but there are going to be people who will think my death is justified. One life to end everything. You can all have your lives back."

"Stop it." Tara spun around and grabbed my hands. She squeezed them and narrowed her dark eyes as she continued, "I don't want to hear you say that again."

"But think about Al-"

"I have thought about Al, and I was so, so angry at you in the beginning. Even though I knew it wasn't your fault, but after I had time to calm down, I realized two things. Al made his choice. He's responsible for his actions. And if I was willing to sacrifice you to make my life better, then I was no better than Lorelei."

I sniffled, trying to hold back the flood of tears. She was making this so hard, but I steeled my resolve. In a few hours, this would all be over, and my friends would be free from the curse.

"She's right, you know. It may take some time, but when everyone realizes the truth, they will rally behind you. We will fight to keep you and your future daughters safe."

"At the cost of your sons."

Tara drew me into a crushing hug. "That's only if we don't find another solution. For the longest time, we didn't have hope. In all these years, a daughter hadn't been born to the Halloran family, and then you came along. I believe this is just the beginning of solving everything."

I cupped her cheeks in my hand and pressed my forehead to hers. "Me too."


I thought choosing our dresses was going to be the hardest part of getting ready. Wrong. In the months since I'd left home, I'd forgotten what happens when multiple girls were trying to do hair and makeup. My room, which I'd always felt was too big, now felt tiny as we all vied for the best lighting and mirrors. But somehow, we managed to get it done, and I couldn't suppress the thrill zinging through my body as I walked down the stairs in my fairy-tale dress.

Dylan waited in the foyer, his presence popping my gilded bubble. He gave an appreciate whistle and smiled. The pride I saw in his eyes nearly undid me, but I kept my chin lifted as I strode to the door.

"You look beautiful, baby girl."

"Thanks." I shrugged on my coat and stuffed my feet into my boots. The girls promised they would make sure the party was warm enough for our lightweight dresses and bare feet.

"Ladies, you look lovely as well."

"Thanks Mr. Halloran," they murmured with little enthusiasm before skirting around me to get out of the door.

"Now, you know you need to be home by ten thirty," Dylan said, crossing his arms over his chest and blocking the exit. "Not a minute later."

"Of course. I'd hate to be late to my own death."

"It's not a death, Isla. Not a true one. Just the end of one life to begin another."

Oh, how I wanted to tell him he was wrong, but I couldn't trust that it would actually change his mind. "Sure. I'll be here on time."

"Now, go enjoy your birthday. Just think- by this time tomorrow, you can be together with them in the ocean."

"As long as I can get far, far away from you, I'm good with whatever," I said, squeezing past him and into the cold gloaming.


I paused.

"I love you."

My shoulders hunched against the words. They tried to penetrate my shield like well-aimed arrows. It seemed the closer we drew to midnight, the more emotionally vulnerable I was becoming. At this rate, I was going to be a sobbing mess by nine.

"Isla, are you coming?" Niko called, lifting her skirt as she waited for me at the end of the drive. "Everyone should be at the beach now. Don't wanna keep Kieran waiting. Not in that dress!"

Straightening, I fought the urge to look over my shoulder. I wouldn't look at him. Let this moment be our last. One step forward.

"Yes! I'm coming."

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