Chapter 14

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Hiding behind a canon was Sasha, she held a rifle close as she closed her eyes when the explosion went off. Once it stopped, she opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder, and stared at the gaping holes the machine guns would use to move around in the gear. She let out a deep breath before she aimed the gun at one of the members, who was focused on trying to shoot down the Scouts. Sasha held her breath, aimed the gun at the member, and shot out the bullet. The machine gun continued to go off after the bullet had entered the area, but it soon stopped and idly fell. Pieck and the other members noticed the sudden quietness from that side as their eyes widened and gasped.

"What's wrong?" "Hey, Carlo!" "Say something, man! Carlo!"

Carlo was dead, as the bullet Sasha shot hit his head and killed him in an instant. The Cart Titan turned its body over to Sasha, who simply reloaded her rifle and glared at the Titan.

"You'll pay for that!" The Titan screamed at her and began to run her way to Sasha with her mouth open, but suddenly, the Female Titan appeared and punched the Cart Titan.

"What the-" Pieck turned to see that Annie was the one attacking them. "Annie?"

Annie said nothing as she turned to Jean, who nodded and sent the Thunder Spear at Pieck's left eye. It exploded and made her lose focus and she fell to the side as she stopped running.

"Annie... why?" Pieck couldn't believe what was going on, Annie Leonhart was working with the island devils.

 "Now! Fire!" Jean exclaimed as a group of Scouts flew high above the Cart Titan and sent their Thunder Spears down at the Panzer Unit.

The Spears all exploded inside of the gear, and the Panzer Units all exploded from the impact and let out screams. "Pieck!"

Pieck felt the heat and explosions hit her back and close to her nape as she screamed. "Guys!"

Soon enough, the final explosion was let out and the Scouts quickly moved away from the heat and smoke, but the Cart Titan emerged from it and staggered with a scream until it fell off the roof, hit a wall, and fell to the ground with a large thud.

Magath, Falco, and Gabi gasped when they felt the impact and looked over to see the Titan's damaged body. Her left eye was barely hanging onto the socket, as the rest of its body had exploded to almost nothing. "Pieck!"

The fleet and the port were successfully destroyed. But that also cost the homes of Marleyan citizens. Loud stomps thundered through the ground as Armin, who had transformed into the Colossal Titan, took several steps at the destruction before he suddenly stopped and looked around.

Armin pulled himself out of the nape as the muscle on his face was deliberately ripped off. He stared at the back of his Titan with anguish until he looked down at the destruction he caused.

"Are these the sort of sights that you saw?" He mumbled to himself, climbing on top of his Titan's head and holding his left hand up when what looked like an airship was above him. "Bertolt..."

Gabi and Falco's hearts sank when they saw the bloodied up and defeated Titan. "No... Please, don't!"

At the same time, Annie managed to get off the Titan with her ODM gear, and she just stared at them. Magath noticed her and gasped, "Leonhart?"

Annie stared at her former commander before taking out the Thunder Spear, preparing to finish Pieck. Much to her surprise, Falco stood protectively in front of the Titan and held out his arms, and begged Annie with tears in his eyes. "Don't shoot! Please, stop!"

Annie felt conflicted when she heard his quivering voice and tearful gaze but she made up her mind. She narrowed her eyes and threw the Thunder Spear down at them, but a sudden steam eruption knocked Falco away and caused the Thunder Spear to miss as it exploded. Annie flew away, watching the Spear explode, and cursed to herself. "It missed?!" Was it because of the steam, or...?

"Don't blame yourself, Annie." Just then, she noticed Eren beside her. "Falco was just a kid, not to mention an Eldian like us. Just leave the Cart to me. I'll take her powers. You should reunite with your father, the airship will come soon."

Annie nodded before leaving, and Eren decided to stay in the building and wait for Gabi and Falco to bring Pieck into the building.

Pieck emerged from the nape, her body landed on her Titan as blood covered her mouth, nose, face, and clothes.

Falco turned around and stood up. "Pieck!" He rushed over to her as the Scouts were on the roofs and looking down at Pieck.

"It's the Cart!" They screamed. Falco gasped at this and stared at them.

"Run... away." He quickly looked back when he heard her voice. "Pieck!"

"Hurry!" she begged as the Scouts started making their down to her, a bullet was shot out and hit a Scout.

Magath was the one who shot the Scout, he yelled, "Protect Pieck!"

The soldiers all held their guns and began to shoot up at the Scouts. "Eat shit, you devils!"

"Braun! Give Grice a hand!" Magath shouted at Gabi as she nodded and took off. "Yes, sir!"

The Scouts dodged the bullets carefully as Jean screeched down at them. "Look out! Stay back!"

Gabi and Falco were currently bringing Pieck to a safe place. They wrapped her arms around their shoulders while Magath had their back and continued shooting up at the Scouts. "This way! Hurry!"

"Not only the War Chief but Pieck, too?!" Porco shouted inside his Titan and began to curse under his breath. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Damn you!"

Flying in front of him, Mikasa readied her blades to slice him, but the Jaw Titan jumped away.  "So fast! Ymir's Jaw was nothing like this!"

Inside a building, Falco, Gabi, and Koslow, who appeared out of nowhere, had placed Pieck and Reiner in a safe room. Pieck began to slowly heal herself.

"It's awful. Her body can't heal fast enough. But she's a Titan, so why?" Falco asked.

"Unlike the Armored Titan, the Cart Titan isn't exactly known for toughness." Gabi said.

Just then, Pieck's healing becomes faster all of a sudden, Koslow asked, "What is going on here?"

"I made it happen." They turned to find Eren Yeager standing in front of them.

"Eren Yeager!" Gabi tried to aim the gun at him, but just as he fired, Eren suddenly dodged with swift speed.

"I'll be taking the Cart's power." Eren said while taking the Cart's power. And just a second, Eren disappeared from their sight.

"What the hell is going on here?" Koslow asked. "That speed is inhuman!"

Eren also returned to the Titan form and rushed to Mikasa, "The Jaw is the last."

Mikasa nodded. Porco lunged over at Eren, with his mouth open. He raised his right hand, his claws getting ready to attack once getting close, but he didn't get the opportunity when Eren hit him with a massive punch with a hardened hand, Eren slightly gasped when the Jaw Titan bit off Eren's hand and went to repeatedly scratch his face.

Eren let out a staggering noise as the Jaw Titan aggressively held onto his head with his left hand and went to scratch his face again, but Eren was quick and used the time to dodge the attack.

"What the... how did he do that?" Porco gasped in surprise.

Gabi stared outside the window, and Koslow yelled, "Hey, Gabi! Stay away from the window! The enemy will see you!"

She ignored him and peeked out of the window. She glanced around, trying to see what was going on until she caught something. "Huh?"

Down with the Marleyan soldiers, they hid behind some pillars and held their guns close. One of the soldiers noticed the same thing Gabi saw and informed Magath. "Commander!"

Magath peeked over the pillar, and his eyes widened at the sight. "Huh?"

Flying in the sky was an airship, it was following the lights the Scouts had put down as a guide.

The Jaw Titan looked over and his mouth dropped when he saw it. "Wha-?!" He watched the airship slowly fly and follow the lights while inside the airship.

"Commander, I've spotted the guide lights!"

"Thank goodness! So far, the operation's going as planned."

Inside the ship, Hange and Armin are standing behind a man in a Marleyan military outfit, he has black skin. And behind the three are other scouts.

"We're counting on you, Onyankopon." Hange said as he nodded.

"Leave it to me, Hange!" He assured her.

"Sneak through the zone, low and slow. We'll follow the lights and pick everyone up. We've got only one shot, so any strugglers are out of luck. If we're not shot down first, that is." Hange then let go of him and looked down at Armin. "Talk about a reckless plan. You got possessed by Erwin or something?"

"I can only hope. If it means his strength is with me." He turned his body away and looked out of the window. "Now that it's come to this, if we can't recover our King and the others, there's no future for us."

Meanwhile, from the distance, the Scouts watched the airship approach as Connie and Jean were kneeling while Sasha held her gun.

"Jean, it's here." Connie informed him and Jean nodded.

"Yeah. Right on time." Jean answered.

Porco glared at the airship. "You guys think you're escaping on that? Not happening!" He began to run over to the airship in anger, unaware that a figure was coming upon him.

His eyes widened when he saw it was Mikasa, glaring at him, her blades in her hands. "Shoot!" he shrieked as Mikasa got close to him and chopped through his legs as he fell and landed on the ground. Porco gasped when he saw Eren standing there as Eren grabbed onto his head, dragged him across the roof, and threw him down onto the ground.

The Jaw Titan hit the ground several times before he laid flat on his back. Eren made his way to him, stomped his foot on the Jaw Titan's chest, and went to pull off the Titan's left arm. He finally ripped the arm out and threw it against a wall before he went to pull the other one. He again ripped that and tossed it aimlessly as the Jaw Titan began to let out a yell in pain.

"You've lost the battle. Give up now." Eren said in a cold voice before Porco realized his powers were taken, he fell off the Titan's body and lie unconscious on the ground.

"What happened?" Gabi asked, noticing that Galliard had fallen off the Titan body.

"The Island devils got the power of the Jaws as well. They have all 9 powers..." Koslow mumbled in defeat.

Eren came out of his Titan body and said, "I think the fight's over. We've got what we need. In that case, let's go back home. My gas is gone. Mikasa, will you help me?"

Mikasa nodded as she grabbed onto his right arm and began to fly off.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Eren managed to get all the power of the 9. I hope you like this chapter.

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