Chapter 2

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In the enemy's bunker, two soldiers were holding a rifle and a machine gun.

"Hey, something's coming this way." One of them noticed. The other looked through the binocular of the machine gun and saw Gabi slowly walking towards them, with her arms in the air.

"It's a woman. Girl, actually. I think she's surrendering."

"No, wait. She might be Eldian."

"It looks like something's wrong with her. She's dragging her leg."

Gabi's foot was shown. The grenade's ribbon was around her ankle and dragged it behind her.

"What if she's Eldian? Shoot her before she turns into a Titan."

"Screw that. If you wanna shoot her, you do it!"

The man with the rifle sighed and aimed at her. "Shit."

Gabi tripped and fell down to the ground.

"What the-?" Gabi pulled the grenade off her ankle, carefully so that the soldiers didn't see it. She looked up at the armored train.

Wait... Gabi thought. The train was getting closer. Her grip on the ribbon tightened. Wait for it!

As the train is getting closer, she thinks, Wait.

"She ain't moving." The soldier said.

"Who cares? Shoot her!"

The train was seconds away from the bunker. Gabi stood up and swung the grenade. "Now's my chance!" she yelled and threw it on the railroad, in front of the train. It rolled under it and exploded. The train fell into the bunker, where the soldiers were hidden.

"She really did it!" A soldier gasped.

"Galliard! Hurry up!" Magath ordered.

Gabi jumped up and cheered happily and began to run back. One of the soldiers survived and reached for the machine gun. "Damn it! You Marleyan cowards!"

Gabi looked back and saw the soldier aimed at her. "This is why you bastards... all deserve to die!"

The soldier fired the gun, and Gabi ran as fast as she could.

"Gabi!" Falco yelled and ran towards her.

"Falco, don't!" Colt yelled. Kruger and Miki decided to follow after them and the three of them ran toward Gabi. Miki managed to use her speed to grab Gabi, while Eren grabbed Falco as they jumped into the pit, but much to their surprise, Kruger's leg was shot and his left leg was cut off.

"Kruger!" Gabi, Falco, and Miki yelled at the same time. And as the bullets were still shooting, they bounced off of something.  They looked up and saw the Jaw Titan hovering over them. He looked down at them.

"Galliard! Huh?!" Gabi and Falco looked at each other, confused. Falco's and Miki's arms were around her.

The Jaw Titan ran towards the machine gun in zig-zag. The soldier screamed while shooting at it, only to fail as the Jaw Titan took him out with just a struck with his claw.

The airship was near the Fort and a soldier said, "The armored train has been disabled."

People were hanging in bags and they seemed dazed.

"We'll now commence the airborne assault. Remember stick to the plan." Zeke was looking out of a window. "Zeke will be our spear.." Reiner stared ahead. "...and Reiner will be our shield."

Soldiers screamed in pain. Another two machine guns were shooting at them. Eldians were screaming, charging toward the enemy. A soldier was climbing up on a pile of bodies. He looked up afraid of the massacre before him.

The Jaw Titan charged along the trench and killed as many soldiers as possible. It bit down on the railroad, destroying it. The Cart Titan appeared with machine guns on its back. It had a metal plate on its face, for safety.

It destroyed a bunker where soldiers were hiding beneath it. Eldian soldiers came and shoot them. Back to the kids, Kruger, Miki, Falco, and Gabi were back in their trench. Gabi got dressed again while Miki was tying Kruger's leg.

"Was it worth hurting yourself like that?" Miki muttered with sadness.

"I'm sorry, I was careless... but it was also a part of the plan." Eren muttered.

"Damn, that hurts!" A Marleyan soldier said. Udo and Zofia took care of his wounds. "Why'd a Marleyan like me get shot at?"

Falco dragged a wounded enemy soldier the trench down. "What are you doing, Falco?" Gabi asked him. He leaned him against the wall.

"You Eldians are supposed to soak up the bullets." The Marleyan soldier complained.

"Can't you tell?" Falco asked her. "He's in no shape to fight us anymore." He turned to Udo. "Udo, gimme a tourniquet." Udo handed it over to him. "Here."

"Stupid kids. Screw the enemy." The soldier complained again.

"Is that supposed to be your selling point?" Gabi asked Falco. "You really think obeying the laws of war will earn you the spot of the Armored Titan? It's not gonna help, you know."

"Like I care." "Weirdo."

The enemy soldier was talking weakly in a foreign language.

"He's saying something." Falco said. Udo turned to him, frowning. A second later he looked away again.

"Interpret, Udo. Say I stopped his bleeding and that he'll be fine-" Falco said to him, but was cut off when Udo translated what he was saying. "'Don't touch me.' 'I'll be tainted.' 'You devil' he says." The Marleyan soldier laughed at them.

A flare was shot in the sky. The Jaw Titan turned to look at it. Eldian soldiers were running back to their side. "Retreat!" "Hurry up!" "Get away from the fort!" "Don't get caught in it!"

Gabi looked up at the airship. "It's begun." she whispered.

The flap of the airship opened. The people in the bags were dropped with parachutes on their backs, which opened immediately.

The soldiers in the Fort were looking up at it in wonder. One of them pointed at it. Reiner stood at the entrance and held up a knife. Zeke walked up next to him and cleared his throat. "Ahem!" Then he began to scream loudly, causing the people in the bags to turn into Titans. Golden Lighting lit up the sky.

The kids were looking at it. Multiple Titans were falling from the sky and ended up spreading up around and in the Fort.

The soldiers stood frozen on the spot. A Titan stood up and stared down at them. Behind it, the other Titans were standing up, too. It grabbed one of them and brought him to its mouth. "No! Stop!" he begged. But it was no use. Several other soldiers got eaten, too.

"Truly devils..." The Marleyan soldier said. "Our Marleyan ancestors were eaten, just like that. By you Eldians." The kids stayed silent and stared.

Miki glared at the soldier angrily. Our friends were eaten just like that as well, and you were the ones who did it.

"Fire!" Several Titans were shot in the neck by anti-Titan cannons.

Reiner glided down with his parachute. "The kinetic bombardment went well, but due to the altitude half died on impact. A lot of the anti-Titan cannons are still operational. Twenty-eight... Twenty-nine... And now I know their locations. But still..."

He stared down at the wall, as it changed into Wall Maria. "More walls?" He narrowed his eyes. He placed the knife in his palm. "I'm sick and tired... of walls."

He sliced his palm and transformed it into his Titan form. He landed on the wall, destroying it.

The soldiers aimed the cannons at him. "It's the Armored!"

"Kill it!"

Reiner ran along the Wall, destroying the cannons and killing the soldiers.

More cannons were aimed at him. "Fire!"

He turned around, raising his arms to protect his face. The shells pierced through his arm and shoulder. "Anti-Titan shells that penetrate even my armor?"

Suddenly his arm was shot off and he fell to the ground. "What the-? What hit me?"

Another armored train was driving up the railroad in the Fort.

"An armored train? There's another ?" He dodged the incoming shells, ran towards the train, and rammed it, destroying it. He landed in front of anti-Titan cannons. His eyes widened. "Shit!"

The soldiers in front of him were suddenly killed by the Jaw Titan. "Galliard!"

"You son of a whore!" A soldier screamed but was killed by Galliard immediately. Galliard dodged the shells, which were shot at him.

Reiner used the armored train as a shield to protect himself. He screamed loudly, turned in a circle, and slammed the train on the cannons and soldiers.

"Nice." He looked around. "It's done."

Zeke came down with his parachute. Reiner waved him down.

"They got it under control?" He placed a knife in his palm. "Our defeat brought about this war, Reiner." he said and transformed. Golden Lightning lit up the sky again.

The kids were still watching. Zeke landed behind Reiner. "Isn't war a terrible thing?" He grasped shells off the ground and walked in the direction of the sea. He prepared himself to throw them put to the ships in the water.

"Finally... With this, the war will be over." Udo said relieved.

Zeke threw the shells at the ships, but the cannons on the ships were shooting at him back, immediately.

"Huh? What?" Reiner pushed him aside at the last moment before he could get hit. Reiner was hit by the shells. The ships also got hit by Zeke's shells.

Reiner fell weakly to the ground and Zeke threw more shells at the ships again. Completely destroying the fleet.

With their fleet destroyed, the Mid-East Allied Forces signed a peace treaty with Marley. The war spanning four years ended in a Marleyan victory.

Zeke turned to Reiner. "But as the world learned that the era of Titan domination was coming to an end, Marley was pressed to obtain the Founding Titan as quickly as possible."

"Oh no..." Gabi whispered.

The victory of Marley was published in the newspaper. "Thanks to the incredible bravery of the Marley army, Fort Slava has fallen at last!" a man read the newspaper aloud.

"Unbelievable!" The citizens cheered loudly.

"That's the Marley army for you!"

A man in a black suit and a black hat was buying a newspaper. He had a beard and a long face. His face remained hidden. He walked down the street and met up with some other people.

"The war was finally over... that meant those two were going to come back, right?" The brown-haired girl asked.

"Yeah... and now we just needed to see if what our king had seen become true..." The ash-browned haired male replied.

"Now you're not calling him a suicidal bastard?" The grey-haired man said.

"Shut up. Connie..." The male replied.

"Jean, Sasha, Connie. Not so loud. Remember the walls had ears." The blonde-haired male said.

"Armin was right." Sasha said. "It would take some time before our king and Mikasa returned...let's meet up again until then."

The others nodded before they left.

And this wraps up episode 1. I think you already knew who Kruger and Miki are. I hope you like this chapter.

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