27 | Three of a Kind

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Fifteen days. Three-hundred-and-sixty hours. Over twenty-thousand minutes. That was how long it took White Lightning to finally arrive at the coast closest to Tranquelum's Core Gracidea. Or at least that was what Cyryl had calculated, so bored to death zie took up arithmetic to pass time.

During their days sailing the sky, August busied herself through physical activities. Take care of the ship. Protect Omar when docked in port towns to gather supplies. Start taking part in Gracie's combat training. Make sure Pidge didn't get carried away sparring with Gracie. Keep an eye on Kaso. Investigate Kaso.

The sight of the Parasect made August's gut wrench with zir hollow stare burnt into the back of her mind. Zie should've died ages ago. Kaso was certainly infected with Pokérus, or at least that was what August had believed. Zie'd displayed every symptom of the virus. And yet zie continued to live. According to Gracie, zie even began to talk. Zie hadn't spoken before. Gracie said she wished zie'd go back to being mute.

Lang was even more astonished by Kaso's survival than August. The nurse guessed Kaso's mushroom spores were the reason zie hadn't passed, saying it was possible zir parasite had protected zir from the worse of the virus' toxins. The doubtful look in her eyes betrayed the certainty in her tone.

No matter how hard August looked, she couldn't find the papers Kaso had stored away all those nights before. She knew it wasn't anything important; all their maps and inventory lists remained in their proper places. But her curiosity still ate away at her. The pirate had Gracie ask Kaso about it, but zie gave no answer.

"Zie doesn't say anything zie doesn't want to," Gracie had noted, just as bothered as August by the Parasect's behavior. "Zie's weird." Wordlessly, August had agreed.

Her steely glare watched the Parasect creep to the lower deck, fleeing the scene as Omar's other Pokémon tied the ship to the dock. Unlike Nuri and Marley, Kaso never offered zir help. Omar excused zir, claiming zie was shy. The more he told the lie, August noticed, the less he seemed to believe it.

Like everyone else, Omar was tense from the rough landing they'd succeeded earlier. Their journey had mostly been calm with fair weather favoring their route until they'd reached the southwest side of Tranquelum. It was there they found Dead Man's Coast.

Violent storms exploded across Dead Man Coast's sky as masses of swirling, violet clouds full of forked lightning and deafening thunder. The shrieking winds threw vessels askew and flung them through the air akin to a leaf in a twister. Jagged cliffs made up the coastline, littered with the rotting debris of shipwrecked boats. It took everyone aboard White Lightning to get the ship to safety all just to dock close to the Core Gracidea.

There was a reason sailors steered clear of southwestern Tranquelum, August thought as she glanced at the raging tempest brewing off the coast. Fortunately enough, they'd found a small break between the storm and the isle in order to dock.

"How long do you think it'll take to reach this Core Gracidea?" Cyryl piped up, grabbing August's attention.

She shrugged and gestured to Lang who had a map clutched to her chest. "Don't ask me. She has the compass now."

Cyryl nodded and twirled zir staff in zir hands. Zie'd become much more focused on combat training after the violent encounter with Angeleyes. "I hope this trip plays out smoothly. In Rubrelum, we had to survive both the Red Desert and Entei. Angeleyes had devastated us in Verelum; imagine if we'd roused the slumbering Suicune Lang had seen." Zir face pinched. "I do hope that if Raikou is here that he grants us mercy. Let that storm be the worst of our worries."

August chewed her inner cheek. She'd nearly been burnt to death by a Fire Fang in Rubrelum only to almost drown in a lake within Verelum. Tranquelum was different from them, though; this isle had no natural disasters wrecking the land. If one of the three isles were to be kind to them, she supposed Tranquelum would be it.

Ignore the nonstop crime inland an' the pirates sailing the coasts, an' this place ain't half-bad, she thought sarcastically.

She doubted their luck would hold out after their miraculous escape in Nightkeep. The more she analyzed the night of the auction, the more dread she felt gathering in her stomach. Calico hadn't been at the auction house. If she were, she would've launched an attack as soon as she'd detected Omar's scheme. He, August, and Cyryl would've been gutted on the streets. Why did Calico draw August out if she wasn't going to attack her directly? August's blood chilled into ice to imagine Martim's sadistic ploys had charmed her former captain into doing things his way.

August jumped as Gracie suddenly leaped onto a crate beside her, asking, "Ready to go?"

"Aye," she said, hiding her inner turmoil with a confident smirk. "Are you ready?"

The Shaymin nodded, reflecting her smug smile with a grin. "Yeah, I am."

August set Gracie on her shoulders, balancing her atop her bag. "Remember what I said if something bad happens?"

"Stay back and let you fight." As the pirate had expected, Gracie whined. "It's not fair. I'm strong now; I know how to fight. I can use Magical Leaf and Sweet Kiss!"

Those are only two moves, August said, an' one o' them is kissing someone. That ain't an attack.

"Yes, it is! When I do it, Pokémon get confused."

Yeah? Anyone would get confused if they got kissed in the middle o' a battle.

"It's not the same!"

August bit her tongue as to not snicker as she teased Gracie. Gradually, the cold tension coiled within her melted away as warmth bubbled inside her. She didn't mind it at all.


Rumbling clouds of lavender and silver shadowed the company as they followed Tuyen's compass. They traveled through deserted coastal villages with wary nerves, scrutinizing every abandoned foundation cloaked in thick ivy bushes. The original dwellers had left their towns for the north when the storms had driven off merchant ships. Hidden within the collapsed huts were the eyes of hostile Pokémon who voiced growls if the group drew too close. August's hand never left Risk's hilt.

Past the ruins and down a sloping hill of swaying grasses, they encountered a secret grove unmarked by man. Ancient oaks, grand and tall, sprouted from the earth and conquered the sky. Green branches curled out from mossy trunks and danced to the rhythm of the stormy gale. The hissing of rustling leaves filled the empty air; the further the party trekked in, the more dead the silence became. Their hairs stood on end both figuratively and literally as static pulled their tresses skyward.

"What's this place called?" Omar asked, sticking close to Marley. Unlike his Quagsire, Kaso and Nuri had stayed behind on the ship.

"Truth be told, I haven't the slightest clue," Cyryl admitted. "No one ventures to this part of Tranquelum—it's a wasteland."

Can you hear anyone? August asked Gracie.

She answered, "I can't. Pidge said he doesn't see anyone, either. Marley said this forest is weird because no one lives here. I think it's because of that scary storm."

August's brows furrowed. The worst of the storm was off the coast. Inland, all they encountered was an overcast sky carrying strong winds. Still, the woods seemed perfectly habitable. There had to be something else.

Guard raised, they continued on their hidden route only to halt as they came across a peculiar scene. Somehow, the trees afar had become one. Their arching, intertwined branches formed a natural tunnel with a shining light at the opposite end. The sweet aroma of exalted flowers drifted right towards them.

Gracie yipped excitedly and sprung from August's shoulders, her small nose twitching as she sniffed the air. "I smell the flowers!"

"The Core Gracidea's over there," August translated to the others.

Cyryl beamed. "Then let's go—" The teen gasped and hid behind August.

A dangerous beast prowled out of the tunnel's shadows. Piercing, feline eyes shone in the dusky light. Thunderclouds circled the golden tiger's body; the violet wisps pulsated and flickered as deep crackles rumbled within. Ivory canines as long and sharp as daggers jutted out from beneath his curled lips. The fur along his spine stood on end.

Everyone shuddered in fear, cautiously retreating backward with their hands on their weapons. Except for one. Gracie held her chin high and padded towards Raikou, her small, brave face polar to the fear shivering her body. Standing before the beast, she was as petite as ever. The Guardian's frame dwarfed her entirely; his canines could rip her in half in one bite.

Gracie! August cried, horrified. What're you doing?

The Shaymin ignored her, zeroed in on Raikou. Neither Pokémon blinked as they communicated silently. August's heart hammered in her chest as her sweaty hand slid on Risk's hilt. She hadn't the slightest clue how she'd best the beast. Raikou was just as fearsome as Entei. If he were to attack, she'd be too slow to act. Gracie was too close to him. August needed to be closer. The pirate stepped forward. Raikou snapped towards her. She froze.

Gracie stepped between the two, her expression dark and leaves bristling. "Don't move," she demanded. "I got this."

August dared not move a muscle as Gracie challenged Raikou. Her conscience battled itself, torn whether to trust her Shaymin or protect her. Terror won out; she locked in place. Minutes akin to hours ticked by. Finally, Raikou's bunched muscles relaxed. The Guardian bowed his head, and Gracie mimicked him.

"We can see the flower," Gracie said, looking over her shoulder at August. "He said it's okay."

That's it? No attack? August asked in bewilderment.

"Raikou said Shaymin are his friends. He's not like Entei."

August hesitantly met Raikou's gaze once again; his eyes showed no trace of the malice that had blazed in Entei's. She swallowed the bile in her throat and said, "Gracie said Raikou'll let us pass."

Cyryl's lips parted in awe. "You can speak to Pokémon?"

"That's not what's important right now," Lang interjected. "Let's see the Core Gracidea while we're still in Raikou's good graces."

August stopped herself from shaking as she gathered Gracie and neared Raikou. With the Shaymin in her arms, she passed the Guardian. Mere inches separated her from the beast; his pelt's sparks stung her exposed skin. The rest of the company tailed her in a single-file line. August swore the light was getting further and further away. As soon as she reached it, she turned around to see Raikou still watching them with his eyes glowing in the dark. She shivered.

Beside her, she heard Lang breathe out, "My goodness."

A fantastical meadow enclosed by natural walls of solid oak trees lied beyond them. Sunshine peeked out of the parted clouds above, enveloping only the clearing in warm light. Gracideas, bright pink and fully bloomed, blanketed the earth. Their loose petals twirled through the perfumed air, catching on high branches or settling in leafy ferns.

The Core Gracidea rested in the center of the lush field with the sight of it taking the group's breaths away. Stunning pink hues painted the flower's petals, seamlessly blending into its stark white core. The flowerhead stretched out towards the sun with its yellow antennas expelling dandelion-like pollen puffs into the air. When caught in the light, they glowed chartreuse. This Core Gracidea was unlike the ones they'd seen in the past—this one was alive and thriving.

"You were right," Omar said, nudging Lang as he wore a dazed smile. "It's the same as the isle."

"Remarkable," Lang murmured. "Let's search for a reason here why Tranquelum isn't suffering like the others."

August released Gracie and followed her through the flowers. She was difficult to keep track of; the Shaymin became one with the floral-laced grasses. Gracie's excited squealing guided August. The pirate couldn't help but smile and laugh as the Shaymin hopped through the flowers and chased pollen puffs.

Next to her, Cyryl plucked one of the floating petals and sneezed. "The pollen's quite dense in here," zie commented, sniffling. "I think—ah-choo!—I think my allergies a-are being affected."

"Use your scarf, an' cover yourself," August suggested.

Around her, Omar and Marley were bent down looking through Gracideas. Lang stood off to the side, swiftly flipping through the pages of one of Tuyen's research journals. Pidge found a puddle of water to drink from just for Cyryl to cry at him not to touch it. August cursed; she'd taken her eyes off Gracie for one second and lost her.

"Gracie!" she called out, scanning the ground. Gracie?

Something moved in the corner of her eye. Atop the Core Gracidea, August glimpsed a green-and-white figure balanced on one of the gargantuan petals. She sighed. After stretching her arms, she approached the massive flower and began climbing the stem. Pale fibers coated the outer-layer and gave her texture to grip. Grunting, August hauled herself skyward and reached the flowerhead. She pulled herself onto one of the sturdy petals and panted. Up close, she realized the petals were as large as banquet tables.

"Damn," she managed to say as she gasped for breath, "this is a big flower."

She was met with a hostile bark. "Shay!"

Bewildered, August found the speaker. Her eyes bulged. A Shaymin in zir Sky Forme bristled in front of her, hackles raised and teeth bared as powder shed from zir spiked pelt. Zir long ears flattened against zir head, emphasizing the fury blazing in the Shaymin's features. Another Shaymin existed, and zie was ready to attack her for it.

Gracie! August shouted, hating how panic crept into her tone. The last thing she wanted to do was draw Risk. There's Shaymin here!

The Shaymin growled, zir voice raspier and deeper than Gracie's. Zir muscles rippled as zie stalked forward. Zie was so much more muscular than Gracie, too.


Hope ignited within August as one of the petals opposite to her rustled. Then another Sky Forme Shaymin appeared, zir face full of confusion. Zir eyes were too pale and narrow and full of newly ignited aggressiveness to be Gracie's. The Shaymin matched the other's ferocity, snarling at her.

August crept backward. The petal wobbled and bent. She glanced over and paled. The long drop to the ground would easily fracture a bone if she landed wrong.

"I won't hurt you," she told the Shaymin duo, raising her empty palms.

They kept advancing forward with low growls.

"You don't want to do this." I don't want to do this.

Sizzling met August's ears. Neon green particles swirled in front of the Shaymin, radiating powerful energy.


A flurry of magenta leaves speared the Energy Ball, rupturing the attack. Gracie, in her Sky Forme, threw herself in front of August. The Shaymin duo reeled back in surprise.

"Shay?" one of them yipped, tilting zir head.

Gracie slowly eased from her stiff form. "Shay."

August observed in silence as Gracie spoke with the Shaymin, unable to comprehend any of their Pokéspeak. The more they conversed, the more the three Shaymin relaxed. That was a good sign, she thought. Her mind raced as she processed the sight of seeing three Sky Forme Shaymin in front of her. Gracie wasn't the only one left. There could be more.

"August," Gracie said, facing her with an excited grin. "He says his name is Clover." The muscular Shaymin nodded. "And her name is Cloud." The light-eyed Shaymin avoided August's gaze. "Guess where they're from!"

August frowned. This ain't the time fo' games.

"Aw, c'mon. Guess!"

Fine. Tranquelum.

"Nope!" Gracie bounced in place. "They said they're from a Shaymin island!"

"A Shaymin island?" August repeated, dumbfounded.

"Are you a Chatot? I said it was a Shaymin island," Gracie teased, mimicking August's voice as she'd told her that before.

"I heard you." She chewed on her inner cheek. Let's go down. I have questions fo' them, an' so do the others.


August slid down the Core Gracidea with the three Shaymin gliding beside her. Her company's jaws slackened. Cloud and Clover dared not to come close, maintaining a large distance between them. They twitched nervously under the group's wide-eyed gazes.

"Is that Gracie's family?" Omar asked.

"I don't think so," August said. "I found them on the Core Gracidea. Gracie said they're from a Shaymin island."

Cyryl's lips parted in awe. "There's an island full of Shaymin? How? I'm amazed even one Shaymin escaped the mass poaching ordeal, nonetheless a colony of them."

August sent Gracie a glance, and she insisted, "It's true, I promise. They said they came here for their chores, and now they're going back tomorrow."

Scanning the Shaymin head to toe, August found now items on them that could hint as to what tasks they were attempting. What're their chores?

After several chirps between the Shaymin, Gracie revealed, "Uh, they said that they're, um, powdering the big flower. The powder makes the flower strong. Shaymin come here on half-moons and full moons to do it. It's Clover's and Cloud's turns this time."

August translated her message to the group, and Lang queried, "Do they pollinate all the Core Gracideas? Or do they only visit this one?"

"They said they only go to this one," Gracie answered after inquiring. "The other ones are really, really dangerous. Shaymin get hurt and go missing when they fly to them. That's why they stopped."

Lang squinted in concentration as she mulled over the new information. She inspected the Gracideas and watched Cyryl suffer through a sneezing fit. Finally, she said, "I think our answer lies in their pollen. Maybe. My theory isn't any more outlandish than what we've already been dealing with, but I think that the Shaymin are the reason behind the Core Gracideas' health."

August raised a brow. "'Cause they pollinate?"

"Well, yes." Lang crossed to the Core Gracidea and placed her hand on the stem. Lifting her hand, a layer of pollen covered her palm. "The only Core Gracidea the Shaymin pollinate happens to be the only healthy one in all of Caelum. Because the Tranquel Core Gracidea is healthy, the land is healthy."

"So Rubrelum and Verelum have natural disasters," Cyryl said, "because their Core Gracideas are ill because the Shaymin don't pollinate them." Zir forehead wrinkled. "Couldn't other Pokémon pollinate them, though? Truth be told, I don't see why it has to be Shaymin."

Omar peered at Cloud and Clover. "Maybe they have special pollen? I don't know. When did the disasters start?"

August closed her eyes and concentrated. Racking through her brain, she tried to recall the small amount of knowledge she'd retained from her tutoring sessions as a young girl. "Rubrelum had its first drought in... in the end o' the Diamond Age, I think. About a hundred years ago."

"If my memory serves me right, that's about the time Shaymin went extinct, correct?" Lang checked only to be met with unsure shrugs. "I believe so. Think about it. An entire species of pollinator Pokémon was wiped out by poachers in a short amount of time. This meant the Core Gracideas went from receiving normal doses of pollen to none. That would easily lead to their demise. If that's the case, I'm surprised the Rubre and Vere Core Gracideas have even lasted this long."

"What are poachers?" Gracie asked, perplexed.

Not now. August tilted her head. "So what? You have that thinking look on. The last time you made that face, I got stuck writing journal entries."

Lang stared at the pollen coating her hand. "If my theory is correct and the Shaymin are the cause for Caelum's destruction, then we have to convince the Shaymin to come back and fulfill their duties. Without them, these isles of Gracidea will crumble apart, and we'll be stuck here suffering from the effects of it." She looked up, determination shining in her face. "We can't let that happen. If chasing a ridiculous theory means we can stop an oncoming war and replenish the nations' resources, we need to do it."

Cyryl absorbed her passionate energy, enthusiastically agreeing, "You're absolutely right. Imagine the possibilities of what could happen if we succeed."

"Yeah, this could lead to world peace," Omar chimed in, grinning. "Let's do it."

Guilt twanged within August as she found herself unable to share their excitement. She raked her fingers through her hair and reminded them, "Slow down. You all are supposed to be the straight men, not me. Man tortured Shaymin, remember?" She continued on as their smiles faded, "Walking up to them an' asking fo' forgiveness won't be easy. They could kill us on the spot. Clover tried to a few minutes ago."

She didn't voice her other thoughts. The way she saw it, the Shaymin had nothing to gain from helping them. Why would they ensure the people who killed them had safe places to live? It could easily backfire if the poaching industry rekindled. If August were a Shaymin, she'd rather watch man go extinct just as her kind had.

"We have Gracie to vouch for our cause. She can help us persuade them," Cyryl said, gesturing to Pokémon at August's feet.

Omar added, "We have to try."

Lang's voice quieted as she pled, "Please, let us try."

August sighed deeply and closed her eyes. There was no use being rich in a land of decay. "Fine." Gracie, can you—


At once, Gracie approached the Shaymin and began her discussions. August folded her arms across her chest. Would this truly work? Her lips pressed into a line. She hoped it did. And it wasn't even for her sake. It was for everyone else's.


⚔️ TERMS ⚔️

Dead Man's Coast [dehd man's cohst]
The dangerous southwestern coast of Tranquelum. It is constantly shrouded in violent storms, making it impossible to land.

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