Smooth Water and a Clearing Sky

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Xavier's vision immediately came into focus and looked around to confirm their location. They were on the shore of Muerend with a few small boats tied down to a decrepit dock. Xavier pointed at the ship and slid one of his arms under Atlas's.

Rose and Xavier hauled Atlas along the beach as the Guardian hissed from the wounds they had suffered. Xavier ran ahead to prepare the boat to leave while Rose gently helped Atlas enter the ship.

Xavier cut the rope tying down the boat and it began to push out to sea. He went through his mental list of procedures as he unfurled the sail.

The pirate soon got the boat's sail full of wind and was heading in the direction of Kingston. Just like the good ole days. Xavier remembered all the smuggling runs he had done with ships this size in the past.

Xavier turned his head around to check on his passengers. Rose was gently sending healing magic into Atlas's arm and alleviating their pain. "So Rose, why exactly did we not just teleport to shore in the first place?" Xavier asked.

Rose sighed. "When I can't see the destination, I tend to miss." She explained while moving her hands to the wound on Atlas's back. "But since I had activated my Light Aura, my vision was expanded and I could find out exact target"

"Light Aura?" Xavier asked. His knowledge of the rare magic and Fire Element magic, in general, was lacking.

"It's a special ability Light Mages have." Atlas cut in before Rose could answer. "The magic temporarily flows freely through their bodies and gives them enhanced magical power and other physical enhancements like improved vision and speed. Sort of like your ability to reshape ice you've summoned."

Rose moved on to healing Atlas's next wound. "How do you know so much about Light Magic? Don't you live on that island all the time?"

Atlas sighed. "I used to guard Solanja, remember?" Xavier looked at Rose and could tell she didn't get it either so Atlas audibly groaned. "Solanjans were Light Mages. Most of them, at least. That's where Astraeus's new staff came from."

"That explains why he can block all my light magic." Rose gasped. "But how did he get a staff from Solanja? Isn't it long gone?"

Xavier cleared his throat. "Actually lass, the island's still there. Just quite a bit underwater. I have a friend who salvages there for resources and loot. There's plenty still intact."

"Well, fortunately," Atlas stood up. "The same material that staff is made from can be used to break it. I suppose I'll need to go to Solanja then." Atlas seemed to be preparing to fly off so Xavier grabbed their arm to stop them.

"Woah, pal! You can't just go flying off like that!" Xavier shouted.

Atlas shot daggers from their eyes. "And why not? I need to stop my siblings from destroying this archipelago. Let me go, pirate."

"Stop it!" Rose interjected. "Atlas, your siblings have been attacking me for weeks. Can you at least explain what's going on to us? I still don't know what they want with me or Kingston and I just want to go home."

Ross's pleading seemed to sway Atlas for the time being and they sat back down. "Fine. Allow me to explain, then. On Muerend there exists an ancient mural describing part of the Guardians' Prophecy. The problem is, it's very vague. It describes the Gods creating the archipelago, creating us, and our duty. But then it goes into our ultimate power being to control the islands and all who live on them."

Atlas paused for any questions from Rose or Xavier. For now, the pirate was able to keep up with what was being said. So Atlas continued. "It cuts off there, though. And Astraeus has decided it means our destiny is to take control. However, on Solanja there exists the rest of the prophecy. It says that the Guardians must use this power only to stop the destruction of the isles because using it would kill us. And that one lone Guardian would be able to do what was needed to stop this disaster from happening. I suppose I now know that Guardian is me."

Xavier and Rose let the information sit for a moment before jumping into questions. "But why would the prophecy single out one Guardian as the hero if the Gods created seven?"

Atlas shrugged. "Beats me. I believe it meant that one Guardian would bring them all together and be able to stop it but it's hard to decipher."

"Hold on a minute," Xavier rubbed his temples. "What's this prophecy doing on Solanja anyhow? Why wouldn't it all be complete?"

"I believe the Gods scattered pieces of the prophecy onto all the islands. Even those two murals raise far more questions than answers." Atlas posited. "But I wouldn't know since it isn't my duty to visit the other isles. And none of my siblings believed that my prophecy existed even before the island sunk."

"What I do know, is this." Atlas continued. "Astraeus has tried convincing everyone of this idea of the prophecy for ages. I guess he finally managed to win them over."

"So what do they want with me?" Rose asked. "Or Kingston for that matter?"

Atlas rolled their eyes. "Isn't it obvious? You're able to wipe them out with ease. We Guardians are very vulnerable to Light Magic and not much else. As for Kingston, Astraeus is the Guardian of Kingston and it's likely the key to how the Guardians can take control of these isles."

"We've gotta stop them then," Xavier concluded. "We're headed to Kingston anyhow and now we know what we're up against."

"Absolutely not." Atlas bluntly told them. "If you enter Kingston, you will be killed. Stay out of all of this and let me solve the problem."

Xavier crossed his arms. Atlas sure was overconfident for someone they had just had to rescue. "Pal, are you forgetting that we just saved you?"

Atlas rolled their eyes. "No. Which is why I answered your questions. I know what I have to do to not lose this time. All I need is a weapon forged from Solanjan Ore."

"And then where are you going to get it forged?" Xavier asked. "Those goons will want to hunt you down just like us and they'll win if you're caught alone. Plus, I have connections all over the archipelago. I know a guy who can sell us weapons no forging required."

In all honesty, Atlas was such a crucial source of information that Xavier was terrified they would lose the Guardian. However, he'd spent many years as a pirate learning to hide that kind of fear.

Atlas sighed and conceded. "Fine. Then let's go. Where's your guy?"

Xavier smiled and altered their course. "We're going to Caros! Hang on tight!" Before long, the group started to break into the open seas and practically fly across the water.

It wasn't until late at night when the small boat finally started to approach Caros. The rocky and resource-abundant island, Caros, was home to an inactive volcano and relatively warm weather during the summer.

It was to the far north of Marok and right between Clamerates and Kingston meaning most of the wars fought between the two nations ended up being for control over Caros.

It was a strategic hotbed for whichever nation controlled it thanks to its proximity to both islands. Kingston had initially taken it over many centuries ago during their first expansion and only by banding together with the Clamerates army did the Caros people free themselves. Yet, they immediately fell under the control of the Clamerates.

Caros had changed hands so many times since its initial colonization that the island didn't have much of an identity of its own. It had recently been in the hands of Clamerates for a very long period.

That was until 20 years ago when Kingston staged a massive invasion that threatened the entire archipelago to the point where Clamerates and numerous pirates had to team up to fight off the Kingston army.

The battle was known as the Great Battle of Caros and resulted in Kingston seizing Caros and Clamerates and the pirates barely fending them off.

Caros had since been under the very close control of Kingston and the few times Xavier had visited he noticed the place was rife with guards. The pirate was hoping that wouldn't be the case this time and he could find his old salvager friend.

Xavier shook Atlas and Rose awake. "Alright crew, chances are that Caros is going to be crawling with Kingston Soldiers. And we cannot get caught. I have quite the criminal record and Rose is very much a person of interest."

"I'm not even sure if they'd be able to recognize me. I haven't made any public appearances in years." Rose said.

Atlas raised an eyebrow so Xavier quickly explained. "She's the daughter of Kingston's High Mage but has been living up north for a while to hone her magic safely."

The Guardian seemed to get the idea from that so Xavier returned his focus to the waters. A few oil lamps illuminated the city of Alport. A sprawling port full of homes, shops, and set on a beautiful mountainside.

A few watchtowers were positioned on the edges of the city but Xavier was confident their small ship would slip right by any surveillance. He rolled up the sails and the boat slowed down as it approached some of the docks on the ground level of Alport.

Xavier tied the boat down while Rose and Atlas disembarked from the vessel. "Alright, his shop's a ways away so we need to take advantage of the darkness," Xavier said.

The group was about to set out when Xavier heard footsteps behind them. He wheeled around but there was no one there. "There's something off about this place." He mumbled and started walking up the stairs.

The trio reached the top of the staircase but Xavier couldn't shake his feeling of unease. "You can tell too, can't you?" Atlas asked. "Something's not right."

Atlas suddenly jumped to the side and blasted their magic in the direction they dodged from. A figure suddenly came into view as the magic electrocuted them. It was one of Atlas's siblings, the one with the bow and arrow.

"Clymene!" Atlas shouted and drew their sword.

The ruckus got the attention of soldiers and alarms began to sound alerting everyone of the trio's presence. "We need to go!" Xavier shouted. He grabbed Rose's hand and pulled her down the street. Atlas groaned and hurried after them.

The three of them ran through alleyways Xavier only faintly remembered. It had been too long since he had last been to Caros and too much had changed.

The footsteps seemed to get louder and Xavier knew they didn't stand a chance fighting their way out. One thing he did know is that there were no dead ends in Alport.

It seemed like they would be running through buildings forever when they were finally surrounded on both ends by soldiers. Xavier didn't even have time to give a command before a wall of fire erupted between the trio and the soldiers.

Xavier looked over at Rose to comment but her staff was still put away. "Get over here!" Someone called to them. Xavier looked up and saw some young Caros native standing on a balcony above them.

Xavier looked at Rose and Atlas and shrugged. The Caros boy dropped down a ladder and Xavier and Rose climbed up while Xavier teleported to the balcony. They hurried inside of the building just as the fire died down.

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