Chapter Twenty One- The Final Ordeal

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Xavier sighed as they looked up at the foe facing them. "So what the Hell do we do about this thing?"

Jacob raised Lumis. "Same thing we've done with all the others, bring it down and seal it back up."

"Easier said than done." Atlas reminded the boy. They had referred to it as the Unidragon. A massive beast that left Xavier perplexed. Did this mean Dragons were real?

Arvirdi sighed. "I'm not sure how much help I can be. I'm nearly spent at this point."

"Don't worry about it, lad." Xavier wrung out his wrists and narrowed his eyes. "We'll handle this, and then it'll be over."

Maya took Luna's hand and held up her other hand. "How should we get it down?"

The Unidragon was currently flying above the lake, gathering its bearings. While it did notice the group, it didn't seem to be concerned with them. "The Unidragon was the most difficult of the Ancient Monsters to seal away," Atlas explained. "This lake didn't always exist. It was during the fight against it that it was created. This thing has access to all forms of magic, which makes it a real pain to do any substantial damage to it."

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "How is that even possible?"

"It's from the Old World, isn't it?" Luna confirmed, waiting for Atlas to nod. "It was power like this that destroyed that world. It doesn't follow our rules."

"And we don't follow its." Xavier started stomping towards the water. "Let's do this! Everyone!" The man held out his hand and forced the air around the Unidragon to cool. It condensed into multiple icicles that surrounded the monster.

Then, Xavier let them loose directly into the body of the beast. The Unidragon roared and surged through the air, shaking off the icicles. It swooped down and unleashed a blast of Light Magic at Xavier.

Jacob jumped in the way and absorbed the magic with his shield. Xavier glanced up to see that the Unidragon was now flying above them. The beast swung its claws down to strike them. Atlas teleported between the claws and Jacob, parrying the strike with their sword. Luna appeared next to them and raked her scythe across the creature's neck.

The Unidragon hissed as the blow seemed to provide only a small amount of irritation to its scaly body. Helena launched Divios through the air, slamming it into the neck of the monster. The spear seemed to be much more effective, though it wouldn't slow down the beast.

The Unidragon started to flap its wings and sent out waves of hellish wind. The intense gusts blew the group off of their feet. Xavier tumbled back and his hat went flying off of his head. The man looked up and saw that the monster was ramming its head into the ground.

A shockwave rippled across the earth, splitting it into pieces and sinking into the ground. Xavier scrambled to his feet as the unstable earth descended. The pirate grabbed onto the ledge of stable ground and tried to pull himself up.

The man made it halfway and then glanced back at their enemy. The Unidragon now had a giant bubble of water swirling around it. The water rushed into the field they were fighting on. Intense water crashed into the pit where Xavier was moments ago.

The pirate got himself out of the hole and tried to think of a counterattack. The Unidragon's eyes fell on him and it swooped down to strike. The captain didn't see any of his crew around him, he had to act quickly.

Xavier raised his hands into the air, feeling the water in front of him. The water was intense, though not currently under the control of the beast. The pirate forced it to coalesce into a giant pillar that shot through the air.

The Unidragon slammed directly into the pillar and smashed it into pieces. Xavier dashed out of the way as the beast slammed its claw into the ground where he had been. The man had no idea how to defeat a creature like this, or where anyone else had gone.

The pirate suddenly felt a tug on his weapon. The Gunsword started to raise itself into the air. The weapon being strapped to Xavier's back meant that he went up into the air with it. Xavier turned around in the air to see the Unidragon was now staring him down.

The pirate's eyes widened as the creature prepared to lunge at him with its maw. Xavier tugged at the weapon and tried to release himself from it, frantically pulling at the suspended blade. Where was everybody else?

The pirate calmed his racing mind. This was like Helena's magic. The man watched as the Unidragon lunged out to strike him. The beast's jaws were gigantic when opened wide. The pirate wiggled his gunsword out of its holster.

Xavier was then able to fall right past the Unidragon by letting go of the weapon. Xavier conjured snow on the ground beneath him and crashed into it. He looked up to see his weapon on the way back down as the Unidragon flew back around at him.

"Hello? Where is everybody?" Xavier shouted, getting no response. The man scanned his surroundings to see everything was out of place. The alter was missing, as were many of the signs of his battle against Astraeus. This was an illusion of some kind.

The pirate had an idea. He glanced up to confirm that the Unidragon was flying down to attack him. The creature was moving with an immense amount of speed this time. Xavier could barely keep track of the beast as it approached the land.

The captain got a running start, dashing to the coastline. The pirate held out his hands and froze the ground with ice, sliding out of the range of the Unidragon as it crashed onto the ground. The monster dug its claws into the earth and chased after Xavier.

The man then saw the object he needed lying on the ground. The Dragon Fang, Astraeus had dropped it during the fight. Xavier picked it up and then checked his surroundings. Everyone was back. Though, they all seemed to be in confused states. They were stumbling around and running away from invisible forces.

It seemed the magic used by the Unidragon was stronger than the Illusion mage they had faced before. Yet, the Artifacts were still able to stand up against it.

Xavier looked into the sky to see that the Unidragon was flapping its wings. The beast hadn't actually been chasing him at all. The Unidragon had a massive cloud of electricity billowing above it. Directly beneath the monster was Luna, currently firing blasts of magic out at nothing.

The pirate ran across the field towards the girl. The Unidragon moved out of the way and a bolt of lightning rocketed down as he approached. Xavier thrust the Dragon Fang into her hand and jumped away as the bolt struck down.

The Dragon Fang managed to absorb all of the magic and Luna suddenly gasped. "Wait... where did the Unidragon go? Xavier, where did you come from?"

The pirate got himself to his feet. "The Unidragon was using illusions on us all. Everyone else is still afflicted by them."

Luna's eyes widened and she looked down at the item in her hand. "I'll get it to them, then." The girl then flew through the air and towards Atlas. The Unidragon seemed to take notice of her and flew down to challenge her.

The creature sent a vortex of wind at her that was negated by the magical object. The Unidragon then swung one of its claws at Luna, which she deflected using her magic. The girl teleported past the beast and placed the Dragon Fang in Atlas's hand.

Her sibling immediately glanced at her and seemed to understand what had been happening. "I'll run this to the next one," The Guardian declared, flying off as the Unidragon chased after them. It snapped its maw several times, trying to grab ahold of the Guardian in its teeth.

Atlas flew faster than the monster could move. It increased its speed using some sort of magic, but Atlas teleported out of the way and let it run far past them. The Guardian reappeared next to Jacob and dropped the Dragon Fang around his neck. "Morning, sunshine."

Jacob looked around and then at Atlas. "Oh, wait what?" He then looked at his neck and chuckled. "Thanks for the save, Atlas. I can deliver the next one." Jacob started charging over to Maya at that point.

Maya was launching lightning into the ground, seemingly trying to fend off some imaginary attacks. Jacob rushed over to her as the Unidragon slammed its tail into the ground in front of him. The beast roared and swung its tail several times to try and slice him.

Jacob blocked the strikes with ease. The boy used Light Magic to rocket himself into the air and then fling down a ball of magic into the Unidragon's eyes. The creature shrieked and turned away.

The warrior safely landed and then took the Dragon Fang from his neck and put it in Maya's hand. The girl looked around and then at Jacob. "Oh shoot, more illusion magic?" He nodded and then pointed at Helena.

"I've done my leg of this, it's your turn." He explained.

Maya rolled her eyes. "Oh fine then, just take a load off." The girl sent out a tendril of electricity that latched onto Helena's weapon from across the battlefield.

She pulled herself through the air and past the Unidragon. It slammed its claw down, blocking the lightning tendril and sending her careening into its scaly hand. The beast prepared to chomp down on the girl. Maya took out a dagger and chucked it into the mouth of the monster.

The Unidragon began to choke as Maya got to her feet and ran to Helena. Maya handed the Dragon Fang off to the next member of the group. Helena seemed to be completely lost for a moment, before hearing the roar of the beast as it pounced on her.

The woman swung her battle axe to deflect the claw swipes of the Unidragon. Then, the warrior tossed her axe into the air and let it spin. The weapon forced the Unidragon to retract its face as the weapon banged against its scales. Helena jumped into the air and unleashed Divios as she grabbed her weapon.

The Clamerasean warrior then jammed the spear into the head of the Unidragon, causing it to shriek as the spear once again broke the scales on its body. Helena landed on the ground and then held up the Dragon Fang. Her battle axe flew into the air and carried the Dragon Fang with it.

The weapon dropped the fang directly onto Arvirdi's head, finally breaking everyone out of the Unidragon's illusions.

The crew regrouped at the altar where Akira had taken refuge. The prince watched them all with awe. "How are you managing to hold that thing back?"

Xavier shrugged. "The Dragon Fang is a big help."

"Seems like the Artifacts are able to do a number on the beast," Helena observed.

"They're from its world," Atlas explained. "The same time period, so they possess the same amount of power. We can take it down if we just stick together. We have to use the powers given to us from that old world, as well as the powers that we have now."

Jacob glanced up at the Unidragon, now flying in the air above them. "It's preparing something,"

Xavier clenched his fists. "Likely a final stand. Here we go, crew!"

In an instant, as though time had been stopped while it moved, the Unidragon appeared in front of them all. It swiped its claws and struck Arvirdi, causing the man to collapse. The Dragon Fang went flying from his person. In another instant, the Unidragon snapped up the Dragon Fang and swallowed it.

Xavier ran to Arvirdi's side. "It's moving faster than before! Watch out!" Arvirdi was bleeding out of his side, his breathing was now heavy and ragged. Xavier started to pump the man with healing magic in hopes of saving him.

It was a terrible situation, having someone who he loved bleeding out in his arms. This time, they had to overcome what was in front of them.

"It got the Fang!" Jacob shouted, preparing his blade to try and attack the monster. The Unidragon seemed to move in the blink of an eye once again, now out of Jacob's range.

The pirate's peripheral vision caught the beast's spiked tail curling in the air. The man wanted to call out, but the tail had already shot forward. The dangerous object sped towards Maya faster than she would be able to move.

The girl braced herself for impact. "MAYA!" Luna's voice cut through the scene as she appeared between Maya and the attack. The spike impaled her body, right below the heart. Blood shot out of Luna's wound, as did the darkness that made up the bodies of the other Guardians.

"Luna! No, no, NO!" Maya screamed as she caught Luna in her arms. The girl slumped over as the tail retracted, leaving a massive gash in her body.

"The magic it's using, it's too powerful!" Atlas shouted, tears trickling down from their gemstone eyes. "It can move faster than we can process!"

Xavier glanced up at the Unidragon, now taking aim at Helena with a rain of dark magic. The woman repelled the incoming projectiles with her weapon. Xavier knew that the Unidragon was going to blink again soon. What would it do to her when it did?

There had to be some way to stop this monster. Xavier glanced at his allies, at Arvirdi, at Luna. Then, he saw Akira. "Akira! What's your magic, lad?"

Akira seemed a bit surprised by the question. "Uhm, Assist! It like, it lets me make someone else stronger when they need to be!"

The pirate's eyes widened. "Can you make Jacob fast, really fast?" Akira thought for a few moments and nodded. "Jacob, you're the only one who can compete with its speed with your light! You need to hit it while it's moving, go as fast as you can! That's our best shot! It's up to you, lad!"

The rebel bit his lip and nodded. Akira then held out his hand. A blue aura surrounded Jacob and the boy channeled Light Magic through his body. "Guess this is it, my destiny."

Atlas quickly gripped Jacob's hand. "Don't talk like that. You're so much more than a Dragon Slayer. Your destiny doesn't matter, you're incredible because you're you. Please, stay safe."

Luna began to cough. "Give it Hell, Jacob." Relief surged through the group and Maya was restored from her stasis.

Maya gasped. "Luna... you're alive."

The Unidragon seemed to be preparing to move, and then it vanished. Jacob jumped into the air.

There was a moment of nothing. No Unidragon, no Jacob. He was their only chance at matching the beast's power.

A split second later, Jacob appeared in the air, having struck the Unidragon's body down the middle.

The beast crashed onto the ground. Dozens of its scales had been shattered due to the impact, and now decorated the ground around the group.

Luna's wound seemed to no longer be bleeding. "I'm alright... we need to help Arvirdi."

"Luna, what did you do with the Aero Crown?" Atlas asked as she ran past them and over to the village chief's side.

Luna joined Xavier in helping heal the man. His condition seemed to be stabilizing, for now. A massive weight lifted off of Xavier's chest. "I dropped it when the Unidragon appeared."

A few seconds later, the Aero Crown flew across the field and into Helena's free hand. "We've got it. What's the plan?"

"We need to hit this bastard with everything we've got. The Aero Crown can hold it in place during that so it can't use any magic to protect itself. The fang won't protect it when it's inside the beast's stomach." Atlas stared at the dragon as it began to get back onto its feet.

Jacob landed next to them and raised his blade. "I'm ready! I'm going to take this monster down!"

Xavier and Luna stood with the others. Helena handed the Aero Crown to Xavier and readied Divios. "On your mark, Captain."

It was funny, having an Artifact in his hands. The Captain never imagined he would be doing something like this a year ago. But now, together, he and his friends could change this world.

The pirate looked at the Artifact and placed it on his head. A surge of power went through his body as he did this. It was time to put an end to the fighting.

Xavier unleashed a blast of almighty energy from the gemstone on the crown. The power of the energy held the Unidragon in place. All of his friends moved in, one by one. Atlas led the charge by slamming their blade into the chest of the beast.

Helena ran in on the side and slammed her spear into its underbelly. While Jacob leaped up with Lumis in its expanded form, crashing the blade onto the head of the Unidragon.

The Unidragon was entirely unable to move. It just had to take all the attacks. Maya and Luna were moving in to bring out the final strikes. That was when Xavier felt his power waiver, the man crumbled onto one knee as the crown's hold gave out.

The Unidragon shrieked as it prepared to respond to the sudden injuries. Maya gasped and sent out a tendril of electricity, pulling herself towards the monster before it could smash Luna. The girl quickly began to wrap the creature's body in tendrils of electricity. She planted herself on its head and held all of the tendrils taut.

The Unidragon thrashed its neck, trying to jostle Maya from that position and snap her up. Xavier threw the crown from his head and held out his hands. "Not this time!" The man sent a wave of ice out that matched the blizzard he had summoned twice before.

The pure power of that ice, capable of shattering the Indigo Jewel, had been formed when he thought of Rose. This time, it was not out of grief, it was out of the desire to protect.

The ice encased the body of the Unidragon in full, stopping it from consuming Maya. The girl then looked at Luna. "Let's finish this! You and I!"

Luna nodded and summoned the scythe into her hand. "I wouldn't be able to do it without you, Maya." The two looked at each other, and then Maya grabbed onto the weapon. "I love you."

Maya smiled. "I love you too, Luna." They ascended into the air and lighting started to build around them. The electric energy exuding from Maya surrounded her and her girlfriend. The Guardian raised her weapon as power channeled all around it.

The blade of the scythe grew in size and seemed to resemble a lightning bolt. Maya and Luna then swung the weapon down onto the frozen beast, cutting it in half. The ice split, and then shattered.

Xavier's breathing started to slow. "Is that it? Is it... is it over?"

Everybody hesitated, waiting for it to get worse. For the Unidragon to return. For Astraeus to come back. For any number of other things to go wrong.

But nothing did.

Nobody died.

No tragedies occurred.

They had conquered their foes.

It was over.

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