Chapter Two- An Ordinary World

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Xavier pulled his ship into the port of the Azure Cove. An area untouched by Kingston's grimy hold.

The Cove was exploding with all sorts of trade and people. Refugees from Caros and Clamerates had come to the Azure Cove for sanctuary.

The pirate paradise had been rebuilt over the last few months. It was now slowly returning to its state from before Tethys's attack.

Xavier's ship slid right next to his flagship, The Glacialine. The smaller ship was one he was less fond of, but it got the job done for their missions.

Xavier jumped off of the ship and then got to work tying it down. The mission had been a complete success, and now it was time to begin their plan.

The group had been preparing for a mission like no other. They needed to raise Solanja from the sea.

When Atlas had said that, it had sounded absolutely insane. Xavier didn't even know how that was possible.

Atlas explained that the Relics in their possession could be used to raise the island from the sea. The same process could be used on Caros when the time came.

Astraeus had somehow drawn that power out of the Indigo Jewel. While it would take time, he could likely do something like that again.

Lumis, the Dragon Fang, and Divios were the three artifacts in the group's possession. With their strong magical power, they would be able to move the land around with ease.

A Guardian would be necessary for this feat. Fortunately, the group also had two of them.

All of this meant that they could do the impossible. They could uncover the secrets of Solanja and hopefully utilize the knowledge to stop Astraeus.

There were too many mysteries that needed to be solved. Now, they were going to figure it all out. That was the only way to save the Isles of Ice.

The only thing stopping them was the fear of a Kingston invasion of the Azure Cove. By ensuring Eis was still dealing with Clamerates, they were in the clear. There was one more person they would need to pick up before departing for Solanja.

The group all climbed off the ship. "Great work everyone! We're going to touch base with Marius and Cannonball, and then be off!" Xavier told them.

Helena helped get the ship situated. "I'll also have to check in with our crew and make sure everything is running smoothly."

Xavier's right hand, Helena, had taken on the responsibility of making sure the Glacialine crew was properly helping out at the cove. There was a lot that had to be managed and kept track of, and it was Helena's duty to facilitate all of this.

Maya took Luna's hand as they started walking away from the docks. "You were amazing out there, Luna. You look more powerful than ever!"

Luna blushed. "Aw, thank you, Maya. That whole lightning web you made, it was amazing!"

Xavier chuckled at the display and started following after them. Jacob chatted with a few CIF members on the docks. "Mhm, we're making our big moves soon. Let the other members know and have them on standby, we're going to have to hit Kingston with everything we've got." The boy told them.

Jacob had taken over the CIF in full at this point, given his power and his position. Most of the members had died, as had many of Caros's people.

The sudden sinking left no time for evacuation after the battle started. Only those not on the island were able to escape. An evacuation order had been given out before the attack, though many lives had been lost. The faction was more determined than ever to get revenge, blaming Kingston for the sinking.

Atlas tapped Jacob on the shoulder. "Don't mean to be a buzzkill, but we've got work to do."

Jacob sighed and ended his conversation. "Atlas, I'm trying to keep the CIF updated. This is important stuff."

Atlas rolled their eyes. "Solanja's a touch more important, kid. Lumis chose you, don't forget about that."

"How could I?" Jacob grumbled, looking off to the side.

Xavier sighed. "Atlas, it's nothing urgent. We'll be off soon enough, no need to rush the lad." The trio trailed behind Maya, Luna, and Helena.

The girls were chatting about various chores that had to be taken care of. Maya and Luna had begun working as members of Xavier's crew, and the two had adjusted swimmingly.

Maya had learned how to use her magic in tandem with knives, while Luna had honed her burgeoning Guardian powers. Both of them had gotten some new clothes, and a consistent diet and workout regimen.

The group walked off of the docks and up the Azure Cove. Numerous buildings that had been burned down or destroyed were now reinforced with new materials.

The Azure Cove was completely bustling with people. Shops were open and people were making purchases, chatting, or doing shady dealings in alleyways.

The Pirate Cove was very dirty, especially in its streets. The group trudged up the hill of the closest thing they had to a home. Xavier couldn't help but smile being back here once again.

They approached the Tavern that had become the designated meeting place, the place where Xavier had first met Rose.

The captain still missed her dearly, of course. However, he had taken advantage of his knowledge and spread the word of her death.

Apparently, the Crown Prince of Kingston had also died. It had been kept a secret until word got out that the High Mage's daughter had died. How that had happened? Xavier had no idea.

The disarray caused by that was helpful. Though King Aerolph still had an heir to the throne, he was much younger.

There was so much madness to keep up with in the last three months. It was especially nice that Xavier's friends had stuck together, and were still able to go on successful missions together.

They arrived at the tavern and pushed the door open. The tavern was full of people, being served by the workers.

Marius and Cannonball were seated in the center, downing numerous mugs of beer and laughing about something. Xavier approached them and cleared his throat. "Ahoy, lads. We're back! And it was a complete success!"

Xavier's friends looked up at him and grinned. "There he is! The man of the hour!" Marius declared.

Cannonball laughed. "Glad you're all here and it went well! What's the word?"

"Eis is stuck on Clamerates. No chance of invasion anytime soon." Helena confirmed.

"Plus, the Bloodstone Gang got our fake message and blew up the Heacha barracks!" Maya added in. "Meaning it'll be ages until anyone even interviews Klaus about what happened to him!"

Luna chuckled. "You really outdid yourself on that forgery, Maya."

The girl grinned and grabbed some of the beer from the table. "Well, I learned what pisses them off from my time there." Maya was about to down the beer when Xavier stopped her.

"Hold on lass," The pirate said. "You can't just go drinking that. Gotta wait for the rest of us to get a mug so we can make this a proper toast!"

Jacob rubbed his hands together. "Now this, we have time for!"

Xavier ordered a round of alcohol for the table while informing Marius and Cannonball of the current plans.

The alcohol arrived and the group all raised their glasses into the air. Atlas stared at the drink. "You know I'm not able to taste things, right?"

Luna chuckled. "It's for the fun of it, Atlas. Sharing a drink with friends and family."

The Guardian sighed. "Alright then."

Xavier grinned. "To a better world in the near future!"

"Here! Here!" Everyone responded, and then they downed their drinks.

Marius laughed a bit. "So, you're really going to bring back Solanja? From under the ocean?"

Xavier sighed. "Not so loud, lad. That's the plan, yes."

Atlas stared up at the ceiling. "We need to. It's the only way to get the answers we need to figure out just what Astraeus is doing. There's so much knowledge I feel like I should have, that's right at my fingertips. It's as if I've forgotten it, and going to Solanja can help with that."

Maya took hold of Luna's hand. "Plus, we might be able to find more answers about Luna." The girl smiled at her girlfriend hopefully.

Jacob put his hands on his hips. "Then let's stop hanging around. We've got to set a course for Marok first, after all!"

Maya rolled her eyes at this but held her tongue. "The ship is ready to go whenever." Helena reminded them all.

Xavier nodded. "Right then, we'll be off. Take care of things here, lads. We should be back in a few days."

Cannonball nodded. "We'll do our best to make sure things don't burn down while you're gone!"

"Good luck, Cap!" Marius held his fist in the air before slouching back into his seat.

The group turned and walked out of the tavern, taking in the salty air of the cove once again. Xavier wasn't entirely sure how to feel. They had spent so long preparing for this, and now it was time to make it happen.

They all piled back onto the small ship and set off for Marok. The boat began to race across the water. Xavier grinned as he returned to the open sea.

Maya started getting the sail set up while Luna watched her. Maya had taken a shine to being a pirate. Xavier had spent the last few months teaching the girl what he knew and helping her master the ocean.

Maya had made startling progress. The girl was a quick learner and had become an asset to Xavier's Ice Pirates.

"So, we're bringing Arvirdi with us?" Maya confirmed.

Xavier felt a twinge of unease. "Yep, he said he was more than willing to join us. Listen, lass. I know you don't like the man, but he knows more about this archipelago than most. It's better to have someone like that with us when sailing into such an uncharted area."

"I thought you loved danger?" Maya pushed. "Why're we bringing that guy just because of possible danger?"

"I love adventure, lass." Xavier corrected. "Danger's just a part of that deal. However, there's a difference between a bit of danger and avoiding some needless stupidity."

Maya sighed. "That's fine. Just don't expect me to be nice to him. Especially since Kingston has gotten so much worse and Marok is still doing nothing."

"That's fair, Maya," Xavier responded. "I'm not going to tell you how you should feel."

Maya went and sat down with Luna and started chatting with the girl.

"Impressive work, Captain." Helena posited.

Xavier glanced at the woman. Helena was seated in front of the steering wheel, looking out at the water. "How do you mean?"

"You're a better listener," Helena responded. "Especially with the kid."

Xavier chuckled. "Really? I haven't been doing anything differently. At least. I didn't think so."

"It's little things," Helena elaborated. "A bit more understanding on your part goes a long way. The crew have felt it too, I think. They always liked you, of course. But now it seems like you're much better with heavier topics."

The pirate was left speechless for a little bit. That wasn't something he had ever really considered. Xavier knew he was always weak at deeper conversation, but had he really gotten better without noticing?

It was a strange thought. "Aye, I suppose if you say so I'll take your word for it. Thank you, Helena." The woman nodded and Xavier turned his attention back to the sea.

They were making pretty good progress. It was about midday when Marok started to become visible on the horizon. The group had stayed up late last night on their mission, however. They would likely need to get some rest before setting off for Solanja's waters

The ship pulled into Marok's main point, which was as explosive as ever. Tons of unfamiliar faces were doing deals with one another, trading goods back and forth.

A strange-looking boy was cataloging things in his journal. Furiously scribbling down all sorts of sights. He was also asking about some large man who stole some dagger from him.

Marok's shopping center was always the most hectic part of the island. Xavier parked his ship in the docks and the group jumped off.

There wasn't a lot of time to spend browsing, and so Xavier led them up the hill of the island.

Marok was decently warm this time of year. The heat was exuding from the ground itself, and a gentle breeze was blowing through the massive trees all around.

Marok's jungle took up the vast majority of the island. It towered behind the huts made of wood and leaves. It was a sight to behold, if not a bit too warm for how everyone was dressed.

They climbed up to the largest tent and Xavier knocked on the wooden door. A few moments later, Arvirdi emerged.

The tall man had cut his grey beard. It now went down to a little past his chin. Meanwhile, his head had only become even more bald. Arvirdi towered over Xavier and looked down at the man with a soft gaze.

"Xavier! You're here! It's time, then?" Arvirdi confirmed.

The pirate nodded. "Aye, I think it's best if we rest for tonight. We were all out doing some last-minute work last night. Tomorrow though, we're leaving for Solanja."

Arvirdi nodded and gestured to some of the nearby tents. "You're all welcome to stay the night in those guest houses, then. I'll meet with you tomorrow morning, and we'll set off.

Xavier's friends all turned to leave. "Xavier, if I could speak with you for a moment longer?" Arvirdi requested.

"Aye lad, what's this about?" The pirate questioned the village chief.

Xavier nodded and let his friends walk away. "I'm so glad you're alive and well." Arvirdi immediately said to the man. "I was worried, especially with how hostile everything has been. The Ice Pirates are wanted all throughout the Kingston Empire now."

Xavier nodded. "Good, I want them to be aware of us. I can handle myself, and this has been a long time coming."

Arvirdi sighed. "Perhaps. But I just don't know why it has to be you, Xavier. You're just a regular pirate."

The captain shook his head. "That ended when Astraeus attacked Rose and I. I'm fighting for her, for my parents, and for everyone else."

"Sometimes I wish I hadn't ever gotten you in a pirate ship," Arvirdi said with a laugh. It was clear he was mostly joking, mostly. "Of course, your soul was destined for adventure. Neutrality wouldn't have worked for your mind."

Xavier looked out at the shopping district. All the different ethnicities, coming and making purchases. There were almost no people from Clamerates or Caros present.

"Neutrality isn't an option," Xavier responded. "It never was. Not in a world like this. But we're going to fix it all. Just like my parents would have wanted. What Rose wanted."

Arvirdi closed his eyes and nodded. "Just take care of yourself, please."

The Ice Pirate chuckled. "I'll be alright. I've got a good crew with me, and I've endured worse. Solanja will be a nice break from it all. Atlas and Luna really need to go there, as well. I hope they get the answers they're looking for."

"As do I," Arvirdi almost mumbled. "I've rambled for long enough now. I have to tend to some things and prepare for our expedition tomorrow. I'll see you soon, Xavier."

The pirate nodded as Marok's chief went back into his tent. That was a strange interaction, to say the least. Xavier wasn't used to seeing so much concern from Arvirdi.

Either way, it was good to be around him again.

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