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Xavier's eyes opened and the mist began to clear. The pirate was no longer sitting in the forest, or so it seemed. He was unsure what had happened, but there was nobody else with him now. The mist continued to fade away, and the pirate found himself surrounded by stone pillars and standing in some sort of cobblestone ruins.

In the distance, a few trees rose into the air. "Am I... in the ruins?" Xavier wondered, drawing his weapon as he looked around. The pirate took a few tentative steps into the mist, still unable to control the mysterious substance.

"Xavier!" A familiar voice called. No, it couldn't be. "Xavier! Is that you?

Xavier turned around to where the voice had come from, seeing Rose emerging from the mist. The girl's brown hair was held in two pigtails, and her red hood rested behind her head. Her striking jade eyes were the same as ever, it was impossible.

In one hand, she clutched her staff. The mage was seemingly completely unharmed, which was impossible. "Aren't you glad to see me, Mr. Pirate?" Rose asked him.

The captain was at a loss for words, taking a few steps back while agony wracked his heart. Keep cool, keep cool, keep cool. The Pirate's mantra would do him little good here, when facing her down.

Rose frowned, tilting her head to one side. "Xavier, what's wrong?" She took a step closer, and Xavier couldn't bring himself to take a step back.

The pirate clenched his fists, unable to do much of anything. He couldn't even stop tears from trickling down his face for the first time. Being faced with Rose was too much for him, even though it couldn't have been real.

The woman frowned, reaching out a hand and grabbing the pirate's wrist. "You're crying... please talk to me when you're ready. We have all the time we need here."

"I-I-" Xavier stammered. "You-you-you were... Astraeus..."

"I couldn't stay gone forever, Xavier," Rose responded. "Not after how you were left."

Just then, another voice cut through the fog. "Hello? Is anybody here? What happened? Xavier! Atlas! Anybody?" It was Jacob. Xavier willed himself to move, dashing from Rose and in the direction of the blacksmith's voice. Xavier soon found the boy standing in the fog, completely disoriented.

"Jacob! Is-is it you?" Xavier confirmed as he approached his friend.

The rebel grinned upon seeing the pirate, but then tilted his head. "Me? What do you mean?"

Xavier sighed with relief and then turned back to where he had come from. Rose dashed out of the fog, grinning and waving at Jacob. "Jacob! You too? This is great! Did you also save Atlas?"

Jacob tensed up, looking at Xavier. "Cap, what the Hell is happening?"

Xavier shook his head. "No idea, b-but I... I don't know what to do..." Xavier felt himself begin to freeze, as the girl approached both of them.

"Both of you? Can someone tell me what's going on?" Rose demanded, growing irritated at the duo.

Jacob shook his head. "This is impossible... how is she back?"

Rose narrowed her eyes. "Not the warm welcome I was expecting. I know I was gone for a while, but this is just ridiculous." She placed her hands on her hips, and Xavier was starting to feel a bit of confusion in between the despair.

"You died," Jacob declared. "What's going on here? Who is doing this?"

Rose's demeanor shifted from annoyed to confused. "I... died? What? When did I... I died. That's right, I remember now. I also remember how you both LET ME DIE."  She quickly shifted into anger, the air around her seemingly catching on fire.

Xavier braced himself. Whatever was happening, he would surely hate it.

Atlas was mildly aware of what was happening. They understood that a test from the ruins must have been triggered, the ancient protector was ensuring that they were up to the task of wielding the artifact.

Atlas didn't know why they had been transported into some mysterious foggy void, but it was likely a sign that something strange was going to take place.

The Guardian took a deep breath and waited. It wasn't long before they had their answer, as Crius's laugh echoed throughout the area. The Guardian of Heau landed in front of them, with his trademark grin intact. "Hello, Atlas. Good to see you again."

Atlas audibly groaned. "I really wish I'd be given something new to deal with instead of you for the millionth time."

Crius said nothing, instead spreading his arms out. Atlas's siblings descended on either side, all six of them. Atlas placed their hand on their sword when the weapon faded out of existence. Atlas could barely process what had happened before being slammed in the chest by a giant fist.

Rhea stood over Atlas, picking them up and tossing them into the air. Several arrows bombarded the Guardian from above, flinging them back down. They landed directly on Tethys's glaive. Their sister swung her weapon around, tossing them off of the weapon. As this happened, Oceanus descended and plunged his weapon into their chest.

Atlas was pinned to the ground and tried to teleport away. Astraeus cackled and waved his golden staff around. "Atlas, that won't work. I've taken your powers, I figure they're better suited for our newest Guardian."

The lone Guardian looked up to see Luna emerging from the fog. Her eyes had now been replaced with gemstones, and the girl held Atlas's sword in her hands. "Hello, Atlas. Everyone was so excited to discover me, so we figured we could bond over your destruction."

The trident was lifted off of Atlas, and they scrambled to their feet. Their siblings were all around them, looking eagerly at the warrior. "Some Guardian you turned out to be, couldn't even protect your own island," Tethys remarked.

Rhea pounded her fists together. "This'll be the end of an era for you, your eternal punishment. Notice how you're still standing after all of that?"

"It's thanks to this wonderful manifestation all around us," Astraeus jumped in, waving his arms around. "It truly will allow us to exist like this forever. Luna, would you like to do the honors?"

Dark energy swirled around the girl, and she pointed the Guardian's own sword at them. "Gladly. It was nice to meet you Atlas." She charged at them, and they dodged to the side. Luna swung the sword around, raking it across Atlas's body.

Atlas crashed on the ground and was pelted with magic from the new Guardian. She laughed while Atlas turned over. "Thank you for this power! I couldn't have done it if you weren't so afraid of me!"

Atlas grit their teeth. "For good reason, clearly. You're all the same! Blinded by your own power and hubris!"

Luna smirked. "As long as you believe it to be true, it will be." And she charged at Atlas.

Maya found herself wandering a mysterious void, alone. One minute she had been having one of the worst experiences of her life, and the next she was here. "Luna! Luna!" The girl called out, screaming in hopes that her girlfriend would hear. What had just happened?

What if Luna was gone? What if they had been attacked? What if that was the last time she ever spoke to the one she loved the most? The thought was suffocating, and Maya began to run through the fog in hopes of finding her.

"Luna! Please! Please be somewhere!" Tears began to stream down the girl's face. "C'mon! That can't be how this ends! What is happening?" Maya clenched her fists, and electricity started to coalesce around her. Waves of electric energy exploded into the nothingness, gaining no response.

"Maya..." Luna's voice echoed from afar. Maya immediately was broken from her spiral of despair, turning to where the voice had come from.

Luna was now standing a few feet away from her. Maya tried to run toward her girlfriend, but couldn't seem to get any closer. "What the Hell is going on?" Maya cried, coming to a stop.

"I'm not sure... but I have a feeling this isn't a coincidence," Luna replied.

Maya wasn't sure what Luna meant at first. "What do you... oh." She looked up at Luna and recalled the conversation that they had been engaged in. "Guess that makes a little sense then. But where are we?"

Luna shrugged. "Might have to do with whatever magic thing Atlas was trying to find, I can't really be sure. That doesn't matter though... Maya, we need to talk about what's been happening. Or this is just going to get worse."

Tears glistened in Maya's eyes, but she nodded. "We do. We tell each other everything, just like we used to. I'm scared Luna, I'm really scared. I don't know what I'd do without you, and if you're a Guardian then... how are we going to stay together?"

Luna was now crying as well. Maya wanted to badly to comfort her girlfriend, but the distance was still present. "I am too, I really am. I've been so confused, I don't even know myself anymore. Things I thought I knew about who I was... they make more sense but that just makes them hurt more."

Maya nodded, feeling her frustration die down. "No matter what, I'm going to be here for you. I don't care if things have to change, but I just hate not being certain. And I understand if you... if you need space from me while you figure it out."

"No," Luna said immediately. "Sorry, I mean that I know one thing. And that's that I still want you with me, I was worried you wouldn't feel the same. I might not even be human, after all. I might be some immortal all-powerful being, I'd never want to burden you with having to stay with that."

Maya continued to cry, taking a step closer to Luna. "You're never a burden, you never will be. I love you Luna, and I'm not going anywhere. We're going to figure everything out, together." She reached out a hand and Luna grasped it.

"Forever," Luna affirmed, and she pulled Maya in for a kiss. The two were interlocked for a few moments, before looking around and seeing all the fog had cleared. They were now back at the encampment, with their friends no longer present.

Maya looked around, frowning. "Where are the others?"

"If I had to guess, undergoing something similar to what we just experienced," Luna concluded, holding up a ball of her magic. The magic expanded outwards, unveiling a vortex made of fog. Luna's eyes widened and she pointed at it. "It's Atlas, they need help."

Maya nodded, and the two girls leaped into the vortex.

They arrived in another foggy void, this time Atlas was surrounded by several other Guardians. Standing most prominently of them all, was Luna. This version of Luna had a purple blade in one of her hands, and her eyes had become that of the other Guardians' eyes.

The other Luna raised the blade, and brought it down on Atlas. The sword cut clean through the Guardian, and they collapsed. The other Guardians began to charge up attacks.

Maya dashed forward, shooting lightning from her fingertips. She electrocuted the other Guardians, and then stood in between the strange Luna and Atlas. "Stop it right now! What are you doing?"

Luna joined Maya's side and then faced Atlas. "Atlas, are you alright?"

"Don't bother," The other Luna spat. "They're afraid of us, they believe we're just like their other siblings."

"I can imagine why," Luna responded. "Atlas, I saw fragments of your experiences and I could not imagine how you must feel. Your own family did all of that to you, and I don't know anywhere near all of it. I've had my own struggles with family, and I want to tell you now that no matter what I'm not going anywhere. I will fight by your side." Luna vowed.

One of the Guardians scoffed. "Pathetic, you think he's worth the trouble?" He swung a mace at Atlas, and Luna caught the weapon with her hand. Magic surrounded Luna's hand as she clutched the weapon.

"Of course they are," Luna replied, blasting away the Guardian with her magic. "Whether they realize it or not."

Maya grinned pushing back some of the other Guardians with her lightning magic. "Atlas, we might not know each other but I've been with Luna for years. She's going to stick with you, and so am I! We're a gang now! All three of us!" Maya's declaration was finished by throwing a lightning bolt into the fake Luna.

Atlas slowly got up and looked at the girls. "I-I'm sorry, it's difficult for me to trust people." They took a deep breath. "But I decided that I would be more open." The mist seemed to swirl, taking the form of various people. "For all of them... Rose, thank you." The Guardian seemed to be speaking to the sky.

They turned to Luna and seemed to smile. "Nice to meet you, Luna. I'm going to do everything I can to help you figure out who you are, it's the least I can do given all you've done for me."

Luna wiped tears from her eyes, and Atlas hesitantly embraced the girl. The fog faded away, and the group were once again returned to the campsite.

Helena's eyes snapped open and she was on board the Glacialine. The pirate looked around, confused. The boat was on sea, and the crew was hard at work. "Where... am I?"

Kerven went up to Helena and began reading off a daily report. "We're making good progress, according to the stars at least. At the rate we're going, we'll be back in the Archipelago soon."

Helena rubbed her temples. "I-alright, good. Anything else to report?"

Kerven shook his head. "Nope, though I do want to propose something to you."

"What is it?" Helena asked, but she already knew. This was some sort of recreation of her memories, but there was a strange magical energy to it all.

"I was thinking, given we've been doing all the work around here for over a year, we could take over," Kerven proposed. "I-I of course don't mean doing away with the Captain, but I feel we should be in charge of the Glacialine. He ran off, after all, and we've done all the work."

Helena crossed her arms, she had said no previously. Though she had also agreed with Kerven not to tell Xavier it had come up, Kerven was worth keeping on the crew. Yet, Helena had to wonder if that was the correct decision.

The Captain had changed so much, and Helena felt as though she was simply blindly following him. Was Xavier really the pirate she had aligned herself with? The tactical mastermind that she had decided to follow into the depths of insanity, the one who blindly charged into every scenario without any hesitation.

One terrible at managing his feelings, especially the loss of crewmates. The pirate who insisted upon his own happiness, and poured his heart and soul into his piracy.

Helena shook her head. Xavier hadn't changed much at all, he was at a breaking point. And Helena wouldn't allow herself to sit idly by when she could help her friend, help him grow and return to the state he so clearly wanted to be at.

The illusion faded away, and Helena found herself in some sort of ruin.

Rose's tirade had only just begun. "You watched me die! You couldn't do anything until it was too late! How is that fair to me? I had dreams, I had aspirations!" She screamed, fire swirling around her.

Xavier grit his teeth, hearing those words from her voice was enough to freeze him once again. Jacob too was frozen. The boy's fire had been extinguished as Rose inundated him with verbal assaults.

"And you, you're supposed to be a hero! You were supposed to save us! The sword CHOSE you! And yet, you got knocked down time and time again! I killed Crius! I was the only one close to beating Astraeus! I'm the only reason you can even use that damn sword!"

Jacob was now crying, having fallen to his knees. Xavier wanted to reach out and help his friend, but what could he do? The pirate would only make things worse.

"You let me die! And you've decided to give up!" Rose declared. "The guilt is eating you both away because you KNOW what you did! You can't even get it together enough to make sure my death wasn't in vain. When they wipe out this archipelago, it'll be on you two!"

"That's why it isn't going to happen." A new voice echoed through the misty area, Helena's voice. "Captain, none of this is real, you know that! And you also know that this doesn't do you any good."

Xavier locked eyes with the woman, she exuded compassion as she approached him. "You need to let yourself grieve, and use that grief to change this world just like you've always wanted! And we'll do it together, I've got your back! Through it all! And not because you're my Captain, but because you're my friend."

The words were enough to snap Xavier out of his trance, the pirate clenched his fists and then looked at the false version of Rose. "She would say the same thing." He concluded, the pirate offered a hand to Jacob. "Jacob, I'm so sorry lad. I know it doesn't do any good now, but I regret every second of leaving you behind. I think we're feeling much of the same grief, and I should have been there to help you."

Jacob looked up, and grabbed Xavier's hand. "I'm sorry too, I was mad at you for keeping your emotions in but did the same damn thing. It hurts so much, the weight of it all. I think we need to help each other through it, instead of fighting. I forgive you, and I've missed you, Xavier."

Xavier embraced his friend for a moment and then turned to Helena. "Helena, I can't thank you enough. I'm going to do as you recommend, and I'm going to get better. Better at everything regarding my feelings."

The false Rose began to fade away. "And Rose, I miss you. I'm happy I can finally cry for you." The illusion faded away, and Xavier was returned to the campground alongside Helena and Jacob.

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