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Xavier and Jacob didn't even know what to say to each other. What could even be said?

Xavier stopped his crying and stood up. Keep cool. Keep cool. We need a plan. He told himself as he tried to untangle everything that had just happened.

What Astraeus had said immediately stuck out to him. "The spell was broken! Your magic attack shattered the spell Astraeus had on here! That means that whoever is in this castle is going to be coming down here soon!" He realized.

Jacob furrowed his brow and buried his pale face in his hands. "Great. Even more to worry about. Her father is going to find her like this."

Keep cool. Keep cool. Xavier insisted to himself as he felt the urge to break down and cry again. "We broke the Jewel, which means that it can't work. And Astraeus didn't get the chance to collect all the fragments. But he said he would later. That means he's going to try and come back. We've got to warn them that he'll attack again."

Jacob glanced up at the pirate. "Makes sense, but we've got bigger things to worry about right now Xavier."

Xavier shook his head. "Not at all. If they find us like this they're going to assume the worst. If they find ME they're going to assume the worst. I'm a wanted pirate in Kingston." He realized.

The pirate just wanted to break down and cry and mourn and panic but there was no time. Keep cool. Keep cool. Keep cool. "I've got to get out of here." Xavier picked up his weapon and looked for the nearest exit.

"Are you kidding? What's with you right now?" Jacob demanded.

Xavier looked back at him with a pleading look. "You've got a sword with you. You can lie your way out of this without me here. Make sure that those fragments are secured and I'll be in touch soon. I promise. But right now, I need to get out of here."

Jacob was about to protest, but he stopped himself. "Alright then, but what if they recognize me? I'm a known rebel after all?"

Xavier shrugged. "Spin some story about it all being an act to get ahold of Lumis. Convince them you're the savior of Kingston. I don't know, but I think after everything that happened they'll be willing to believe whatever makes them feel safer. If not, run. I'll be in touch soon, a week tops. But I need to get out of here. Atlas talked about some eighth Guardian being the answer to this all? Yeah. I'm going to find them. But we have to start looking now, while we have the advantage and before Astraeus returns. So I need to get out of here."

The pirate turned around and hoped that Jacob wouldn't say anything else. He bolted for the water running through the foyer and froze it solid, before squeezing through the grate and sprinting down the path.

The sewer let him out on the river proper in Lonore, which Xavier could hurriedly follow out into the ocean. It was so easy to freeze the water because it was so cold and it was so calm.

Keep cool. Keep cool.

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