Chapter 2

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As the train pulled into Mumbai's chaotic station, I stepped onto the platform with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The city's energy was palpable, surging through the air like an electric current. This was my new beginning, my chance to carve a path in the world of Bollywood.

Finding a place to live became my first priority. With the little money I had saved, I scoured the city for a humble abode that would serve as my sanctuary amidst the relentless hustle and bustle. Eventually, I stumbled upon a tiny, dimly lit apartment tucked away in a narrow alley of the bustling streets.

The apartment was a far cry from the glamour I had seen on the silver screen. It was a small, cramped space, barely large enough to fit a bed, a table, and a worn-out mirror that adorned the peeling walls. But to me, it was a haven—a place where dreams could flourish and determination could take root.

In that humble abode, I poured over scripts and rehearsed tirelessly, honing my craft with unwavering determination. Days turned into nights as I immersed myself in the art of acting, mastering each line and gesture, preparing for the moment when my big break would come.

But Mumbai was not an easy city to conquer. Rejections became a constant companion, echoing in my ears after every audition. I wasn't a star kid, born into the glitz and glamour that often opened doors effortlessly. No, I had to prove myself, to convince the industry that my talent was worth taking a chance on.

Film after film slipped through my fingers, each rejection serving as a test of my resilience. But I refused to let disappointment dim my spirit. I knew that perseverance was the key, that every "no" brought me one step closer to that elusive "yes."

It was during those challenging days that I discovered the true essence of my passion. Acting was not merely a means to fame and fortune; it was an art form that allowed me to delve into the depths of human emotion, to transcend my own circumstances and breathe life into characters that resonated with audiences.

As the nights grew longer, and the city's neon lights flickered outside my tiny window, I held onto my dreams tightly. I reminded myself that success was not an overnight affair. It was built on dedication, hard work, and an unwavering belief in oneself.

And so, in that small, rented apartment in Mumbai, I persisted. I embraced every rejection as a lesson, refining my craft and nurturing the fire within. Little did I know that soon, the tides would turn, and the world of Bollywood would bear witness to the rise of Gauri Tridevi, the girl who defied the odds, shattering the glass ceilings that confined her.

The journey had only just begun, and the city of dreams awaited, ready to unveil the next chapter in my extraordinary tale.


"Send the Ayam Cemani Black Chicken to table 5 Tridevi!"

I sighed, picking up the dish from the kitchen and taking it to table 5 before looking round the restaurant to see which plates needed to be taken away to be cleaned. To earn extra money before my Bollywood career took off, I was working day and night as a waitress and when I wasn't working in the restaurant, I was working towards my acting dream.

As I balanced a tray laden with plates, weaving my way through the bustling restaurant, I caught a glimpse of a man who seemed to command attention effortlessly. His presence exuded confidence and an air of privilege that set him apart from the crowded room. Little did I know that this encounter would mark the beginning of an unexpected connection.

As fate would have it, our paths crossed one another when I approached his table to take his order. The man looked up from the menu, his midnight black eyes meeting mine, and I felt a flicker of recognition pass between us. His name, I would later discover, was Omkara Singh Oberoi, a member of Mumbai's high society.

Me: good evening, sir. What can I get for you today?

I asked with a polite smile, my voice laced with a touch of nervousness.

He returned my smile, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. Then he finally spoke: I'll have the chicken curry, please.

His voice was smooth and cultured. He spoke one more time: and a glass of red wine.

As I jotted down his order, our eyes locked again, and a hint of intrigue danced within his gaze. "

Omkara: you seem familiar.

He remarked casually, leaning back in his chair.

I chuckled softly, my cheeks warming with a blush before replying, attempting to brush off the familiarity he sensed: perhaps you've seen me around the city. I've been working here for some time now.

Omkara's smile widened, his eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

Omkara: no, it's more than that. There's something about you... something unique.

The compliment caught me off guard, and I found myself momentarily at a loss for words. I had grown accustomed to blending into the background, an anonymous face in a sea of bustling individuals. But his words awakened a dormant spark within me, reminding me that I was more than just a waitress, more than the role society had assigned to me.

Me: you have a keen eye, sir. But I assure you, I'm just a regular girl working to make a living.

His gaze softened, and there was a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. He looked at the name badge that rested on my chest.

Omkara: regular or not, there is something remarkable about you, Gauri. I can sense it.

My name rolled off his tongue, and the way he said it made me feel seen, appreciated for more than just my service. In that moment, a connection sparked between us, transcending the boundaries of our respective worlds.

As the evening unfolded, we engaged in conversations that flowed effortlessly, discovering shared passions and hidden dreams. Omkara was not like the others I had encountered in his social circle. He saw beyond the surface, recognizing the fire that burned within me, yearning for more.

Little did I know that this chance meeting would be the catalyst for a journey filled with love, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between two souls from different worlds. Our destinies had intertwined, and together we would navigate the maze of Mumbai's high society, defying expectations and challenging the barriers that sought to keep us apart.

But I am getting ahead of myself. We are yet to uncover the barriers that were made to kept us apart. We are yet to uncover how the encounter with Omkara would shape the course of my life, guiding me towards a future I had only dared to dream of.



I screamed to Ahaan Singh - a renowned powerful film producer, a product of nepotism so he didn't understand the struggle an outsider had to face in Bollywood.

Ahaan had just announced to me that he was planning to cast someone else in the role of the female lead for his upcoming movie Anjaan Raah. Why was I enraged? Well, perhaps because he had promised me the role.

Ahaan: oh calm down darling, I had to do what I had to do to keep the box office blooming.

His words cut through me like a dagger, and I struggled to contain the storm of emotions swirling within. How could he disregard the months of hard work and dedication I had poured into my craft? How could he prioritise his own selfish agenda over my talent and determination?

I sighed, a mix of disappointment and anger enveloping me. Ahaan had just sabotaged my chance at the big break I had been waiting for. But I refused to let this setback break me. I was determined to rise above the hurdles and carve my own path in this cutthroat industry.

Ahaan: but there is a way to be casted in my next movie, guaranteed lead role. I will make you into a star, fabricate a glamour story for you. Gauri Tridevi, daughter of two veteran actors, the star amongst the star children. Rich, beautiful, daring!

Me: so what do I have to do to be casted in your next movie then?

I said, my interest sparked but not for long.

Ahaan: it's simple princess. Come here.

I came to him where he was sitting on his chair. He got up and stood behind me. His hands touched the dori of my salwar kameez.

Me: Ahaan, what are you doing?

Ahaan: nothing princess. Just don't say a word and open that pretty mouth of yours. All you have to do is play a little game with me.

He said as he untied the doris of my strings. I felt his hands touch my bare skin next.

Ahaan: it will hurt but pain is needed for dreams to come true.

Me: what do you mean?

Ahaan: even Kinjal Vishwakumar played this game with me and guess what? She was casted as the lead in Khoj.

I realised what he was doing. I turned around and slapped him.

Ahaan: what the hell Gaurika?

Me: I know what you are trying to do. Take my purity away for what? A lead role.

Ahaan: you want to be a star, I am only helping you become a star.

Me: no! You are just trying to get pleasure and just so you know, I am not compromising my principles nor integrity just to be the lead in one of your stupid films.

Ahaan: oh. So you want fame but you won't do anything to achieve them like Kinjal and the other actresses did? Wow Gaurika, you really are something else.

Me: Don't you dare compare me to Kinjal or anyone else! I won't allow you to manipulate me or tarnish my name for your personal gain. Your tactics may have worked with others, but not with me.

Ahaan recoiled in surprise, his cheek reddened from the force of my slap. Anger flashed in his eyes, but I stood my ground, unyielding in my determination.

Ahaan: You're making a big mistake, Gaurika. You think you can survive in this industry without making compromises? It's a cutthroat world out there, and you'll regret turning down this opportunity.

Me: I'd rather walk away with my dignity intact than succumb to your devious games. I refuse to let my dreams be tainted by the likes of you. There are other paths to success, and I will find my way, one that doesn't compromise my principles or integrity.

Ahaan: You're just a naive girl with delusions of grandeur. You'll learn soon enough that the industry will chew you up and spit you out. No one will remember your name.

His words stung, but I refused to let them break me. With a steely resolve, I turned away from him, determined to prove him wrong.

Me: Maybe you're right, Ahaan. Maybe I'm just a naive girl. But I'd rather be true to myself than become another pawn in your game. I believe in my talent, and I won't let anyone take that away from me. Goodbye, Ahaan.

Leaving him behind, seething with anger and wounded pride, I walked away, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. I knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but I was ready to face it head-on.

No one would remember my name? I'd show him and it would be me who would have the last laugh.

Spoiler alert - I got the last laugh.


"I will kill him!"

Omkara's words echoed in the room, filled with rage after I told him the story of what happened with Ahaan. I paused, taking in the intensity of his emotions, but quickly composed myself, knowing that seeking justice in a more calculated manner would be the best course of action.

Me: you will do nothing of the sort, Omkara. Killing him won't solve anything. Besides, I have a different plan for my revenge.

Omkara looked at me, his brows furrowed in curiosity. He had been a constant presence in my life ever since that first meeting at the restaurant where I worked. Our connection had grown deeper, and he had become my confidant and source of support. Now, as we sat in his apartment, I found myself sharing my darkest desires for retribution.

Me: revenge, Omkara. I want to become so successful, so accomplished in my craft that he will be the one begging me to be in his films, and I will have the power to say no. I want to prove to him and to the entire industry that talent cannot be suppressed by nepotism and manipulation.

Omkara nodded slowly, understanding the fire that burned within me. He had witnessed firsthand the struggles I faced as an outsider, and he believed in my talent and determination.

Omkara: Gauri, your strength and ambition inspire me. I am with you every step of the way. But remember, success should not be solely driven by revenge. It should be driven by your love for the craft and the desire to create meaningful art.

I nodded, appreciating his perspective. He was right. Revenge alone would not bring me true fulfilment. It was my passion for acting, my dedication to my craft, and the ability to tell stories that resonated with people that would ultimately define my success.

As we continued our conversation, my eyes wandered to a newspaper lying on the coffee table. Curiosity piqued, I picked it up, and to my surprise, it featured reviews of a recent film—a film I had been rejected from.

I was the first choice for this film but then the producer, Ritesh Dhamar, and director Vijay Rajput chose the daughter of singer Jamila Gandhi, Naina Gandhi. The film was called Vishwasghat and it was about love, loyalty, and betrayal. Set against the backdrop of a picturesque hill station, the film revolves around Ravi and Shalini, childhood sweethearts whose love is tested when Ravi's long-lost friend, Amar, returns to town. As Amar befriends Ravi and charms Shalini, an intricate web of jealousy and suspicion is woven.

Basically a movie about cheating.

Anyway....the reviews were scathing, criticising the lead actress and pointing out how someone else could have done a better job.

Review 1: "In a stunning twist of fate, the lead actress in ''Vishwasghat" failed to capture the essence of her character, leaving the audience craving a more captivating portrayal. It's a missed opportunity, as another actress could have brought a depth and emotional nuance that was sorely lacking."

Review 2: "Despite the film's gripping storyline, the performance by the female lead fell flat. It's a shame, as her lack of authenticity and conviction left us yearning for a more compelling presence on screen. Perhaps a fresh face with raw talent could have breathed life into this role."

Review 3: "In 'Vishwasghat,' the lead actress fell short in capturing the complexities of her character. Her performance lacked the depth and subtlety needed to bring the emotional turmoil to life. Another actress with greater range and intensity could have truly made this film unforgettable."

Review 4: "Despite a promising storyline, the lead actress failed to make a lasting impact in 'Vishwasghat.' Her performance lacked conviction, making it difficult for the audience to invest in the character's plight. Another actress with the right blend of talent and charisma could have breathed life into this film."

Review 5: "The chemistry between the lead actors in 'Vishwasghat' was lacking, undermining the depth of the love story at its core. It's a shame, as an actress with a greater understanding of the character's emotional journey could have brought a much-needed spark to this otherwise promising film."

A smirk played at the corners of my lips as a daring idea formed in my mind. I grabbed a pair of scissors nearby and began cutting out the reviews, one by one. With each cut, I envisioned sending a bold message to those who had rejected me.

Me: Omkara, look at this. These reviews prove that I had the talent, the potential to excel in that role. And they deserve to know it.

Omkara's eyes widened as he realised my intention. He smiled, a glimmer of mischief in his gaze.

Omkara: Gauri, that's a bold move. But I admire your audacity. Let them see what they missed out on.

Together, we gathered the cut-out reviews and prepared to mail them to the very people who had turned me away. It was a symbolic act, a way to assert my worth and remind them of the opportunity they had squandered.

As I sealed the envelopes, a renewed sense of determination washed over me. My revenge would come not through violence or hatred but through my relentless pursuit of success. I would prove that talent and hard work triumph over nepotism and manipulation, and no one would be able to deny my abilities.

With Omkara by my side, supporting me every step of the way, I embarked on this audacious path towards success. And as the envelopes left my hands, carrying with them the weight of my determination, I knew that the tide was turning in my favour.


Times of Bollywood

Date: 15th November 1965

Author: Amrit Dev

Is Vishwasghat proof that we need to find fresh faces?

In a recent turn of events, the much-anticipated Bollywood film "Vishwasghat" has fallen short of expectations, prompting a vital discussion about the industry's reliance on established names versus the exploration of fresh talent. As the reviews pour in, both critics and audiences are questioning whether it's time to embrace new faces and diverse voices in the pursuit of cinematic excellence.

With a star-studded cast headlined by familiar names, the film failed to make a lasting impact, leaving audiences yearning for something more. The lead actress, whose portrayal lacked depth and failed to connect emotionally with viewers, became a focal point of the criticism. This has led to a broader debate about the limitations of casting choices in an industry dominated by nepotism and established connections.

Industry experts and film enthusiasts have long advocated for a more inclusive and diverse approach to casting, urging filmmakers to consider talented actors outside of established circles. They argue that embracing fresh faces and nurturing new talent would not only inject new life into Bollywood but also provide opportunities for deserving artists who have struggled to break into an industry often resistant to change.

The underwhelming performance of "Vishwasghat" has sparked conversations about the importance of giving talented individuals, unburdened by nepotism or preconceived notions, a chance to shine. Audiences are increasingly demanding authenticity, emotional depth, and fresh perspectives, and the response to this film serves as a stark reminder that relying solely on established names may no longer guarantee success.

As the film industry takes stock of the impact and reception of "Vishwasghat," the question lingers: Will Bollywood heed the call for change, embracing fresh faces and diverse voices to usher in a new era of storytelling? Only time will tell if this wake-up call will lead to a much-needed transformation in the way films are cast and crafted, bringing a wave of creativity and talent that captivates audiences and pushes the boundaries of Indian cinema.

In the wake of "Vishwasghat," the search for fresh faces and untapped talent takes on renewed urgency, sparking hope that a new chapter is on the horizon for Bollywood, one that embraces the magic and potential of rising stars yet to be discovered.    

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