👔Chapter Forty Eight~ What The Hell?👔

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Chapter 48- What the hell?

Daniel and Kathleen's story is now out!


I was convinced to depart later on anyway. Before Ryan arrived home. He would've freaked if he saw his apartment over run by strangers.

Well not strangers, but more children that he helped make.

The moment we hit the straight road leading to the house I take a deep breath in pondering how my parents were feeling. Twisting earring anxiously, I stare intensely at the seat, which Madelyn was sitting in, in front of me.

Beside me, Nicholas grips my hand from my earring and squeezes it before poking my cheek. "Everything will be okay, Madison."

"She's freaking out, isn't she?" My elder sister releases an exasperated sigh after glance at me through the mirror. "It'll be fine. If anything happens, Nicholas would beat up people for you."

"Of all the people you could have chosen from, you chose Nicholas?" Marisa snorts rolling her eyes. Nicholas tried to shrink into his shirt a little to hide his face.

"Oh right, he's a softie."

"Hey! What's wrong with that?" Nicholas fights back. "And I'm not soft."

"Riiight," Marisa stretches the world sarcastically, "and our family isn't a bunch of redheads."

"My hair isn't red."

"Stop trying to be smart."

"He's not being smart, he's being logical." Zay joins in, eyes still stuck to the road. "And nothing's wrong with being a softie, kiddo. Some people dig it." Zayden glances at him through the mirror.

"You ruined the fun, Zayden!"

"Just telling the truth."

"If Nicholas is a verified softie," My younger brother rolls his eyes and takes his attention to the window, "maybe he can persuade the attackers with his innocence." Madelyn states.

"That's actually... not a bad plan." My younger sister agrees, then elbows her brother lightly.

"There are so many things wrong with that plan." Zayden points out; drumming his fingers on the wheel.


"You're going to use your younger brother to fend off attackers." Marisa and Madelyn go silent. "Exactly."

"Sorry, Nicholas! I was only joking! Your sweet sister Marisa would never sell you to attackers!" She hugs her brother for a few seconds, which startles him a bit. "Madelyn might, but I would never!"

"Hey! You traitor!" I snort at Madelyn's response.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He says, as Marisa unlocks the door and pushes it it open. She steps out before everyone but leaves the door open for her brother.

I had not realised that we reached home already. Those same cream walls that I remember since I was a child. The house I grew up in.

I feel small, rubbing my hands along my upper arms and my breath begins to quicken. My sight wouldn't break away from the huge building in front of me.

Warm arms envelop my body and someone planted a soft kiss on my hair. My heartbeat speeds up, but not because of the house, but because Zayden was hugging me with his head on mine.

Then I realise that it's only the two of us in this car.

"It's going to be alright. I'm here." He mumbles, pulling me tighter. "And your brother and sisters are too."

"I'm fine."

"Yea, no you're not." Zayden chuckles. "If anything happens, as they said themselves, Nicholas will protect you."

"Very reassuring."

"Hey, that kid can do alot. Don't underestimate him." I pull away from him slightly, then stare at him skeptically, his blue eyes twinkling. "What?"

"How would you know?"

He shrugs his shoulders, loosening his grip around me. "Ready to face your ultimate fear?"

I let out a snort and elbow the blue eyed freak beside me. "Don't put it like that."

"It's true."

"I mean it is but it sounds bad seeing as he's my father." He shrugs, releasing not before pecking my lips. My cheeks warm but I roll my eyes. "Let's just get this over with."


We both scoot out of the vehicle, shutting and locking the doors. The rest of my siblings are waiting bored out of their minds. So bored that Nicholas was braiding his sister's hair.

"You know how to braid?" My older sister asks watching him intently.

"A friend of mine taught me so I could braid hers from time to time." He answers putting an elastic band at the end to keep the braid in place.

"You like doing it?" Zayden joins in.

"I liked braiding her hair, but I can't anymore so," he drawls out the last word while he fluffs out her braid.

"You could teach me how to braid!" Marisa nearly shouts excitedly. "I really need to know though. Damien and Shana always tease me about it."

"Sure, I don't mind." I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't so focused on his moods lately but a flash of pure hurt flash across his face. Then Nicholas quickly covered up by his usual smile.

He stares at me, dead in the eye, and dares me to say anything. He knows I saw it. I just shrug it off and stretch my arms above my head.

"Come on siblings, let go face the wrath of, what we call, our parents."


"Madison!" My mother runs to hug me tightly. I stand there awkwardly and she squeezes the life out of me.

"You're not upset?" My lips for a small smile at the thought.

"Of course I am!" Those words broke the mood but then she added, "But I'm glad you're back safely."

My arms finally wrap around her curvy frame to embrace her. We eventually pull apart and she's peering behind me.

"Don't get me started on the three of you! Leaving the house without permission." She shakes her head with her hands on her waist. The three behind me groan. "But it's was for your sister so I guess I can forgive you."

They run to hug her, all except Zayden who came to stand next to me to hold my hand.

"And you, Mr. Hart, thank you for looking after my daughter. She's a handful at time-"

"Mooooooom, it's not like you're handing me over to him. We're not getting married!"


She shrugs then Zayden playfully pinches my arms and I slap his. My mother and siblings laugh except Marisa, who rolls her eyes.

Suddenly, the old housemaid approaches us strolling down the stairs. "Excuse me, I apologise for breaking the moment."

"What is it?" My mother turns to the staircase.

"The master would like to see his daughter in his office immediately."

"Which one? I think he forgot he has three of them." Marisa places her hand on her waist.

"Miss Madison. He would like to the see the second oldest." Everyone turns to me. "And her, um, previous butler." Everyone turns to him.

"Lead the way." I shrug, still holding Zay's hand as we follow the lady up the stairs and to my father's office. She knocks on the door three times before hearing a rough voice answering. She pushes the door open, the cold air hitting me in the face from the air conditioner in the room. My father looks up at us from his computer then leans back in his desk chair.

"Madison and...." he pauses trying to find the right thing to call him. "Mr. Hart, please take a seat. Miss, you are dismissed."

She politely bows her head, leaving without a word but gives me a side glance of good luck. The door shuts on its own as Zayden and I move to take our seats.

"So," he begins, "once again you disobey me by coming into my household."

"Apologies, sir." He squeezes my hand.

"But you brought her back despite my disapproval. Do you want a reward for it?"


"Money, fame, recognition? Everyone does something for a reward nowadays. Nothing ever comes from the heart."

"I don't want anything."

"That's what they all say to seem "humble" but as soon as they get what they want, they're gone."

"Dad, what-"

"Quiet, Madison. You did not attain permission to speak." Excuse me? "So what do you want young man? If I give you, will you leave my daughter alone?"

Zayden shuffles in his seat then scratches his nape awkwardly. I squeeze his hand in reassurance, glaring at my father.

"What the hell, Dad!"

"Excuse me? Don't raise your tone at me."

"But you're making him uncomfortable! You can clearly see. Besides, he isn't like that! Not at all! You didn't even attempt to know the guy!" Zayden begins to rub the pad of his thumb across my knuckles.

"From naive eyes, it wouldn't look that way."

"Mi scusi?"

"You're excused." My glare deepens. "Look, Madison, you're naive. I've watched you for long enough to know this. So I observe who the people you befriend and your little phobia made it a bit better since you had fewer friends than usual."

"That wasn't the nicest way to put that." Zayden mumbles fully aware how much the statement affected me.

"It was blunt, I know, but I had to get my point across." My father answers. "I had to find out if any of your friends were using you."

"But none of them are like that!"

"That's what you don't get! Most of them are! Except that Kathleen one, she's quite peculiar." Zayden snorts quietly beside me. "But the others are!"

"No, they really aren't. You're overreacting."

"I knew the Starr family better than you Madison, I knew what they were aiming for. Money. Obviously, it did not turn out the way I planned it to."

"You need to find a better way of words." Zayden states once more. "You're gonna hurt her if you don't say things the right way."

I bite the inside of my lip as the person next to me squeezes my hand. My father sighs at the statement.

"It was not my intention for them to die." He repeats, not much different though. Zayden glances at me when I take a deep breath in.

"Fine whatever." I decide to say, "but I know my current friends better than you do-"

"No, you don't! The blond guy has been using you this whole time and you didn't even know!" He almost yells trying to keep his composure.

"No, he hasn't."

"Yes, he has! I'm pretty sure he knows you like-"

"Past tense, please." I cut in.

"Liked," my father rolls his eyes. "Him, but he continuously gets significant others and asks you on advice on how to get them! You of all people!"

"You really need to be less harsh on your words." Zayden commences his little calming method across my knuckles, knowing I'm still processing the situation.

"No, she needs to know it as it is. She's not a child anymore."

"Liam didn't- still doesn't know! You're reading into it wrong." But Julie doesn't like him either. Is he right?

"Maybe, but I know I'm not far. He has some plot or trick in his head. And you're the main character."

"So why the heck did you set me up with Wesley of all people?" I counter.

"I didn't. You did that in your own. But I took the blame anyway so you wouldn't be so hard on yourself." He releases a sigh, leaning back into his chair. "But I fixed my mistake and called your peculiar friend over."


"Who did you think did it? You didn't think she randomly knew when you were sad and came over, did you?" I remain silent. "See, naive."

"Dad, stop it."

"I am looking after you!"

"You said I'm not a child anymore, right? I can look after myself!"

"You clearly can't!"

"I can! You just never gave me the chance to!" He releases another breath in exasperation. "Thank you for looking after me all of these years, but you don't have to anymore."


"Focus on Marisa and Nicholas. Your only son needs your attention right now."

"What's happening to Nick?"

"See, you've been so focused on my life that you didn't notice him and his moods!" This time, it is my turn to inhale.

"He's not supposed to be in the emo faze yet, he's not a teenager."

"Some... things... are happening to him at school." He blinks at me. "Exactly."

"Children these days."

I stand up, Zayden after me, "I'm leaving." I state turning to the door and strolling to it, dragging the man behind me.

"Mr. Hart, although I still do not trust you," an audible sigh is heard. "Please do ensure that she does not do something stupid, okay?"

"Of course. Will do, sir." I roll my eyes, pulling open the door and exit, hearing the words 'what am I going to do with her' before the door shut.

"Good thing that's over with." I sigh in exhaustion.

"Why was I even there? It was mainly between you two."

"If you weren't, I'd probably have angry tears. Thanks to you, I kept calm."

"It would've been pretty funny if you had angry tears." I flick his side at that.

As soon as I'm about to retort, someone yells my name.



It's been so long! I apologise for the huge wait. I've been writing this chapter for over 2 months and school is already almost starting.

I apologise for the looooong wait.

But I hope you enjoyed it.

The Kathiel Tale, Her Secret Admirer is now on my page. Go and read about Daniel and Kathleen! It's a 3 part book.

Vote, comment and share?


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