👔Chapter Forty Two~ Rate It👔

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Chapter 42- Rate It

Okay so mayyybe I planned a little more than "just 5 more chapters". My bad.


The week flew by faster than I had expected. Maybe because my father kept me busy with dance practice every evening so wont be 'wasting my time on useless things.' It was an acro dance for 'Nicholas' birthday'- he says. When I know, he just wants to keep me away from Zayden as much as possible.

But we always managed to find time for each other anyway. Most of the time it was just talking and others to share secret kisses.

That poor week consisted of a Kathleen trying to hold her anger by saying 'if we kill her now, no one will notice", a Brianna who just kept throwing herself at my best friend's boyfriend to tease her and an absolutely terrified Daniel wedged between the two of them with imprints of his girlfriend's nails in his biceps.

She used him as a stress ball and he was fine with it because she needed to calm down. Even though it hurt him. He didn't tell her that it did.

I was usually just there, watching and trying to hold my friend back from clawing at my cousin's face. My main focus really wasn't on them, it was on my little brother, who just became quieter and quieter as the days passed by. I spotted another bruise on his arm and he snapped at me for it. Nicholas snapped at me.

I think it was affecting Brianna too but she was trying three times as hard to get Daniel and a lot colder than the last two years. She was trying to compose herself around Nicholas, as were all of us.

Then my poor little brother broke down on Friday at breakfast.

And let me tell you, I broke down too.

He just started to ramble on about what was happening at school and how he got the bruises. All of just sat there and let him. We listened him rant on until he passed out on the table, as though he hadn't slept in days.

None of us went to school that day. Except my mother, who went to his school and secretly spoke to the principle about the things going on at school.

Mom took us off our punishments after her only son's breakdown.

Zayden was my baby brother's most frequent visitor because Nicholas didn't want his sisters' attention. My guess was that we're too protective over him and would probably march down to the school if we saw him hurt again. Also because we are girls and Zayden is a male, I think.

"How's he doing?" I ask pushing my clothes apart as I search though my huge walk-in closet for something to wear later tonight for the show. Which only about 4 hours away. My family usually leaves really early, to get a front seat, so I won't sit at the back and see all of those people or watch as the people file in.

School closed early for extra preparations for this founders day show.

"He's better." My butler replies from my bedroom. "His friend came over yesterday and they just played a bundle of games." I hear my beanbag chair crunch, indicating that my butler stood up. "He doesn't want to use his camera anymore."

I let out a sigh, taking a blue floral white dress and then I hold it in front of me while standing in front of the huge mirror. The skirt reached right above my knees loosely. The bodice hugged my chest, tight, probably one of the only dressed I own that do that, and it's halterneck covering everything in the chest area.

"So will you tell the name of the jerk?" I huff, using my spare hand to hold the skirt of the dress.

"No. He told me not to."

"Well, he told me that you made all the red velvet cakes." I point out spinning with the dress in front of me.

"That's a totally different context."

I turn my head to the side, finding Zay leaning against the doorframe of my closet. I puff my cheeks out like a four year old but he just rolls his eyes. "Who told you that you were allowed to enter my closet?"

"Technically, I'm not in your closet as yet." He replies sarcastically with his arms crossed in front his chest. His suit jacket clings onto to his biceps when they tensed up since the jacket is a bit tight. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Merda santa..." I murmur under my breath and I break my gaze from the butler by the doorframe. "Since you're already here, might as well be useful."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Does this look good on me?" I face him with the dress in front of me again. He purses his lips, thinking, then sighs.

"Change into it." I nod then shooed him out of the closet to change.

A struggle to put on a dress later, I open the closet door with my dress on. It's cold, still in February. I don't know why something in my mind would tell me that this is a good idea.

My butler is seated on my bed staring at the ceiling. I know he knows that I'm here. I had not open the closet door quietly at all.

I clear my throat catching his attention as he leans back against his arms. His blue eyes, now grey because there's basically no lighting, darken as they rake over my body. My bottom lip folds in my mouth between my teeth in attempt to force a shiver and a blush back down. That backfired when Zay's eyes stare at my lips.

"My eyes are up here." I force myself to say.

"Trust me, I know." He smirks and his eyes, lock with mine and then they dilate. "I think it looks good." But I'm not convinced. I shake my head turning back toward the door.

"I'm going to try on another one."

"Suit yourself."

Two dresses later, I decide I'm down with them. I open the closet door for the last time in a black low tie-front romper with reached barely mid thigh. Madelyn gave this to me last year for my birthday. This would be the second time I wear it.

A cough comes out of Zay's throat and his eyes break away from me. Every time I changed, Zayden seemed closer than before and not he was sitting at the edge at the foot of the bed.

"Come on, I don't think I look that bad in this." The corners of my mouth twitch down.

"It's not that." He runs a hand through his hair a couple times, refusing to look at me.

"So then just rate it."

"You're making it difficult to."

"Is the colour? I could change it, I-"

"No it's not the colour. Black looks great on you."

I move to stand right in front of him, then place my hands on my waist. His gaze is trained on the beanbag chair in the corner.

"So then what is it?" No reply. "The outfit then. I'll go change-"

Then suddenly my back is against a wall with Zayden towering over me and caging me with his arms.

I fight back a blush as I stare into his darkened eyes, his list filled eyes. "Goddammit, Lucky. Are you testing me? To see how long it'd take til I break?"

"It took you four outfits to find that out." I pat his cheek. "And to break. Who knew you had so much self control?" I place my hands against his chest and smirk. "And all I had to do was wear black."

"That's mean, Lucky." His hand traces my jaw.

"Is it? My bad." He chuckles at my response and I feel the vibrations from his chest.

"Aren't you cold in that?"

"What are you talking about?" My smirk grows when he leans closer. "A hoe never gets cold."

Then his lips brush against mine.


I wasn't planning on wearing a dress to the show anyways. I just wore pale jeans and sneakers. My shirt was a black tie front shirt though, just to tease Zayden.

I stuck my tongue out at him when he groaned.

"The tension is so high between you two." Madelyn chimes in peeping into my bedroom. Both of us just shrug in reply not giving away anything. "There's no label?"

"Why are you here, Maddy?" I change the topic while braiding my hair to one side.

She blinks at me, noticing my attempt to change the topic. She glances at my butler, who was standing by my bed. He just turns away. My sister imitates zipping her lips and throwing away the key.

"The others are downstairs waiting on you."

"Okay, I'll be right down."

"I'm not supposed leave until you come downstairs. Especially not to leave the two of you alone t-" She stops herself when she notices Zayden and I glaring at her. "Whoops."

"I said I'll be right down."

"Come on, Lucky, she's just joking. You're just angry that we're not alone." I stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles. "How mature."

I finish my braid with a rubber band around the ends as I walk over to stand next to Zayden. I face Madelyn who's smiling freakishly weird at the both of us. "You look like a stalker, big sis." I purse my lips linking arms with my butler.

She pushes the door further open and looks at the ceiling. "I can't remember the last time you called me that." A crooked smile forms on her face. "Dad's getting impatient."

"We're right behind you!"


It was pretty empty since we arrive an hour early. A few people were just in the seats on the phones or chatting. Majority of these few people were from my school, probably stayed instead of going home and returning.

"Do you even enjoy these?" Zayden asks as we walk, side by side, ahead of everyone toward the front row seats of the auditorium. I stretch my arms upward and yawn.

"Not really, the first one I went to was fun though." I reply, glancing at him. "I only attend these things because Kathleen plays in them and Daniel works backstage." I shrug.

Kathleen is in the drama club at school, now the leader of the club. She usually gets lead roles whenever our school hosts plays. She gave up the lead roles in sophomore and junior year to give other people chances at them. But this is her last year so she gladly accepted it this time.

Daniel works with the judging for roles, directing and that back stage stuff. He's not the leader of his club at his school but he also said he never wanted to be.

"Such a good friend."

"I know right!"

"Madison, di cosa stai parlando?" Brianna joins in, suddenly appearing next to Zayden and links her arm with his. I glare at her, restraining myself from tackling her to the ground.

"Non sono affari tuoi." I huff and cross my arms across my chest. My butler slowly pulls his arm from Brianna's grip and I notice him shifting a bit closer to me.

Brianna pouts at Zayden then narrows her eyes to slits at me. I narrow my straight back at her. "Hai sempre ottenuto quello che volevi! È ora di condividere!"

"Lui è un uomo, mica un oggetto!" I scowl looking straight forward. Zayden nudges me with his elbow making me look up at him. He sends me a questioning look and I just shake my head not wanting to explain.

Someone bursts out laughing behind us, probably Madelyn. "We barely got here and you two are already arguing." Yep, definitely Madelyn's voice. "I'll explain everything later if Maddy doesn't."

"Madelyn." I warn, not even looking at her.

"What? It's not like he's going to be offended."

"I'm going to murder you if you tell him."

"What an empty threat. You love me too much to lay a hand on me." She says as I turn around, walking backwards and stick my tongue out at her. "How old are you?"

I just flip her off, earning a scold from my father. Madison just smiles.

"Makes sense."



I might've accidentally added Madison too much sass and confidence to her personality. My bad.

Maybe it'll come back, maybe it won't. Maybe there's a reason, maybe there's not. We'll never know, will we?

Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy lately. I'll try to make time for this.

Anime or Cartoons? (And don't say they are the same thing because I will personally hunt you down.)


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