👔Chapter Four~ Flooding The Bathroom👔

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Chapter 4- Flooding The Bathroom


I lean back on the desk chair spinning around in it. "We have about 30 minutes until everyone gets home. You may ask me any question."

He stands next to me with his hands behind his back glancing around the room. "Okay... What are the names of your siblings?"

"Madelyn, Marisa and Nicholas." I reply getting dizzy but continue to spin around anyway.

"What room is this?"

"Mine and Madelyn's study room."

He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Don't you have enough money and room to get your own study room?"

I nod and stop spinning. "We do have our own study rooms. We don't like going in them by ourselves though."

"Too scared?"

"Too scared of silence." I roll my eyes, spinning the chair again. "It gets to quiet when you're in the study by yourself and studying."

"I'm guessing that you hate studying?" I nod.

"Who likes studying anyway? I'm surprised I still get great grades." I yawn resting my head on the desk and shut my eyes.

I hear the door knob turn and a female voice talking behind it. "Well her shoes are at the front. So she has to be home." The muffled voice says then I instantly know it's Madelyn.

The door gets pushed open so hard that it makes a loud 'BANG' sound when it hit the wall and echoed.

I lift up my head to look at the damage done to the door and the wall. "That poor door knob..." I mutter noticing the now dented silver knob.

"It can't be that bad." Madelyn starts to inspect the door knob and shrieks. "Mother's going to kill me."

I clasp my hands together and bow my head. "Rest in peace. What do you want at your funeral?"

"A reverse in time." I hear her mutter quietly as she looks away. Before I could say anything, she walks up to me. "Maddy?"

"Yes, Maddy?

She rolls her eyes playfully sitting on the desk in front of me. "Introduce me?" She gestures towards Zayden with her hand.

"You can do that yourself." I smile then nod at Madelyn's butler in acknowledgement.

"Rude much?" I hear her mutter making me pinch her thighs. She slaps my hands away laughing. "I'm Madelyn. The eldest of the Witson children at the age of 19. Nice to meet you." She introduces herself flipping her red hair over her shoulder.

"Nice to meet you too." He sends her a small smile.

"The job here is really boring, I'm just letting you know."

"I'm sure it'll be very entertaining for me." He glances down at me for a second.


"Did you know that Maddy dances?" My sister exclaims in excitement as she proceeds to tell Zayden everything I like, did, hate or wanted. For the past 20 minutes.

"Maddy, you dance too."

"Um. No. I'm the person in the background playing the instrument for you." She counters which is true. "Speaking of dance, don't we have a ball thingy Saturday night?"

"This one isn't a ball thingy. It's more of a family reunion." I rest my elbows on the desk and my cheek on my palm.

"Did you rehearse?"

I open my mouth to reply but instantly close it and my eyes widen. "No. No I didn't."

"You're kidding." She rolls her eyes at me. "You're not the type of person to wait last minute to do things."

"Except studying." We say in unison.

"Yep. I actually rehearse everyday."

She nods standing from the desk. "Well we have to get going now. Mother will scream if we're not downstairs soon."

"'Madelyn and Madison! Get down here now! I hope you aren't flooding the bathroom again!'" I try to mimic my mother's voice.

"Don't forget the hair flip. That's important."

"Oh right!" I flip my red hair over my shoulder then cross my legs, one over the next, before resting my hands on top.

We make fun of her because... Well it's fun. And sometimes she comes up with the weirdest assumptions.

Madelyn starts snickering and claps a couple times. "On point. Perfect. 10 out of 10."

I get up from the desk chair. "Lettuce leaf." Madelyn nods and links her arm with mine as we walk through the door.

"You flooded the bathroom?" Zayden asks walking behind me.

"We will never speak of that moment again." I say with a slight blush of embarrassment and Madelyn does as well.

"Definitely not."

As we're walking along the path to the stairs, a door opens to our left. A man close to middle age, steps out shutting the door behind him. I freeze glaring at him as he just calmly stares back.

Madelyn tugs my arm slightly. "Maddy, come on. We don't have time for this." She mutters glancing at us both.

The man sighs and fixes his tie. He smiles at me as though we are friends or something. "Madison, glad to see you're well."

"Same to you, Nicolai." I cross my arms under my chest still glaring at the man who's at least 5 inches taller than me.

"Maddy... That's your father. It doesn't matter what he did, you still need to respect him." Madelyn says again tugging my arm again.

"It's fine. I don't blame her honestly. She'll still be my little Madison." He grins before looking behind me. "You must be her butler."

I'm going to guess that Zayden bowed because dad nodded. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Witson. I'm Zayden."

"It's nice to meet you too. Please take care of her." He ruffles my hair then walk down the stair.

"Note to self, wash your hair before going to bed." I mumble smoothing my hair down.

"That was rude." Maddy says glaring at me. "I know you're upset, Maddy, but you have to get over this."

I ignore her unlinking our arms to walk down the stairs. Madelyn sighs walking down the stairs as well.

Gracie is seated at the bottom of the staircase waiting for us with Starr sitting next her.

"Starr! My baby!" Madelyn squeals practically running down the stairs. She instantly kneels down and nuzzles her poor dog giving it kisses and pets.

I roll my eyes reaching the bottom of the stairs. "You're going to make Gracie jealous." I start scratching being Gracie's ears.

"Children! Dinner's ready!" My mother yells from the dining room.

"You two stay by the stairs until we come back." Madelyn commands the butlers.

Maddy and I head to the bathroom to quickly wash our hands.

Then it hit me.

Father is going to be eating with us today. Great.



I might switch Madison to Holland and Madelyn to Emma.

There's chapter 4. Please note that I'm ahead. So when this is posted, 5 is already finished.

Btw, the door that Madelyn and Madison's dad came out of is the same door, Madison told Zayden not to go in. It's on the left now because I think you know why.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Vote, comment, share? ♥


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