👔Chapter One~ The First Waiter👔

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Chapter 1~ The First Waiter



I look up, from my iPhone 6s, at her. "Yes, mother?"

"You have to get a butler or maid." She demands sitting next me on the sofa. "And you can't just go around saying that they are too tall. Last time you made a woman cry because of that."

I shrug look back down at my phone. I tap the screen to message my friend from school. "I don't want one."

She groans. "Not this again Madison. You know you need one! Once you turn 18 years old, it is a tradition to get your personal butler or maid!"

"Well." I pause to smile at the message my friend sent. "Why can't I break that tradition?"

She sighs and snatches the phone from my hands. I frown and bring my attention to her.

"Madelyn got her butler and she's happy. I got my maid and I was happy. I'm sure you would be happy too." She states with her green eyes staring at my own with utter seriousness.

"But the difference is, mother, you wanted a butler or maid. I want to be different for once." I counter taking my phone from her hands.

Madelyn steps in the room rubbing her eyes, followed by her butler. "What's up?" She asks collapsing in the sofa next to me. Her butler stands next to the archway.

"Your sister doesn't want a personal assistant." My mother tells my 19 year old sister as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

Madelyn gasps dramatically while adding a hand to her chest and widened eyes. "Madison." She says my name slowly, making me rolls my eyes with a smile. "How could you?"

I rest my hand on my chest and shake my head slowly. I furrow my eyebrows slightly adding a little frown. "Maybe I'm not ready, Madelyn." I move my hand to my forehead, resting the back of my hand on it. I tilt my head back slightly. "When will I ever be?"

She snorts and we both end up laughing.

Yes. My sister and I have a really close relationship. She was one of the only friends I had growing up.

My mother furrows her eyebrows and sighs. "You two have the closest relationship I have ever seen." We both grin at that statement.

"But, mother, if she doesn't want a personal assistant, she doesn't need to have one." My sister explains.

I sigh in relief, physically high fiving my sister.

"Yes she does!"





"Okay let's make a deal."

"Ye- oh. What's the deal about?" My mother cuts herself off.

"We go to a really fancy restaurant, and the very first waiter to approach me will be my personal assistant."

My mother's eyes widen and have a bit of happiness in them. "Without refusing?"

I nod. "Without refusal."

"Okay sure."

My little brother runs in holding a plastic crown and laughing. He jumps onto my lap and hugs my torso.

My younger sister stomps in a moment after. "Mother!" She shouts. "Tell Nicholas to give me my crown!"

"Marisa, what did I tell you about shouting?" My mother tells her in a strict tone.

"But-! Ugh. Sorry."

I block out the conversion to look my sister straight in her hazel eyes. "You sure?"

"Yea." I nod before looking down at my 9 year old brother. "You took her crown, didn't you?"

He laughs while nodding. "Maybe!" I chuckle glancing at my 12 year old sister.


I sit behind the driver's seat while Madelyn sits behind the passenger's seat (where my mother is). My two younger siblings sit behind us in the extra back seats.

The chauffeur is driving us to this fancy restaurant, Pleats and Ties, where I will find my 'personal assistant'.

I rub my clammy hands together a bit nervous.

"You really don't want an assistant, huh?" My sister questions as she pokes my cheek.

I shake my head and look down at my hands.

She sighs and tilts her head on the window. "Mother can be a pain in the butt sometimes."

I chuckle at the statement. Madelyn has a smile in her face as she looks out the window.

"Stop hogging the seat, Nicholas!" Marisa complains. I turn to see the two shoving each other around.

"You stop hogging the seat." Nicholas counters.

"What's going on?" Mother yells from the passenger's seat.

"Marisa is stretching across the chair like if she's a giraffe!" Nicholas yells before Marisa.

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not! "

"Are to!"

"Am n--"

"Guys!" I cut Marisa off and the slowly turn to me. "Stop arguing! You are arguing over 3 connected seats! Share!" I scold them.

They stare at me with widened eyes. "S-sorry Maddy." They apologise in unison shifting around. They both have smiles on their faces when they are quiet.

After three minutes, we arrive at the restaurant. We all get out and head inside the restaurant with a few camera flashes. I hate when this happens. My mother is too busy smiling at the camera to notice that her daughter is internally screaming.

I take a seat closest to the window while Madelyn sits next to me. Marisa and Nicholas sit on the next side with mother. We took one of the clear window seats.

I turn to look out the window while the others look through the menu. A hand rests on my shoulder. I try to ignore it but then the person slaps my shoulder making me shriek.

"What?!" I turn to my sister glaring at her.

"Don't ignore me like that child. I am talking to you." She says and she glares back. I roll my eyes and huff turning back to the window. She gasps at my reaction. "You really are frustrated."

"No duh, Sherlock. It's totally not obvious." I say sarcastically. I barely hear when she mutters something. I draw lines on the window out of boredom.

"Good night. Welcome to Pleats and Ties. I'll be your waiter for the day. Have you chosen what you would like to eat?" A voice greets us.

"Holy mother of money!" Madelyn shrieks in awe.

"I'll take that as a compliment." The person replies.

I turn to see who is this person that made my sister shriek.



First chapter. Hope you like it. Please Vote and Comment. Maybe share. ♥


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