👔Chapter Ten~ I Don't Know👔

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Chapter 10 (finally)- I don't know


"Maddy... I don't understand..." I whine loudly putting a hand forcefully in my hair in frustration.

Madelyn and I are currently in the study room together on a Sunday, finishing our homework. I have physics homework and she has to revise something dealing with Theatre.

Is it weird that I dislike Physics but like math?

I tap my pencil point on the book repeatedly until piece breaks off. The topic is...

I don't even know anymore.

I'm so confused. What even is a number, anymore?

"Maddy!" I call her name again since she didn't answer before. "Maddy?"

I turn around seeing my sister sprawled out on the sofa with her eyes shut and her books on the ground.

This girl fell asleep on me.

I sigh in frustration and throw my eraser at her even though it's not going to do anything. She's a very heavy sleeper.

I sigh again turning back to my books. I'm so tempted to throw these books across the room. Why do I even need to learn this stuff? Why did I even choose this subject?

Someone pushes the door open really hard, almost like my older sister sleeping over there but not hard enough. Marisa comes in with a.. I can't even describe it. She has the same face I have on when I do physics.

"Maddy! I need you to help me wi--"

"I swear if you say physics, I will throw you out this window without mom or dad knowing. I already have too much physics in my mind!"

She blinks at me confused. "Maddy. Why would I be doing physics at 12 years old? Still in middle school."

I feel stupid now.

"I mean. Suuure. What do you need help with?" I spin the chair my younger sister.

"Okay... Weirdo." She mumbles before walking to me. She hands my her math book. "I don't understand... That one." She points to it after she sits on my lap.

It's an equation, 'x+6=-12+2'. I remember those easy days with only simple equations to do. When you just had to add an subtract.

Gosh, I feel old.

"But Marisa.. That's easy." I tell her with a blank face. I take the pencil from her to show how it's done. "-12+2 is equal to -10 so all you have to do is take the 6 over to the next side by changing the sign. So instead it'd be x=-10-6. So x would be -16."

There's a long silence of her staring at the page both confused and shocked. "What type of Math is this? Sis, what magic did you use? You just made this problem seem so easy. I bet that's the only problem I get right." I chuckle lightly at that. "Anyways, thank you!" She hops off my lap and runs off.

Before she leaves the room she mumbles, "I hate math." And with that she shuts the door.

After a few moments, the room becomes quiet. I frown deeply at the silence. Silence is the worst thing that could possibly happen to me.

I mean, Madelyn's occasional mumbles don't really add anything. I drum my fingers against the desk to create at least some noise.

The door opens quietly. I scream for joy internally. Someone to keep me company. I don't even care if it's Zayden.

"Oh my goodness. Thank you for entering this room." I sigh in relief running a hand through my hair. "Now. Did you study physics in senior year?"

He shuts the door quietly behind him glancing at my sleeping sister. His attention then focuses on me and he nods slowly.

"Okay, then come and help me." I shove the book in his face when he walks over to me.

"Don't you like math?" I nod. "Physics is like math."

"Just an impossible version of mathematics." I add placing the book back on the desk. "How do people understand this stuff?"

He leans on the table and loosens his tie slightly. "Why did you choose physics?"

"Because I need to get a high grade in all sciences for my job."

"What do you want to be?"

"I don't know."

We stare at each other in silence. He stares in confusion and blinks a few times. I just stare back with a confused face at his confusion. "What?"

"You don't know?" I nod not knowing what his point is. "That doesn't explain why you got Physics."

"Because of my j--"

"But you don't even know what you wanna be!" He shouts then runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Yea but-" I argue but then cut off myself. "Oh, you're right. That doesn't make sense!" I watch his hair.

He removes his hand from his hair and looks at it weirdly then a look of realisation crosses his face. "Riiight. The hair fetish."

"I certainly do not have a hair fetish." I cross my arms across my chest.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do."

"No I-"

"Yes." My tired sister joins in with a yawn then stretches. "You totally do."

"Who's side are you on Maddy?" I scoff at her.

"Zayden's. I mean. You even do that me sometimes. Even to Wesley!" Madelyn yawns again making me yawn and Zay joins after.

"I don't!" The door opens revealing two underaged children.

"What are we talking about? And why is your butler's tie loose?" Marisa speaks up. Zayden shrugs shoving his hands in his pockets. "Its comfortable."

Marisa shrugs it off, not really caring. " So where were we?"

"We're talking about Madison's hair fetish." Zayden answers resting his hand on my head.

I push it off huffing and turning away. "I do not have one." I reply sticking my nose into the air like a snob.

"Oh, Maddy, you totally do." Marisa shrugs settling beside Madelyn while Nicholas sits on her lap.

"You too--" I'm cut off by little Nick running a hand through his hair and Marisa ruffling her hair. Madelyn combs out her hair with her fingers while Zay makes a mess out of his hair.

"I hate you guys."

"Love you too Maddy." They reply in unison. Nicholas frowns though and looks around.

"What's a fetish?"



Yes it's out finally! Sorry for the lack if updates. I hate school.

Oh and Happy October!

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