👔Chapter Twenty Eight~Love Life👔

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Chapter 28- Love Life


My legs are dangling as I sit on the white counter top. Madelyn leans her back on the one beside me, with her black big rimmed glasses perched neatly on her nose. She scrolls through her pictures on her phone in complete boredom.

I rest back on the palms of my hands and gaze at the ceiling in thought. That's until I hear a very unmasculine screech from the archway of the kitchen that leaves my ears ringing. My older and my attention snap to the archway to spot Preston with a scared expression on his face.


"You... You and Madison are in the kitchen.." He begins glancing around for a possible fire and Madelyn and I roll our eyes.

"We aren't cooking anything. You're safe. The house won't burn down." I retort rolling my eyes again and crossing my arms. "Why are you here anyway?"

He looked a little hurt at my comment but quickly masks it. "I'm the chef, remember?" He states proudly.

"You know a chef doesn't exist when we're in Italy, right? My grandmother cooks everything!" I hop off the counter when my sister's glasses fall of her face. I bend down to pick them up.

"This is why I dislike my glasses." I hear her mumble making me let out a soft giggle. I hand her- her glasses with a smile and she thanks me, perching them back on her nose, while looking down at her phone.

"Doesn't matter. I can still cook anyway!"

"Oh no, you don't! All of you get out of my kitchen, and let me cook!" My nonna's voice yells from behind Preston. "Oh, Madison, sweety. Your mother and father would like to see you in the garden."

I nod, pretty much skipping out of the kitchen quick enough to get away from nonna and Preston's bickering. It always happens when we're all here. The Italian chefs both fight over who's cooking.

I find my way to garden, immediately seeing Zayden, who smiles at me, in a small gazebo with Derek. I look away spotting my mother and Nicolai sitting on a bench... with another middle aged man? I slowly make my way over to them with a confused face.

"Hello mother? Good morning, sir?" I greet him to sound polite and he simply smiles back. Nicolai clears his throat making me look at him. "I'm sorry, but would you like some water? Your throat seems a little dry."

He narrows his eyes to slits at me and I just shrug. The middle aged stranger laughs deeply at my little remark. "Madison, this is Gerald. Gerald, this is my second oldest daughter, Madison."

Wait a flipping minute..

"Nice to meet you, Madison." He stares into my souls with his dull grey eyes with his hand out for me to shake. His greyish- blondish hair is neatly styled and combed back and it matches his light beard and mustache. And he is wearing a suit. Why is he wearing a suit?

I take a seat on the bench directly in front of them and give a slight wave back instead of shaking his hand. Sorry, I don't shake hands with strangers. "Same to you."

"Gerald and your father were just talking about his son." My mother speaks up then flashes her charming smile at me that would make anyone follow her plans- but me. She has the smile of a flipping angel. "Very handsome and amazing young man indeed."


"My son is also a dancer and will be a suitable partner for your dances and performances." Gerald also flashes me a smile.


Nicolai just sighs and cuts to the chase. "You are expected to marry this young man." He says bluntly.

Hold up!

"What?" I blurt out.

"You're going to marry his son."

"That's not fair! That's absolutely not fair! Why does it have to be-" I cut myself off and it hit me and instantly frown. "You're taking advantage of me." I could feel someone staring at me.


"Don't Madison me, Morgan! You're taking advantage of the fact that I can't going around people! You're going to use me as a money marrying for your stupid business!" I don't know if I was making sense but I'm sure they caught on that I'm flipping furious.

"We not using you. We're helping you." The idiot explains. "Since you aren't able to communicate with people, I've decided to help you develop a romantic relationship."

"I have fricking Enochlophobia! Fear of damn crowds not fear of humans and people! I can fully well speak to someone if I want too!" I shout at him standing on my feet now. "You have no right to interfere with my love life! I'm free to love who I please!"

"Madison!" My mother yells back, standing on her two feet. "Do you not understand that your father is trying to help you?!"

"More like help his company! Poor excuse of a flipping father if you ask me!"



We stare at each other in absolute silence but with fury in our eyes. The tension around us because heavier and heavier, like one of us were ready to pounce at the other.

The middle aged man clears his throat and neither the two of us break eye contact. "So um... Are you atleast going to meet my son?"

I huff crossing my arms and fall back into my seat. "Fine, I'll meet your stupid son!" I turn my gaze to my left at the gazebo. Zayden is staring worriedly at me with narrowed brows.

"Excellent!" My father clasps his hands together with a broad smile across his face. "We'll bring him-"

"But," I cut him off. "My butler has to accompany me." I smirk as I watch that smile on his face get ripped off.

Luckily, before he could reply, Gerald speaks up. "That'll be wonderful, I wouldn't mind at all."

"See, father. Sometimes you just have to listen to the daughter." I stand up and head back inside to change. Zayden stands up from his spot in the gazebo and quickly catches up to me.


I hate everything, at this current moment. My oh-so-very-kind mother decides to stuff me into an unnecessary dress and paint my face with make up, like I'm some sort of Barbie doll!

I groan staring at the mess in the mirror. It is just a stinking arrangement meeting, why the hell do I have to wear a dress? It's honestly a really pretty dress, just not on me and maybe for a another occasion. It is an off the shoulder maroon dress with a pleated skirt reaching to my knees. I just decide to wear simple ballerina flats because I have no sense of fashion or style.

What has me more infuriated is that she covered my entire face in foundation and blush and highlighter. I'M ANNOYED. All that jazz just to cover the lovely specks on my face.

I asked- begged her if she could keep it simple and she complied. But I refuse to think that this is simple.

She even told me to keep my charm bracelet off.

I was fed up throw this whole entire situation. The anger was burning inside of me, waiting to explode. I couldn't hold it in any longer. As soon as the witch left, I threw on of the decorative vases to the wall watching it break and fall into little piece that could possibly prick my entire body. I fell on knees and began to cry.

No one was home really. Marisa, Nicholas and nonna went to a park or something. Brianna and her family, yes her dad is here too, kinda just left. Madelyn and her butler went sight seeing and Preston just disappeared. My mother and father were out in the garden.

That was a few minutes ago, now I'm looking at the stand mirror and my awful running mascara. Someone needs to invent tear resistant mascara.

A knock hits softly on my door then twists the knob without even waiting for an answer. I sniffle breaking my sight from my butler to the dresser. "What do you want?"

"You're not okay."

"What do you want?"

His footsteps stalk closer to me then they stop. Something ruffles behinds me before a tissue appears over my shoulder. I gladly take it but just stare at it for a while. "Wipe your face. You look like a mess."

"Gee thanks." I mumble.

"Besides, you look a lot better with your freckles showing- I mean, you don't look bad now but I just like you better with your freckles! I mean-"

I cut his rant off with a snort. "No need for explanations. I understand. I like me a lot better with my freckles too." I smile still staring at the tissue with a warm feeling in my chest. My heart rate speeds up just slightly and I fidget with the tissue unnecessarily. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Lucky."

I suppress a blush from forming on my cheeks with a smile as I wipe my face. Then I stare at the dirty tissue again. A frown finds its way onto my face as I bite my bottom lip.

Don't get attach, Madison! You know what happened last time...



I honestly have nothing to type here. I'm just busy. I have finals approaching and I'm not studying which is horrible. I'm aware.

Um yea...?

Liam's eyes or Zayden's eyes? *I'm back with my eye fetish*

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