👔Chapter Twenty Six~ Hormonal👔

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Chapter 26- Hormonal


There wasn't much driving to get to the villa since it was on the country side. With all the other expensive rentals.

Since my grandmother's retired, she gets most of her money in getting her villas rented out.

Did I mention that she owns like 4 four of them? This one is a private one just for her to stay in, whenever she wants.

Anyways, every time we visit, nonna always, and I mean always, renovates the place. Even if we come by surprise, the lady will literally kick us out for like a day to change up a few things.

The villa has five bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, I think. So what usually happens, Maddy and I share a room, Nicholas and Marisa, mom and dad. Then of course, grandma gets her own room. And an extra room for if my aunt visits, since Nicolai and mom never bring their assistants.

That extra room is gonna be used for Derek and Zay.

We all step out of the taxis and obviously pay them. This is not free service.

Since it's like what, 7, 8? The point is, it's night time. The bright wall lamps are on pointing at the beautiful tall cream coloured brick building. There was a huge arch way toward the door, and directly above the archway, was a balcony for the master bedroom. A fountain separated a straight path with beauty. There were two clear areas with obviously lawn grass, my grandmother hates any type a plant that she has to dedicate her time to water it and make sure it doesn't die. I could've just said any genuine plant.

We all made our way inside with Nicholas bouncing his way along. And Preston?

Oh shoot, I forgot about him. Right, Preston is here. Because he's part Italian, or mostly, and, I think he comes from Genoa? Somewhere over that side. He's strolling behind everyone with his dull grey eyes trained on me, occasionally glancing at Zayden and then back at me.

Ah... Do I need to reject another person?

I look up at Zayden, he's tall, around 6ft but my father is taller at 6ft 4. No doubt that puberty is gonna hit Nicholas with a bat. I can't imagine him with a deep voice. Maybe a bit of rasp and huskiness too.

I sound like a creepy pedophile. I need to stop.

Zayden looks down at me and smiles softly at me. I blink, coming back to my senses, and look down at the stoned floor. I can feel my cheeks burning, no doubt my face is the exact replica of a tomato.

Omg, I've become a hormonal teenage girl. I have feelings now. But for another guy. Probably not at much as Liam, but there was definitely something developing there.

When we reach the giant, double golden doors, because the taxis decided to put us off on the outside of the entire property- even though there was clearly a pathway he could've driven on- my grandma rings the doorbell.

Wait.. Rings the door bell?

That means..

A girl with bright hazel eyes and auburn brown curly hair, bounces up to the doors. She unlocks it and swings open the doors. "Nonna! Tu sei qui!" She grins widely then glances at the rest of us. "Avanti!"

We all shuffle in. The interior is just as magnificent as the exterior. Definitely redecorated. Instead of separate sofas, there's a large white L shaped one instead. And seated on said L shaped sofa, is my brown haired aunt, sipping coffee while watching, what looks like Divergent on the flat screen TV, with her feet perching up on to the coffee table.

And her hair is dyed, by the way. It was originally red, but she didn't want to look like her sister, since both of them despise each other.

"Meagan!" My nonna yells at her. "Get your nasty feet of my coffee table!"

Aunt Meagan lets out a chuckle before taking them down and turning to look at the mother. "Sorry, didn't think you'd be home so soon..." Then she trails off when she sees us. "Oh great. You brought the peasant and her beautiful children."

I hear Zayden release a silent snort beside me and nudge him in the ribs. He takes my suitcase from my hands when my cousin starts approaching.

This is Brianna, my amazing cousin. Fifth beautiful person ever came across, sorry Bri. She's around my age, if not a year older. She has the smile of a celebrity and the body of a model. But the personality of her mother... But she's a pretty decent person other wise!

The reason my mother and my aunt hate each other, is my aunt has this thing, where if she wants something she's guaranteed to get it. So in highschool, they had a crush on the same guy- my dad- but my mother ending up with him instead. And majority of the company was supposed to go to Meagan but it went to my mother instead. Because apparently Meagan had done something in the past that changed my grandmother's mind.

Though, my grandmother still love Brianna so the money that she has is willed to all of her grandchildren equally when she dies. That doesn't stop Brianna from not getting along with the rest of us.

They absolutely adore Nicholas, though. I mean, who doesn't?

"Hi,..." She stares at my poor butler with twinkling eyes, waiting for him to say his name.

"Um, Zayden?"

"Well, hey lovely Zayden." She links her arm with his and twirls her hair. "What brings you here?" I like how I got totally ignored and I'm the family.

But this is entertaining since Zayden looks really uncomfortable. He looks at me with pitiful eyes, asking for help. I wave it off and snicker a bit. Even though my aunt and mother are having an insult contest, with my father in the middle of it, this is more entertaining.

"I'm your cousin's personal assistant...?" He sounds so confused. Oh my goodness. I think Imma just scoot away a bit to call my best friend back in America.

"You could quit that job and because my assistant instead~"

I search through my contacts to find the one which says, 'My Twin Hoe' and I press to call it.

I mean, who even memorises numbers in the 21st century?

"Heeeeey!" A very enthusiastic greeting from my best friend. "Are you there?" She yawns out.

"Yep. I've arrived. Fell asleep for majority of the flight." I say with pride.

"Trust you to do something like that." I could imagine her shaking her head. "Are your mom and aunt already fighting?"


"Aww. I was betting it was gonna take them at least 3 hours to start fighting. Not at the same moment you walk through the door." She says and giggle.

"I didn't expect it to be this soon either." I reply then go into a sudden whisper. "I plan to tell Liam when I get back."

A silence finds it's way into the conversation. I bring my phone from my ear and sigh.

"OH MY ACTUALLY- JESU-- WHAT? GIIIIIIIIIRL!" She shouts and j could still hear her even though is not by my ear and my phone is an arm length away from me. "IMMA BE THERE WITH YOU! DON'T WORRY! AND IF HE SAYS SOMETHING STUPID, IMMA KNOCK HIM UNCONSCIOUS!"

I slowly bring it back to my ear. "So basically if he rejects me, you'll kill him?"

"Yea, pretty much." She giggles then yawns.

"You sound tired."

"That's because I am. I stayed up til one in the morning just to make sure you got there safely." She sighs. "You ruined my sleep schedule."

"Awww.. Thank Kathy~." I tease but deep down I'm grateful and honoured.

"Yea, yea. Whatever." She yawns once more and I yawn too. "I have to go. I'll speak with you in the morning. Bye miserable!"

"Bye~!" And I end the call.

I grab Zayden by the arm and pull him away from the leech. "Sorry, he's my private property." She scowls at me and struts away towards her mother.

Zay and I make our way up the stairs in silence. Uncomfortable, awkward silence. But I say nothing and so does he.

I swing open the room I normally sleep in. A large white room room with... Four beds..? This means I have to share a room with the leech..


I refuse!



I've returned!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm a procrastinator. But here it is.

There was something that I'm suppose to say, but I pretty much forgot.

If you see that I describe eyes a lot and make my characters compliment them a lot. It's not really on purpose? I have a thing for eyes. I guess. I'm that weird person that goes up to a random person and say, "OMG YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY EYES!"


Thanks for reading and keeping patient.

What's your favourite country?


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