The Family Tribunal Meeting.

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We all took Friday as a day for preparation for the wedding. Azazel helped with decorations and helping with the rehearsal dinner. Tsubaki and I walked around Palermo and just enjoyed the view of the countryside.
"This place is beautiful Daniel." Tsubaki smiled.
"Well. Italy is beautiful. But I thought that it would be better as we agreed to have the wedding here in Sicily. Thought the countryside would be the perfect backdrop for everything. Besides. This place will always be connected to us."
"And I couldn't have picked a better man to marry tomorrow and your right. This place will always be connected to us." She leaned into me.
We went into the family home in Sicily and got settled in and headed to the rehearsal dinner.

I enjoyed listening to the toast Kiba and father gave. Sona and Miss Shinra gave one for Tsubaki which we both enjoyed immensely. After the rehearsal dinner we went to the family home and dined alfresco in the small vineyard. I'm not going to lie I was worried about the family tribunal meeting for Sunday. My dad asked Sirzechs if he himself (my father) could be the one to officiate the wedding. Which Sirzechs surprisingly agreed to.
After a while, Tsubaki and I went for a walk around the grounds and since we were in Sicily.
We thought it best to stay in separate rooms for the night until after the wedding tomorrow.

I looked at the ceiling and just smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning at seven o'clock in the morning. And got ready for my wedding. I got to the church and saw my dad in a robe and he waved as he saw me walk in. Sona then approached me and I smiled as she looked stunning in her maid of honor dress. "Wow. You look good in that suit."
"Thank you Sona." I looked up and down and said, "And might I say you look stunning." She blushed and smiled.
"Tsubaki is almost ready to go."
"Excellent." I said. After going through the way things were supposed to go. The wedding guests were starting to arrive and I stood at the entrance and welcomed them. Especially the family tribunal judges. Anthony, Giuseppe, Valeron and The High Tribunal Judge Samson Rossi.
After I greeted some of the people I walked to the altar and stood next to Kiba, Issei and my uncle. My father standing behind me.
Once the time arrived. The wedding march started and I looked down the aisle and saw Tsubaki in her beautiful wedding dress. She smiled as she made her way up the aisle and I approached her and took her hand and walked with her up to the altar and my dad started the ceremony. When it came time for the vows. He let me and Tsubaki improvise. "Tsubaki. Ever since I left Italy and moved to Japan I never would've expected to find a new family and the love of my life. And I'm so happy that I have. And no matter what is going, has or will happen. I'll always be at Tsubaki's side and I know she'll be..." I pulled a ring and put it on her finger. "At mine." I kissed her hand. She was given the ring for me and started her vows. "Daniel. Ever since I laid eyes on you on the first day you arrived at Kuoh Academy. I never would have thought that I had actually met the one who would be the man I would fall in love with and I'm so happy to have you become my husband. And as you put it no matter what does, can or will happen. I'll always be by Daniels side..." She put the ring on my finger. "As I know he'll be at mine."
"If there be anyone who believes that these two shall not be wed. May you speak now or forever hold your peace." We waited for three minutes. "Okay. In that case by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." I removed her veil from her face and kissed her and continued to do so until everyone approached us. We shook hands and hugged everyone we passed and were pelted lightly with rice and were taken to the family home by a limo. After we changed into some different but still nice clothes. "So. Ready to go to the reception, Mrs Boyce?"
"Ready when you are, Mr Boyce." Tsubaki approached me and kissed me and I wrapped an arm around her waist and walked out to the driveway. Where Uncle Luciano was waiting with a nice new Chrysler Imperial.
"Here you go kids. Welcome to the family Tsubaki." Luciano hugged her.
"You coming to the reception Luciano?"
"Yeah. I just thought I'd give you a new ride."
"Excellent. Thank you Luciano." Tsubaki smiled.
"Your welcome guys." He left us alone and we got into our new car and headed to the reception.

After the reception and the gifts. Tsubaki and I headed to the family home for the night and just switched into our sleep wear.
"Well tomorrow is gonna be a real challenge courtesy of the family tribunal."
"You'll be just fine baby." She took off her glasses and I took off mine and we both put them on the bedside table, she rested her head on my chest and I rested mine on the pillow. We fell asleep in less than an hour.

The next morning,
I woke up to see six thirty in the morning and found Tsubaki looking out the window. Wearing her new bathrobe. I got up, put my glasses on and picked up, and put on my robe and approached her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Morning My Princess."
"Morning My Italian Devil." She smiled and gently gripped my hands with her own and gently turned her head and kissed my cheek. She turned in my arms and looked me dead in the eye. "By the way. I've got some news you might like." She said.
"Tell me." I smiled.
"You and I are going to be parents." She pulled a pregnancy test from her robes pocket and showed it to me.
"You mean, your..." I smiled as I examined it as I gently took the test from Tsubaki. "Your pregnant." Tsubaki smiled and I pulled her into a hug and kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled.
"So, you ready for the family tribunal meeting today."
"I'm not going to sugarcoat it darling. I'm terrified of the meeting."
"I'm sure you'll do fine." Tsubaki ran her fingers through my hair and I smiled. "If anyone should be scared it's your mother."
"Your right princess." I grinned as I spun her around and we both looked out the window. "Mmm, I've never been so happy and content. And now I'm married to a beautiful woman and as of a few moments ago." I kissed Tsubaki' neck. "Starting a family."

We got ready for breakfast and met everyone on the dining room. Azazel was eating when me and Tsubaki came in. "Well Azazel. I hear your going to be observing the family tribunal meeting today."
"Yeah. It will be quite the learning experience." Azazel smiled. "By the way Tsubaki. I must say you have a rather noticeable glow to your cheeks."
"You know Azazel. The Italians are always rather hostile towards kill joys." I grinned.
After an hour. The tribunal started. And yes it was held in the dining room.
Giuseppe and Anthony asked my mother questions as to why she believed I should have continued the long dead standing rivalry between the Sitri'/Rossi'/Gremory'. Then Valeron asked me where I stood on the rivalry and why I refused to help my mother with continuing the rivalry. I answered honestly. Then once the Vincenzo fiasco came up. My mother tried to disavow any knowledge of telling him where I was. Which didn't sit well with Anthony and Samson. Anthony was Vincenzo' dad. And Samson is known for a hardcore dye in the wool old school tribunal judge. Who does not tolerate liars.
After every part of the story was recorded the tribunal took a thirty minute recess to consider and come to a decision.

Once the decision was reached. Samson stood in front of the room. "It is the decision of this tribunal that the rivalry between Sitro/Rossi/Gremory is over. And on the subject of Daniel Boyce being accused of disobeying a direct order to continue with the rivalry and it is the decision of this tribunal that he is not guilty. And in the case of Vincenzo's murder. Daniel has been found not guilty. But Marie Rossi is found guilty. She will be notified when a punishment is reached." Tsubaki and I were very happy with the results of the tribunal. Marie wasn't too happy. But Tsubaki nudged me.
I approached Samson. "High Judge. I know that there is very little that I can do about it. And not even I can't believe what I'm saying either. But if mother will not question the families decision along with mine. I'll be more than happy to forgive her pushing. Even sending Vincenzo after me."
Mom nearly fell over from shock. "Why are you willing to forgive me?" Marie asked.
"Because," I looked to Tsubaki. Who smiled and nodded. I then returned my gaze to Marie. "It's because Tsubaki's pregnant." I said and everyone looked at her. As she approached me and laced her arms around my right arm. Mom looked at us and I could tell she was contemplating what was said. Then looked at the family tribunal.
"Well. Alright. I'll keep my nose out of your business if it means I get to meet my grandchildren." Mom smiled as she approached and hugged me and Tsubaki.
"This matter is hereby closed." Samson said as everyone came up and congratulated Tsubaki and me.

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