Chapter 7

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I sigh, closing the door to the janitor's closet, behind me.  That was close.  Too close.  Were they on to me?

The faint odor of bleach still lingers in the air.  The memory plays back in my head from last night.  I smile as I reach up and grab the newspapers.

"Reported dead..."


"...Never Found."

"...Serial Killer?"

I was responsible for all of these.  I was in charge.  I was -

Suddenly the door swings open.  It's the principal.

"You left your keys in my office..." he trails off as his eyes scan the room.  They lock on mine and his blue eyes widen.  "What is that?"

He's staring right at my hands.  Right at the pile of newspapers.

"Oh, just the... daily newspaper," I answer quickly, slowly sliding it out of sight.  "I was just reading it, but I can get back to work if -"

"No, I don't care about that." he snaps.  Then his voice changes tones, "Can I see that, sir?"  He says it slowly, inconspicuously.  The room is dead, dead quiet.  How ironic.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just the daily newspaper. Boring -"

"The daily newspaper hasn't been delivered yet... Mr. Janitor," he says with a funny expression on his face.  His words are staccato notes, each syllable, neatly pronounced.

"Oh, well, uh..."

"Give those to me." the principal demands.

"It's really n-nothing -" I stammer.

"NOW!" he shouts.

I pass over the newspaper clippings to the principal.  He scans them hastily, dropping my keys in his hand.  They clatter to the ground.  Something changes in his eyes.  They're black again.  I see everything start to click before him.

"You..." he starts.

I lunge across the room and jump on top of the principal, taking him down.  He crashes to the floor.  Cleaning products clatter as they hit the hard, wooden ground.  A bottle of bleach bursts open, stinging my eyes.  I laugh at the pain, at the irony.  Then I stretch out my arms and grab him by the neck.

I squeeze him with all my might.  He struggles, pushing up against me.  His legs kick out from under me, but I'm bigger than him.  I'm stronger.  I keep him pinned as I continue to squeeze.

"You can't stop me.  And no one ever will.  All you stupid teachers and staff members and ignorant kids are oblivious to me.  You're clueless... helpless... and I'm... I'm powerful."

He coughs, but no sound leaves his mouth.  A splatter of blood lands on my cheek.  His face slowly turns a bright purple.  It almost matches the color of his tie, but not quite.

Soon, his body goes limp and the color leaves his eyes.  They're no longer blue, but not the menacing black either. They're gray.  A smoky, faded, subtle gray, like newspapers.  

My secret dies with him.

Another victim.

But not my last.

I am in control.


The End

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