Chapter 15

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(No one pov)
The Jedi council were in the Chambers going over the latest reports on Count Dooku and their new Foe Apex. The holo-image of the entire galaxy was shown for the master's "our forces have managed to secure the inner rim but the outer rim and mid rim systems are still under Separatist control and with the loss of Alderaan we lose our foot hold to begin to take the outer rim Master Kit-fisto said "right now our main Force should be on trying to retake Alderaan back Master Mundi said "no of we try to retake Alderaan our fleet would be wipe out with the defence Alderaan have Windu said "yes they have the planet sealed off with the dome and the turrets will shot down our gunship before any clone can reach the surface Anakin said "find a way we will, lose hope we won't Yoda said "and speaking of Alderaan what new do we got on Commando Achilles? Plo-koon asks "so far his chip is still reading him alive so far all searches on him show up empty Obiwan said "Clone Commandos are tough they won't give up easily even when they are captured Aayla said Ashoka sat in her seat between Anakin and Obiwan "I just hope where Achilles is he doing okay Ashoka said a Coruscant clone appear in the room "sorry to interrupt Generals but we got a incoming transmission from Ryloth it Syndulla sir Clone said the master's sit up straight in their chairs "put him through soldier Mace Windu said Clone nod his head before vanish and a hologram of Cham Syndulla appeared "Master Mace Windu, it good to see you once more Cham said "same to you sir how can we help?Windu asks "as you know the Separatist Forces on Ryloth have been pushed back but recently their Forces have been attacking non-stop Cham said as he lost his balance abit well explosions were going off in the background "our supplies and our ammo are almost depleted and with Separatist Forces continuing their assault I do believe my people will be overrun Cham said "then how can help sir? Windu asks "we need more supplies for our front line fighters our South perimeter will break without any supplies Cham said "don't worry sir I have fresh supplies and men send to Ryloth immediately Windu asks "I thank you but if you don't mind having my daughters and her boyfriend delivered the supplies it be great to see my Hera once more Cham said "of course I have Jarrus and your daughter delivered the supplies Windu said "oh thank you Master Jedi's I am in your debt Cham said as he lose his balance then the transmission ended "he need help right away Anakin said "I have Captain grey start loading up the supplies Obiwan said "I tell Syndulla about her Mission Windu said as they leave the chambers.

*Hera and Kanan share room*

Kanan and Hera were fast asleep in each other's hold Kanan was sleeping on his back as Hera used his chest as a pillow well she kept her hands around his neck and Kanan had an arm around her hips. A soft on their door awoke them a bit but they just ignored it soon the knocking got louder Kanan groan as he rub his sleepy eyes "who can that be at this time of hour Kanan said as he untangle himself from Hera before he pick up his shirt and put it on before walking to the door well Hera got on her robe Kanan open the door to see Master Mace Windu Standing there "Master Windu*yawn*how can I help you at this time?Kanan asks "I'm sorry to wake you two but I got a mission for you Mace Windu said "and this couldn't wait until morning Hera asks "wish it could but this mission is from your father Mace Windu said making both Kanan and Hera look at him "get dress and I make you in the hanger Mace Windu said as he walk away from the room. Mace Windu entered the Hanger with Kanan and Hera behind him Kanan was fixing his robe well Hera put her jacket on "Master Windu what did my Father ask?Hera asks "Separatist launch a full all on assault on your Father and their supplies are almost depleted,  Obiwan is having a few ships being loaded up with ammunition and Soldiers as well Mace Windu said "General Syndulla your ship is ready, all weapons have been stock and fuel level are good to go Captain Grey said "thanks captain, let the boys know we are leaving now Hera said "Roger that ma'am Grey said as he order his men to start loading up "Jarrus a word Msce Windu said Kanan look at her she nod her head before heading to her ship "what is it? Kanan asks "I want you to be on your guard of Apex, he most likely will send one of his warriors to help Dooku so watch yourself Mace Windu said "don't worry master I be sure to my guard up Kanan said Mace Windu nod his head Kanan ran to the Ghost. The Ghost with four Venator leaves Coruscant before entering Hyperspace to Ryloth.


Republic ships were engaging with the Separatist fleet as the Separatist tried to get past their blockade but with the Lothal Orbital's platforms with Republic Venators they couldn't get past them. A Super tactical Droid was seated in the chair "what the status on our ground Force he asks "our forces are still pushing through but the Republic deploy bombers squads A B1-droid said "contact General Issac for a report he said as he opened a channel but his ship rocks before the entire command deck exploded. Republic Clones Troopers and Twi'lek fighters were in combat with the Separatists droids trying to protect their position from being overrun

The Separatist droids march as they open fire well tanks provide cover. The Clones and Twi'lek were in the Trenches as they fire at the droids trying to take them out as red blaster rounds flew over them

A Clone soldier was using a Turret in the trench as he meow down the droids. A Twi'lek sniper was picking off Droid that were getting close to the Trench "GET THOSE TANKS IN PLACE NOW!A Arc Trooper yelled as Clones in Lothal tanks roll up before locking the Treads into the ground "AIM!FIRE!Arx Trooper said as the Clone fired into the air as the shells hit the ground taking out a ton of Droids with tanks. Two squads of Y-wings flew in "bombing run commencing Clone pilot said as his squad flew as they did their bombing run wiping out the droids.

*At the Separatist Base*

A Separatist General named Issac was speaking to Count Dooku near the camp holo-table "Issac what is your status on Ryloth? Dooku asks "resistance is strong, but my continuous assault is depleting their supplies and soon they won't be able to hold that line Issac said "don't worry our new friend has sent one of his Warriors to provide an assistant in this assault Dooku said "I welcome any help with this assault but you sure you trust this Apex fella sir? Issac asks "of course I don't but he proves he can be useful to our cause so treat any of his Warriors with respect Dooku said Issac nod his head as a shuttle flew over him. Issac with his Commando Droids guards walk up to the shuttle. The shuttle ramp lower down as heavy foot steps can be heard as a tall armored person slowly walks down the ramp "greetings I am Issac I'm in charge of this assault who are you?Issac asks the person stop in front of him looking directly at Issac "Call me...Reaper Reaper said introducing himself to him

*Sith warrior:Reaper*

Reaper looks around the FOB "so this is the army that I was sent to protect Reaper said "yes this is the separatist army we killed many Jedi in this war and soon we will wipe them all out Issac said Reaper just groaned to himself "anyway Dooku informed me that your leader may have a way to help me during this assault Issac asks "yes your poor excuse of a army is holding out so far but in order to be victorious you need a little more fire power Reaper said as a few more shuttles flew in carrying a very large package for them "well I be impressed Issac said to Reaper.

*In orbit*

The Ghost and four Venators exit out of Hyperspace they saw the fleet were still in a firefight "Admiral have the fleet help the others we head to the surface Hera said as her and Kanan got the Ghost ready "copy Syndulla Gunship have been launch Admiral said as every Gunship with fighters escort launches from the Venators. Cham Syndulla was at the main camp speaking to his fighter and Clone Troopers "I want every fighter and Trooper to the South positions we need to keep the Droid army back Cham Syndulla said "sir we got every man and women on the line but the Separatist attack is still being push a Clone soldier said "Syndulla it would be wise to retreat into the canyons were we can set up a ambush a Twi'lek fighter said "no we hold our ground here General Windu promise us fresh soldier and supplies we need to hold out Cham said "don't worry sir we hold the line He said as they all left the table a Clone with Aqua colors walk up to him "General sir He said Cham turn around "Howzer what is it?Cham asks "Admiral Seth reported that your daughter and General Jarrus fleet has arrived their ships are inbound Howzer said Cham sigh Happily "that good news to hear Cham said "yes, but we mark their flight path and they be flying over the battle field the droids will shot them down Howzer said "then contact the Bomber squadron and tell to prove assistance for those ships!Cham said giving Howzer an order. The Ghost and Gunship were heading the camp with the supplies "I see the camp Hera said as they saw the battle was still going on "your people are putting up a good fight ma'am Captain Grey said "thanks I know my Father won't be given up our home without a fight Hera said "General Syndulla this is Howzer, you need to changed course immediately! Howzer said over the coms but a Gunship exploded beside the Ghost Hera look up to see several Vulture Droids flying in "we got Company!Hera said "Grey got those guns online!Kanan said as Grey and two other clones ran to the guns "Nose gun check!a clone said Grey climb up on top "Top gun check!Grey said a clone ran into the Phantom and got in the seat "Tail gun ready!He said Vulture Droids flew past the Ships taking out a second Gunship "GREY GOT ONE ON TOP!Hera said "I see it boss!Grey said as he aimed up before firing the Vulture Droid dodge the incoming shots before getting nail in the wing flying past the Ghost before crashing into the ground soon a Squadron of Y-wings flew in chasing after the Vulture Droids "go general Syndulla we got you covered! The Squadron leader said as he and his team chased after the droids. An Arc Clone uses a pair of binoculars to see the Ghost and Gunships were under attack "AT-TE FORCE FIRE AT 160 DECREASE!TAKE DOWN THOSE VULTURE!He said as the AT-TE aimed their cannon up before firing a few Vulture Droid were shot down. The Ghost and Gunships made it past the battle before flying to the base the Twi'lek soldiers cheered as they saw ships flying over them.

The Ghost landed with the Gunships at the base Cham and Howzer walked up to the ships with Clone and Twi'lek soldiers running to the ships "your daughter once again showed up to save the day Howzer said Cham chuckle "that my girl Cham said Hera and Kanan walk down the ramp with Grey and his men were pushing down the crates "Hera my daughter Cham said Hera walk up to her father and hug him tightly "father I'm glad to see your alright Hera said Cham smile "the Separatist can keep in attacking but I will give up Cham said Kanan walk up to them "it good to see you sir Kanan said trying to be polite "and you, you been taking care of my daughter?Cham asks "I am sir but she has been staying out of trouble Kanan said "she better or you and me will be having a talk Cham said scaring Kanan "father how does the war here?Hera asks "tired some I'm afraid Separatist have been launching assault after assault including bombed runs as well Cham said "we been holding off but with our supplies almost depleted we would haven't lasted long Howzer said "well don't worry father we brought the supplies and more Clones soldiers to help with the south position Hera said"thank you dear but the assault we can handle but not that damn Base Cham said "what's base? Kanan asks "we found the Droids main base they have managed to secure a good defensible area Howzer said as he shows them the base on a tablet "it is very protected with Separatist tanks, vulture Droids and a dozen or more battle droids Howzer said "so what's the problem?Kanan asks "we can handle the Droids and tanks but these are our main problems Howzer said as he shows them Three Giant cannons "these are new Separatist toys Howzer said "my scouts reported that the leader of the base is Separatist Lead scientist Dr. Issac Clark Cham said as he showed them the mugshot "I heard about him, he the one who created the Droid army and been developing new ways to defeat us Kanan said "so far he brought those cannon here to test on us Howzer said "which is why we need to launch an attack on the base immediately!my scouts have already found a way to the base Cham said as he shows them the map layout "the Separatist have their forces facing the north east and west position but not the south Cham said as he mark the south side "we can lead the tanks and a squadron of Clone to assault the back, they won't be able to relay on their tanks to change very them but we can get our tanks in range of the base we can takeout the cannon before the Y-wings can come in and bomb the base which will make the Separatist retreat and giving us this win Cham said Kanan study the map "but there a problem with this plan Kanan said "there won't be any cover for us or the tanks with those tanks spot us on this narrow trail we need to take it slow and we be under heavily fire Kanan said "Jarrus we know the land better then these droids we have to take the risks Cham said "father you sure this the only route?Hera asks "there this Cham said as he shows them the second route "there is a small cave entrance underneath the base Cham said "then we use that, I can lead a squad of Clone to sneak into the base we can take out the Cannon and cause a distraction well the Tanks move into position Kanan said "I like it hit the clanker within Howzer said Cham didn't like the plan "father please Hera beg her dad Cham look at her before he sigh "alright we go with your plan but I'm coming with Cham said Kanan nod his head "Captain Grey, Howzer you will lead the Tanks the Lothian tanks will remain here to protect the camp Kanan said the Clones nod their head in agreement "then ready up men!LET GO!Howzer said as the Clones ran to get ready.

*Separatist base*

Reaper stood near Issac new advanced Anti-personal Cannon

Issac was going over the power source of the Cannon "sir cannon and fully charge for firing a tactical droid said "exactly Issac said as he walk up to Reaper "Cannon are ready once your weapon is ready we can began to second assault Issac said "be sure that your droids follow orders Reaper said "have faith my droid are design to complete follow order Issac said Reaper growl at him.

*Night time*

The Clones has finished loading the AT-TE tanks "sir all AT-TE are ready to move out in the morning Howzer said "exactly work Howzer and the South perimeter? Cham asks "we manage to restore the Trench and refill the ammo but it has been quiet Howzer said "then have two scouts keep watch and change every 2 hours Cham said Howzer nod his head before he walk away. Hera and Kanan were at the campfire "think you and my father be alright on this mission?Hera asks "we be fine Hera Kanan said "just promise me that you look after him for me, I love my father but if something happens to him Hera said in a worry tone in her voice Kanan notice this so he grab her hand and gently squeeze it "hey, don't worry Hera your father is the toughest Twi'lek soldier I ever fought with he won't give up on his home especially with his daughter fighting a battle off-world Kanan said Hera smile at him as she lean over to place a kiss on his cheek "you're the best Jedi boyfriend I ever meet Caleb Dume Hera said with a smile Kanan smile then he saw Cham walking up "Howzer men have the Tanks ready for the morning we be leaving at sunrise Cham said as he sit down near Hera "is there anyway to get to the base?Kanan asks "yes we got Blurrg ready Cham said as several Blurrg were being feed box a Female Twilek "well let get some rest we got a long fight tomorrow Cham said as he stood up Hera and Kanan stood up as well Hera hug her father "night father Hera said Cham walk to his tent well Kanan and Hera walk to the Ghost to their share room. Reaper stood on top of the canyon looking down at the Separatist Base "Dooku Force maybe inferior but we must play along my dear friend Apex said "but for how long?Reaper asks "until we find the second half of the Transwarp key once we have it will bring forth our army Apex said Reaper hum to himself "let hope we find it soon or Master will have our heads for this including yours Reaper said before he close his channel with Apex.


The Clone and Twi'lek soldiers were still in the trenches waiting for the next assault well a few soldiers were just waking up. Cham got ready for the move he spotted Hera and Kanan near the Blurrg "father tanks are ready to move out Hera said "good sooner we leave the sooner we take the position Cham said "Howzer manage to spare a few men to aid of us Kanan said as fives Clone Troopers got on the Blurrg "I will help secured the south perimeter well your gone Hera said "good be sure to give those droids a warm welcome Cham said Hera nod her head. Cham and Kanan climb into their Blurrg as the Tanks were moving "let ride Cham said as they took off running pass the Tanks well Hera watches from the distance.

Kanan and Cham made it to the canyon where the base was "we are in position Howzer what your statues?Cham asks "slow but steady sir, the Walkers aren't built for narrow trail Howzer said "just take your time Cham out Cham said as he hangs on "grapples Kanan said as they fire their grappling hooks they sure they were secure before climbing "come on Kanan said as they start climbing up. Reaper stood near the entrance as the Droids army was heading to battle but he sensed something off he looked to his right to see nothing "something is off Reaper said before he turned around and started walking back to the base. Howzer and Grey continue to lead the Walkers to the south side of the Separatist base "easy boys check your turns Howzer said as he and a few Clones walk around the corner with AT-TE behind them "I hope the Generals know what their doing or this plan isn't going to work A clone said "ah shut up Bowman Another Clone said as they continue walking. Kanan peak he saw no droids "clear Kanan said as he climbed up then helped Cham up well the Clone climbed up as well they ran to the wall staying out of sight before slowly sneaking to a small opening in the wall Kanan and Chan peaked through the cracks to see a few dozen Battle droids with Three Giant Cannons "those must be the cannon Kanan said "look at the size of those baby's!A Clone said "easy Daz Kanan said "so what's the plan generals?A Clone asks "those cables are drawing power to the Cannons so if we destroy the power source the cannons won't be able to fire Kanan said "good plan Cham said "sir we can cause a distraction for you to take out the power Daz said "you sure there a lot of droids?Kanan asks"don't worry sir we got it Daz said as he handed the charges to them before they sneak into the base.

Kanan and Cham sneak into the base they hide behind a broken wall "sir we are in position Daz said Cham grabs his blaster before he nod his head "start your attack Kanan said over the coms. Daz and the other four Clone nod their heads "let make Generals proud Daz said as he and the other Clones ran out of cover as they opened fire Issac heard the blaster fire he turned to see Fives Clones opening fire taking out a few B1-droid "KILLED THEM!Issac said as the Droids open fire as they march to the clones. Cham and Kanan saw the droids were busy "let go!Kanan said as they ran out of cover running to the Cannon power source but Reaper landed in front of them making them stop Reaper then stood up "I'm impressed, you manage to sneak into the base Reaper said Cham pull his blaster out and aim at him well Kanan active his lightsaber "who is this guy?Cham asks Kanan but Kanan looks at him but he sees his emblem on his chest "he is a Sith legion!Kanan said as he stood in front of Cham Reaper chuckle "indeed am I and Apex would be please that bring him a Jedi saber and a Slave skull Reaper said as he Deploy his Speer then he ran at them and Kanan charge at Reaper.

Kanan and Reaper weapons collided they shove each other back before lunging at each other. Kanan blocked Reaper spear before he went for a side attack then going in for a spin attack Reaper dodged the spin attack before he went for a stab but Kanan stepped to the side dodging it then Kanan went for an upper swing hitting Reaper in the arm but Reaper leap back as he began to swing at Kanan furiously but Kanan was blocking and dodging his swings. Cham aims at Reaper he got a clear sight then he fires four rounds each round nail Reaper in his side arm and head but didn't hurt him Reaper look at Cham before he kicks Kanan away then he aims his left hand at him as a small wrist cannon appear

Reaper fire a rocket at Cham but Cham leap behind cover the rockets nail the wall behind him. Reaper walk up to him but Kanan swung his saber in front of him before Reaper swung his spear both they lock blade with each other Reaper grab Kanan by his shoulder and lift him in the air before throwing him away from the power source but Kanan stuck the landing he look up to see Reaper has throw his spear at him Kanan use his saber to deflect it away from him Reaper walk up to Kanan but Cham jump on his back "eat this!Cham said as he began to fire into Reaper head Kanan ran at him and went for a air attack but Reaper grabbed Cham by his arm before throwing him off him and at Kanan making both of them hit the ground. Daz got to cover as a round nail the rock he was using for cover he noticed in the background that both Kanan and Cham were on the ground as Reaper was walking to them "the generals are in trouble!Daz said "we need to help them!A Clone said "and do we do that with those droids in front of us Harper?! Another clone said Daz looked around the base then he spotted a mountain turret on top of a watch tower "I have an idea!Daz said as he ordered his brother to follow him. Kanan and Cham were still on the ground slowly getting up "as much as I do enjoy a fight, your time has come to an end Jedi! Reaper said as he walked to Kanan. Daz and the other clones made it to the watch tower "we hold them back! Help the generals! Harper said as he and the other Three Clones continue firing Daz ran to the Turret. Kanan got back up with his saber drawn "bring it Kanan said Reaper just chuckle at him "foolish Jedi, I know that your distracted me so your Tanks can reach the base Reaper said Kanan look at Reaper with a surprise look on his face "it wasn't hard to figure out Jedi Reaper said as he continues walking.

Howzer and Grey continue leading the tanks to the base but they didn't know that a Separatist Droids with a few tanks were watching them "got eyes on the walkers a B1-droid said "Reaper was right, prepared the tanks to fire B1-Droid said as four tanks move into position "Ready!Aim!Fire! B1-droid said as the tanks open fire. The tanks round nails the canyon walks Howzer look and spotted the tank "WE BEEN DISCOVERED!BATTLE STATION!Howzer said as the shell continued nailing the walls. A clone with brown strip on ran to the front of the tanks before taking cover "sir we taking fire from the rear as well sir He said as a round hit a walker leg "Sir we are boxed in we can't retreat!A clone said "then we keep pushing through!Grey said as a round hit the wall in front of them. Reaper picked up his spear from where he threw it "but once I deal with you two i handled that base of your personal Reaper said as he press a button on his helmet "doc, fire the cannons Reaper said Issac grab his pad from the table before he activates the Cannons. The cannons began to charge up as they raised it front in the air to calculate the Republic base "once this resistance is over the Separatist will control Ryloth Reaper said as he watches the cannon charge up but several Torpedoes flew in nailing the base "what the?Cham asks the Ghost flew over the base with the Y-wings squadron right behind them "it's Hera!Kanan said in a happy tone. The Ghost and Y-wings flew over the base again dropped bombs and Torpedoes taking out the Droid army that was marching "keep it up boys Hera said as she turned around for another pass. The Cannons stop charging up "what is happening? Reaper asks "the guns can't power up our defence kick in and its absorbing power Issac said "then launch fighters and shut down the defence now! Reaper said "that suicide, without the defence we be overrun!Issac said Reaper growl in anger "then I do myself Reaper said as he bypass Issac firewall then de deverted all power from everything to the Cannons. The base Defences shut off including the small anti-air guns Vulture arrive and start chasing the Ghost and Y-wings "he got complimented boys!Hera said as she broke off her attack so her and Y-wings can engage the Vulture Droids. The Separatist Tanks that were still shooting at the walkers notice the commotions "what the? B1-droid said as he look away Howzer spotted a few tanks were falling back to base only leave three behind "this is our chance Howzer said a Clone point to the end of the canyon "PUSH FORWARD! He shouted at the pilot

The tanks started moving again well the Clone on top covered them. Reaper got shot in the back he turned to see Cham aiming at him "if this base falls then so do you Reaper said as he ran at them but Daz aimed the turret at him "EAT HOT LED SCUM!Daz said as he opened fire Reaper got nailed by the Turret rounds making him stop and shield himself from the rounds "Now!Kanan said as he ran in well Cham open fire. Kanan swung his saber at Reaper hitting him in the shoulder before slicing across his arm that he was holding his spear making him drop his spear Cham fire a few more round nailing Reaper in the visor Kanan went for a strike and stabbing Reaper in the shoulder which made him grunt in pain before he grab Kanan Cham shot the back of his leg making Reaper drop to one knee Kanan leap out of the way as Daz open fire again Kanan use the Force to launch Reaper into the power source. Reaper hit the power source which started to overload his entire armor "Now!Kanan said Cham grab one of his grenades he activates it before putting it in the satchel then throwing at Reaper Kanan and Chan ran to cover as Reaper scream before the grenade and charges went off taking him and the power source out which also cause a chain explosions to the Cannons destroying them.

The Walker's took out the Separatist Tanks that were shooting at them then they made it to the hill but the base was already destroyed with a few Droids left

"Look like we miss the fireworks Howzer said "then let finish the job boys Grey said as the clones ran in well the walkers open fire. The Droids we're retreating to the base but they saw the Clones from the hill heading towards "Clone! B1-droid said as they open fire

The Clones open fire well the smaller walkers ran in front of them crushing a few droids before heading to deal with the tanks. Kanan was laying on the ground with debris on him and he slowly got up "Mr.Syndulla you alright?Kanan asks him Cham slowly sits up before dusting himself "I'm fine Jarrus Cham said as he stood up Kanan got up as well they saw the wreckage of the cannons "now that was a plan Cham said Daz and the other clone walk up with Issac in cuff "Generals glad to see you made it Daz said "a little bruised but we will live Kanan said "our Forces are finishing up the remaining army and this base is destroy Daz said "good and Reaper?Cham asks him Kanan walks to the power to see nothing but he notices a foot trail leaving the base with small drops of blood "he alive but wounded Kanan said "should we go after him Daz ask "no he already lost Kanan said "then let head back Cham said as he shove Issac to move Kanan follow him.

Reaper was standing on top of the canyon watching as the Republic Force finished off remaining droids and took Issac into custody "we will meet again, Jedi but only this time I shall not be alone Reaper said as he walked away from the base. Republic Force and Twi'lek soldiers were cheering as they celebrated Cham and Kanan were being looked over by the medical team "with Issac in custody maybe he can tell us about Dooku plan Kanan said "let's hope so because these small victories won't last long and with this new Threat I witnessed you need to win this war soon Son Cham said Kanan nod his head Hera ran up to them "Father, Kanan I'm glad your guys okay Hera said as she hug Cham before hugging Kanan "I told you we be fine Kanan said Hera smile before giving Kanan a kiss on his cheek but the ground shook then shook again rocks were vibrating well the shake got louder "what is going on?Cham said a Twi'lek ran up "Sir we got something big heading this way!He said as they all ran it the south perimeter. Cham Kanan Hera and everyone else ran to the perimeter "what happening?Hera asks"take a look for yourself boss A clone said Cham grab his binoculars he look in the distance to see a giant droids on four legs with two giants cannon on each side of it slowly heading to thems

The giant walker power up its main weapons before firing at the camp nailing the Canyon dropping rocks and rumble on top of them. Clone and Twi'lek soldiers got to cover trying to dodge the rocks "all units open fire, tanks shell that droid!Howzer said as everyone open fire well the Tanks began to fire shells into the air Clone and Twi'lek soldiers ran with rocket launchers they aim at the Droid before firing. The Blaster rounds, Tank shell and rockets hit the droids but it continue walking "HIT IT AGAIN!Howzer said as the Tanks fire shells again but the Giant Droids lock onto the Tanks then fire several missiles in the air "INCOMING!A Clone said as everyone got to cover as the Missiles took out the entire Tanks "that thing just took those and walked off!A Twi'lek said "any ideas on how to defeat this thing?A Clone asks out loud Kanan look at the droids then he notices it legs were thin maybe he could cut it off leg "if I can get close I can go for the legs Kanan said "then go we got you covered Cham said "Grey contact the Bomber and tell them we need immediately air support Hera said "I'm on it!Grey said "everyone lay down covers fire!Cham said as everyone Soldier and fighter open fire well the remaining Tanks that didn't get destroyed open fire well Kanan ran out of cover then ran at the droid.

The droid got hit by the incoming fire but it continued walking as it fired its own weapons. Kanan ran at the Droid as quickly as he could but the Droid spotted Kanan so he was active a small turret before open firing Kanan got to cover as the rounds nailed the rocks "Aim for that turret!Kanan said into his comlink but the Droid soon took fire from the side making it stumbled a bit Kanan looked to see the squadron of Y-wings and ARC-170 fighters flying over as they shot the droid. The Droid soon forces on the Fighters giving Kanan a chance to run at it then he leaps in the air landing on top of it he uses his saber to stab into the leg and uses his strength to slowly cut through it. Hera spots Kanan on the leg "Captain have the Tanks Force fire on the top Hera said "AT-TE force fire on the upper part of the droid Grey said as the AT-TE aimed down a bit before firing. Kanan manages to cut through the first leg making the Droids lose balance a bit but the Droid manage to gain it balance then it lock on to the Republic forced with it missiles Kanan saw the missiles so he leap up and use his saber to stab it in the center blinding it. The Droid began to lose control as it randomly fired into the air an ARC-170 fighter got nailed in the wing making it crash into the ground. Kanan pulled out his saber of the Droid but he was thrown off it Kanan hit the ground he rolled to safely as the Droid tried to crush him beneath it feet but it got hit by Torpedoes in the back again manage to break off it armor "all units aim for the back!Kanan said the Tanks fire into the air well Clone and Twi'lek soldiers fire at the droid. The incoming fire nailed the Droid in the back breaking off more Armor as Y-wings and ARC-170 Fighters fire Torpedoes into the back blowing off a large chunk of it The Droids let out a huge high-pitch alarm as it losing this fight Kanan grab his lightsaber then leap in the air he cut off the right cannon before slicing off the rocket on it back. Y-wings and ARC-170 Fighters flew in locking on to it "all squadrons unleashed Hell!The pilot said as the Fighters fire Torpedoes the Tanks ideas their shells and ground forces fire as well the combined firepower was strong enough to destroy the Droid making it collapse to the ground as it went up in flames everyone cheered as they defeat it. Kanan walks out of the smoke with his saber in his hand as he fan the dust away Hera ran up to him and hug him tightly "that was crazy even for you mister Hera said Kanan chuckle "I thought you like crazy Kanan said Hera smile "your lucky I do Hera said Cham walk up to them "glad to see that you pick a fine mate for you daughter Cham said "thanks father Hera said Cham smile at his girl "let go report to your order and inform them about this situation Cham said as they walk back to the base.


A shuttle exit out of Hyperspace and flew to the planet heading to Dooku Palaces. Dooku was in the war room with Grievous Wedge and Apex "any word from Issac?Dooku asks but before someone could speak the door open Dooku turn and look to see a damage Reaper walking in "Reaper what happened Apex asks ""your so called army wasn't enough even with weapon I provided they still lose and that doc was captured Reaper said "you dare speak to my Master Wedge said Reaper aim his spear at him "enough Reaper completely his task, we show the Republic the firepower that I have but once we get the second half of the Transwarp key we use to teleport your Forces into Republic territory we wipe them out Apex said Reaper put his spear away "the Republic will surely be rude but we still got the elements of surprise on our side Dooku said "come Reaper, let get you repair Apex said as he and Reaper left the room. Apex and Reaper walk through the hallway "did you find anything? Apex asks Reaper reach for his back and pull out the power source from Ryloth "the doctor had this power the Cannon I manage to recover it before it destruction Reaper said as he handed it to Apex "excellent work Reaper, with this we be able to bring the Dreadnought weapon online Apex said as he put the core away as they enter their ship.

"Hope you guys are enjoying the book and I will be working on a new book. I'm going to be working on it and it will come out in a few weeks or so but don't worry I will be updating when I can.

Spartanleader out

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