Crashing A Wedding

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The next day.
Leia pov.
Me and the ghost crew along with some rebels troops landed on krownest. Ready to save ezra. I was talking to hera about the plan. Ok leia once you and kanan find ezra. Call me and I will bring in the troops for the distraction. Hera said. Ok good let's go leia. Kanan said and we left.

8 minutes later.
We been walking for 8 minutes to get to the wren stronghold. We should be getting close to their stronghold. I can feel ezra. I said. How are we going to get in undetected? Kanan ask. There! I pointed to two mandalorians on patrol. A man and a woman. We jump them and knock them out. We took off their armor and helmets and put them on. Ok we got disguises now we can move in undetected. I said and we kelp continue.

Wren stronghold
Ezra pov.
I was still in my cell but asleep until a group of mandaloraian's came in and disturbed me. What do you want? I ask. They said nothing and drag me out of bed and the cell. HEY LET ME GO!!! WHERE YOU TAKE ME!!! They brought me outside and through me to the ground. Ouch. Oh stop crying jedi. You're about to marry my sister. A mandaloraian warrior said.

So you must be her brother? I ask. Yes my name is Tristan brother of sabine wren. Then you must know this is wrong. No you had this coming when you denied my sister love. You, your sister, and your whole clan can go fuck yourselfers. That's it put the collar on him. One warrior held me and another put a collar on my neck. Tristan press a button and it shock me. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Now be quiet. Put him on the porch with he and sabine will be wed at. He ordered  and they drag me to the porch.

One hour later.
I saw the entire clan wren outside on the bottom of the steps with two grands behind me. Sabine's mother and brother stand in front of me but on the other side of the porch. Then the door open and out came sabine. She was wearing a white dress with a gold chain around her neck. She walk up to me and ask. Do I look beautiful ezra? If you called that beautiful. I said.

Tristan. Yes sister. He push a button and the collar started shocking me. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Now I'll ask you again. Don't I look beautiful ezra? Yes sabine you do. Then a man came up to me. I'm sabine's father. I'll be doing the you and my daughter wedding. Now let's continue. This is the worst day of my life.

3 minutes
Leia pov.
I was at the wedding. Ezra has no idea  that me and kanan was behind him. Waiting for the right moment to strike. Sabine's father was leading them through the vows. Everytime ezra would say no. They would shock him until he say yes. Until the part I was waiting on came. Now does anyone feel like these two should not be married? He ask

YEAH ME!!! I pulled off my helmet and shock everyone. LEIA WHAT SHE'S DOING HERE!!! Sabine yelled. Crashing this wedding. Two guards tried to get me but kanan grab sabine's father and held his lightsaber up to his neck. They stop and I single hera. Her and hold bunch of rebels troops came out the woods and surrounded the mandalorians. Game over sabine.

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