To Tatooian

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The next day.
Ezra pov.
We were on chopper base after the empire took over alderaan. Vader was  there and he had mira in hands. He says he was going to take her and train her to be a sith. I was not going to let that happen. Before I got mira back. Vader brought up some dark information about leia. He said that bail organa was not her father. Vader was and said she had twin brother.

But didn't where he was. He said obi wan was wise to hide them from him. While he telling his story I got mira out of his arms and into mine. Then he said that she, mira, and her brother  was destined to be sith like him. I yelled THAT WILL  NEVER HAPPEN and grab her hand and went to ghost and we took off.

We were on our ship. I was in mira's room and watching her sleep. I would be in my bedroom with leia. But I figure to leave her alone so she can have time to figure all this out. Like I need time when I found out my parents dead. I look back at mira and said. I will protect you from vader even if it kills me. I will not let him hurt you. Then the door open and it leia.

There you are. I was worried about you. She said coming next to me. I was just watching mira. Just in case she's wakes up and she needs me. I said. Then she saw my face. Like I was worried about something. Which I am. Ezra is thing ok? No I'm worried about you. You were so upset. You didn't say anything. I'm sorry it's just with the information that vader told me.

I can't believe that I'm his daughter. And he my real father. I can't believe that my father or should I say bail organa has been lieing to me all these. I can't believe I have a twin brother out there somewhere. Maybe I can look him up use bail computer. But don't we have be back the palace to get that information? I ask. No I know his palace. Leia hack into the computer and look through the information. Until she found something. This from when I still a baby.

Dear computer. Today is the day leia was born a year ago with her twin brother Luke Skywalker. Fearing that the darkside would find them. Master Yoda devices a to slip them up. Leia would be with me and my wife and Luke would be with family on tatooian. The planet with twin suns. Being watch by obi wan kenobi. It's ashame that they will never meet.

Leia turn off the computer and said until now. Come on ezra where taking a trip. To where? To tatooian to find my brother. She and grab mira and left. That's the one thing about leia. Once she found out something. There's no stopping her.

5 minutes later.
We reach the ghost and saw the crew. Guys could you take us to tatooian? Why do you need to go that dust ball? Zeb said drinking a drink. Because I found out where my brother is. Leia said. You sure about this leia? Hera ask. Yes I'm sure. Then let's go. Hera started the ship and we took off into hyperspace.

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