First Day.

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"Come on, Leia!" Padme called out from living room.

"Coming Mommy!" She skipped out of her room and twirled around in of the rest of her family.

She was so cute in her little white dress. Leia had her utility belt round her waist and a hook for her practice lightsaber that she would be given at the temple. She had heeled white boots and as she twirled, she put up her hood over her brown cinnamon roll bun hairstyle. She looked so cute.

"You look beautiful!" Anikin came closer and scooped his daughter into a hug, and kept his arm open, Luke jumped up and ran over to his father.

Luke was dressed in a normal cream Jedi robe that had a sand colour theme.

When they let him go, Anikin straighted his own Jedi robes and stood up, taking his children's hands in his own. Padme came up to them, she crouched down and smiled at the two.

Today was their first day at youngling training, meaning they had to be in respectable clothes that would be easy to move around in. Master Yoda was going to put them through a test to see how far they had come from the force. Anikin was instructed to take Ahsoka to the Jedi library and help her with her own studies. Her master had already expressed his suggestion for her to take the trials and become an established Jedi Knight.

"Now, I want you on your best behaviour..." Padme chuckled as she ruffled Luke's hair and poked Leia's nose.


"Hi, snips!" Anikin would have waved but he was holding hands with his twins.

Ahsoka had grown quite a bit and she was nearly as tall as her Master now. Her head tendrils were longer and she now came acustommed to wearing a longer skirt and lower cut blouse. Now that the war was over, the Jedi had taken apart their armour and combat clothes and swapped them for a more comfortable attire, while still being combat ready.

"How do you feel about your first day at Jedi training?" She kneeled down and looked at Luke who smiled.

"Excited!" He squealed and Ahsoka turned to Leia.

"And how are you, my little Princess?"

"Princess?" Anikin smirked.

"Look at this lovely dress, she's as pretty as a Princess!" They started to laugh before they felt a familiar presence behind them.

"Leia, Luke, meet Master Yoda." Anikin turned round and saw the small green Jedi walk closer.

"Ready, are you, to begin your training?" He smiled at the two younglings who nodded eagerly.


"Urgh! I have revision!" Ahsoka slumped back down into her chair and threw the computer data chip back into the huge pile of others that were scattered on her desk.

Anikin chuckled and placed a hand in her shoulder, she was still the same snippy Padawan he had taken in board all those years ago. She had grow into a fine young woman and a respected Jedi, but she was still stubborn.

"I know, I hated doing this when I took the trials..." She sighed and picked up a handful of the data chips.

"Why don't we call it a day for this kind of study, and we instead go into the practice area and have a few duels?" Ahsoka's day just got brighter.


It had been absolutely ages since the last time the two had fought together. Anikin had been busy and the war was over, so they rarely got time for this. When Ahsoka ignited her first lightsaber, he realised how much she had really grown.

"Let's go, Skyguy!" She teased as he ignited his own weapon and positionded himself accordingly.

Ahsoka striked first, which was unusual for Anikin, he was known for his military mind. She came at him from the side, with both her sabers. Anikin stepped to the side and came behind Ahsoka before swiping over her head. She sensed this and ducked in time to roll out the way and come up a few metres away. She jumped over him and tried to go for his flank. Anikin knew she would do that so he jumped up and flipped over her, raising his saber to her neck. Ahsoka sighed before she dropped her hands to her side. Anikin had won that round. Ahsoka won three out of their ten battles...


"Daddy!" The twins cried as they ran up to Anikin who came down to their height to embrace them.

"How were they?" He asked Master Yoda.

"Strong in the force, they are."

"Well, I did see Luke using the force to pick up Leia the other day when they were arguing over what kind of lightsaber they wanted." They all chuckled. With their farewells, Anikin  took the twins home, leaving Ahsoka with Master Yoda.

"Ready, I hear, to complete the trials, you are?" He asked, as the two walked through the temple corridors.

"Yes, Master. Anikin is a wonderful Master and I believe we have both learnt off of each other. Recently, I have sensed that Anikin is more in tune with the force than ever before..."


Satine was extremely nervous... Her and Obi-Wan had been together for a few years now, starting just after the twins first birthday. Today was their anniversary and she was finally going to tell him about their lost daughter... She was out there somewhere. The Duchess had made sure that her security force on Mandalor was informed and that they would fill her in on her daughter's whereabouts.

There was a notification at the door, "Come in."

Obi-Wan walked in and saw her. She was still as beautiful as the day he met her as a Padawan. But her face showed fear. What was it?

"I have to talk to you..."


"WHAT? A daughter? And you never told me!" He was utterly shocked.

"Her name is Sabine... And she is somewhere on Mandalor..." Satine lowered her head in shame, even she couldn't believe she had kept this from him all these years...

She felt his hands cup her cheeks and hold her head up, making her look into his eyes. Where she had seen shock and anger, she now saw pure happiness. So... He was ok with her keeping this from her? She smiled as he nodded, feeling her own conflict.

He suddenly began kissing her. This was unexpected, but she recovered quickly and started wrapping her arms around Obi-Wan. Before she knew it, he was carrying her towards the direction of the bedroom.

He had a daughter! Obi-Wan was overjoyed! Imagine the look on Anikin's face when he told him this!

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