The Jedi Court.

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"This court has been summoned to determine the fate of young Jedi Anikin Skywalker. Said Jedi is accused of forming a perminant attachment. I call the defence to the stands." Mace Windu announced.

It was surprising how many Jedi had gathered in Anikin's defense. Many of them even found him quite annoying and rash, but all of them had a reason to stand with him. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Shaak Ti stood near to him, his main supporting defendants.

They walked forward and stood on the circular platform which lifted them up into the middle of the room. Ahsoka had only been in the courtroom once before, when she herself was on trial. As painful as the memory was for her, she would never leave her Master.

"Master Skywalker, you have been accused of having a permanent attachment. Do you deny this?"

"No" he replied calmly.

"And you did so knowing full well that this was against the Jedi code?" Mace Windu glared at him from his seat.


"So admit, you do, to your crime?" Master Yoda finally spoke, intrigued with the amount of resolve in young Skywalker's voice and mind.

"I do not think of it as a crime." He never even flinched.

"But you did break the Jedi code." Another Jedi Master pointed out from his chair around the court circle.

"Yes, but I still do not see it as a crime."


"For everyone else in this entire galaxy, this is not considered a crime. And I ask you, why do the Jedi feel they need to implement this rule?" Master Yoda had expected this and he said what he always said.

" Loss, pain, anger and hate. They all lead to the dark side-"

"What is the dark side? How do we define it?"

For the first time in over eight hundred years, Master Yoda was taken back. He was barely ever spoken over and it was very rare that someone asked him a question that he did not know the answer to.

"Does one action make someone an enemy of the light side? By that definition, does anyone who has a friend or partner become an enemy of the light? The Jedi are the keepers of the peace, well why should attachments stop me from doing that? Master Yoda, I have been married to Padme for nearly five years, and in that time, never once has that gotten in the way of my Jedi business."

Many of Anikin's supporters were now talking amongst themselves. Some were commending his bravery in rivaling Master Yoda himself. Others were commenting on the fact that that he said he had been married, which he did not say during the council meeting. Most of the defendants started to feel as though Anikin might actually win his case.

"Five years?" Kit Fisto asked, his voice full of genuine shock.

"Yes. Masters I beg you, see the logic in our code! The dark side and the light side do not exist! Nothing should be limited to absolutes! I have broken the Jedi code, does that make me a Sith?"

Master Yoda studied the young Jedi he had put on trial. He scratched his chin, deep in thought before he nodded slowly.

"Sound, your point is. Proceed tomorrow, we will."

With that, the circular platform came down and Anikin was rejoined by his 'followers'. Ahsoka patted her Master in the back and Obi-Wan put his hand on his former Padawan's shoulder.

"Well done," they all said as they all left the courtroom.


"Congratulations, Skywalker" Master Yoda came up behind Anikin as he walked down the corridor of the temple.

He turned round and was pleasantly surprised to see the small green Jedi catching up with him, a smile on his face.

"You think so Master?"

"Intrigued, I was, on your argument. True, I believe it to be." Anikin was actually shocked, had he really been able to persuade the High Master of the Jedi order?

"Does that mean I have won?" He let his face grow into a grin.

"Decided, the jury has. Change, the Jedi must." Anikin couldn't believe he was hearing this.

"Change how?"

"Attachments, possessions, no longer will they be banned amongst the Jedi. Right you were, on there being to Dark nor Light side. An example, you are, that attachments can bring the best out in people. Formally announced, all this shall be tomorrow outside in the courtyard."

"What then?"

"Imagine, I do, that many Jedi will finally feel free to explore relationships they wanted to persue. No doubt I have that secrets that have been kept amongst Jedi concerning relationships will resurface as well. Surprised, you will be to know that you may not the the first Jedi to have broken the code..."


Anikin made his way to Padme's apartment, excited to tell her the news. He opened the door and saw his Padawan and former Master and Shaak Ti sitting on the sofa waiting for him. Padme came out of the kitchen, saw Ani and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you! I heard you made quite the impact!"

"Not just that," he smiled, pulling away from his pregnant wife to sit down on the sofa opposite the other Jedi. Padme sat next to him as they waited for an explanation.

"Yoda came to see me... The jury has made their decision! The Jedi are changing for good! Attachments are no longer banned!"

Everyone cheered at the victory and Shaak Ti burst into tears. It then came into their realisation that they still did not know her 'personal reason' for joining Anikin's main supporters.

"Master Ti, it's ok now, please tell us your reason for all your help" Padme pleaded.

Shaak Ti looked up at the others and smiled as she finally let go of her secret. She got up and sat next to Ahsoka. In an instant, Shaak Ti pulled her into a tight hug, sobbing and laughing at the same time.

"I'm so sorry! My daughter I am sorry!"

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