Chapter 13: Meet Ahsoka

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About a year later Anakin had become a Jedi Knight and was the general of the 501st, during a battle on the planet of Christophis (I don't know how that is spelled)  Master Yoda sent a youngling named Ahsoka Tano to become Anakin's padwan in order to learn a sense of responsibility and how to let go of his attachments. At first Anakin wanted nothing with her but he quickly learned not to judge the young togurta by her size she was a great fighter and had the most snippy attitude Anakin had ever seen. Eventually he accepts her as his padwan and the two travel to Teth to rescue Jabba's son from the droid army. They were successful but Dooku tricked Jabba into believing that the jedi had kidnapped his son, and when the two of them arrived on Tatonie to bring the young huttlet home they were separated and Anakin was forced to duel Dooku alone while Ahsoka battled three magna guards, even during the short time they had spent and Anakin had grown to care for her so when Dooku showed a hologram of Ahsoka struggling with his droids he took Dooku's speeder and raced off to rescue his padwan. Unfortunately he feel right into Dooku's trap and an angry Anakin ignited his lightsaber fearful that Jabba had killed Ahsoka, but Ahsoka arrived just in time with the huttlet and Jabba granted the republic free passage through the outer rim. Through out the clone wars Anakin and Ahsoka would go on many missions together, and both saved the other's life countless times. Like her master Ahsoka was at first reckless but as she matured she became more patient yet she still kept her fearless nature. Ahsoka loved her Master and the two would often challenge each other to see who could kill more droids, when she turned 15 Ahsoka crafted a second lightsaber it was similar to her green just shorter and was a chatruse color. As expected Vader didn't like the snippy padwan at all and would often told Anakin that she was just slowing him down, he sometimes even threatened to harm her if Anakin didn't get rid of her. This only caused Anakin to hate Vader even more, "that padwan is completely useless she's bratty and only slows you down you should just kill her, " "I won't I care about her and I'm not going to let a psycho like you hurt her even if you are inside my head! " Anakin yelled "I swear you are one of the most stubborn person I have meet, you can't possibly think that you can keep her safe forever. " Vader said "your lies won't sway me and you won't take the ones I love, no matter what you say I won't let you in. " Anakin declared "now stop following me, you've been doing this for years! " Anakin yelled losing his temper was bad because it gave Vader an entrance to Anakin's mind luckily Anakin had managed to resist his mind control for years and he was tired of this dark version of him taught him and threaten the ones he cared about "fine keep the girl if you want but mark my words I will take full control of you and put her snippy attitude to a close, " Vader said growling in frustration "I won't let that happen, " Anakin said

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