Chapter 17: Duel with Dooku

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"Destroyers, " Anakin said turning around to see three droidkas approaching them. The three jedi blocked the blasts as best they could and walked backwards into the elevator only to hear "drop your weapons I said drop em, roger. " the leader of the battle droids said, every single one of the droids was cut down in seconds. Later on the journey to the top, the elevator suddenly stopped "did you press the stop button? " Obi wan asked "no I thought you did," Ahsoka said looking at both of them "where there's more than one way outta here, " Anakin said cutting a hole in the ceiling with his blue saber "we don't need to get out we need to get moving, Artoo active the elevator 31174 come in Artoo, Artoo can you hear me? " Obi wan asked but Artoo didn't answer, "come on snips, " Anakin said as he jumped out of the hole in the ceiling Ahsoka quickly followed but as she exited the elevator started moving and Anakin had to hang on to a ledge to avoid falling to his death, and if things couldn't get any worse two droids showed up and pointed the guns at the two jedi. "Hands up Jedi, " one of them said, Ahsoka cut them down easily but she was cut off guard when the elevator began moving towards them, Anakin jumped onto the moving Elevator and Ahsoka quickly followed, the two jumped through the hole and Obi wan activated his saber to face an incoming threat only to see it was just Anakin and Ahsoka "oh its you two, " he said putting his saber away. "So what happened? " Anakin asked "well Artoo, " Obi Wan began to say "no wire jokes, " Anakin argued, Ahsoka laughed at this even after four years those two were still the same. The three of them entered the holding chamber of the Chancellor, he turned to them "Chancellor, " Obi wan said "are you alright? " Anakin asked "Count Dooku, " was all he said the three turned to see Count Dooku walking in with two super battle droids. "This time we will do it together, " Obi wan said "I was about to say that, " Anakin answered "do try and keep up Ahsoka, " Obi wan said taking off his cloak "your swords please you don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor. And look Skywalker you brought your little pet, " Dooku sneered "don't talk to her like that, " Anakin said igniting his blue saber "and you won't get away this time Dooku, " Obi wan said igniting his saber and Ahsoka quickly ignited her sabers. The three attacked together Count Dooku just barely holding them off, "I've been looking forward to this, " Dooku said looking eyes with Ahsoka "I know all you pest, I'm surprised your still fighting with them. " Ahsoka was cut off guard by this and he force pushed her across the room, Anakin became angry and attacked Dooku to defend his former padwan. The two locked sabers and Dooku taunted him as they fought "I sense great fear in you young Skywalker, you have hate you have anger but you don't use them. " Anakin was used to this kinda off taunting so Dooku's words didn't bother him and eventually Anakin disarmed Dooku and cut off both his hands. "Good Anakin Good, kill him kill him now, " The Chancellor ordered but Anakin couldn't make himself do it "if you won't I will, " Vader said taking control of Anakin and slicing off Dooku's head. Ahsoka had recovered from Dooku's attack and had used the force to free the Chancellor "thank you young one, " he said. "Anakin where's Obi wan? " Ahsoka asked, Anakin than ran to his unconscious mentor who was trapped under the platform "Anakin there's no time we must get off this ship before its to late, " Palpatine said "he seems to be alright, " Anakin said speaking only Ahsoka "leave him you two or will never make it, " the Chancellor said "his fate will be the same as ours, " Ahsoka said.

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