Chapter 20: Vader

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Vader was furious, Anakin was still resisting him even after 23 years of being inside his head or appearing as his reflection in the mirror. Anakin was also going to finally tell Ahsoka and Obi wan about him, Vader couldn't allow this Darth Sidous had latched him onto Anakin's soul so he could be turned to the dark side but since that wasn't working he would have to take matters into his own hands. Meaning he would have to kill Anakin, but to do that he had to leave Anakin's soul so he could become his own being, and although he has tried that before Vader could never stay away for long, the two were stuck together unless one killed the other. "I'm taking that chance, if Skyguy won't let me in than I'll kill all the jedi myself, " Vader said to himself growling as he watched Anakin tell Ahsoka about him, "so your telling me there's another guy living inside your head? " Ahsoka asked "yes its sound impossible but its true Vader is every sinister  thought I try to ignore and every time I loss my temper he gets stronger that's why I need you to help me separate from him before he tries to kill anyone. " "Is that even possible? " Ahsoka asked "well I'm glad you asked that snips, because I'm happy to say that their is a way. " Vader said making himself visible to both of them, but instead of just a black mist he was an almost exact copy of Anakin the only difference being his golden eyes. "How did you escape I didn't even feel you leave? " Anakin asked "well its simple I weaked our connection and used some of your life force to make myself a body, so I'm finally able to do what I've wanted to do for years, the ultimate destruction of the chosen one! " Vader said igniting a crimson saber, Ahsoka ignored her green sabers but Anakin didn't he was starting to feel the effects of Vader leaving his body with half of his life force, he was to weak to fight. "What have you done to him? " Ahsoka asked demanding to know why her father figure looked so weak "why young tano I drained  his life energy and soon he will be nothing but an empty shell. " Vader said giving Ahsoka a dark glare "I won't let that happen, " Ahsoka declared but she underestimated how powerful Vader was she didn't even get a chance to swing her sabers before blue lightning shot from his fingertips sending her flying across the room. "You were saying, " Vader said walking over to Ahsoka "I admire your strengtn Ahsoka I hope they remember you, " Vader rose his saber and prepared to strike Ahsoka down but before he could Anakin leaped towards Vader and blocked his attack with his own saber "don't touch my little girl  you psycho! " Anakin  yelled "your little girl , she's not even the same species as you, " Vader said "shut it you yellow eyed maniac all my life you've been making doubt myself and hurt people just for fun, I'm finally making you go away for good " Anakin said pushing Vader into a nearby wall but he recovered quickly and immediately locked blades with Anakin again "you can't destroy me I'm everything you want to be! " Vader roared with anger "no your not you are not real and you will never exist again, " Anakin declared and just like that Anakin chopped off Vader's arm and disarmed him of his red saber. "You've won the battle Skywalker but you haven't won the war, mark my words I shall return, " Vader declared as he transformed into a dark mist and vanished, Anakin watched the mist fade away and place itself back inside his head only this time Vader was very weak. Ahsoka had recovered from Vader's attack and was confused when she realized she couldn't remember what happened for the past 12 hours, "Ahsoka thank god your okay, " Anakin said helping her off the ground "what happened and why am I on the floor? " she asked "its a long story all you need to know is that we have some work to do, " Anakin said feeling another dark presence that was stronger than Vader and he could only guess as to who it was "I feel it too but its stronger than any darkness than anything I've ever felt. " She said "who do you think it is? " Ahsoka asked "at this point I could guess, " Anakin said racing towards the temple Ahsoka not far behind

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