Chapter 24: More machine than man

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Despite the fact that he was nearly burned alive, Vader still continued to climb up the hill where Anakin had left him. He growled in pain and anger as he heard the sound of an incoming ship, "your Majesty this way, " a clone said to the Emperor "there he is he's still alive, get the medical capture immediately. " the Emperor commanded, "yes sir, " the clones said. The Emperor walked to the injured body of Vader and kneeled beside him. 
Padme had blacked out from the painful process of giving birth to twins without help from a doctor,  Anakin was holding his son Luke and his daughter Leia was laying next to her mother. "There so cute, " Ahsoka said admiring the two babies "on the contrary snips I think there perfect, " Anakin said smiling at his two children "their both force sensitive, their going to need a teacher. " Ahsoka said sensing the force connection in the twins "your right but I can't teach them both oh my own I would need some help, " Anakin said "oh no  I just became a Jedi Knight I'm not ready to teach. " Ahsoka exclaimed realizing that he wanted her to teach one of them. "I thought the same thing but I've seen you lead a group of younglings and a band of rebels by yourself I think you can handle a padwan plus it will be good for them to bond with their big sister, " Anakin said "alright Skyguy I'll do it, " she said smiling "thanks snips, " he said as Padme began  slowly opening  her eyes "angel your alright, " Anakin said "of course Ani I told you that we'd be okay, " she said sitting up and smiling "so Vader is gone? " she asked picking up Leia "yes he burned to a crisp  but I'm afraid that since order 66 the republic doesn't exist anymore, the Chancellor has declared himself Emperor and it turns out he was the sith lord the jedi had been looking for. " Anakin said to his beloved wife "what are we going to do than? " Padme asked "we going to have to go into hiding the strom troopers are looking for any surviving Jedi, " Anakin said though he sounded confident he was truly terrified "where can we go? " Ahsoka asked "Tatonie the empire will never find us there, " Padme said cautiously she knew her husband hated that old dust bowl but it was the only place where she believed her family would be safe. "I hate the old dust bowl but your right no one will find us there. " Anakin said,
Vader had been placed inside a black artificial suit that covered his entire body, because he's body was so damaged he had to wear the suit to stay alive. The last thing that was put on was a black mask that protected his cracked skull and helped him breath. Vader's suit made frequent breathing noises and it was clear that know he was more machine than man.

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