Chapter 1

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"Go Harry!!" "Go daddy!!" I smiled, looking down at her. "You wanna go up to the fence?" She nodded so I grabbed my phone and her toy, walking down to where we could watch him. I heard two girls talking beside me but paid no attention to them. That is, until one came over. "I'm sorry but you're not even a football fan are you? You probaly don't even know who's winning." "Actually, I am a fan. The home teams winning. And quick question, who's your favorite player?" "Harry Styles." She said like it was obvious. "Did you know he has a wife and little girl?" "No." "Yeah? Well, that's us." I said, looking at Ava. "Oh." She muttered, walking away embarrassed. I smiled a little and continued watching the game. I caught him looking for us then smiling when he saw we had gotten closer. "Final Score: 6-2 The Blackburn Rovers!!" "Cheer for daddy babe!" She smiled and started clapping. "Babe!" I turned to see Harry running up to me. "Hey." I pressed my lips to his with a smile. "Daddy!!" "Hey baby girl!" He took her from me and held her up to his face. "How are you?" "Good!" She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "So girls, what do you want to do?" "Well first, you need a shower." I said with a laugh. "After that?" "I don't care." "You got any ideas?" He asked, looking down at Ava. "Toys!!" "So the house?" "That's fine. You're probaly tired anyway." "Yeah, a bit." "Alright then. Let's go." He smiled, slipping a hand into mine. "I love you honey." He said, leaning over and kissing me again. "I love you too." "Harry!!" "Alright. Time to leave." He said, pulling us out of the mess. Ava kept her arms tight around his neck as we were pushed around a bit. "Penelope are you okay?" "Yeah babe I'm fine. Keep going." He nodded and finally found an open spot where we could get out. Right as I thought we were free, I heard his name getting called. "Harry!!" He sighed but turned with a smile. "Hey man." "You had a nice game out there today." "Thanks. You too." "Uncle Liam!!" "Hi Ava!" She reached for him, making Harry hand her over. I stepped closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Liam, I think we're gonna go. Penelope isn't feeling well." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "Alright. I hope you feel better!" "Thanks Li." I said, taking Ava from him.
I watched as Harry carefully lifted a sleeping Ava into his arms. I followed him up the stairs into her bedroom. Once she was in bed, I was flung over his shoulders. "Harry!" "What?" "Put me down!" "Never." "Please baby?!" "Give me a second." He said, with a laugh. A few seconds later, I was thrown onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around me, leaning in for a kiss. "Goodnight baby." "Goodnight Haz. I love you." "I love you too."

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