I Made A Joke

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Jack's POV
I was struggling in the chair when Joker slapped me across the face.
"Oh Jack! What did you do wrong?" I looked up at him and didn't respond. "Take him to the juicer." Two guards took me away. I was screaming and hollering. I was strapped to this metal bed and was unable to move. Then Joker came up to me smiling.
"My friends will save me! Batman and Robin will save me and put you in....." He punched me in the face. I felt something wet coming from my nose. Blood.
"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" As soon as I said it I wish I took it back. He gave the "I wish you were dead" look. He started to laugh.
"Oh, you won't be loving anyone when I'm done with you. In fact you won't remember anything. You'll be a new Jack. The son I always wanted." He had two wires in his hands. "This might hurt, alot. So keep this in your mouth son." He put the belt back in my mouth. He laughed and I felt a sharp pain. A pain like your arm fell asleep, but 100× worse. I soon felt numb all over and darkness fell over me.
Robin's POV
I was sitting outside with my head in my hands. This was all my fault. I should have told Batman earlier, I should have stayed with Jack and watched after him, I should have......
"Robin?" I looked up to see my team. Terra sat next to me. "Jack's going to be......" I stood up and and faced them all.
"Robin!" I turn around around to see Batman.
"I love Jack." He starred at me for the longest time.
"I know. We're going to save to him." I sighed. My team gave me hugs and told me Jack was going to be ok. Was he really?
I woke up on a table and starred at my father.
"How do you feel Jack?" I smiled.
"Wonderful father. Like I've been born again. Joker smiled at me.
"Are you ready to get revenge on Batsie and Boy Wonder?" I sat up and laughed.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"That's my son!" Time to get back at Batsie for locking my father up.
Robin's POV
We were all in the kitchen getting all of our supplies and weppons for the villains. I sighed. I felt an arm come around me.
"Robin, Jack's fine." Terra said.
"I know. I just....... I don't want him to get hurt." Beast Boy came up.
"Jack is tough. He's probably coming home right now to give you a big kiss." They both laughed and I smiled a little. In a instant the lights went off, and when they came back on, everyone was strapped to chairs. I didn't even feel it. No one did. All around us there were villains. Slade, Mad Mod, Killer Moth, and Joker. He was slow clapping.
"Nice one son." Jack came out smiling. Not a nice smile. He looked like his spirit was crushed. Like he wasn't all there.
"Jack! What did Joker do?" Wade asked. I was trying to figure out that too. Jack laughed and went over to him.
"Father has made me realize who I really am. Don't you love it?"
"NO! This isn't you Jack! What happened to you?"
"I was wondering that after you dumped me. No, cheated on me."
"Wade?" Peter asked confused.
"Oh yeah, no one knows what happened."
"Jack!" Wade was struggling. Jack sat in front of Peter.
"You see Peter, before you and Wade and Boy Wonder and.....well I'll tell you that later. Wade and I dated. I caught him cheating on me with a girl that he liked to call Domino. We had a fight and I cried."
"Shut up!" Wade shouted.
"I'm just warning you Peter. Wade will hurt you, tell you he loves you, and then break you." Jack turned around to Joker. "Just like daddy." Jack smiled. Joker laughed.
"You are my son. Always break them down first. Let's try Batsie."
"Jack stop!" I yelled.
"Shut up Boy Wonder. Batsie deserves this." Jack held up a gun to Batman.
"He's using you Jack, just like he used your mother." Jack laughed.
"You locked away my father. I had no one."
"I'm sorry...."
"NO YOUR NOT!" Joker went up to Jack.
"That's right. Show them how you feel."
"Joker, this is between you and me. Are you afraid of me?" Joker smiled.
"Jack, why don't you talk to Boy Wonder while I have a chat with Batsie."
"Yes daddy." Jack went over to me and sat in my lap.
"You are useless, worthless, and pathetic....." I starred at Jack.
"Is what Joker said to me." Jack looked down.
"Jackie....?" Hailey asked.
"How can you..... anyone of you like me after all I've done?" The other villain's were tormenting the other heroes.
"That doesn't matter Jack." Cyborg said. Jack started to laugh.
"Boy Wonder Boy Wonder, roll over and die colder."
"You know that isn't my name Jack." I said trying to reason with him.
"Your just like Batsie. You will lock me up. Just like father. At least I have him, right?" Jack got up.
"You mean a dad who beats you." I said.
"A father who calls you worthless."
"Shut up!"
"A father that doesn't even love you."
"A father that would love to kill you, because he's only using you!!"
Jack dropped his gun and starred at me.
"He...... loves me. I know it." I raised my hands up. I got out of the ropes while Jack was talking.
"You have Stockholm syndrome Jack. Just like your mother. Stop, and we'll help."
"How did you know?" He looked up with teary eyes. I wiped away the tears.
"Because, your....."
Jack pushed me to the ground. We saw Joker with a deadly face in him.
"WHY ARE TALKING TO BOY WONDER? YOUR SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM YOU WORTHLESS....." Joker slapped Jack in the face. "PIECE OF...." He raised Jack's head and was about to slap him again. I hated what Joker did. So I took Jack's gun and shot Joker in the leg.
Joker fell to the floor. Jack looked at me confused.
"Why did you do that?" He asked quietly. I went up to him and hugged him.
"No one should ever be slapped across the face. You shouldn't be tortured by your father." The lights went off and when they came back on the villains were all tied up and the heroes were untied.
"Jack?" We all saw a blond hair women with a doctor robe on. She wore glasses and her hair was in a bun.
"Mom?" Joker asked. He looked like he was about to cry. So this is Jack's mother. Harley Quinn.

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