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~The following page would be crumpled and ripped in a few places, black ink stains decorating the edges of the page. A date could just be made out in the right-hand corner... the day before the Howler's death. The writing would be written in a story format, unlike the previous pages of personal thoughts. Knowing the Howler, however, there was most likely some cryptic meaning hidden within the text. But what could it be?~

Clouds hung over the tundra, a blanket of despair and hopelessness. A sign of impending doom. Below, the frozen landscape was still. Not even the usual ice vole that would skitter through the cracks in the ice.. not a good day for the predator that lurked in the skies.

A white snow owl with grey feathers around its ears and talon soared above its homeland, its crystal blue eyes raking the ground below it. Its cry would be the only thing heard for miles within the icy wasteland. However, unknown to the owl, a wounded wolf was curled up beneath the protection of a great tree not far from where it roamed now.

The wolf had been terribly wounded days ago.. it was a wonder it was still alive. Its now-charred pelt blended in with the earthy hollow in which it layed, providing it with protection while it healed - if it ever truly did. Yes, the wounds would disappear, but its spirit had long since departed. It would no longer be its former self.

The wolf's eyes stared into the bleak, unforgiving sky, watching the owl from afar. In a way, the two creatures were very alike. Both were designed to be swift; silent; merciless. Yet, the owl had wings. It was freed from the bonds that held the wolf to this earth. It could soar, feel true freedom. Escape that which normal creatures might not.

Several hours passed and the owl once again caught winter's breeze in its wings, soaring into the air and returning home. However, as it flew, a patch of blackness and sorrow reached its eyes and ears. It swiveled its feathered head, and at last met the wolf's silver eyes. It hovered in the air for a moment before pivoting down towards the miserable creature, talons extended...

The wolf was no more. Its suffering had ended, and the owl had lived on.

The owl would always live on.

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