Author's Note...

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Hey guys! So I wanted to do an honorary celebration thing for the end of season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. I also wanted to make a sorta recap of what happened. So... Starting from the beginning...

1) Ahsoka & Rex talking was so cuat and him telling her that experience outranks anything. (Clone wars duh)
2) Not that planet, or that one, no the BIG one is Malachor
3) Oh look a place with some pillars that we can't read and there is holes in the ground, let's go investigate
4) Ezra seems to have a obsession with falling through floors
5) Ezra protecting Kanan
6) Yep, he definitely has an obsession with falling
7) I'm gonna trust this random guy who is 'alone' and half dead
7 1/2) since when did the name Jabba work for you Ezra, when? (Answer:never)
8) Telling this random stranger about my parents (bruh, I thought you had trust issues)
9) Chopper actually does something helpful
10) Ezra trusts a random stranger and listens to him and uses the dark side*facepalm*
11) There is enough doors. Maul's face says it all
12) Trust a random guy to throw you
13) Take the holocron (Ezra, if you weren't stupid before, you sure are now)
14) Trust the guy to catch you
15) Ezra's face of realization that he has to go fight inquisitors
16) Since when did they get helicopter blades. This just isn't fair
17) The 'shadow' is *gasp* revealed to be Maul and joins the light side (FORESHADOW, FORESHADOW)
18) Probe droid. Have you heard of them?
19) Trust Ezra? Since when did that work out for you
20) 'Package deal'? I wanna buy one!!!
21) Split up
22) Attack of the Probe Droids
23) The Seventh Sister gets sliced in half and choked (KIDS SHOW! KIDS SHOW!)
24) The Fifth Brother gets killed (KIDS SHOW, GUYS!!!!)
25) Eighth Brother falls off (is it just me or does this happen a lot)
26) Maul is *gasp* double-crossing them
28) Lady Tano? What in the...
29) Kanan kicks Maul's butt and Maul falls off
30) Ezra is still being stupid
31) Did anyone notice that the holocron voice was Ventress's
32) IT'S A TRAP!
33) Not who you're looking for. Heeeeeeere's Vader
34) 1...2...3...4...5...6... Oops. I broke my lightsaber, Dad!!! (I actually counted. Also Ezra's new record for how many stores he gets against someone better than him)
35) Ahsoka VS Vader
36) Ezra trying to get the holocron and failing
37) Ahsoka fell off the side of the temple
38) Ezra's reaction to Kanan being blind
39) About time you got the holocron out... Oh no! The temple is collapsing
40) Ahsoka gets Vaders helmet
41) What is Vader saying? Anisoka... That ship sank a loooooooong time ago... In a galaxy far far away
42) Ahsoka's realization
43) Ahsoka being like um no I got this and pushing Ezra back
45) Ezra crying
46) Ezra and Rex blinking and holding contest
47) Hera realizing Kanan will never see her beautiful face again (tears spilling out of my eyes)
49) The Ghost crew with a moving camera down the hall. Oh wait, where is Ezra... (Don't forget blind Kanan)
50) He turned to the dark side...
51) Where is the freakin theme music!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to do a funny review to ease the pain of everything that happened. A little therapy for the fans. I probably failed miserably at the I wanted to make it funny part. Ok, to explain the theme music I have an obsession and my friend can tell you this with the people not doing the theme music when the show starts. Seriously. So... Any questions you have about the episode leave it in the comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I posted the Rebels recon on the top so you could be half ways satisfied, ok let's be real no one is until the season 3 premiere. I would like to thank all of you who read this book! Over 300 views? Thank you so much! See you all next week with a new chapter! TRIPLE DOTS... And may the Force be with you! DUN DUN DUN-DUN-DUN-DUNNNNN (ITS THE THE E MUSIC. GET IT RIGHT FILLONI)

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